Blood of the Watcher (The Dark Ability Book 4)

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Blood of the Watcher (The Dark Ability Book 4) Page 15

by D. K. Holmberg

  “You sure it was them?”

  He recognized the harsh tone of Thom’s voice. If he’d returned, why couldn’t he detect the heartstone from him? He pushed away the lorcith and the alloy in Jessa’s necklace, and listened for the pure heartstone again. No, it still wasn’t there.

  But that was Thom on the other side of the door. He was certain of the voice.

  Had Thom learned some way to disguise his presence? If so, how had he known that he would need to?

  “You warned us how he can control metal,” another voice said. “Didn’t say how. You know that Luke and Tolst are dead?”

  “Then you should have gone after him, not the girl.”

  “The girl is worth more. They all are.”

  “Idiot. You were to delay him. I told you what I was willing to pay.”

  “You’re not as consistent as them.”

  Jessa tensed, the knuckles of the hand clutching the knife going white. Rsiran rested a hand on her shoulder and pulled her back toward him. He didn’t want her to spring forward in her anger, not if Thom was on the other side with someone else. There was no telling how many others there might be.

  “Idiot,” Thom said again. “Whatever happened is on you, not me.”

  “I came for you, didn’t I?”

  Thom snorted. “You didn’t need to come for me. I could tell when he came near.”

  Rsiran’s heart skipped a beat. How would Thom know that he was near? He’d made certain to shield his thoughts since leaving Elaeavn, using lorcith to fortify it. When they reached Thyr, he’d added heartstone to the protections as well.

  If that didn’t work, then he would be in danger of Thom Compelling him.

  Rsiran had thought that he would be safe, that he could keep his mind shielded, but what if the heartstone implanted within Thom allowed him to sneak past even those barriers? Would he manage to get past the bracelets that he’d made for Jessa?

  Would even Brusus be safe?

  They should leave. He should grab Brusus and get them away.

  But then he would lose the possibility of finding Alyse.

  The voices fell silent and Rsiran waited.

  The door swung open, and Thom leapt inside, sword swinging.

  Brusus had been ready and used his knives to block the sword. He forced Thom back, swinging as he went, slashing with a free knife.

  Another man barreled in behind Thom. He fell on Jessa.

  Rsiran froze.

  He needed to help both Brusus and Jessa. And he thought that he could, but doing so wouldn’t be clean.

  After kicking the door closed, he flicked one knife at the man who had wrestled Jessa to the ground. The man grunted and stopped moving.

  At the same time, he sent two other knives that slipped past Thom. Rsiran pulled on them, reversing their direction. Had he not spent so much time practicing with Haern, he wasn’t entirely certain he would have been able to do it.

  Thom’s head jerked back, and he raised his hands.

  Brusus slashed at Thom. Blood stained his shirt, and Brusus held onto his side. They would need to return and get help from Della. Brusus shook his head, as if Reading him, but Rsiran didn’t think that he had. With his barriers in place, he knew at least that Brusus couldn’t Read him.

  “Clever,” Thom said. “Didn’t think you’d be able to find me here.” He seemed more at ease than a man with a pair of knives at his gut and another pair hovering near his throat should be. “Didn’t think you’d risk coming here, though.” He tipped his head to Brusus. “And good to see you, Brusus. It’s been too long…”

  “Not long enough,” Brusus said. “You’re going by the name Thom now?”

  Thom shrugged. “I go by many names, Thom is only the most recent.” Thom glanced at the man on the ground and Jessa kneeling next to him. She held her long-bladed knife toward Thom. He smiled as he saw it. “I think you’re safe here, Jessa. Not my choice to try and sell you.” His eyes narrowed, and Rsiran suspected that he tried to Compel her.

  Jessa shook her head. “It won’t work on me,” she said.

  “No. I see that it will not,” Thom said with a frown.

  “I need to know where my father is,” Rsiran said.

  Thom swung his gaze around to look at Rsiran. “Your father? Didn’t think you two were on such terms that you’d risk yourself to come after him. Besides, when Venass summons, you’ll get to see him soon enough. Maybe this time you’ll answer. You won’t find the rest of Venass as accommodating as I am.”

