Misadventures of a Valedictorian

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Misadventures of a Valedictorian Page 1

by M. F. Wild

  Misadventures of a Valedictorian

  M.F. Wild

  Mia Michelle

  This book is an original publication of Waterhouse Press.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not assume any responsibility for third-party websites or their content.

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  Copyright © 2017 Waterhouse Press, LLC

  Cover Design by Waterhouse Press

  Cover photographs: Shutterstock

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  All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic format without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.

  This one is for Hillary, who beat me out for valedictorian all those years ago. Look at me now!


  * * *

  For the CCHS Senior Class of ’95. And to #48 of the South Side Hawks, who not only popped my cherry, but whose sensational tight end still gets me hot and bothered to this day.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  The End

  More Misadventures

  About M.F. Wild

  About Mia Michelle

  Chapter One


  My heart pounded so loudly I could hear it. It reverberated through my body, creating an unexpected pulse between my thighs.

  We won. We won!

  I screamed, jumping up and down on the sideline, too overwhelmed with our victory—Eric’s victory. Eric Hayward was the only player I ever noticed on the football field. Ironically, I don’t think he had seen me once in the nearly four years we’d attended high school together. Until his soft brown eyes met mine from across the field. The chaos of the stadium fell to a mere murmur in my mind. Impossibly, my heart raced faster. He shot me a broad, sweet grin that was designed by God to melt teenage girls’ panties. My lips parted and curved into a smile.

  Then Travis, by far the tallest and best-built player on the field, crashed into Eric with a manly hug. They laughed and hollered with the others, and just that quickly…our connection was broken. A tiny bit of my heart fell, but another part celebrated our brief moment, however fleeting.

  I gathered up some of the football equipment from the sideline and carried it into the school. A few minutes later, the team barreled through the doors. I turned, unable to resist the chance to visually appreciate the view of a bunch of hot, sweaty football players.

  Eric trailed behind the others. Without his helmet, his sandy brown hair was darkened with sweat and messy from his exertions on the field. Even so, with his flushed cheeks and proud smile, he was irresistible. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and as the rest of the team poured into the locker room, he lingered, until we stood only inches away from each other.

  Silence hung in the air between us, but somehow I managed to find my voice. “Congratulations, Eric. You were amazing out there.”

  Before I knew it, he brought his hand to my face. My heart beat wildly in my chest. First, a look, and now, his touch. Warm and firm. Possessive. Something deep in my core clenched, as I remembered many nights when I would have given anything to have him look at me the way he was looking at me right now.

  He bent slightly, and instinctively I reached up toward him, lifting myself on my toes to bring us closer. Presumptuous, maybe, but I wanted that closeness with him, even if he rejected me. But he didn’t. Instead, he brought his lips to mine, and his earthy musk filled my lungs. He was tentative only a moment before sliding his palm behind my neck, holding us together. As if I’d had any plans to resist his touch. He probed my mouth with his tongue, and I moaned, because he tasted like lust and confidence…and all the things I imagined someone as untouchable as Eric Hayward would.

  I clenched my fists, holding myself back from climbing the beautiful body in front of me. Ten seconds, a minute. I had no idea how long Eric kissed me, but when we parted, I couldn’t breathe. Then I couldn’t stop breathing. I might have been hyperventilating, or hallucinating. But damn, I wanted his lips on me again. I wanted his hands. I wanted more of the tease of his tongue on mine and everywhere else. I’d spent so many nights lying in bed, dreaming of the way he’d fuck me—if by some miracle he’d ever notice me in the first place. Heaven help me, I ached for that now more than ever.

  His eyes were still bright, energy radiating off him from the win, but his smile had faded. His breath was as ragged as my own. Probably from the adrenaline of winning. It couldn’t be from this…from…me?

  “Damn,” he whispered, his gaze trailing over me from head to toe, lighting each part of me on fire. I pressed my hot palms against the cool cinder block wall behind me. Hormones lit up under my skin, causing a fierce ache at the core of me that had never known the touch of a man.

  * * *

  My body hurt. The opposing team’s linebacker hadn’t pulled any punches with that last hit. I drew in a deep breath as the water tumbled over me. I ran my hands over my sore body, the aches a mere whisper of what they’d be tomorrow. Then I soaped up my cock, which was stiffer than I’d ever wanted it to be in a locker room full of guys. But I couldn’t get the feel of Clare’s lips out of my head. I imagined her lips everywhere and her sweet little tongue sliding up and down my dick.

  Clare was a pretty girl but unassuming. I’d hardly noticed her since she’d moved to Ridgeville our freshman year. Her body was always concealed under clothes that were simple and functional—never stylish or cluttered with brand logos. Now all I could think about was how her faded blue jeans hugged her hips. How her cotton T-shirts molded over her modest but perky tits. Her strawberry-blond hair was a wild tangle of curls, so soft between my fingers when I’d tasted her sweet mouth only moments ago.

