A Witch Like No Other

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A Witch Like No Other Page 20

by Makala Thomas

  “Are you ok?” they whispered, and Pandora turned to look at them.

  “James!” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “I had to see you,” he whispered back, letting go of her. “And you?”

  “Bathroom,” she lied, wringing her hands. “Um…”

  James raised an eyebrow, whispering “You sure it’s the bathroom?”

  Pandora started to nod, then she shook her head. “No.”

  “What, then?”

  “I was coming to watch you sleep.” Heat stung her cheeks as she spoke. “I didn’t think you’d be awake- it’s two in the morning.”

  James said nothing for a minute, thinking to himself. She liked him. He knew it! She was fronting when she was with people, but when she was by herself like now… James smiled at her.

  “What now?”

  “Come in my room,” Pandora whispered, looking at her parent’s door, then her brother’s. “They’ll hear us out here.”

  James swallowed, Pandora realising he was as nervous as she was.

  “Or I can come to your room…” she trailed off nervously, for he hadn’t reacted to her words. “Are you ok?”

  “Let’s go downstairs,” James said slowly. “We can have a hot drink.”


  * * *

  Pandora kept her eyes on the screen, though she hardly saw a thing. They were watching her grandmother’s show. James seemed calm enough as he drank his hot chocolate, but Pandora’s fidgeting proved she was anything but calm. James sensed she wasn’t used to this kind of thing, not since that jerk Jonathan anyway.

  On screen, Agnes received a phone call. James marvelled at how much she looked like Dreamer, like Pandora. Though Agnes’s eyes weren’t green, they were grey. Paul Black’s eyes were green.

  “You’ve got Paul’s eyes,” murmured James, looking at Pandora. She frowned at him, and he added “Your grandfather.”

  “Oh.” She smiled shyly, saying “Mum used to tell me that all the time.”


  “Yeah,” she said, putting her cup on the coffee table. James faked stretching to yawn, resting his arm behind her. Then he put it around her and drew her closer to him, half expecting her to resist his arms. But Pandora welcomed the embrace gladly, shifting closer to him. James let her rest her head on his shoulder, Pandora wrapping her arms around him bravely. James was pleased: she was finally loosening up.

  Pandora lifted her legs onto the sofa, sighing as she whispered something. James looked at her, asking “What did you say?”

  “I said we could’ve done this ages ago.”

  “What, cuddle on your sofa?”

  “Stuff like that. I was just being stupid.”

  James nodded in agreement, holding her closer to him. Pandora inhaled his familiar scent, remembering when she was ten, James eleven. She was upset about being left behind in primary school.

  “Who’s going to play cops with me if you’re going?” she said, eyes filling as she looked at James. “I don’t like the boys in my class.”

  Eleven year old James hugged her then.

  “I’ll still come over everyday, don’t worry. We’re still best friends?”

  “Yes,” wept Pandora, and he let her go as he ran after Marlon.

  Pandora blinked hard to stop herself from reminiscing about James, back when they were best friends. James stroked her hair softly, Pandora enjoying the sensation. Then another thought struck her.


  “Yes Pandora?” he said quietly, Pandora looking up at him.

  “Why did you stop speaking to me in high school? After high school as well?”

  “I… hey, don’t try and pin it all on me,” James said, frowning at her. “You stopped coming up to me, remember that?”

  “Because I thought you didn’t want to speak to me.”

  “I was wrapped up with other stuff, that’s all.”

  “You forgot about me.”

  “Yeah,” he said truthfully. “Yeah, I did.”

  Pandora said nothing for a moment. At least he was honest. Then she said “I wasn’t bothered about it then, but now I wish we carried on talking.”

  “Well, why don’t we catch up on what we missed out,” James suggested softly, but before Pandora could ask how his soft lips met hers.

  * * *

  Dreamer smiled, Ted muttering “I knew him staying was a bad idea.”

  “It wasn’t,” she said softly, and Ted glared at her.

  “Just because you believe in romance-”

  Dreamer kissed him before he could finish, Ted melting immediately. Suddenly he realised what she was doing, but he didn’t want to break away. Seconds later Dreamer pulled back, smirking at him.

  “You don’t believe in romance, Ted?”

  Ted was out of breath. “I hate when you kiss me like that.”


  “Look, it’s nice Pandora and James are um… you know, getting along. But we cant leave them down there, Dreamer. I mean, what if-”

  “Don’t you trust out daughter?” Dreamer asked, frowning at him. “Pandora’s just like you, Ted- her head is screwed on way too tight.”

  “She’s like you too,” Ted shot back. “She goes all dreamy when it comes to romance. All he has to do is say ‘I love you’ and she’ll-”

  He broke off, realising what he was saying. It wasn’t Pandora he was talking about, not anymore. He was talking about the woman staring at him. Swallowing, Ted said “I didn’t mean-”

  “She knows what she’s doing,” Dreamer said, unable to keep the frostiness out of her voice. “Is there anything else you want to say which implies what I’ve done with Damon Stile?”

