Nowhere to Ride

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Nowhere to Ride Page 7

by Andrew Grey

  Ky’s eyes glistened in the gleam from the floodlights in the yard, and Brodie arched his back as Ky pulled away, his hands trailing down Brodie’s chest. Damn, they felt good, and Ky knew just the pressure to use. Not too soft so it was tickly, and not hard enough to hurt. Just perfectly in the middle, and damned if Ky’s middle wasn’t sexy as all hell, especially when Brodie got to see it, smell it, touch it, and even taste up right up close. Because damned if he didn’t want it all.

  What really got Brodie’s motor humming was that Ky wasn’t all “I need to be in control all the time.” Brodie had been with a guy like that, and it wasn’t any fun. So when Brodie moved to take control and roll Ky on the bed, he had gone right along with him. And whoa boy, he let the party begin.

  “You’re like a live wire, aren’t you?” Ky asked with a grin. “It’s like you’re so full of energy, you don’t know where to settle. Not that that’s a bad thing.”

  “Well, let’s get these clothes off,” Brodie said, tugging away Ky’s shorts. Damn, Ky was amazing, his cock thick and full. It stretched toward his belly button, in perfect proportion to the rest of him.

  “What are you looking at?” Ky whispered.

  “You. The….” Brodie wanted to say something amazing, but words failed him. “I….” Instead, he leaned forward and kissed Ky hard, because he didn’t want to sound completely stupid and not use the right words. Well, maybe he just wanted to kiss him too.

  Ky tightened his arms around him, pressing the two of them even closer, heat building between them.

  “Ummm,” Brodie hummed once he came up for air. “Do you have stuff?” His clouded mind cleared for only a few seconds, but it was enough for him to wonder.

  Ky smoothed the hair out of Brodie’s eyes. “What stuff?” Then it seemed to click. “Oh, that stuff.” He shook his head, then groaned. “No. I haven’t had need of any stuff until right now, so….”

  “It’s okay. We’ll have to get some before we can do certain things.” Brodie shimmied his hips, and Ky whimpered quietly. Then he held Ky tighter, teasing him as he slowly slid downward. “But some things we can definitely still do.”

  Ky moaned softly as Brodie swirled his tongue around a pert nipple, licking his slightly salty skin, his fingers tracing the lines that years of hard work had etched on Ky’s belly. There was nothing soft on Ky. He was hard and drawn taut, which was super sexy, and Brodie made the most of the feast of maleness under him. As he got to his belly button, he kissed around it, letting his hands roam over Ky’s quivering abdomen. That sent a ripple of excitement through Brodie, knowing that he was the one making Ky shake. Brodie figured there weren’t many things that got to the sometimes-stoic cowboy, but knowing how he was able to break through that outer shell was really empowering.

  “Bro…die…,” Ky drawled as Brodie teased his fingers down Ky’s length to his heavy balls and then back upward. Ky shivered under him, and Brodie took his cock in hand and slowly sucked him between his lips.

  Tangy saltiness burst on his tongue as he took more of Ky, lowering his lips and relaxing his muscles. He had to admit that sucking wasn’t one of his greatest skills, but Ky’s moans and the way his hips flexed told Brodie that he was definitely doing something right. He took his time, and as he lowered his mouth over Ky’s cock, the whimpers became more frantic. Brodie was sure glad the door was closed to block out the sounds to the rest of the house. The walls held the noise in the room, and they filled it all with their own tones—pleasure, need, ecstasy—and each of them melded together and built as Ky clenched the bedding, his cries becoming desperate. Brodie took him harder before pulling away and stroking Ky, who cried out his release into the pillow he used to muffle the sound.

  Brodie paused, and Ky guided him up to his lips, their kiss sloppy but intense as Brodie was gathered into Ky’s arms and held tightly, almost cradled with so much care, and Ky slowly rolled onto his side, taking Brodie along with him. Soon his head rested on the pillow.