  Rsiran glanced over at Brusus, hoping his wounds weren’t too serious, then turned back to Thom. “I think you violated the terms of the summons when you attacked us.”

  Thom tipped his head to the side, the smile never changing. “Did I? Venass rarely promises safe passage, and if they do, there are other stipulations.” Shaking his head, he went on, “You made a bargain in exchange for an antidote.” His gaze flicked over to Brusus. “And one that appears to have worked. But you have failed to fulfill your side of the bargain.”

  Rsiran bit back his retort. Sharing that Brusus hadn’t needed Venass’s antidote would only reveal Della, and he wasn’t willing to do that. At the same time, he hated that Thom was right. Venass hadn’t promised him safe passage, only the antidote. They hadn’t endangered him, either, but that was more likely because he had something that they wanted.

  “Where is he?” Rsiran asked.

  Thom shook his head. “You think your threats are going to work on me? You don’t understand the Tower, Rsiran, but you will. They’ve already begun to claim you. Once they do, there is no coming back.”

  “Haern came back,” Rsiran said.

  Thom’s smile faltered a moment. “That one. He never really belonged, did he? He always thought that he was above the mission, that he could somehow avoid the calling.”

  Rsiran pointed to the scar on Thom’s face. “You could too. Remove that—”

  Thom laughed, a dark and horrible sound. “Remove? When it’s given me so much?”

  “How did you know we were here?” Brusus asked.

  Thom glanced at Brusus and then nodded to Rsiran. “That one doesn’t guard his thoughts nearly as well as he thinks. There are times,” he went on, “when he simply screams. Surely you’ve heard it, Brusus? Maybe you’ve chosen not to share? You always did have your own agenda, even when you were working with others.”

  “Don’t,” Brusus said, his voice flat. “You will not divide this group as you have so many others.”

  Thom smiled again. “No? Look at him, Brusus. See how he considers what I said, and whether there is any truth in it.”

  “Rsiran knows all that I know, Thom.”

  “Truly? Does he know the way that you search for your mother, as if she still cares to find you? Does he know how it drives you?” Thom sniffed. “You’re so weak, Brusus. Always so predictable.”

  “And if you think you can use my friends against me, then you’re wrong.”

  Thom stood across from Brusus, the edge of a smile pulling at his lips. For long moments, neither of them spoke. “What now, Brusus? You intend to take me back to Elaeavn, and think that there’s anything that they can do to me there that I fear?”

  Brusus started to answer, but Rsiran had had enough. He grabbed Thom and looked over to Jessa. “Stay safe. I’ll be right back.”

  Her eyes widened and she nodded once.

  Rsiran Slid.

  They emerged outside Thyr, standing on the rocks overlooking the city. Rsiran immediately pushed a pair of knives toward Thom, holding them against his neck, keeping him from moving.

  He stumbled back a step. The confidence that he’d shown faded a moment. “Do you really expect me to believe that you intend to harm me?”

  “I don’t care what you believe,” Rsiran said. He Slid forward a step, anchoring to his knives as he did. He wasn’t sure whether there was anyone here who could disrupt his Slides, but he wasn’t going to risk it. “You aren’t going to harm Brusus, and you
can’t Compel Jessa. And me?” he said, Sliding forward another step. “I’m willing to do whatever I need to keep my friends safe.”

  “Throwing me from these rocks isn’t going to get you the answers that you want,” Thom said. “What good am I to you if I’m lying in the river dead?”

  “Who said I wanted to throw you into the river?” Rsiran asked.

  Thom frowned. “Why did you bring me here?”

  “A demonstration. I know Venass thinks they can control me. Just like the Forgotten think they can control me. If you’re unwilling to tell me where to find my father, then I will follow through with my alternative plan.”

  “Which is?”

  Rsiran nodded to the west. He could sense the pull of the heartstone from here, almost as if he could see it if he closed his eyes. “I’m sure there are those among the Forgotten who would be interested in learning what you’ve done to yourself.”

  Thom smiled slightly. “Do you think that I fear the Forgotten?”

