[Betrayed 01.0] 30 Pieces of Silver

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[Betrayed 01.0] 30 Pieces of Silver Page 30

by Carolyn McCray

  “Um…” Brandt wanted to reassure the archaeologist, but couldn’t find the words to describe the room behind the door.

  Unlike the dirt dungeon, this chamber was all marble and artistry. Shafts of light bathed the interior from the waning day above. Like the mosque, the room’s ceiling was tiled in bright blue ceramic. The walls alternated mosaics from Jewish and Christian origins to panels painted with Islamic scripture. But in the center of the room was a large marble table, which had upon it a single skeleton wrapped in blue silk. From the glint near its head, a silver coin seemed to rest there.

  “How could you have done this?” the archaeologist wailed, trying to pick off the burnt edges of the panel.

  “Walker, look up.”

  “I don’t care what is—” The archaeologist stopped mid-sentence as looked into the chamber. “Dear Lord.”

  “That’s exactly right,” Lochum said as he squeezed through the hole.

  * * *

  Rebecca unstuck her feet from the knee-high muck and climbed over the short retaining wall onto the creamy marble-floored chamber. Unlike Lochum, she didn’t immediately rush to the skeleton. It was too much to take in. The chamber. The writings upon the wall. The implication of it all. She just couldn’t approach the skeleton yet. She needed to gather her wits first.

  This day was never supposed to come. It was if something you wished upon a falling star suddenly transpired. The scene felt unreal. Dreamlike. But every injury she had endured over the past few days ached, reminding her that in fact, this was very real.

  She looked up toward the shafts of light. Small tunnels came in at steep angles from above. Tilting her head, Rebecca could swear she heard the call to prayers. In her mind she reconstructed their path downward. Spinning on her heel she realized where they were. They must be under the Blue Mosque’s courtyard. The skeleton was directly beneath the purification fountain.

  Now this, this place with its buttery marble and ageless art, felt like the resting place of Christ.

  Lochum and Walker were already studying the bones. “They have inscriptions as well! ‘Becca, look!”

  Rebecca noticed that Brandt had hung back too, but unlike her, he paced, circling the bones as if assessing if they could be true.

  Well, it was time for her to see if they were.

  Slowly she made her way to the carved table. This close she could see that the pedestal was carved with the Last Supper, although not as she had seen it in the past. What was off about it?

  “Walker, we must remove the cloth!”

  Their argument interrupted her study of the relief. “Wait!” Rebecca said, but it was too late. Lochum pulled the silk from the remains to reveal the entire skeleton. She had borrowed a digital camera from one of the grad students, and she’d wanted to document the body before it was disturbed.

  “Think! We still have James’ bone. We can DNA-test to see if they are a genetic match.”

  Rebecca was too overwhelmed to think of such things or even her own project. Right now she reverted to her student days and began taking picture after picture of the skeleton. As Rebecca continued her photographic survey, she could not help but read small snatches of the carved scripture. It spoke of all the major players. Not surprisingly, there was much about the Last Supper and the days leading up to the Crucifixion.

  As she made her way down the body, Rebecca noticed something wrong. Wasn’t the pelvis too wide to be a man? She glanced back to the skull. Didn’t the mandible seem too small? The humerus also seemed far too thin and short for a fully grown man.

  “Listen, ‘Becca! ‘And they came and sat together as the twelve and the one. Many others brought food and she who was loved best of all poured the wine.’” The professor’s eyes were glazed over with excitement. “A firsthand account of the Last Supper!”

  How she hated to disappoint him. But what could she do? At some point he would come off his high and realize that there was no way this skeleton could be Christ.

  “Lochum, you better look at this pelvis.”

  “Yes, yes. Soon, child. This clavicle is a wealth of information.”

  Walker, however, was intrigued and came over. He studied the bone for a moment, then met her gaze. The archaeologist knew as well.

  “Archibald, Rebecca is right. You need to see this.”

  “Oh, all right. But then we must begin the…”

  It took only a second for the truth to register with Lochum. The smile fell off his face so hard that you could almost hear it hit the floor. He stumbled back a step.