  Ted shook his head.

  “Good, because I’m going to sleep.”


  “Goodnight, Ted.”

  * * *

  James marvelled at how comfortable Pandora felt in his arms.

  “You’re so warm.”

  She smiled, eyes closed. “I know.”

  “Agnes will be back next week Thursday, ladies and gentlemen. Please do not attempt to call Dreamer Black’s hotline number, for she is unavailable. To book a private meeting with Agnes, please apply online at www.AmazingAgnes.com.”

  “I want to see her,” Pandora said, nestling closer to James. “I’m going to ask at breakfast tomorrow if we can go visit her.”

  “Mmm,” James said. “You know, I don’t know why Europe’s so hyped over your family- well, Agnes and Paul. And Dreamer too, these days.”

  “What’ve they been saying about my Mum?” Pandora asked curiously. “I mean, nobody even knew they had a daughter until-”

  “Apparently one idiot went out of his way to find out,” James answered, not a bit tired. “It was on the news- Paul got him good and proper when he found the guy at his window looking at Dreamer- and apart from that he was drunk. Apparently he killed the guy and two more people, but they haven’t got any proof. The guy just went missing, and the two people… the papers just said they had a stroke.”

  Pandora swallowed, thinking Dad’s parents.

  “Paul Black was just… I mean, wow.” James shook his head. “He had Europe wrapped around his little finger. Still has, actually. Nobody can stop talking about him and Agnes, I’m not joking.”

  “You’re not scared of him?” Pandora asked, and James shrugged.

  “I’d be lying if I said no. I mean, he’s a sorcerer. Powerful. And Agnes…” James shivered. “She’s as powerful as he is. They’ve done loads of things in their time, seriously. They’ve even got books on them.”

  “Books?” said Pandora, mystified. “How long have they been around?”

  “Centuries, I heard-”


  “Yeah,” James said, frowning as he remembered the history lesson at high school. “In history at school (before the teacher got sacked), I learnt they’d been around for centuries. It was only… nearly thirty four years ago
they calmed down.”

  Pandora counted back, then she clocked. “My Mum.”

  James nodded, saying “Exactly. I cant believe I’m telling you about your family, Pandora. You should know all of this already.”

  “I bet my mother doesn’t know the half of what everyone’s saying, and about all these books you’re talking about.”

  “She must know,” James said uncertainly, then he thought about this. “Actually, maybe she doesn’t. I mean, it is centuries of storytelling.”

  “Exactly,” Pandora said. “I don’t think my grandma or grandpa would’ve sat her down and told her everything.”


  * * *

  Marlon stared into the glass orb, unable to believe what he was seeing. Pandora smiled shyly at James, who smiled back at her. They leant closer to each other hesitantly-

  “Don’t you dare!” shrieked Marlon, gripping the ball.

  And kissed each other, downstairs on the sofa.


  Pandora and James leapt apart the same time Ted and Dreamer sat up in bed, Marlon crashing through his bedroom door like a madman.

  Pandora ran into the kitchen before James could stop her, through the back door and into the garden. James ran after her.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Go back inside!” she panted as she took a leap at the apple tree.


  James watched in awe as Pandora scrambled up the tree like a little monkey, pulling herself higher and higher up until she reached a window. Before James could make a noise of impression she vanished through the window, gone.

  “Wow,” he said, just as Marlon burst into the living room. Ted followed slowly, in a daze. It was only six in the morning!

  “Where’s Pandora?” spat Marlon, looking around furiously.

  James made sure he was far back before saying “What do you mean?”

  “Pandora!” said Marlon angrily, Dreamer joining Ted. “She was with you just now, I know she was! You- you was- you was-”

  “Bro, I only came to get a drink,” said James innocently, leaning against the fridge. “I haven’t seen Pandora since dinner last night.”

  “But- but I saw-”

  “Son, it’s too early for this.” Ted yawned, Dreamer softly adding “It’s not even seven yet, Marlon. Pandora’s fast asleep.”


  Marlon rushed upstairs and, without knocking, entered his sister’s room.

  Pandora lay under her duvet, Shadow the rabbit under her arm.

  Heart banging against his ribs, he reached down and stroked her hair. Pandora slept on, oblivious to whatever was going on in the world. Marlon looked back at his parents and best friend, embarrassed.

  “I um… don’t tell her anything, ok? Sorry about that.”

  “No problem,” said James offhandedly, yawning. His eyelids were closing on their own accord; he and Pandora had thrown away the thought of sleep or even a small nap, instead spending the rest of the night and start of day talking to each other, both amazed at how easy it was to confide in one another.

  “Bed,” said Dreamer softly, and James nodded. He knew she knew what had transpired between him and Pandora, and he wasn’t about to try lying to her either. But Ted was a different story… unless he knew too?

  “Goodnight- I mean, morning.”

  “See you later,” Marlon answered, following him back upstairs.

