Dark Realms

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Dark Realms Page 31

by Kristen Middleton

  “Chloe, a little help?”

  “Casting spells is your department, dear. I’m your instrument, not your instructor.”

  I raised the wand. “Uh…Go away?”

  Nothing happened.


  “Look, I can’t do this for you, and in order for the spell to work, you need to actually have faith that it will. Try harder, witch.”


  I pursed my lips. That’s right – I really was a witch, wasn’t I?

  I took a deep breath, aimed the wand, and this time, put every ounce of faith in my command. “Depart!”

  The dog turned around and bolted out of the room.

  “Nice,” I smiled, nodding in approval.

  “Quickly, we must locate the boy and the Shape-shifters.”


  “Are they all in trouble?”

  “Yes,” said the wand. “I believe so. I sense a growing frenzy down below.”

  “Shouldn’t we tell Rebecca? So she can help?”

  “There’s no time. Prepare yourself.”

  Before I could protest, she transported me into a dark hallway in another part of the house, where I could hear several voices emulating from a nearby room.

  “I say we keep him and kill the girl,” snarled a woman with a deep, husky voice. “I’m sure we could find many uses for him.”

  “Behave, Beldora!” chuckled another woman. “He’s much too young for you, anyway.”

  “I’m only one-hundred and seven… besides, he’s a Shape-shifter – he’s probably a century older than me!”

  “Calm down, ladies,” interrupted Vivian. “You can do whatever you’d like with these two. My concern is that they’re not here alone. We need to search the premises and destroy anyone not welcome. Now, we should go quickly.”


  A doorway down the hallway flew open and I quickly pointed the wand at myself and whispered. “Hide, Invisible, Conceal.”

  The wand lit up and then disappeared, along with my arm, and hopefully – the rest of me.

  The first two women who stepped out of the doorway stopped abruptly. Both wore black gothic-styled robes.

  “Did you hear something?” asked the taller one with long, blonde hair and red-painted lips.

  The other woman had dark hair pulled into a bun and piercing eyes that seemed to stare right through me from down the hallway. “I’m not sure.”

  “Quit dawdling,” commanded Vivian, stepping around them. Her robe was made of red velvet, and obviously much more luxurious than the others. “We need to move quickly.”

  “Yes, Vivian,” replied both women.

  I watched in horror as ten other women, also dressed in black robes, stepped out of the room and began following Vivian, who was heading in my direction. All of the blood rushed to my ears.


  As they grew closer, I held my breath and pushed myself back against the wall, praying that they wouldn’t somehow sense me there.

  “What about Tyler?” asked the blonde with the ruby-red lips. “Have you made a decision yet?”

  A cruel smile spread across Vivian’s face as she passed me by. “I’m going to make sure his mother gets to watch him take his last breath, but not before I make them both suffer miserably.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  As soon as the witches were gone, I rushed down the hallway and entered what appeared to be some kind of large gathering room. Three blue sofas along with six gold-colored chairs were arranged in a circle, and lying on the floor in the center, were Trixie and Bailey in their human forms.

  “Oh, my God, what happened?” I asked, moving towards them.

  “Spell,” replied Bailey in a hoarse voice.

  Both of their faces were twisted in pain, and although I couldn’t see any restraints, it was obvious that they were somehow being subdued.

  I raised the wand and started spouting off commands. “Release curse! Immunity! Remove Bonds!”

  “You’re wasting your time,” sighed Chloe. “I can’t remove this curse.”

  “Chloe? How can I help?” I whispered loudly. “They’re in horrible pain. How can we stop it?”

  “Kill Vivian,” replied a familiar voice.

  I turned around and found him hanging, in what appeared to be, some kind of human birdcage.

  “Oh, thank God, Tyler!” I cried, rushing towards him. Thankfully, he appeared to be in good health and not suffering, like the Shape-shifters.

  “Kendra? Is it really you? Where in the heck are you?” he asked, staring right past me.

  “I’m invisible.” I touched his fingers through the cage. “Are you all right?”