  For the first time, Brandt came near the skeleton. “What’s happened?”

  Rebecca did not realize how disappointed she was until she tried to speak, but couldn’t.

  It was Walker who answered. “These bones are from a fully grown woman.”

  “Not Christ, then?” Brandt asked, sounding relieved.

  The archaeologist just sadly shook his head.

  “Then who is it?” Svengurd asked from the back of the room.

  That was a good question. Of course they were deflated because it wasn’t Jesus, but obviously this skeleton was of enormous historical value. Moving up to the clavicle bone, Rebecca began reading the passage the professor had started. A renewed grin spread across her face.

  “All’s not lost, Lochum.”

  He turned to her, but with little hope in his eyes. His life’s work seemed crushed under fate’s cruel heel.

  Well, maybe she could change that.

  “It goes on to say… ‘His mother held the chalice after the beloved and kissed the handle before giving the wine to her son.’ Rebecca met her old mentor’s eyes. You’ve found Mary, mother of Jesus.”

  The implication of this find reverberated through them almost as deeply as if they had found Christ.

  Brandt’s brow furrowed. “That can’t be. Mary’s Assumption…”

  Like all Catholics, the sergeant obviously believed that the Virgin Mother had been taken up to heaven, body and soul, so that her flesh never tasted corruption. But here the skeleton lay before them. Marked as the others had been. Clearly a female. This was Mary.

  Rebecca was glad to relieve the wounded look on Lochum’s face, but she could barely stand the look of hurt on Brandt’s face. Scholarly pursuit seldom saw the result of their findings and how it affected people. The truth was supposed to set everyone free, but sometimes it just caused pain.

  “I’m sorry, Brandt, but this is the Virgin Mary.”

  “It is a Mary, but not the Virgin,” a new voice announced from the back of the room. “That is the sacred Mary Magdalene.”

  * * *

  Brandt swung around, raising his gun, but he already knew who spoke.

  “Dr. Lochum, you look surprised that we found you so quickly. You are not the only one who reads ArchaeologyToday. Once I realized the significance of these coordinates, a certain dead-end tunnel from the Hagia Sophia made sense.”

  His finger tightened around the trigger as Tok came into view, but Brandt stopped short of pulling it. Petir held a gun to Svengurd’s head.

  “I would urge restraint, Sergeant. Not only do we hold your man, but we are wearing enough explosives to bring this chamber down upon us.”

  Still Brandt kept his finger against the trigger. These men were a walking wave of destruction. They had downed an entire plane full of innocent passengers. Even if what Tok was saying was true, Brandt could at the least take out Petir. Even if he had a dead man’s switch, Svengurd could surely catch it before it hit the ground. If the corporal wasn’t, in fact, one of them. Svengurd seemed to strain against the older man’s grip, but how much of that was for show.

  Anger filled Brandt’s vision. Not so much at Svengurd but at himself. He should have checked the perimeter himself, but he had been too concerned with the body. Too worried that they had found Christ.

  But that wasn’t an excuse to trust such a task to a man that he clearly no longer trusted. With secret chambers buried under secret tunnels, he shoul
d have expected another secret door with Tok behind it.

  His finger tightened against the trigger.

  With a quick glance, he made sure that Rebecca, Lochum, and Walker were behind him. Whether or not Svengurd was compromised, Brandt knew it might come down to sacrificing his corporal to save the others. Svengurd knew this when he signed on. Civilians came first and foremost.

  He looked into the corporal’s eyes. With his neck craned to the side he couldn’t nod, but Svengurd’s response was clear. He was ready for whatever decision Brandt made. Emboldened, the sergeant refined his aim at the tall man’s forehead.

  Tok must have read the shift in his position, for he said, “Rest assured, we are both armed with the most sophisticated biometric sensors. If I take too deep a breath and drop my heart rate, it will trigger the explosives.”

  Hissing out a harsh breath, Brandt released the trigger but kept the gun aimed. He should have known it wasn’t going to be so easy. “Haven’t you blown up enough people today?”

