Ranger's End Game (Northern States Pack Book 1)

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Ranger's End Game (Northern States Pack Book 1) Page 7

by Lee Oliver

  “Yeah. Big formal thing. Seats about forty people. That’ll be the first thing I want out of here,” Aiden shuddered.

  “Not until I’ve fucked you on it,” Ranger promised, pleased the gasp stopped Aiden abusing his lip. He stood to one side and let Aiden open the door, curious to see how his mate would be greeted in his family home.

  “Aiden, what the hell are you doing here?” A gruff older voice yelled. “You’re supposed to be at that camp until tomorrow. Don’t bother me with your excuses. You ran away, didn’t you? It got too tough for you. Fucking typical. Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you. If you can’t show you’re mature enough to handle one little camp for one short week, I’m damned sure you’re not mature enough to handle your inheritance.”

  “Actually, Father, I thought I’d come home because I have exciting news I wanted to share. I thought it was better than trying to explain on the phone.” Aiden reached his hand back and Ranger took it, following his mate into a large living area. There was only one man in the room. Older, Alpha, and dressed in a bright purple smoking jacket of all things. “You won’t have to worry about me being mature enough to handle my inheritance anymore. I found my true mate and I’ve been claimed. Ranger, meet Alpha Chalmers of the Northern States. Father, meet Ranger. As you can see from the tattoo on his face, he’s an assassin. In fact, he’s the best one they have and he’s my true mate.”

  Chalmers’s mouth dropped open, his eyes bulged and he made as if to get out of his chair. “You brought an assassin into my house?”

  “Your house?” Ranger shook his head and Chalmers sat back on the chair, his tanned face going white.

  “Yes, why didn’t you tell me the house was mine?” Aiden sat down in another chair facing his father. Ranger stayed standing. His ears were letting him know they weren’t alone in the house. “Ranger’s friend. He’s amazing. He can find any information on anything. Well, when Ranger claimed me, he wanted me to stop training and I explained why I couldn’t because of what you’d told me about the inheritance. But he said he’d handle it for me.” Aiden threw Ranger a huge smile and Ranger’s eyes narrowed slightly. There had to be a reason for his mate acting like a child.

  “Handle it for you?” Of course, the older Chalmers would seize on that little nugget of information. “Your inheritance is in a trust. It doesn’t need handling. I just need to sign the papers and the money’s all yours.”

  “You don’t need to worry about it,” Aiden leaned back in his chair, the picture of ease to most people. Ranger wasn’t fooled and he moved closer. “It’s already been taken care of. Ranger’s friend arranged for a lawyer to hold my money for me and as soon as Ranger and I can sort out joint accounts, it’ll be transferred there.”

  “You took the money out of the bank? Without talking to me?” Chalmers jumped to his feet, his fists clenched and a red hue started creeping up his neck.

  “I don’t know what there is to talk about, Father.” Aiden studied his nails. “The money’s mine and while I know you have shares in the Northern States bank, that doesn’t mean I had to keep my money there. It’s not as though we’re close.”

  “That money represents almost seventy-five percent of the assets in that bank. You can’t just take it out!”

  Aiden shrugged. “It didn’t belong to the bank.”

  Ranger’s ears caught the sound of someone moving down the staircase in the corner of the room; someone trying to be quiet and failing. He slipped his hands into his pockets.

  “I really don’t know why you’re upset, Father,” Aiden said, his voice calm. “It was my money, left to me by my grandmother. Maybe if you’d given it to me when I asked, or better yet, let me move out of the house when I asked, then I wouldn’t have felt the need to move my funds elsewhere.”

  “You did this because I wanted to keep you SAFE?” Chalmers’s yells were obviously trying to mask the sound of footsteps.

  Ranger kept one eye on Chalmers and one on the stairs. One shadow; and then the second one appeared. Faster than a blink Ranger threw two of his stars at the offending shadows. Yells, thumps and the clatter of rifles falling on the marble rang around the room.

  “Fucking hell, I’ve been hit.”

  “I’m bleeding.”

  Two men stumbled into view, both clutching an arm. From the family resemblance to the older Chalmers, Ranger guessed these were two of Aiden’s brothers. “Don’t you know better than to pull a rifle on an assassin?” He growled.