  He smiled grimly. “Oh, I’m peachy. These witches really know how to throw a shindig.”

  I smiled. “I know you can’t see me, but… I’m so happy to see you.” My lips began to tremble. “I thought she might have…”

  His squeezed my fingers. “Hey, it’s okay. I haven’t been hurt, just made a little uncomfortable in this stupid cage. Nothing like Bailey and Trixie.” His face darkened. “She’s placed some kind of spell, rendering them helpless and obviously in a lot of pain.”

  Just then, Mark stepped through the doorway. “Talking to yourself, vampire?” he asked with a smirk.

  Tyler released my fingers and moved away. “Look who’s talking, witch.”

  Mark scowled. “I’m a warlock, imbecile, and it would be wise to show me some respect if you’d like to live another hour.”

  Tyler’s face grew serious and he stared at him with intensity.

  Mark snorted. “Don’t even try it, Enchanter, mother has placed a spell on me, to protect me from your lame antics.”

  Tyler sneered. “Need mother to protect you, huh?”

  “Obviously, you do as well – otherwise you wouldn’t be here in the first place.”

  “Why don’t you let me out of this cage and we’ll settle this like two guys instead of our mothers’… pets? Or don’t you believe you’re man enough?”

  Mark’s eyes narrowed. “You couldn’t put me down if I let you. You’re a skinny little twerp who doesn’t know when to shut his hole.”

  “Just what I thought, you’re scared of me,” chuckled Tyler, staring at his nails.

  His face grew red and he clenched his fists at his side. “Screw you. I could take you with my hands tied behind my back.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Hey, I know what you’re doing, freak. You’re just trying to trick me into letting you out.”

  “Even if you let me out, I’m surrounded by witches. That must make you feel safer, hiding behind the skirts of all of these women.”

  “Shut up, douchebag!”

  Tyler folded his arms across his chest. “Obviously, you can’t make me. Not by yourself.”

  Mark’s eyes burned with hate. “That’s it. You want to fight? Fine. I’m not afraid of you! Your powers are dead here, Enchanter!” he spat, pulling out a long, skinny wand from his back pocket. He aimed it at the cage. “You want to use bare knuckles? Well, I’m down with that. Release!”

  The cage door opened and I held my breath.

  Tyler crawled out and then stood up, facing Mark. “What are you waiting for?” he asked with a cocky grin.

  Mark put his wand back into his pocket and before I could blink, launched himself at Tyler, knocking him backwards and onto the wood-paneled floor.

  “You think I need magic to break you, smartass?” growled Mark, who was now on top of Tyler and pulling his fist back. “Think again!”

  Before Mark could follow through with his punch, Tyler reached up, grabbed him by the neck, and shoved his aside with more strength than I would have thought he had. Then he moved behind Mark, slid his arm around his neck, and put him in a choke-hold. After a few seconds, Mark’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went limp.

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped, still in shock. “Is he dead?”

  “No, just unconscious f
or a bit. Here, take his wand,” he said, holding it out to me.

  I grabbed it. Fortunately, it didn’t try bonding with me. “What now?”

  “Cast a spell.”

  My eyes widened. “Can’t you?”

  He frowned. “No, remember they’ve put some kind of spell on me. My powers aren’t working at the moment.”

  “But you can use a wand, can’t you?”

  He shook his head. “A wand will only work for a true witch.”

  “But you’re half witch, aren’t you?”

  “Half warlock, but I’ve never been able to use a wand. They just don’t seem to work for me.”

  “Oh.” I held out my own wand and pointed it towards Mark. “Uh, disappear!?”

  Nothing happened.

  “Be gone!” I called out, shrilly.

  Tyler rubbed the bridge of his nose. “You really don’t know what you’re doing, do you?”

  “Obviously, no,” I said, suddenly angry. “This is all new to me. I mean, I haven’t had any training, none whatsoever. So guess what?” I raised my voice. “I’m freaken’ winging it!”

  “Sorry,” he said, looking embarrassed and hurt.