  Tok chuckled, or at least that’s what it looked like, except no sound came from the man’s mouth, and Petir did not crack a smile. “Quite contrary to your conclusions, I seek peace, not destruction, but you have forced my hand. Over and again, I must mention.”

  The air became stale as Brandt growled, “Then let us walk out of here and prove it.”

  This time Petir’s lips curled up as he related Tok’s words. “That you know I cannot do. But if you relinquish Magdalene’s bones, and the doctors Monroe and Lochum, I will allow the rest of you safe passage from Istanbul.”

  Brandt gritted his teeth, trying to stall long enough to figure out a goddamn extraction plan that didn’t involve them all dying in a raging ball of flame. “And you know I can’t do that.”

  “Tok was afraid you would feel obligated to uphold your duty,” the man said, for the first time sounding as if those were his own words.

  Once said, the spokesman dug the muzzle of the gun into Svengurd’s temple, clearly moments from pulling the trigger.

  Brandt stiffened his arm, ready for the recoil from his own gun when Rebecca burst between them.

  “Wait! I’ll go with you!”

  * * *

  Head swimming, Rebecca was glad that somehow the men hadn’t begun World War III in this graced chamber, but now that she was standing exposed between her protector and her pursuer, she wasn’t so sure that this was the best move she could have made.

  “Damn it, Rebecca, get behind me!” Brandt growled, and as much as she wished she could, she knew it was past that point.

  Rebecca spoke to the dark-skinned man. “You talk smack pretty well, but the fact is you need me.”

  Tok looked her up and down, making her skin crawl even though there was nothing sexual about his stare. It was worse. It was if he was not only stripping her of clothes, but of her flesh as well. That somehow he was studying her bones to see if they held her story. Her heart. Her mettle.

  “You’re looking for Christ just like we are. Only we’re up three skeletons to one,” Rebecca added, gulping. When they first entered, she hadn’t realized how metallic the air had tasted.

  A grim smile spread across his lips. It was strange that Petir spoke for him, yet Tok’s mouth never moved. “For just that arrogant reason. Your greatest ambition is to become a footnote in the annals of history, and you will destroy anyone’s faith if they dare stand in your way.”

  Rebecca tried not to let her reaction to his words reach her face. The pained look in Brandt’s eyes was still too fresh in her mind, but if Tok thought her an arrogant cretin, why not play the part?

  “Whatever,” she said as she shrugged casually. “You obviously need my cooperation, so let’s finish this.”

  Tok turned from her as his man spoke. “I have given you my terms.”

  “Yeah, but you obviously don’t realize it was I who found this chamber and James’ bones in Budapest. Lochum will just slow us down.”

  “Now wait a minute—” the professor protested, but Walker elbowed him hard enough to knock the wind from him.

  The archaeologist agreed wholeheartedly with Rebecca. “It’s true. Rebecca has always been the brains behind Lochum’s bluster.”

  “I will not have my reputation savaged, even as a means to save my life,” the professor stated as he walked out to join her.

  How could she tell him that now was not the time to finally be chivalrous? She needed Lochum to stay with the soldiers so that he might lead Brandt to her. He was the only other person on the planet who could retrace the travels of Jesus’ remains.

  “Then it is settled,” the spokesman said.

  “Not by far,” Brandt retorted, his gun at the ready.

  She had seen the stance before too many times. He was ready to act.

  The sergeant spoke through gritted teeth. “You want to bring this place down? Let’s bring this place down!”

  Rebecca heard herself shout, “No!” but then she found it hard to take another breath as gunfire burst around her—then everything was drowned out by explosion after explosion.


  Smoke swelled.

  As everyone scattered, Rebecca tasted a sharp bitterness to the smoke. Gas. Poison. How long had they been piping it in? The oily gas filled her lungs, seeping through her like liquid fire. She fought to stay conscious. The only two who didn’t seem affected were Tok and his translator. Brandt and Svengurd struggled in vain to stay upright. As she swooned backward, the ceiling cracked overhead and crashed down, sinking them into darkness.