  Rsiran was gambling here, but it was the only answer that really made sense given what he’d gone through. It was the reason Venass hadn’t attacked the Forgotten yet. Something prevented it, if only Rsiran could learn what it was. “I think that you fear something about them, and that’s the reason you went to Venass in the first place. Maybe even the Forgotten didn’t want you, or maybe there’s another reason, but you do fear them. Why else would you go through what you did?”

  Thom’s dark smile returned. “You know so little, Rsiran. You think that you can Slide here, and that you can pull me with you, as if I feared what you could do to me. Always so shortsighted. There are powers you don’t understand, powers that exceed even your abilities.”

  “Did you take her?”

  Thom tilted his head. “Her? If you’re not faster, you’ll lose your Jessa. But if you would trade, and this is really about your father…”

  “Where is he?” Rsiran demanded.

  “Ah, you think I can share. Not yet. You have something to find first. But perhaps you should ask where your friends have gone,” Thom said.

  Rsiran paused, listening for lorcith. Jessa and Brusus were where he left them, weren’t they?

  “I won’t ask again,” Rsiran said. “If you don’t tell me, then I might see how you would like meeting with a woman named Inna.” The corners of Thom’s eyes twitched. “You recognize that name, don’t you? I’ve experienced her first hand, so trust me when I tell you that if she comes after you, there will be little that you can do.”

  Thom snorted. “Still don’t get it, do you Rsiran? This is bigger than me. Venass is bigger than me. You might Slide me away and leave me trapped with the Forgotten, but how can you be certain that isn’t their plan? How can you know that all of this isn’t their plan? Ask Haern. He’ll tell you what they can See.”

  Rsiran shivered at the idea, remembering what Haern had said about his ability to See with his implant.

  Thom shook his head. “See? As I said, you know so little. That you returned at all tells me that you are not ready. And probably will never be ready.”

  “Ready for what?”

  Thom tipped his head to the side, as if listening. His mouth pinched into a thin line and he shook his head. “Better not linger, Rsiran, not if you want to help them.”

  Rsiran focused on the lorcith, pulling on the connection to Jessa’s charm. It was still within the city, still where it should be based on where they had been the last time. The knives Brusus carried were there as well, neither moved.

  Thom watched him, his eyes unreadable.

  Thom would not tell him what he needed to know, and he didn’t want to risk leaving Jessa and Brusus alone for any longer than needed.

  Flipping one of the knives to the flat end, he sent it spinning toward Thom. It struck him between his eyes and he fell, letting out a soft gasp as he did.

  Rsiran hesitated before returning.

  He now could sense the heartstone within Thom, just beneath the surface of his skin, covering the bone of his cheek. Had he wanted, he thought he could remove it, but he’d need the help of a Healer to make certain that it worked.

  But why hadn’t he sensed it before?

  Questions he didn’t have time to ask.

  And if he had more time, he would have bound Thom so he couldn’t move. He would have to hope that he remained out long enough for Rsiran to get to Brusus and Jessa and return to him.

  Without waiting any longer, he closed his eyes, focused on the inn where they’d discovered Thom, and Slid.

  Chapter 20

  Rsiran emerged to chaos.

  Brusus stood in the hall outside the room, both knives spinning as he darted forward, attacking as best he could. Jessa crouched inside the room, her long knife held out like a sword, but Brusus blocked her from getting too far into the hall. For that, Rsiran was grateful.

  Jessa let out a relieved sigh when he returned. “Rsiran. What happened to Thom?”

  “I left him.”


  Brusus grunted as she asked and stepped into the doorway. “Glad you’re back, Rsiran. I could use a little help.”

  Rsiran pulled on the knives in his pockets and drew them out. “On the rocks outside of the city,” he said. “I hope he’s there when we return.”

  Jessa’s brow creased in a worried frown, but she nodded.

  Rsiran Slid forward, moving past Brusus.

  Five men were in the narrow hall. Three held unsheathed swords. Two had crossbows.