  I closed my eyes and sighed. “No, I’m sorry,” I said. “You didn’t deserve that.”

  Just then, Mark opened his eyes and reached for Tyler. I pointed my wand at him and hollered, “Depart, dark warlock!”

  This time, he disappeared into thin air.

  “Where’d he go?” I whispered.

  Tyler stood up and brushed off his pants. “Does it really matter?”

  “I guess not.”

  Bailey started moaning again. I turned around and stared at him, feeling so helpless. “Tyler, we have to help those two. I almost forgot.”

  “Try using Mark’s wand,” he said, moving towards Trixie, who now appeared to have passed out from whatever pain she was feeling. “Since he’s Vivian’s son, you might be able to somehow reverse the spell.”

  “Can you actually do that? Reverse someone else’s spell?”

  “I don’t really know. But, it’s worth a shot.”

  I stared at Mark’s wand and bit the side of my lower lip. “His wand is probably used for Black magic, though, don’t you think?”

  He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You should still be able to use it.”

  I was about to tell him about my wand and what a mistake it would be if anyone else tried using it when Vivian materialized next to Tyler. Fortunately, I was still invisible.

  “How did you get out of the cage, and where in the world is Mark?” she snarled, her blue eyes blazing with fury.

  “He let me out,” smirked Tyler, “and then left to get us some tacos. If you’re nice, I’ll share some with you.”

  She scowled. “You think you’re pretty funny, don’t you? Well, something is definitely amiss, here… but,” she smiled triumphantly. “I know how to correct it.” She then snapped her fingers.

  “Mother!” hollered Tyler, as Rebecca and Kala materialized with their captors, four of Vivian’s witches.

  “Tyler,” she replied, her eyes filling with tears. “Thank goodness, you’re okay.”

  “What happened to them?” gasped Kala, staring at Bailey and Trixie, who were now both, apparently, unconscious.

  “The same thing that’s going to happen to you if you don’t tell me where your meddling sister is,” snarled Vivian.

  “I… I really don’t know,” said Kala, taking a step backwards.

  Vivian moved closer and grabbed her by the jaw. She grinned evilly. “Do you think that just because we’re family, I’d hesitate to kill you?”

  Kala’s eyes filled with tears. “No, I’d never make any assumptions about you. I swear.”

  Vivian stared at Kala for a few more seconds and then released her chin. “Good girl, now tell me where she is or I’ll kill your friends, starting with… him,” she said, pointing towards Tyler. She wrinkled her nose. “He’s already giving me a headache.”

  “Don’t you dare touch him,” snapped Rebecca.

  “Oh, and what are you going to do about it?” asked Vivian, moving towards her. She put her hands on her hips, and with a haughty look, snarled, “You pathetic little twit. You can’t save him or anyone else in this room. You couldn’t even save your husband,” she smiled coldly, “could you?”

  Tyler roared in rage and launched at Vivian, who immediately held out her hand and hollered, “Freeze!” stopping him before he could reach her.

  “Tyler,” choked Rebecca, breaking away from one of the witches and rushing to his side. Unfortunately, he was frozen in place, his face turning a frosty white and his lips a deep blue.

  “Oh, my God!” cried Kala, putting her hand over her lips.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I aimed my wand at Vivian and cried, “Depart!”

  She disappeared.

  “It worked?” I laughed, not quite believing my eyes. “Seriously?”

  The other four witches raised their own wands in retaliation, but I’d been prepared for that. I pointed Chloe at them and hollered, “Depart!” They too disappeared and I squealed in joy.

  Rebecca shook her head. “No, it can’t be that easy.”

  “Maybe it can,” I said excitedly. “Now, I just have to figure out a way to become visible.” I pointed the wand at myself and said, “Materialize.”

  Nothing happened.

  “Try ‘Appear’,” said Rebecca, who was now crouched down next to Bailey and Trixie.


  “Kendra,” smiled Kala, rushing over and throwing her arms around me. “I was so worried about you.”

