“Thank you, Miriam.”
“Anytime,” Miriam replied, glad to get away from the horrid glares Marlon and Pandora were giving her as they sat on the sofa.
As soon as they were upstairs Dreamer turned to her children.
“Mum, I didn’t mean to hit him,” Marlon said, heat rising as he looked at his sister. Dreamer raised an eyebrow, Marlon recoiling.
“Well, I did mean to- but for a good reason, Mum! Him and Pandora was kissing in the car- he’s my best mate- she’s my sister-”
“I don’t ever want to witness you physically harming someone ever again,” Dreamer replied, looking at her eldest child. “I understand that you’re angry, Marlon. But fighting isn’t going to solve anything. Did Pandora attack Janice when she caught you kissing her?”
Marlon dropped his gaze, mumbling “No.”
“And did she hurt Alice when she came to find you today?”
“So what makes you think you have the right to hurt James?”
“Mum, I- I didn’t think-”
“I know,” Dreamer said, tone softening. “Marlon, violence isn’t the key to any problem.”
“But Mum, James is my best friend-”
“Honey, you’re being a hypocrite.” Dreamer was amused now, and the small smile on her face showed it. “Janice was and Alice is Pandora’s best friend. What you feel now is exactly how she felt. Not nice, is it?”
“But… but-”
“You need to talk with James,” Dreamer told him, Pandora looking at her knees. Marlon shook his head angrily.
“I’m not speaking to that back-stabber ever again.”
“Then talk to your sister,” Ted said, wanting to be involved even though he knew Dreamer was perfectly capable of handling their children.
Marlon glared at Pandora, saying “No.”
Dreamer sighed, saying “If you wont talk to James, then at least let James do the talking.”
“I don’t want anything to do with him!”
“For how long?” Dreamer said, and Marlon didn’t answer.
Pandora felt real guilty.
“Marlon, I… I’m sorry-”
“Don’t talk to me, Pandora. Go celebrate socialising once again.”
Pandora’s eyes filled over, Marlon refusing to look at her as she got up and left the room.
Dreamer sighed, saying “I’m not going out to dinner while they’re like this. It’s supposed to be a happy occasion- and I don’t feel very happy.”
Ted looked at Marlon, who visibly flinched.
“Dad, it’s not my fault- blame Pandora, not me-”
I’m blaming both of you!
“Don’t you have homework to do, Marlon?” Ted asked icily, and Marlon nodded. “Then go in the kitchen and start working on it.”
Marlon obeyed as Baby Julian wailed from upstairs.
“Bring him down Miriam,” called Dreamer, and Miriam obeyed.
As she walked to the staircase she heard a small sob, from the spare room. Miriam hesitated, then she went to the door to listen to her.
“Everything was fine. Why did I have to be greedy and kiss him again?”
“Well, at least Marlon knows now,” Alice said gently. “I mean, it’s better he knows. Besides, I didn’t like lying to him either.”
“You’re just saying that because you’re going out,” wept Pandora. “What should I say to him, Alice? He looked at me like he hated me!”
“Marlon doesn’t hate you,” Alice answered, then a voice said “Alice, end the call in five minutes. I’m expecting a call at five thirty.”
“Yes Daddy,” said Alice politely, then she continued her talk. “He doesn’t hate you, he’s just angry and upset right now. At least you know where he’s coming from, right? You’ve been through what he’s going through.”
“You sound like my godmother,” Pandora said, smiling through her tears.
“Well, I’ve been around the clinic enough times to get the hang of it.”
“Mummy!” yelled Baby Julian, making Pandora and Miriam jump.
Before Miriam could soothe the frustrated baby and get away from the door Pandora wrenched it open, eyes glistening with tears and anger.
“Were you listening to my conversation?”
“I just wanted to see if you was all right,” Miriam said feebly, backing two steps as Pandora stepped forwards. “I wanted to help if I-”
“I don’t need your help,” spat Pandora. “Not after everything you’ve done.”