  Only the flash of gun muzzles and the spark of ricochets illuminated the room.

  Someone screamed as her head hit the marble floor.

  * * *

  Fuck, fuck, and more fuck, Brandt thought as his arms refused to raise his weapon. As soon as he had tasted the metal bitterness in the air, he had forced out all the air in his lungs, but obviously that wasn’t good enough.

  They were screwed. Rebecca and Lochum were already down and Walker was nowhere to be found. To the left, Svengurd had propped himself up against the wall as debris tumbled from the tiled roof and whatever had been holding back the wall of mud from the dungeon had given way. Any escape back through the dungeon was impossible.

  Into the blurred chaos, Brandt fired as Tok scrambled to grab the remains, but a huge piece of ceiling came off, shattering the skeleton. Moving in slow motion, he tried to intercept, but his legs gave out from under him.

  Petir yelled, but Brandt realized too late they were evacuating. Tok grabbed Rebecca while Petir dragged Lochum toward the back of the room.

  “Svengurd!” Brandt used precious breath to yell, but as the corporal pushed off the wall to intercept, he fell to his knees, then to his face.

  Taking a breath that he knew would bring more knockout gas, he got his feet moving. He was almost there. Almost, when Walker stumbled out from behind the pedestal. Blood poured from a gash in his head. Brandt tried to shove him out of the way, but the dazed archaeologist grabbed his sleeve.


  “That’s who I’m trying to rescue!” the sergeant growled.

  Then Walker took a bullet in the throat. He groped at his neck, blood bubbling from a hit to the trachea. Brandt couldn’t help but assist the man to the floor, even though it sapped the strength from his own muscles.

  “To the Prince…” he whispered as he shoved the bone he had been clutching into Brandt’s hands. As he took the bone, Walker’s jaw went slack.


  There was nothing more he could do, so with the last of his strength, he staggered to the hidden exit Rebecca had disappeared through, but found it blocked by a huge section of fallen ceiling.

  “No!” Brandt pounded the rubble, not caring that he nearly broke his hand, and the world got smaller and smaller until it faded out completely.

  The Thirteenth


  AD 42

  Judas strode toward the small hut that had been t
heir crowded dwelling, proud he had secured much finer accommodations elsewhere for the same fee. It had taken nearly three hours of bartering, but Judas did not mind the effort, for their coffers dwindled day by day, and just this morning James had instructed him to take even greater care with their coin.

  This brought great delight to Judas’ ears, for it meant their relentless path toward Jerusalem and the horror that it held may not come to pass.

  John the Baptist’s imprisonment at the fortress of Machaerus had given them all pause. But the Baptist had not been arrested for agitation against the Romans, as all had feared, but instead for speaking out against Herod’s illegal marriage to his brother’s wife.

  Reports from Andrew’s brother, Levi, told of John’s good spirits, and despite the fact that Herod authorized the arrest, the governor seemed of temperate mood and was given to inviting the Baptist for meals, apparently roused by John’s faith.

  Ignoring the pain in his knee as he climbed too quickly, Judas ducked under the doorframe, ready to tell the others of their good fortune, but clearly he had walked in on an argument long underway.

  “Do not use his words against us!” Andrew said harshly to Magdalene.

  The accused was seated, head bent over her stitching, but Judas could see the flush to Mary’s cheeks as the three men stood before her. Besides Andrew, there were Philip and Thomas.

  “I speak only the truth,” she said without raising her eyes. “Jesus insisted that all the women, not just I, enter Jerusalem with him.”

  “What?” Judas asked before he thought best of it.

  He was not at all surprised that Jesus wished the women to accompany him into the Holy City for it was his way, but Judas was surprised that they were discussing the trek at all. James had made it seem that Jerusalem was a distant goal, no longer their driving force. They were not due to travel for another week. Otherwise, Judas would not have left such a sizable deposit at the inn.

  Thomas obviously thought that Judas’ words indicated that he had thrown in with them and pointed an accusing finger at Magdalene. “She thinks to usurp us! She thinks herself special in the Lord’s eyes!”


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