  I stroked my semi-hard cock, stifling a groan.

  Fuck me, that kiss hit me harder than the linebacker had. Where the hell did that come from? And what on earth had possessed me to kiss her in the first place? What was I, a soldier home from war? Pretty much. I’d just thrown the winning touchdown pass in the biggest game of my life. I was eighteen years old and nothing on this earth could have felt better.

  I lathered my hair, pulling at the roots to distract me from imagining what might feel better. Like stripping Clare of her frumpy clothes and burying myself deep inside her.

  Goddamn. I growled, hastily rinsing off my body. I either needed to get piss drunk tonight or I needed to find Mandy and convince her to give me one for the road. We’d been broken up for a couple weeks. After being accepted to different colleges, we agreed long distance wasn’t going to work for us. We had too much temptation as it was. She was sexy and outgoing. And I had a line of pussy out the door at Ridgeville High. I didn’t expect college to be much different.

  I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my waist, and went to the girls’ locker room, knowing I’d find her there with the other cheerleaders. I had no idea what I’d say, but it’d have to be convincing. She’d already slept with one of my teammates, I figured just to make the point that she was
over me. Fuck her. I was over her too. I just needed someone to get Clare out of my head.

  And then…there was Clare, carrying an armful of towels across the hallway. She stopped short.

  “Hey. Sorry.” Her sweet little mouth made the smallest of movements.

  I wanted that mouth. Mandy could go to hell, because I was going to have it.

  “Coach wants to talk to you,” I said quickly.

  Her eyes went wide. “He does?”

  “Yeah, he said to meet him in his office. Come on.”

  She hesitated, her soft blue eyes shifting over me, down to where my cock was bulging under my towel, and then back up to my face. Something primal in me was tearing her clothes off in my mind. Goddamn, I just needed to be inside her. Her mouth, her pussy. Something that was Clare.

  * * *

  Eric didn’t give me much chance to question him. I was utterly confused. A mix of anxiety and desire mingled in the lower part of my belly. Why would Coach want to see me? More importantly, why was Eric, the sexy quarterback who’d just kissed me out of the blue, taking me to him? I didn’t care that Eric was leading me by the hand, but I could barely keep up with him as we walked swiftly toward the coach’s office. He tugged me into the tiny empty room.

  I dropped the towels on the floor by the door and looked around for the coach. “Where—”

  “Doesn’t matter,” Eric rasped. He closed the door and pressed me against it with his hard body. “I fucking need you, Clare. Tell me you want that too.”

  The breath rushed out of me, and a broken, “Yes,” left my lips with it.

  He answered with a low growl before he kissed me again. Harder than before. Less cautious and more desperate somehow. I kissed him back, tangling my tongue with his, reveling in his taste. I arched toward him but barely moved because he was pressed against me so hard. And he was so hard.

  Oh, God. How was this happening? I couldn’t resist any longer. I reached for him, sifting my fingers through his damp hair. He groaned and started pulling at my clothes. I was so wet, aching and pulsing, praying that every touch led to where I hoped it would. With Eric inside me, making me his.

  He turned us and pushed me against the coach’s desk. My ass rested on the lip of the metal surface while Eric quickly stripped off my shirt and bra. I should have been shy—I always had been. But instead of covering myself, I pushed my chest out, as if to say, Take what’s yours, Eric.

  Heat smoldered in his gaze, and he licked his lips.

  “Put your mouth on me,” I whispered. All my need and want felt like gravel in my throat. If he sucked my tits I would probably burst into flames, but I didn’t care.

  Then he did, tugging my hot, sensitive skin into his mouth with fervor. I didn’t burst into flames, but a gush of warmth slickened my pussy. I recognized the physical reaction from the fantasies I’d entertained at home in my bedroom, but already I knew I’d never been this wet and wanton before. Fantasy Eric had nothing on real Eric, with his sexy hands and mouth all over me.

  I shifted my hips, anxious and antsy for more. He released my nipple with a pop and came back to my lips, kissing me savagely. He slid a hand down the front of my jeans. One slight movement over my clit through my cotton panties had me jolting under his touch.

  He paused, pinning me with his stare. “You okay?”

  “I want you to fuck me. Eric, I want it to be you. I’ve never wanted anything this much. Please.”

  I shouldn’t have let on that I was a virgin. I should have just let him take it, but a little part of me needed him to know. My virginity was a gift I could only give once. I’d held onto it for eighteen years, and he was the one I wanted to have it. I didn’t know Eric very well, but hopefully he deserved it and would make it good for me. How could someone as hot as Eric Hayward be anything but a dream in bed?

  We weren’t in bed, but I wasn’t about to be picky. Never acknowledging my invitation with words, he worked my jeans off my hips and kissed down my thighs. Then the door swung open.

  I sucked in a panicked breath. Eric and I were up to no good, and by the shocked look on Coach’s face, he seemed to recognize that instantly.

