“I’ve got you right where I want you, Damon Stile.”
Damon stared at her, mouth hanging open. Then he ran back onto the landing to stare at Dreamer’s lifeless body, being lifted onto a stretcher. She was unconscious. Heart racing, he ran back into the bathroom.
Dreamer was still there, looking very much awake.
“You hurt my child, Damon.”
“You’re going to die,” he said miserably, not caring about Pandora. He’d stopped caring the minute Dreamer’s lips touched his. “I murdered you!”
“You think?” she said sarcastically. “The police are waiting for you.”
“What should I do?”
“You’ve no choice but to let them arrest you: Pandora said it was you.”
“That little-”
“Don’t insult my daughter!!”
Damon’s mouth snapped shut. Even though she was gone and this was just some sort of magical hoax, he still thought Dreamer could hurt him.
“I could deny everything, say it was a burglar.”
“You think you could live with it?” Dreamer asked icily. “Knowing you murdered someone and got off free? Knowing you killed me?”
“You killed our baby,” said Damon, tears falling. “Our firstborn!”
“I already have a firstborn,” Dreamer said nastily. “And it wasn’t a baby, Damon. Just a small group of cells. I practically starved myself hoping for a miscarriage, did you know that? I’m a cruel Mummy, aren’t it?”
Damon stared at her, shocked. “You- you’re just angry right now.”
“I’m having the time of my life,” Dreamer answered. “Now, as I wait to be placed in another realm, I can watch you suffer like you deserve to.”
There was a knock on the bathroom door: Dreamer’s face dissolved. Damon stood staring at his stunned reflection, merely nodding to every question the police asked him. He didn’t try and bolt, or lie about anything. He let them handcuff him without a fuss, revelling in Dreamer’s cruel words. He actually thought he’d be safer in prison.
Now, as he lay in on the top bunk in his cell, he shook his head.
“I must be nuts to love that witch.”
“She’s dead,” his roommate George muttered thickly from underneath him: for three years he’d had to endure Damon’s talk of Dreamer Black, every day and night for the first year. Beating Damon every night wouldn’t stop him, but reminding him she was gone would.
And it always worked: Damon fell silent.
Yes, Dreamer was dead and gone. All because of his uncontrollable rage, everything hitting him hard. She got rid of his baby. She didn’t love him. She knew about what he’d been doing to Pandora. She swore she’d kill him on the spot even. So maybe he was defending himself…
Damon laughed and shook his head. It was hard coming out of denial- it took two years and George to help him. He wasn’t defending himself, not when Dreamer wasn’t even looking at him, when her back was turned towards him. Not when she was seeing to her daughter.
Damon smiled, rolling over. “I really must be mad to love her, George.”
“She’s dead, damn it!”
“I know,” sighed Damon, closing his eyes. “I know.”
* * *
Pandora stood at the door, holding Shadow the rabbit. Dreamer was fast asleep; Ted was wide awake in an armchair across the room. He was staring at his former wife, deep in thought. Pandora wondered whether to go back to bed, but something told her she should stay.
Ted jumped, looking at her. Then he smiled at her.
“Come here, ‘Dora.”
Pandora hesitated, then she stepped into the room. She felt light headed just for a few seconds, then she carried on walking. She knew it was her mother’s energy that made her body feel weird, so she didn’t respond to the sensation. Pandora made sure she sat on the carpet, away from her father. Just because Dreamer was back it didn’t mean Pandora changed. Ted realised that, because he asked “No goodnight hug?”
“What did you want to say, then?”
“I um… I just wanted to ask-”
“Dad,” mumbled Marlon, walking in. “We need to talk about all of this.”
“Camel mouth had a nightmare,” Pandora translated, trying not to laugh at Ted’s puzzled face. “He’s trying to cover it up.”
Dreamer slept on, Marlon looking at her.
“What if she goes away again? Did you lot sort it out properly?”
No, Ted answered silently, but he said “Of course we did.”
“So we’re a family again?” asked Pandora, looking at Dreamer as well.
“We was always a family, whether your mother was here or not, ‘Dora.”
“I told James everything,” Marlon told Ted. “If that’s ok.”
“Some people must have known she was alive,” Pandora muttered as she put Shadow down. “Come on, she was broadcasted all over the world.”
Marlon nodded, watching as the rabbit scurried around happily.
“What did you want to ask, Pandora?” Ted asked his daughter.
“I… well, now that Mum’s back-”
Pandora stopped abruptly as Dreamer rose, almost in slow motion.
“Hey Mum,” said Marlon softly. “Have a good sleep?”
“Fine, darling. Why aren’t you in bed?” asked Dreamer curiously, looking from him to Pandora and back, then at the clock. “It’s almost-”
“Five,” said Ted quickly, and they smiled at him. He so wanted to be in Dreamer’s good books, but there was something holding him back a little. Excusing himself, he went downstairs.