“Pandora, you don’t under-”
“I understand just fine, Miriam! You’re a lesbian!”
“You take that back, Pandora!” cried Miriam, hurt. “I’m no such thing!”
“Well sniffing around my mother like a dog says something else!”
“I’m not sniffing!”
“Yes you are! What the hell are you doing here?”
“Mummy,” wailed Julian, tears falling as he looked from Miriam to Pandora and back. He was scared. “Mummy!”
Miriam held him in her other arm as she said “I was invited!”
“Well we don’t want you here, not after what you put my Dad through!”
“Your- Pandora, Ted’s a grown man! And he doesn’t mind me here-”
“This isn’t his house anyway! I don’t know how you can even look at us knowing what you did-”
“Ted,” murmured Dreamer, eyes closed as she laid on the sofa. “Please go and get Baby Julian for me.”
“Ok,” Ted answered, taking her hand and kissing it. “Are you ok?”
“Not really, no. Marlon? Honey, are you ok?”
“Yes Mum,” called Marlon from the kitchen, trying to sound cheerful. His voice was anything but. “I’m fine.”
Pandora and Miriam’s voices grew louder at the top of the staircase, Baby Julian sobbing harder and harder. Ted reluctantly left his beloved to stop the argument, and take the baby out of the angry atmosphere.
“Break it up,” he called, clapping his hands as he walked up the stairs. Miriam and Pandora fell silent, but Baby Julian continued to cry.
“I want Mummy,” he wept, and Miriam realised her shirt was damp.
“Oh love, I’m so sorry,” she said gently, as Baby Julian sobbed into her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I-”
“Here Miriam, I’ll take him,” Ted said gently, reaching for the baby. Miriam shook her head, saying “He hardly knows you, Ted-”
“Miriam, it’s ok. I promise,” Ted said, as she looked down at the baby. “Let me take him down to Dreamer.”
Baby Julian reached for Ted as well, eyes filling over. Feeling a little betrayed, Miriam handed him over.
“Hey, little man,” Ted said softly, holding him in one arm. “You ok?”
“I want Mummy,” wept Julian, his green eyes full of anguish as he looked at the stairs. “I no like Minnyam and Dorwa anymore.”
Pandora and Miriam glared at each other, Ted saying “Did they shout?”
“Yes, and I cry-” The baby burst into tears again. “I want Mummy!”
Pandora wondered whether she should apologise, then she decided not to. Instead she turned and went back into the spare room, slamming the door shut behind her.
Miriam realised she was cutting her palms her fists were clenched so tight. Taking a deep breath, she said “Ted, I’m sorry I shouted at her. But… she really-”
“Never mind,” Ted said reassuringly. “Um… dinner’s cancelled.”
“I kind of realised.”
“Come downstairs,” Ted said, already walking down. “You too, ‘Dora.”
“I’m not coming.”
“Now,” called Ted, and Pandora sighed and got up.
* * *
Marlon smiled at Miriam, who blinked at him as Dreamer reached for her baby boy.
“Suddenly you like me again?” she said, under the voices of Ted and Dreamer, and Baby Julian’s giggles as Dreamer tickled him lovingly.
/> Marlon shrugged, saying “If Mum and Dad forgive you, then I do too.”
“Yeah. And I don’t forget when you helped us get back home.”
Pandora walked in the living room slowly, Marlon and Miriam’s smiles fading as she sat as far away from everyone as possible.
Dreamer didn’t look with her eyes, instead feeling everyone’s energy. Laying on her back, she lifted Baby Julian high in the air, looking up into his delighted face as he squealed excitedly.
“Mummy Mummy, I fly!” he said happily, flailing his tiny arms and legs. “Look, Marlon! I fly, see? I fly!”
Marlon smiled and nodded, Dreamer saying “Should I call Mama and Papa, Ted?”
Before Ted could decide whether that was necessary Agnes and Paul Black appeared, taking their seats across the room.