  One of the men pouted, examining his arm. It was only a small gash. “Aiden was the target, not you. I thought you were supposed to have killed him already. Can’t do your job? Did he roll over and present his ass, begging you to spare his life?”

  “Shut up, Bevan!” Chalmers said quickly, but it was too late. Ranger snarled; the sound low and menacing. Don’t open your mouth because I swear, just one more word….

  “Hey, it’s okay,” the other Chalmers clone whacked Bevan on the chest. “Remember that council dude said he had a backup. I guess you’re dead meat, after all, little brother.”

  And that’s the word. His leather coat swirling away from his legs, Ranger covered the distance in seconds. One long swipe and both men fell to the floor, silent.

  “Are they dead?” Aiden’s eyes were wide and Ranger hurriedly pocketed his knife and went and put his hand on his mate’s shoulder.

  “It was quick, which is more than they deserved.”

  “You killed my sons in my own house.” Chalmers fell on his chair, his face in his hands.

  Ranger heard Aiden inhale sharply. “It’s not your house. Haven’t you been listening to me, Father? I already know this house is mine and you and my brothers had no right to be living here.”

  Chalmers lifted his head quickly. “You can’t know that…how…no…he promised.”

  “Who promised what?” Cam sauntered into the room, Newton beside him. “Did someone promise you Aiden wouldn’t see a copy of his grandmother’s will? When council law specifically states all last wishes have to be held in public record?”

  “I…er…no…er…who the hell are you?”

  “You don’t have to worry who I am,” Cam smiled and inclined his head towards Newton. “It’s this guy you should really be concerned about. Meet Newton Lock, Aiden’s lawyer.”

  “Mr. Chalmers?” Newton said, resting his briefcase on the back of Aiden’s chair and opening it. “I have here a court order for you and your six…” He looked over to where two bodies were slumped on the floor. “Sorry…make that four sons, to vacate these premises immediately. A council lawyer will be appointed to oversee the packing of your personal effects. All chattel and household items belong to my client, as per the terms of the late Alpha Chalmers’s will.”

  “You can’t throw me out of my home. I’ve got nowhere to go.” Ranger’s hand on Aiden’s shoulder tightened. But Aiden didn’t have a chance to say anything because Newton got in first.

  “Accommodations won’t be a problem. These gentlemen are here to escort you to the council base, where you will be held on charges of attempting to procure a murder, attempted murder, fraud, embezzlement and failing to adhere to council estate laws.” Newton clapped and four men entered the room dressed in council uniforms. But they weren’t council soldiers. Ranger recognized Brian and Gerald and two other men from the training course. He managed a tight smile.

  “I haven’t done anything,” Chalmers wailed, totally ignoring the bodies of his sons and the rifles on the floor. “I just need to talk to my son and this whole mess can get sorted out.”

  “Which son,” Shadow called out cheerfully as he and Marcus came in; each tugging two bodies tied together with ropes. “Four more counts of attempted murder to add to your charge sheet, Newton. We caught these two,” he slapped the men he was holding around the head, “trying to get a clear shot through the window.”

  “And these two were sabotaging the car. We’ll need new brakes before we go anywhere,” Marcus said, slapping his two befor
e dropping them in a heap and sticking his foot on them.

  “There’re plenty of cars in the garage,” Aiden said. “I understand they’re mine, too?” He asked Newton.

  Newton nodded. “Everything in the house, grounds and yes, that includes the garages.”

  “There’s a lovely black Lamborghini in the garage,” Aiden’s lips were trembling as he stared at Ranger. “It’d suit you perfectly.”

  “You’ll have plenty of time to show me everything once we clear the mess out.” Ranger caressed the side of Aiden’s face, showing him without words how proud he was of how his mate was holding up so far.

  “Aiden, we need to talk. None of this was meant to happen. Everything’s just got a little out of hand.” The older Chalmers looked broken and Ranger assumed that he’d spend the rest of his life regretting he’d been caught. Ranger didn’t care if he never saw the man again, but his mate probably would. But Aiden surprised him yet again.

