A Witch Like No Other

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A Witch Like No Other Page 15

by Makala Thomas

  “Camel mouth.” Pandora interrupted his thoughts. “You’re making a mess, look.” She pointed at the counter. “Clean that up, ok?”

  Water sloshed over the side of the counter, splashing on the floor- scorching Marlon’s bare feet.

  “OW!!” he yelled, dropping the kettle. “Dad!”

  “Baby,” said Ted amusedly, getting up and picking up the mop. “Go and sit down, I’ll make the tea myself. Thanks, though.”

  “No problem,” Marlon muttered, feet stinging. “Least I tried.”

  “You could’ve tried making it by magic,” Pandora told him smugly. “Then nobody would’ve gotten hurt, don’t you think?”

  “Shut up, Pandora!”

  Now that she said it, making the tea magically would have been the best thing to do, especially when he needed to practice using it.

  “Dad, my feet hurt,” mumbled Marlon, looking at Ted. “I want a hug.”

  “Go and sit on the sofa,” Ted answered, and Marlon obeyed.

  “Can you believe him?” Pandora said, amused as she looked at her brother. “You’d think he’s still a baby.”

  Alice found it sweet that Marlon still needed his parents to comfort him, as if he was only six years old. Still, she nodded in agreement. Marlon glared at her and turned away, picking up the television remote.

  Not so much like James- James would’ve stuck up for him. The doorbell went, Ted sighing as he said “That’ll be James.”

  Pandora pulled Alice away and up the stairs as Marlon got up, saying “Think of the devil!”

  “Don’t you like James?” Alice asked her curiously, after Pandora shut and locked her bedroom door with them inside. “You always run when he comes over, did you know that? But when other people come, like your dad’s clients from work or neighbours or Marlon’s other friends, you-”

  “I chose Forest Academy because he was going,” blurted Pandora, making her stop short. “I didn’t choose it because it was a good college.”

  Alice tried not to smirk. Pandora was human after all: she had a crush on James. Sitting down on Pandora’s bean bag, she said “Spill.”

  So Pandora told her everything about James, that they were best friends at primary school and even in secondary school- up to Year Nine. James hardly spoke to her afterwards: he was besotted with everything she wasn’t included in.

  “It wasn’t like I liked him then anyway,” she said flatly, shrugging a shoulder. “I had my friends, especially Janice, and a boyfriend as well.”

  Alice sat up straighter, asking “Who was he?”

  “An idiot. Marlon and Janice got together at my fifteenth birthday party, James had some other girl, I had Jonathan (the idiot), and we was all happy. Even when Mum got killed, Janice and Jonathan helped me and Marlon and even Dad. Everything was all gravy until Jonathan cheated on me with Janice-”

  “No way!”

  “Yes way,” said Pandora bitterly. “Two best friends gone in ten minutes.”

  Alice couldn’t help herself. “Was Marlon ok?”

  “No. You might have noticed he’s a real emotional guy,” Pandora said, smiling a little. “He’s got girls on the side, though, but he-”

  “Never mind that,” said Alice quickly, not wanting to hear that Marlon was a playa. “We was talking about James.”

  “I still haven’t spoken to him,” mumbled Pandora, feeling guilty. “Since he gave me his number ages ago- where’s Miriam, Alice? I need to talk to her about a lot of stuff, but she’s been off for two weeks. Does your dad know where she’s gone?”

  Alice shook her head, saying “She probably needs a break. You know, she talks to a lot of people but nobody talks to her. Does she even have any friends? A social life, I mean?”

  Pandora opened her mouth, then closed it. She’d never thought of Miriam outside the office, not properly. Even though she was her godmother- godmother!

  “Her and my Mum!” said Pandora, mind racing. “They was best friends.”

  “Probably still are,” Alice answered, wondering what she was thinking.

  “They might be together,” Pandora said excitedly. “I mean, how come as soon as my Mum disappears she does too?”

  “She didn’t,” Alice argued. “Miss Hughes was around for a whole week.”

  Pandora closed her mouth, thinking hard.

  “Something still isn’t right about her leaving.”

  * * *

  “Smart girl, my Pandora,” Dreamer said to Agnes amusedly. “She thinks Miriam might be with me, Mama.”

  “And she is,” Agnes replied, smiling at Miriam. “Before her manager thinks she’s slacking she must go back home- you as well.”

  “That place isn’t my home,” Dreamer said huffily. “It’s just… Ted’s.”

  “Call the boy and ask how they are,” Agnes answered, stirring the broth in her cauldron with a giant wooden spoon. “Go on, little one.”

  “Mama, I’ve told you to stop…”

  Muttering darkly, Dreamer sauntered into the living room and picked up the house phone.

  * * *

  “Shouldn’t you be going home?” Marlon asked coldly, as Alice came downstairs jauntily. “This isn’t a youth centre, you know.”

  “I’m hanging until eight o clock,” Alice answered just as coldly. “If Dreamer doesn’t call by then, you’ll get your five pounds.”

  James looked up from the sofa as they glared at each other.