“Let’s begin, then.”
“This is what I’d like to call a family meeting,” Ted said nervously, and Agnes scolded “Dreamer, sit up.”
Dreamer sighed, doing as she was told. Baby Julian beamed at Paul, Paul winking at him. Baby Julian giggled.
“Well, it’s not exactly a meeting meeting, but… it’s to do with the kids, and I um… Paul?” said Ted, swallowing. “Stop looking at me like that.”
“Paul,” said Agnes, swatting her husband on the arm. “Stop that.”
Paul was annoyed. “I’m giving my full undivided attention to the boy, Agnes. Would you rather I make objects fly around the room?”
“Go on Ted,” said Agnes, ignoring Paul’s question. “Continue.”
“Well, everyone’s been reunited and such, and… well, we have to make some decisions about what happens next.”
“Well said,” said Paul, agreeing totally. Agnes nodded too, ditto Miriam.
“Dreamer and I had a talk,” Ted said, looking at her. “She isn’t moving out of her home for my benefit. I… I don’t mind that.”
Agnes smiled, knowing that Ted minded a whole lot more than he was letting on.
“So um… well, really and truly I uh…”
Dreamer smiled at him. She’d never seen Ted so nervous.
“Look, Marlon and Pandora- we’re going back home. Baby Julian isn’t used to you yet- isn’t used to so many people in his home.”
Ted waited for the blow, but none came. Pandora and Marlon didn’t react to their father’s declaration, not for a few seconds anyway.
“Can we like… arrange something?” Pandora asked tonelessly. “I mean, I want to stay with my mother.”
“Yeah,” said Marlon, looking at Dreamer pleadingly. “Mum?”
“How about they come on weekends, Dreamer?” Paul said, looking at his child. “Every other weekend isn’t a bad idea.”
“And they can visit on their days off,” Agnes added, and Dreamer looked at Ted before saying “That sounds fine, Mama.”
“What about Julian?” demanded Marlon, hurt. “How come he can stay?”
“Julian isn’t Ted’s son,” Paul reminded him, and Marlon closed his mouth. Then he asked “What about you and Mum, Dad?”
“Don’t worry about that,” Dreamer said, a small smile on her face. “Everything’s ok between me and your father.”
“Promise?” asked Pandora dubiously, and Dreamer said “I promise.”
Ted clapped his hands, feeling much better after getting that load off his chest.
“Well then, that’s living arrangements sorted. Marlon, Pandora- it’s your day off tomorrow. We’ll go in the morning.”
“You don’t even have your car,” Pandora pointed out, and Dreamer said “Miriam can drop you back home if it’s all right with her.”
“Tomorrow?” Miriam said, surprised. “Dreamer, I cant stay the night-”
“Why not?”
“Well, I…”
Miriam felt she’d outstayed her welcome. She didn’t want to be around Pandora, anyway.
“Come on Miriam,” coaxed Dreamer. “I’ll make you hot chocolate.”
“No, I’d rather-”
“Hot chocolate with a muffin.”
“Hot chocolate with a muffin and cookies.”
“Cook-cook!” said Baby Julian happily, and Paul said “No, son.”
“Papa,” started Dreamer, then she remembered Miriam. “Miriam, stay.”
“I cant.”
“Ok, hot chocolate with a muffin, cookies and a slice of apple pie.”
“No, I really have to get going. I’ve got work tomorrow and-”
“That’s even better, because Ted does too. You can drop him and the kids off on the way.”
Miriam looked at Ted, who shrugged a shoulder.
“It’s up to you.”
“She’s staying,” Paul said, rising to his feet with Agnes. “Right Miriam?”
“Yes,” she sighed, and Dreamer smiled.
“Papa scares you, doesn’t he?”
“He scares everybody,” muttered Marlon, and Paul smiled at him.
“That’s right, my boy. I scare everybody.”