  “I’ve tried to talk to you my whole life,” Aiden said firmly, facing his father who was now being held between Brian and Gerald. “It’s you who never had the time for me. If you’d been honest, shared the details of grandma’s will; allowed me to move out, which was all I ever wanted, and not thrown up so many obstacles to my having access to my inheritance, all of this could have been avoided.”

  He reached for Ranger’s hand. “Instead you sent me to a training camp where the death rate is known to be high. You arranged with a corrupt councilmember for me to be killed for no reason at all, except you didn’t have the legal means to control me anymore. Well, you know what Father? You did me one hell of a favor. Because if it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have met the man I love with all my heart. I wouldn’t have made good and honest friends and I wouldn’t be standing here in this fancy house, over two hundred million dollars richer. Think about that when you’re sitting in your cell. Your fate is your doing, not mine.”

  “You’re worth over two hundred million dollars?” Brian yelled. “Shit. Can I be your friend?”

  Aiden laughed and turned to Ranger, his eyes as clear, honest and bright as they’d ever been. “You had that chance when we were in camp. You’ll have to take that up with my mate.”

  Ranger gave into the temptation he’d had since he’d entered Aiden’s home and pulled him out of the chair, holding him tight against his chest. His mate didn’t need to watch his father and brothers being carted away, or the mess being cleaned from the floor. Fortunately, he knew the perfect distraction.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Aiden needed Ranger like he needed air. His dad, his brothers, the house and his inheritance; his brain was overloaded and he did not want to think. He needed to feel, needed something to shut his brain down.

  Ranger’s arms were heaven around his back; lips perfect against his. There was noise, a lot of noise around them. Aiden heard his name called, yelled and cursed at but he didn’t care. He moaned against Ranger’s mouth and thrust his cock against a solid thigh.

  “Your room?” Ranger pulled back from his lips long enough to ask. His eyes blazed and there was a wealth of promise behind the lump in his pants.

  Aiden gasped, swallowed and managed to say, “Up the stairs, third on the right.”

  Thank the Fates for a take charge mate, Aiden thought as Ranger lifted him off his feet. Aiden’s legs wrapped instinctively around Ranger’s hips, hidden from view by the long leather coat his mate still wore. He sucked and nibbled the long arc of throat exposed to him as Ranger made his way purposefully across the room, up the stairs and into the room Aiden had lived in his whole life. It was still as he left it, although Aiden caught the scents of his father and at least four of his brothers lingering in the air. Fuck them, they can’t hurt me anymore.

  Ranger didn’t waste time checking out the decor. Four strides and they were on the bed, Ranger’s weight pinning him down in delicious fashion. “Need you,” the big man muttered before he started tearing at Aiden’s clothes; the actions showing just a hint of the speed and power Aiden witnessed earlier. In his arms, Aiden relaxed and the more he fell under Ranger’s spell the hornier he felt.

  “Quick this time,” he begged as Ranger’s mouth teased his nipple. “I want to feel you in me.”

  Ranger’s body was tightly controlled, his movements quick and efficient. A lube packet was dug out of Ranger’s pocket and Aiden pushed back the moment he felt fingers on his ass. There were muffled clunks as Ranger moved; weapons? Aiden wondered, but then they were drowned out by the sound of Ranger’s zipper being opened. That’s the best sound in the universe. He hummed, his body impatient and as Ranger turned him on his side, he went eagerly although he missed his mate’s weight.

  “One leg up.” Ranger lifted Aiden’s top leg and pushed it away from him, exposing Aiden’s ass in a way that would have him blushing if it wasn’t for the hunger eating his soul. It was more than getting his rocks off, although his cock appreciated it when Ranger grabbed it like a handle and plunged into his body.

  “Yes,” Aiden grasped. “Full.”

  “That what you wanted, babe?” Ranger’s tongue and lips were teasing his neck, the top of his shoulders. Aiden tilted his neck giving his mate more access.

  “Just move, please move.”

  “I have to take this slow.” Ranger’s voice caressed his ear. “It feels like forever since we’ve done this.”

  “I need to stop thinking.” Aiden bit his lip but the confession tumbled out anyway.

  “I’ll stop you thinking.”