  “Where’s Pandora, hiding upstairs still?” he asked lightly, and Alice smiled at him. Marlon immediately felt his stomach writhe with jealousy as she said “I don’t know why she keeps doing that.”

  “Maybe I scare her,” joked James, and Alice’s smile grew. Annoyed, Marlon said “What did you come down for, Alice? You’re not wanted.”

  “I came to talk to James,” Alice shot back, “So you’re not wanted.”

  James burst out laughing. “Shame, bro! She got you.”

  Marlon glared at him, saying “You want to talk, go in the garden.”

  “Fine,” Alice said blithely, pushing past him even though there was plenty of space to pass without touching him. “Come on James.”

  James obeyed, to Marlon’s anger.

  “Be right back.”

  * * *

  “Did you know Pandora’s going to Forest Academy?”

  “No,” he said, surprised. The house phone rang inside as he said “You’re not joking with me, Alice?” Alice said no. “How come she’s-”

  “Maybe because it’s a good college,” shrugged Alice, but James waved that away as he said “She’s going because I’m going.”

  Alice raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that a bit arrogant?”

  “No it’s not, because I…”

  Alice pretended to be deeply interested as James told her what she already knew.

  Meanwhile, inside the house, Marlon was speaking so fast into the telephone the caller couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

  “Sweetheart, calm down for me. Where’s Pandora and Ted?”

  “Upstairs, and I’m not getting them,” Marlon said stubbornly. He rarely had a moment alone with his mother, and he was going to use this time whether Dreamer liked it or not. Ted jogged downstairs with his daughter as Marlon said “I’m packing up, Mum. I’m coming to you right now.”

  “Give the phone!” shrieked Pandora, startling him. Before Marlon could react Pandora socked him in the stomach, winding him completely. Marlon dropped the phone, gasping for breath as Pandora picked it up.

  “Mum, are you all right? Are you angry with me?”

  “Why would I be angry with you?” said Dreamer, puzzled at her.

  “Because I didn’t give the phone to Dad when you asked me to-”

  “Oh,” said Dreamer, vaguely remembering the incident. “No I’m not.”


  “I promise, love. How are you?”

  “Rotten,” Pandora said, eyes filling. “Ok on the outside, but-”

  Ted took the ph
one, saying “She’s been crying every night since you left, Dreamer. We’ve all been miserable as heck- where are you?”

  “I’m with Mama right now,” Dreamer said cautiously. “I…”

  She trailed off, not knowing what else to say. Ted listened to her silence, Marlon and Pandora behind him. Finally Dreamer said “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?” said Ted, Marlon and Pandora in unison, startling Ted as he turned to look at them. Grinning, Marlon said “Inner hearing, Dad.”

  Dreamer laughed, Ted saying “They are definitely your kids, Dreamer.”

  Just then Pandora caught sight of Alice and James outside through the kitchen window. Nudging Marlon, she whispered “What are they doing?”

  Marlon looked too, then he said “They’re probably getting together.”

  Pandora heard the bitterness in his voice, but she let it go because she was feeling just as bitter.

  “I’m going to my room.”


  Ted frowned as his kids traipsed upstairs, but he didn’t call them back. He was focusing on the love of his life.

  “Are you coming back home, Dreamer?”

  “I- I-”

  * * *

  Agnes prodded her in the back, hissing “Say yes!”

  Dreamer ignored her, pleasing Miriam.

  “You cant stay away,” said Ted, pleading in his voice. “You cant.”

  “Ted, I just need a few more days.”

  “Are you with that woman who was making you say everything?”

  “I’m with Mama,” Dreamer said quietly. “I told you already.”

  “A few more days.” Ted drew a deep breath, then he said “Then will you come home? Back to me and Marlon, and Pandora?”

  Dreamer didn’t know what to say. Miriam was looking at her, her brown eyes cold and dark. For the first time in her life, Dreamer was afraid of her best friend. She knew if she went back to Ted Miriam would never forgive her. She’d been with Ted for so long, practically ignored Miriam for years. She couldn’t do it to her again.

  Miriam looked down at her feet, waiting to hear Dreamer tell Ted she loved him and was coming home soon. Taking a deep breath, Dreamer said “Ted, I cant.”

  Miriam’s head shot up in surprise, Agnes shaking her head at her.

  “You’re lucky Dreamer has a good heart, my girl.”

  Miriam nodded, Ted saying “She’s with you at Agnes’s place??”

  “Yes she is,” Dreamer said softly. “She needs me, Ted.”

  “Who the hell is she?” demanded Ted, angry tears welling up. Alice and James entered the house as he said “Dreamer!”

  “Tell him,” urged Agnes, and Dreamer whispered “I cant, Mama!”

  “You can,” said Ted gently. “Do I know them?”

  “Yes- you’ll lose your temper and do something to them-”

  “No I wont,” lied Ted. “I wont touch them if they’re a woman.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Yes you are,” said Dreamer flatly. “I can hear it in your voice.”

  “Dreamer, just come home- please!”

  “I’m staying with my friend, ok Ted?”

  “Where do they live? Can I at least visit you?”