* * *
The phone rang right next to Miriam’s head, making her jump. Fumbling for her lamp, she turned it on and grabbed the phone before it gave her a splitting headache. Swallowing to moisturise her dry throat, she whispered “Hello?”
“Miriam, it’s Ted.”
“Ted?” she said, not sure if she heard right. “Pandora’s Ted?”
“Yes. I needed to talk to someone.”
“Well why don’t you talk to your wife?” she said coldly. “After all, she is back- why would you talk to me when she’s in your life again?”
“I know you think she’ll take us- I mean, Pandora away from you again-”
“Go figure.”
“But she wont this time, I promise she wont. I wont let her.”
“Do you forget who your wife is, Ted? Or did the three years apart deflate your brain?” Miriam asked in mock concern. “She’s a witch, remember? And in the background, I’ve watched and listened to how she plays you like a puppet on a string. I know so much about Dreamer, you’d be surprised. Maybe she doesn’t even love you.” Then she covered her mouth. “Ted, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out like that-”
“It’s fine,” he said reassuringly. “It makes a nice change from the mentor composure, anyway. I didn’t know you were hurting inside, Miriam.”
“I’m not,” she lied. “I… fine, I’m a teeny bit jealous of Dreamer, because she has Pandora- and she will keep her away from me, Ted. I know it.”
“But why?”
“Maybe she thinks she’ll lose her, I don’t know.”
“I’m coming to your office today, Miriam. I really do need to talk.”
“Never mind the office,” she said, knowing the clinic was ripe with gossip. They knew Dreamer was back now. If they saw Ted visiting and entering her office without Pandora, rumours would spread.
“Where, then?”
“The café in town?” suggested Miriam. “We can go there.”
“Later on today?”
Miriam peered at the clock on the wall. It was twenty past five.
“In the afternoon. I need to catch up on my sleep.”
“Ok. Thanks.”
Miriam put the phone down, yawning.
Would Ted tell Dreamer what she said? Miriam thought as she laid down. Then she
decided she didn’t care.
* * *
Dreamer stared out of the kitchen window, deep in thought.
She was back with her family, with who she belonged. So why didn’t she feel satisfied? Yes, she was glad she was back with her children and Ted, but… something wasn’t there like it was before. Something was missing.
Agnes? She wondered, then she smiled and shook her head.
“Not Mama. What is it?”
She drummed her long nails on the kitchen counter, gazing outside still. A raven landed in a tree opposite the window, Dreamer looking at it.
“What’s missing, Spirit? Tell me.”
“You feel cold towards Ted for no reason.”
“But I love him.”
“Yes you do.”
“What should I do?”
“Talking always helps, Dreamer Black.”
Before Dreamer could retort the raven vanished.
She turned to look at him. “Yes Ted?”
“You know Miriam’s Pandora’s counsellor, don’t you?”
“Yes I do.”
“And you and Miriam- well, you were friends.”
“I know.”
“Do you think Pandora should stop going to her now that you’re here?”
Dreamer shrugged a shoulder, turning back to the window.
“It’s up to Pandora, not me.”
“But… don’t you even-”
“Even what, Ted?”
“You almost sound like you’re not bothered.”
“I’m not.”
The words were out before she could stop them. Ted stared at his wife’s back, amazed.
“What the hell happened to you?”
“Something died in me the night Damon killed me. It’s as simple as that.”
Dreamer didn’t know what was wrong with her. Neither did Ted.
“Did you even want to come back, Dreamer?”
“I don’t know anymore, Ted.”
“So it was all lies, then. What you said to me when you got here.”
“No it wasn’t.”
“Something’s holding you back from me, Dreamer. What is it?”
“Ted, if I knew I could tell you.” Dreamer didn’t even turn around. “I’m back with you at least, isn’t that good enough?”
“No, because the Dreamer I knew and loved isn’t back.”
Hurt, Dreamer looked at him. Ted stared back at her, ready for it. Pandora and Marlon traipsed downstairs happily, then they stopped dead as Dreamer said “Maybe I should go until I find myself.”
“Where will you stay?”
“That’s my problem, not yours.”
Ted’s eyes flashed: in three strides he was right in front of her.
“Your problem is my problem.”
“No it isn’t.”
“I’m your husband,” he said angrily, hurt now. Dreamer shrugged.
“Not if the certificate was cancelled as soon as I died.”
Ted stared at her. “What did you say?”
Dreamer couldn’t help smirking. “You’re a widower.”
“Not anymore,” he said heatedly. “Because you’re alive.”
“That’s true. Now get out of my way.”
“Move, Ted!”
Dreamer pulled out an incredible wand, made of pure gold studded with diamonds. Pandora gasped at it: hers was made of silver. Obviously Dreamer was even more powerful than before she died.
“I’m not going to tell you again.”