  Ranger made good on his promise. His big body moved with grace and precision. His cock teased and tormented Aiden until he was a babbling mess. His hands scrabbled around on the covers, Ranger’s hands the only thing keeping him grounded. Everywhere his mate touched, Aiden’s body tingled. Ranger’s mouth scorched his skin as a trail of marks was left over his neck and shoulders and all the while, Ranger held him close. Intermittent endearments peppered Aiden’s ear. He wanted to respond but his brain wouldn’t work. All that came out of his mouth was gasps, moans and a plea for Ranger to never stop.

  It was his cock that signaled the end, or rather his balls. Ranger’s hand kept up a steady rhythm, enough to keep Aiden on the edge without pushing him over. But a finger brushing over his balls with every downstroke was hardening his balls at an alarming rate. All too soon… yep, Aiden couldn’t fight it. He gave a long groan as his cock spurted, making sure his ass tightened around Ranger.

  “Oh damn, your smell.” Ranger folded over Aiden’s side, his body gently shuddering as he reached his climax. Through the haze of afterglow, Aiden became aware of Ranger’s buttons digging into his side. He slid his legs back against his mate. “You still have your boots on,” he said with a chuckle.


  Ranger was well aware he was still dressed, and while it seemed like a good idea before the act, he wished he was naked now. Aiden was warm and relaxed in his arms and Ranger wanted to wallow in it. Unfortunately, he figured they probably had to talk before they headed downstairs. There were a few ramifications of the day’s events, Aiden probably hadn’t thought of.

  He carefully eased from Aiden’s body. “Stay here. I’ll be back in a second.”

  “Bathroom’s over there.” Aiden waved in the general direction of the corner of the room as he snuggled into the covers. Ranger found the bathroom. His mate’s room had all the mod-cons and the multi-headed shower gave him pause. Later, he told himself firmly. He stripped out of his clothes and washed himself off before grabbing a washcloth and going back into the bedroom. Aiden moved in response to his hands, movements he kept deliberately gentle.

  “Throw it on the floor,” Aiden muttered and Ranger was worried his mate would fall asleep. He couldn’t let that happen. Not just yet.

  Dropping the washcloth on the floor, Ranger climbed onto the bed and dragged up the spare blanket, covering them both. “Come on you,” he teased, “it’s not nap time yet.”

  “I feel safe with you and I fe
el like I could sleep for a week.” Aiden rolled over so they were facing each other. Ranger was struck by the trust in his mate’s eyes.

  “I’d never hurt you,” He promised softly, “but I’m not going to ignore the fact I killed two of your brothers today. I can’t apologize for doing what any decent mate would do, but I’d like to know how you feel about it now.”

  “Nothing,” Aiden said quickly, but then he thought for a moment. “Actually, that’s not true. I’m grieving the fact my brothers will never be who I’d hope they’d be. Does that make sense?”

  Ranger nodded. “I don’t have any family to share, unfortunately. Assassins have to be loners before they’re even considered for the program.”

  “Is it hard, your job?”

  Considering his answer, Ranger pulled Aiden close. As always, his mate melted in his arms. “I don’t take a life lightly,” he said at last, his fingers finding pleasure running over Aiden’s skin. “There are a lot of evil paranormals out there, just like humans. If killing someone saves an innocent, or a persecuted group then no, it’s not hard at all.”

  “Dominic asked you to kill me and you took the job.” Aiden wasn’t questioning him, Ranger understood that. He was trying to understand a lifestyle he had no experience with. That thought warmed Ranger’s heart.

  “I did that for two reasons,” he explained. “Firstly, I didn’t know it was you who was the target when I said yes. I just didn’t want another assassin in the camp with you there. Secondly, all four of us, the current assassins, we all get given jobs we don’t like. Many years ago, we all got together and decided that there were some things the council didn’t need to know about.”

  “You mean you don’t kill everyone you’re told to?” Aiden’s eyes were wide, but his hands were relaxed as they looped around Ranger’s neck.

  “Marcus and Shadow wouldn’t have killed you, even if I hadn’t been there,” Ranger said. “They would have done their homework; just like Cam and I do on every job we’re given. When they found out you were an innocent and your death was purely for financial gain, they would’ve hidden you until they could solve your problem for you.”


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