  “I’ll visit you instead,” Dreamer replied, and Miriam scowled. Smiling at her, Agnes whispered “You cant have it all, Miriam.”

  “I suppose,” Miriam whispered back, then a sudden thought struck her. “Dreamer-” Dreamer looked at her. “Don’t come to mine.”


  “Don’t come,” Miriam repeated, then she drew a deep breath. “Unless it’s what you want. I don’t want you to come unhappy.”

  Agnes’s smile grew as she looked at Dreamer, who was surprised.

  “Now you want to go back to your old self?”

  “I don’t want you to come unhappy,” Miriam repeated. “Against your will. I’m being selfish- I’m only thinking about myself. ”

  Ted frowned as he listened. The woman’s voice sounded a little familiar.

  “If it’s not what you want,” Miriam said slowly and clearly, as if Dreamer couldn’t understand a word, “Don’t come. Is it what you want?”

  “Say no,” Ted said angrily, not touched at all. Dreamer was.

  “I thought you wanted me to leave Ted and stay with you?”

  “She what!” exploded Ted, but Dreamer wasn’t listening to him.

  “I do, but… I don’t want you unhappy.”

  “You cant stay with her, Dreamer. She’s a fricking queer!”

  “Be quiet, Ted!” snapped Dreamer, feeling uneasy in her stomach. Miriam smiled at her, saying “It’s your choice.”

  Ted wanted to shout “Come home!”

  But he knew he had to play it smart, just like this mystery woman. She was using charm on his woman, and he could feel her slipping away.

  “She’s right,” he said smoothly. “It’s your choice, Dreamer.”

  Surprised, Dreamer said “What did you say?”

  “You heard me,” Ted said calmly. “If you want to stay with your friend, I wont stop you. I just realised I shouldn’t order you about- it’s your life.”

  Agnes smiled broadly: the boy was smarter than she thought. Dreamer had a confused look on her face as she said “Are you sure?”

  “Sure as ever. She’s right, it’s your choice.”

  * * *

  Alice tapped him on the shoulder, whispering “Tell Pandora bye.”

  Ted nodded, mouthing “Bye.”

  James walked her to the front door, feeling light hearted. As Alice turned to say bye he gave her a hug, saying “Thanks for the info.”

  “Anytime,” she said, pleased as she hugged him back.

  Little did they know Pandora and Marlon was watching from Marlon’s bedroom window, which overlooked the street their house was on.

  “I’ll kill her,” muttered Pandora, as Marlon said “I’ll kill him.”

  Then they looked at each other, surprised.

  “What’re you killing him for, camel mouth?”

  “What’re you killing her for?” Marlon retorted, and she smiled.

  “I wont tell if you wont.”


  * * *

  “So what do you want to do?” Ted asked lightly, angering Miriam. She knew what he was up to. Dreamer didn’t know what to do. Innocent as ever, Ted said “How about you come back home?”


  “Just listen,” he said gently. “You come back home, and you can see your mystery friend anytime you like. Everyday for all I care, I’m not joking. You can sleepover if she means so much to you, it’s no bother.”

  He’s good, Agnes thought impressively. Way good.

  Miriam thought so too, but she wouldn’t let him win so easily.

  “Or the other way round,” she said just as gently. “You can come home with me and visit him anytime you like.”

  Fury exploded in the pit of Ted’s stomach, but he said “Or that too.”

  Dreamer was stuck. Agnes was highly amused. Wanting to join in the fun, she said “How about I flip a coin, Dreamer?”

  “I cant see the coin,” Ted protested, and Agnes said “You have my word I wont cheat- both of you.”

  “I’ll take tails,” Miriam said quickly, angering Ted. When he found out who she was…

  “I’ll take heads, then.”

  “Wait- wait!” said Dreamer, feeling isolated. “I’ll make the choice, ok?”

  “Yes,” said Ted and Miriam at the same time, amusing her.

  “I’m going home- wait,” she said, as Miriam’s jaw dropped. “I’m going to do this fairly. Two weeks with Ted and two weeks with you.”

  “No!” shouted two voices, startling Ted. “No, Mum! No!”

  “Who the hell is this person?” demanded Marlon, storming down the stairs with Pandora in tow. “Dad! Who are they?”

  “Some woman who’s forcing your mother to do the unthinkable,�
� Ted answered bitterly, Pandora saying “What’s her name?”

  “I don’t know, ‘Dora. Boil the kettle for your old man- his head hurts.”

  Pandora pulled out her wand and flicked it in the direction of the kitchen; Marlon grinned as the kettle started to boil.


  “Ask your friend if that’s what she wants,” Ted said blithely. “Fairness.”

  Miriam opened her mouth furiously, then she closed it. Dreamer’s green eyes sparkled as she said “What do you think?”

  “Anything you want,” Miriam said smoothly, making Dreamer smile.


  “Anything you want,” echoed Ted calmly. “Good thing it’s the first of August, huh? Or we’d be working out the dates.”

  He knows how to play the game, Miriam thought, Agnes too.

  “And at the end of the month you decide where to go,” Agnes told Dreamer, Miriam and Ted saying “Ok,” fast as lightning.


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