  I considered covering myself, but instead I stood proud. I’d ranked at the top of my class all four years at Ridgeville, but somehow Eric Hayward on his knees ready to fuck me silly felt like my crowning achievement.

  Instead of yelling and telling us to get dressed, Coach walked in slowly. Only when he stepped to the side did I realize he wasn’t alone. Travis’s large frame appeared behind him. His jaw fell and his lascivious gaze seemed to zero right on the wet panties that were the only scrap of clothing covering me. The door slammed shut and Travis shot a nervous glance at Coach, who showed no emotion or inclination as to what he would do next.

  Eric stood, his substantial erection tenting the terry cloth of his towel. Oh, how I wanted to rip that towel off. Fantasy Eric was well-endowed, and I just knew the flesh and blood version of Eric would be too.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” Coach said sharply.

  “Sorry, Coach. We got a little carried away after the win.” Eric didn’t look as regretful as his words let on. Maybe he was expecting Coach to let us off the hook. Eric was the star of the team, after all.

  Coach crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. “Travis was the one who scored tonight. If he hadn’t caught your pass, you wouldn’t be celebrating right now.”

  Travis and Eric shared a look, but I didn’t know what was passing between them. All I knew was that I was horny as hell, and I needed Eric’s cock like I needed my high school diploma.

  Eric finally spoke. “What are you saying, Coach?”

  “Not very sportsmanlike not to share, Hayward. You boys played hard out there.”

  The boys said nothing, and Coach glanced in my direction.

  Energy—fear and anticipation and a breath I was holding too long—lodged in my chest. Was he serious? Travis’s stance was wide, his gaze shameless. He adjusted the hard bulge in his jeans and ran his other hand through his damp blond hair. He must have just showered too.

  Two smoking hot football players? A moment ago I only had to worry about being good enough for Eric. I wasn’t sure how I’d satisfy them both, being so inexperienced myself. Eric must have read the hesitation in my expression because he squared his body with mine and teased his thumb up the seam of my pussy, flicking harder over my clit through the cotton. He leaned down, his breath warm against my ear.

  “We’ll make it good for you. I promise, Clare. I want to see you come so fucking bad.”

  I exhaled and struggled to fill my lungs again. I nodded, licking my lips nervously. The warm brown of Eric’s eyes soothed me, and I imagined that I saw affection in those beautiful depths. I believed in that moment I could trust Eric to take care of me.

  “Okay.” The word left me shakily, but I had a feeling I’d be too busy getting fucked six ways from Sunday to say much more tonight.

  Coach cleared his throat, a sudden sound that seemed to snap the rest of us from our lusting and longing. I shifted my gaze from Eric’s and met Coach’s eyes, which were unreadable.

  “I’ll leave you to it then,” he said, before turning to leave.

  The door slammed shut behind him, leaving a thick silence between the rest of us. Then Travis went to work unfastening his pants, and my heart jumped into a rapid beat. Eric laid me down lengthwise on the desk and took my panties off. “Her pussy is mine,” he muttered roughly.

  Travis smiled in acknowledgement, and a wonderful feeling of surrender softened every muscle in my body.

  Eric finally rid himself of the towel, revealing the embodiment of every fantasy I’d ever had. His erection was long and gloriously thick. I was terrified and thrilled all at once. He lifted his chin toward Travis. “Condom?”

  Travis smirked and pulled his wallet out, withdrawing two condoms and handing one to Eric. “Good thing I always carry plenty.”

  Eric sheathed his gorgeous length and beg
an fingering my pussy, slipping into my wetness as if he was testing me. Travis stroked the outline of his cock through his boxers with one hand and brushed his thumb over my lips with the other. “Wow, you’re really beautiful, Clare. How did it take me this long to notice?”

  He surprised me by lowering down and kissing me gently. He smelled different than Eric. Spicier, with a hint of cologne.

  Then I felt Eric’s cock nudging against my entrance. I sucked in a breath, fear suddenly overriding my desire. I curled my hands over the edge of the desk, holding on, not knowing exactly what to expect.

  * * *

  My body raged with lust, but more than anything, I wanted to make this good for Clare. I pushed a little farther into her wet heat, feeling the resistance of her virginity against the head of my cock.

  She was tight, but I wasn’t sure if that was desire or fear making her clutch at the tip of my aching dick. Her fingers were curled around the edge of the desk while Travis kissed her. I released her tense fingers and took her hand in mine. I wanted her to hang onto me, not a piece of metal, as I was obliterating her innocence.

  I gave her shallow strokes until she relaxed. Travis was at her neck, sucking at her skin. I envied him, getting to taste her and breathe her in. Finally she sighed, her muscles going lax again. Now. I needed to take her now.

  I pushed through that invisible barrier, and my eyes rolled back. I should have stopped and given her time to acclimate to me, but she felt too good, too fucking perfect. I thrust again, going as deep as her body would let me this time. Her grip on my hand was firm, but Travis was at her tits now, sucking and massaging each one until she moaned.


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