“It’s not Halloween, Paul,” Agnes said, amused as he laughed. “Come, let’s go home.”
Paul kissed Dreamer on the forehead, saying “Bye, little one.”
“Goodbye Papa.”
“We’ll come by at the end of the week,” Agnes said, kissing her as well.
Baby Julian lifted his arms happily, saying “Paul-Paul!”
“Hmm… this baby boy adores me,” Paul stated, reaching down and scooping him up. “Don’t you adore your grandpop, son?”
Baby Julian giggled, throwing his arms around Paul’s neck.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” smiled Paul, and everyone laughed.
Marlon’s mobile rang. Answering quickly, he said “Marlon.”
“Hey,” said Alice gently, and Marlon smiled. “Is everything ok?”
“No,” he confessed, going into the kitchen. Pandora followed. “I saw my best mate snogging my little sister, that’s newsflash one. The woman who helped wrecked my family is here- the mystery lady. Miriam.”
“Miss Hughes? No way! Pandora didn’t tell me that-”
“Yeah, well Pandora and her got into an argument upstairs-”
“I caught a bit of it. She was real angry.”
“So was Miriam,” Marlon answered. “You know, I’ve never heard her lose it before, especially with Pandora-”
Marlon broke off, sensing her behind him. Taking a deep breath, he fixed his face with his dirtiest look before turning around.
“Marlon, we need to talk about… what you saw today.”
“What, are you going to tell me I was hallucinating?” sneered Marlon. “Because seriously Pandora, you’ll need to think of something else.”
“Why are you being like this? I don’t have a problem with you and Alice, and I didn’t have much of a problem with you and Janice-”
“I wouldn’t have cared if you did!”
“What’s wrong with me going out with James?” said Pandora, hurt. “Marlon, you’re overreacting. You’re acting like-”
“Like what, ‘Dora? Like I just witnessed one of the four people I love so much it hurts kiss one of the other four? Like it came as a massive blow because I see James as my brother, meaning I thought he saw you as a sister? Like I feel like all of it is really wrong?”
“But it’s not wrong,” Pandora said, then she took a step backwards as Marlon stepped forwards, face murderous. Everybody was still talking happily in the living room- Dreamer, as usual, was the centre of attention. Nobody noticed that the kitchen door was closed.
“How the hell is it right?” spat Marlon, then he realised Alice was still on the line. “Um… can I call you back after I talk to my sister?”
“Sure,” Alice said gently. “Marlon, she’s right: James-”
Marlon hung up angrily, saying “She’ll always side with you.”
“Good, seeing as I knew her first,” Pandora answered, her usual flat drawl returning. “Marlon, me and James-”
“I don’t want to have this conversation, Pandora.” Marlon slipped his phone in his pocket and turned away. “We’ll talk later.”
Pandora glared at him. “Don’t pull your big brother act on me.”
“I am your big brother,” snapped Marlon, turning back round. “You’d better remember that from now on.”
“Ok, look: how about I tell you to get stuffed?” Pandora said, heat rising. “I’m seeing James whether you like it or not.”
“Then we have nothing to say to each other from now on,” Marlon answered, making her stop short.
“You heard me, ‘Dora.”
“Marlon, please- you cant do this to me.” She was a little shocked, but she hardly showed it. “I need you just like I need Mum and Dad-”
Marlon shrugged, hating the hurt that was beginning to show on his sister’s face as he said “Obviously you need James more than me.”
“That’s not true. I’ve always put family first, and you know it.”
“Why did you kiss him, Pandora?” sighed Marlon, shoulder’s falling.
He looked like a six year old being told Santa couldn’t make it this year for Christmas. Pandora imagined Baby Julian looking just like that when he was six. “How long have you been hitting on each other?”
“Don’t say it like that,” Pandora said, cautiously moving closer to him. “Listen, since before Mum came back- before I met Alice-”
“That long?” said Marlon disbelievingly, but Pandora said no.
A Witch Like No Other Page 31