  He went after the men with crossbows first, sending two knives streaking toward them. The nearest man fell as one of Rsiran’s knives pierced his chest. The other man managed to avoid the knife, stepping out of the way so it hit the wall. Rsiran pulled, Sliding as he did, and sent the knife crashing into the back of the man’s head. He fell in a heap.

  That left the three men with swords.

  Brusus parried with one, moving quickly with his knives, dancing with nearly the deadly grace of Haern. But his shirt was already stained with blood from more than one injury, and Rsiran realized he was moving more slowly with each passing moment.

  How badly was he hurt?

  He shook away the question.

  Rsiran could see the other two swordsmen moving into position on the other side, attempting to pin Brusus against the wall. Sliding, he emerged behind them. The nearest man spun, flashing his sword toward him. Rsiran sent two knives spinning toward it to block. The man slapped the nearest out of the air and raised his sword to attack.

  Rsiran sent another knife out, but the man easily dodged it as well. He had a few remaining, but they weren’t working, not here in the hall.

  That left the heartstone sword.

  Rsiran had never held it with a real intent to use it. All that he’d done was spar with Haern. This man moved with a deadly sort of speed, comfortable with his sword.

  He unsheathed his sword, and the blade glowed with a dark blue light.

  The man stepped back for a moment, then darted forward to attack.

  Rsiran didn’t have time to think, only to react. He caught the slender steel blade with the edge of the heartstone blade and deflected it. Drawing on his connection to the heartstone, he pushed the sword, sending his attacker’s sword toward the wooden floor.

  The man pulled it back, slipping beneath the attack, and swung his sword back up.

  Rsiran somehow caught the blade again.

  The man twisted, and Rsiran dropped his sword.

  With a dark laugh, the man spun toward Rsiran who stood unarmed.

  With his sword lying on the ground and a pocketful of useless knives, he realized Hearn was right, and he would fail because he hadn’t practiced enough. It would not be because he wasn’t hard enough, or that he hadn’t been willing to do what was needed to protect himself. He’d proven that he would. But it would be because he wasn’t skilled enough.

  With one final effort, he pulled on the sword using his slippery connection to the alloy, and felt it
slowly move toward him, easing off the ground. Rsiran jerked on the connection, and it struck the man’s leg.

  Dropping to one knee, the man stabbed forward with his sword.

  Rsiran Slid back a step, barely missing the attack.

  He sent out one of his knives, and it embedded in his attacker’s shoulder. Rsiran pulled on the knife, jerking it free, then flipped it around and slammed the hilt against the man’s forehead.

  Finally, the man crumpled to the ground and didn’t move.

  Rsiran picked up the heartstone sword and wiped the blood off the blade. The dark blue glow persisted. Rsiran had never seen it glow like that before, and wondered why it suddenly would.

  Brusus finished off the two men he faced, stopping two in the time it took Rsiran to handle the one. His gaze swept over the fallen men in the hall and he nodded. “Haern was smart to work with you.”

  “I should have listened better,” Rsiran said.

  Brusus snorted. “Probably. Haern is often right.” He leaned around the open door and then swung it wide.

  Jessa crouched, holding her knife out from her. When she saw Rsiran standing there, she jumped to her feet and ran to him, throwing her arms around him. “Stupid. You should have let Brusus handle this,” she said.

  “Brusus isn’t sure that he could have handled this on his own,” Brusus said. “And he’s plenty glad that Rsiran decided to help. Now,” he went on, leaning to grab the knives that Rsiran had used during his attack and cleaning blood from the blades, “we really need to get moving.”

  “Thom knew that they were coming,” Rsiran said.

  “He told you that?”

  “Not in so many words, but I think he was trying to buy time. I don’t think he expected me to drag him to the rocks above Thyr.”

  “Did you bind him?”

  “Didn’t have anything to use. I hit him with a knife, though.”

  “Is he dead?”

  “Not dead. Out. He won’t be a problem for us now.”

  Brusus tossed the knives that he’d collected to Rsiran. “As long as he lives, he’ll always be a problem for us. He’s nearly as bad as Josun that way.” Brusus turned to Rsiran. “I think it’s time we get back to Elaeavn. We can stop and grab Thom, and see what he might know.”


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