  Dreamer started to go up as well, but Ted grabbed her arm.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “Let go of me,” Dreamer replied coldly: a straight yes.

  “Look, I’m sorry about what I-”

  Dreamer pulled her arm away and carried on walking, giving no indication that she’d heard a word come out of his mouth.

  Ted sighed, glad he had a day off today. It would take at least an hour of his time to get Dreamer to forgive him.

  * * *

  Miriam fumbled for the phone, eyes heavy. “Hello?”

  “Morning,” said Dreamer, and Miriam smiled. “Were you sleeping?”

  “Seeing as it’s just gone six, yes I was. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, you?”

  “Fine. How’s the family?”

  “All right. Ted’s being a pain in the neck, though.”

  “You should’ve stayed with me,” smirked Miriam, not bothering to ask why he was being a pain. “We could’ve been trying to make breakfast together or something like that if you was here.”

  “Not really. I’d just flick my wand and breakfast is served.”

  “Mmm,” said Miriam, yawning. “So how come you’re calling so early?”

  Dreamer paused, wondering that herself.

  “I don’t even know.”

  Miriam burst out laughing, sitting up in bed.

  “You know, I’ve been hearing things about you at the clinic. Why did you threaten mass murder on Damon’s prison?”

  “Those idiots at NoNonsense.Com need to get a life,” Dreamer replied. “I only said it to make Damon talk.”


  “I spoke to him,” Dreamer said, then she paused as she looked over her shoulder, sensing she was being watched. Ted was watching her, looking pretty angry. Deciding she didn’t care, she continued “And yes, I threatened to murder him along with the whole prison, and after that about ten officers burst in with their guns yelling ‘freeze’-”

  “Wow,” said Miriam amazedly. “You vanished, right?”

  “Sure, and Sergeant Brown started making snide remarks about my father- oh, I would have hurt him so badly.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “No,” Dreamer answered. “I left- and now he’s obsessed with me. He had private detectives watching my house and everything.”

  “Which is why you should’ve stayed with me,” Miriam concluded smartly. “If you did Sergeant Brown wouldn’t be obsessed.”

  “He’ll calm down,” Dreamer said, shrugging a shoulder though Miriam couldn’t see her. “Actually, I take that back. Hopefully he calms down.”

  “Mmm,” Miriam said again. “He’s a regular on NoNonsense.”

  “You’ve joined that site?” Dreamer asked icily, and she gushed “No! I’d never join something like that!”

  “Because it was made especially for my parents,” Dreamer said coldly. “And if what I’m hearing is true, me as well.”

  “Dreamer, your parents kept you a secret for as long as they could.” Miriam spoke with plenty of reason. “Thirty years of secrecy- that was excellent. Until that stupid spy came to Agnes’ house-”

  “And Papa found him,” Dreamer answered, nodding. “You’re right.”

  “I know,” Miriam said smugly. “Remember parent’s day at school? Agnes and Paul came disguised each time- it was so cool.”

  “Nobody knew who my parents were,” smirked Dreamer. “It was great.”


  * * *

  Dreamer dropped the phone, whipping round.

  “What was that??”

  “Freeze!” yelled a dozen voices, footsteps pounding the stairs. Ted stepped backwards in alarm as the officers stormed into his room, holding their guns up. Sergeant Brown stepped forwards, smiling broadly.

  “Hello Dreamer!” He stepped backwards as she glared at him, suddenly in one of her stunning gowns. He didn’t even have time to take in the petite nightdress she was wearing.

  “What do you want, Brown?” Ted said harshly, glaring at him as well. Brown smiled, looking at him as he answered “Your woman.”


  “Hold him back!” snapped Brown, as Marlon, James and Pandora left their rooms curiously.

  “What’s going on? Mum? Dad?”

  “Ah, Pandora and Marlon. And whoever he is,” Brown said, waving James away. “Kids, I’m here for your mother.”


  “She’s a witch,” spat Brown, glaring at Dreamer. “A filthy, disgusting de
mon who shouldn’t be here on this planet- an outcast! She doesn’t deserve to live, and neither does her parents. We already have her mother, kids- your grandmother. She’s going to be burned at stake at noon.”

  Dreamer gasped, unable to believe what she was hearing. Marlon made a dash for Brown furiously, but he was restrained along with his father. Brown looked around angrily, then he spotted them.

  “Aha!” He darted for the bedside table, scooping up the two wands. “Mine! Finally, I have the wands! And the wand of Agnes Black!”

  “You’re mad,” Pandora stated, making him turn around.

  “Silence, Pandora. Or do you want to share a room with Damon Stile?”

  This time James was restrained, Brown saying “Take them down to the van, all four of them! Leave me and Dreamer to talk.”

  Dreamer felt like she was going to faint. Her mother had been captured along with her lover and children, and would die and the hands of these mortals in stupid costumes. And now she was about to be captured.

  “Dreamer, you’re wandless!” said Brown triumphantly. “Defenceless! And now, now you’ll die at my hands! At your mother’s side!”


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