“Go on then, do it,” said Ted heatedly. “Go on!”
Dreamer’s wand sparked at the tip as she smiled.
“You think I wont?”
“I think you will,” Ted shot back, “And I don’t care. Kill me if you want, stash my body in a ditch. Cast the spell, Dreamer!”
Dreamer stared at him, then she said “It’ll hurt, but it wont kill you.”
“Go on then!”
“I wont if you get out of my way and let me leave you.”
Ted shook his head, arms held out. “Never.”
“You asked for it. Conscendio!!”
“Dad!” yelled Marlon and Pandora, smoke swirling everywhere. Coughing, they ran into the kitchen- only they soared back into the living room.
“This isn’t your argument,” Dreamer said softly. “Stay there.”
Pandora and Marlon obediently sat on the sofa, waiting fearfully.
Behind the wall of smoke, Dreamer knelt next to Ted. “Ted?”
His eyes flickered. Blood poured from his mouth. Dreamer sighed, muttering a spell to heal him completely.
“You idiot. You really thought you could stop me, right?”
“Right,” mumbled Ted, sitting up. “Because I love you, Dreamer.”
“Don’t,” she said, emotion tearing at her. “I’m leaving.”
“No you aren’t.”
“Yes I am, and I’m never returning.”
“Follow in your father’s footsteps, then,” he spat, sitting up. “Come in, wave a few hexes and then leave, not caring about the damage you made. Never mind me or the kids, Pandora especially.”
“Don’t compare me to Papa, Ted. This isn’t like that.”
“No? Well Dreamer, enlighten me. Tell me what it’s like.”
Dreamer looked away from him, running her index up and down her wand. Ted eyed it warily, asking “Did Agnes give that to you?”
“Mama? No,” Dreamer answered, looking at it. “It appeared for me as soon as I’d been with Mama for a week- after my power returned to me.”
Holding cushions to their mouths, Pandora and Marlon tried to listen in the living room, on the other side of the thick wall of smoke.
“Cant hear anything,” said Marlon sulkily, and Pandora moved away and sat on the sofa again. Remembering Shadow, she ran upstairs.
“Dreamer, please don’t leave.”
A soft smile curved Dreamer’s mouth as she looked at Ted. “Why not?”
“Because it’ll just drive me insane. I hear from a stranger you’re alive, you turn up, and then you leave as if you didn’t care about us. Like you just came to let us know you’re fine before going again.”
“That wasn’t my intention, but now that you say it-”
She laughed at his face. “I’m joking, Ted.”
“Good,” he said huffily. “You’re staying, do I make myself clear?”
Staring at his angry face, Dreamer felt the aloofness leave her body. Ted pushed himself up, glaring at her.
“I asked you a question, Dreamer Black.”
Lord, how she loved him. But she also loved to tease him.
“What’s in it for me if I stay, Teddy Bear?”
“I’m not playing games with you, Dreamer. I-”
She kissed him before he could finish, surprising him.
* * *
Upstairs, Pandora was staring at her phone ringing. Someone was actually calling her other than Marlon or Ted. Shadow squeaked impatiently, as if trying to say “Answer it!”
Pandora reached for the phone as it stopped blaring. She smiled at Shadow, saying “Missed call.”
Miriam put the phone down and picked up her cup of tea, wondering what Dreamer was doing right this minute.
* * *
Dreamer and Ted were laughing, still in the kitchen. This time Pandora and Marlon were with them, smiling broadly as they finally had breakfast at the table. Trying to sound serious, Ted said “Pandora, what was it you wanted to tell me last night- I mean, this morning?”
Pandora didn’t answer him for a minute.
“Well… I just um… you saw me and Marlon in the park, right?”
“Right,” said Dreamer, smiling at her children. “That was beautiful.”
Pandora silently thanked her mother for boosting the situation. Dreamer winked as she picked up her cup of tea, waiting for the rest of it.
“And- and Mum’s got a new wand,” said Pandora. “So… can I keep-”
“Yes,” said Dreamer, while Ted said “No.”
They glared at each other, Dreamer saying “It was my wand, Ted.”
“Was?” Pandora repeated hopefully, and Ted scowled at her.
“You are not keeping that wand, Pandora.”
“Yes you are,” said Dreamer, still glaring at Ted. “It’s my gift to you.”
“Wow! Really?” Then Pandora realised. “You made me take it.”
“I certainly did.”
“Me too?” asked Marlon, though he didn’t say what he took.
“You too,” said Dreamer, nodding. Ted wasn’t having any of this.
“Kids, it’s inappropriate for you to go around casting spells-”
“We wont, we swear,” said Marlon, Pandora nodding. “That’s a promise.”
“Spells in the house and that’s all,” said Ted. “None in public, ok?”
“Ok,” they said together, eyes shining. “Thank you, Dad.”
A Witch Like No Other Page 8