  “You should be more worried about yourself,” cackled Vivian, materializing next to her.

  “No!” gasped Kala.

  Vivian turned to me and smiled coldly. “Did you think you could get rid of me that easily, child? You obviously don’t know what you’re doing.”

  I glared at her. “The one thing I do know is that you’re an evil woman and obviously didn’t deserve our father.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “That’s enough from you.”

  I raised my wand and yelled “Depart” once more, but this time, nothing happened.

  She patted her long, red hair and smiled. “You’re such a novice.”

  Rebecca pulled out a wand from her jacket, pointed it towards Vivian, and cried, “Terminate.”

  Nothing happened.

  “See, your powers are useless here. What interests me, however,” said Vivian, moving towards me. “Is how you were able to cast a spell?”

  My heart began to race as set my plan in motion. I took a step backwards. “I’m not going to tell you unless you release our mother from your curse, as well as the Shape-shifters.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Clearly, you must be joking!”

  “No, I’m serious,” I said, raising my wand again. “Be seated!” I cried.

  “How?!” she raged, her butt now planted in one of the gold chairs.

  “The wand,” blurted my sister, obviously knowing where I was going with this. “It’s better than yours.”

  “Nonsense,” hissed Vivian, getting up from the chair. She raised her own wand. “My wand was created by the great Isadora. There is nothing more powerful than this wand, I assure you.”

  “Well, her wand was made by a powerful wizard,” said Kala. “And we can assure you that there is nothing like it in all the world.”

  I held my breath, wondering if there really were wizards and if Vivian would actually fall for it.

  Her eyes searched mine and I tried not to blink. “A wizard created it, you say? How do you girls know this?” asked Vivian.

  “The wand told me,” I said.

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Your wand speaks?”

  “Yes. All the time.” I smiled. “It tells me…. secrets.”

  “Secrets?” She held out her hand and snapped her fingers. “Give it to me and… I’ll let you leave here unscathed.”

I smiled coldly. “The only way I’m giving you this wand is if you remove all of the curses, including my mother’s.”

  She snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  I shrugged. “You know, I think this wand is much too powerful for you anyway.”

  “Ignorant girl, nothing is too powerful for me.”

  I made no move to give her the wand.

  She sighed. “Okay, fine… hand me the wand and I’ll let you leave here with your friends.”

  I leaned forward. “Release our mother from your curse and I’ll give you the wand.”

  She pointed her wand at Kala. “Enough of these games – say goodbye to your sister.”

  “No!” I shrieked, holding up my hand. “Wait!”

  Vivian lowered her wand.

  “Uh, take the curse off of the Shape-shifters and Tyler, and I’ll give you the wand freely.”

  She stared at the wand in my hand and swore under her breath. “Okay, fine.” Then she aimed her own wand at Bailey and Trixie. “Release!”

  The Shape-shifters’ faces both relaxed, as did their bodies. Seconds later, they were both on their feet, looking exhausted and confused, but no longer in pain.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Trixie, as Bailey held her up. She was much paler than her brother, and obviously not quite as resilient.

  She smiled weakly. “Nothing a few cups of coffee couldn’t cure. Thank you, Kendra.”

  “Or a few dead witches,” said Bailey, glaring at Vivian.

  “Don’t test me, shifter,” snapped Vivian. “If you want to keep that gorgeous face of yours.”

  He frowned but didn’t answer.

  “What about Tyler?” I asked.

  Sighing, Vivian aimed the wand towards him and bellowed, “Defrost!”

  “Thank goodness,” Rebecca cried, rushing to his side as he began to thaw. She threw her arms around him and began rubbing his pale cheeks, bringing color to his face.

  “Mom,” he mumbled. “Too tight.”

  “Sorry,” she said, loosening her grip.

  “You okay?” I asked him.

  “Other than being as cold as her heart, I’m doing okay,” he answered.

  Vivian ignored his snide comment. “Now, give me the wand,” she demanded.

  I took a deep breath and held it out to her. “Take it, it’s yours.”


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