  “Ky…,” Brodie whispered frantically as Ky lightly squeezed his nipple between his fingers. “Oh God….” His leg shook as Ky sucked him between his lips, wet heat surrounding him. Brodie didn’t know what to concentrate on—the intensity of the heat and pressure from Ky’s lips, or the way his body sent a river of conflicting signals from his chest. All of it collided in his mind and morphed into an intense sensation that needed to either bloom or go away. Ky sucked harder, and it grew and took root, blossoming into an overwhelming need that began at the base of his spine, increasing and intensifying until Brodie could control it no longer. And just like that, his release slammed into him, catapulting him into a river of pleasure that he hoped would never stop.

  It was still dark when Brodie woke alone. He blinked and got out of bed. Brodie was still tired and checked the clock, groaning when he saw the hour. Just after five was not the time for anyone to be up and dressed, but he figured Ky had already gone to work. He checked on Emily, who was still fast asleep, with her three guardians raising their heads and blinking at him from their places on the bed. He returned to Ky’s bed and snuggled down under the covers, but didn’t go back to sleep right away.

  Things here were getting too comfortable, and that scared him. So did Ky and what he represented. Brodie could so easily get used to life here, and yet it could all be taken away so easily. He was here because of Ky’s good heart and generosity. But what if Brodie did something to change that? Had last night been one of those times? His shook his head to banish the thought. Last night had been special, and Brodie needed to stop wondering about everyone’s motives. Though the people who should have been willing to help him sure had ulterior motives of their own. It was becoming hard to know who to trust. And yet, everything he knew said that Ky was someone he could rely on. But he was scared to.

  Brodie got back out of bed and returned to the room he shared with Emily. He dressed quietly and left. He wasn’t going to get any more sleep, and he sure as hell needed something to take his mind off the worries that kept intruding on his mind. He sat on the sofa and turned on the television, keeping the volume down.

  “What are you doing out here?” Ky asked, waking Brodie from the doze he had fallen into. “Did I wake you when I got out of bed?”

  “No. But I was alone and….” Brodie was afraid to look at him. Maybe Ky regretted what happened and had left so he didn’t have to see him or talk about what they had done. “I’m fine.” He sat up as light streamed in through the windows. “I should check on Emily.”

  “She’s still sound asleep,” Ky told him. “Look, I….”

  Brodie sighed. He knew what was coming. “I’ve been thinking, and….” He caught Ky’s gaze and stopped, considering his words again. “I know what you’re going to say. That last night was a mistake and maybe Emily and I should start thinking about moving on.”

  “Is that what you want to do?” Ky asked, biting his lower lip. Brodie had never seen him do that before.

  “This is usually when things fall apart, isn’t it? People sleep together, and then everything goes to hell. It happens in the movies and stories and….” He swallowed.

  “And it’s happened to you?” Ky said, as though he could read Brodie’s mind. “We all make mistakes, but whoever the guy was who walked away from you was a fool.”

  Brodie shook his head. “I was the fool. I was too young and stupid to realize that Dean was just using me for sex, like I was some kind of conquest, and once he had what he wanted, that was it and he went right on to someone else.” He shrugged.

  “How old were you?” Ky asked.

  “Barely eighteen, and he was the first guy I fell in love with. You know, someone shows affection to a kid who knows he’s strange and different and not sure of himself. Well, I latched on like he was a lifeboat. Too bad I was too dumb to realize what a complete shit he was.” Brodie finally met Ky’s gaze. “He was twenty-six and old enough to know better.”

  “Well, unlike this Dean, who sounds like a complete loser, I
wasn’t coming out here to say last night was a mistake. I was going to ask if you wanted to go into town with me this evening. Aunt Rita will come over to watch Emily for a few hours, and I thought we could have dinner.” Ky took a step closer. “And just so you know, this is a date.” He held Brodie’s gaze. “And this should also put to rest any of this morning-after nonsense. I also thought we should look into a proper place for Emily to sleep. She needs a crib and things so she can be safe.” Ky enclosed him in his strong arms.

  “I guess I got scared that something bad had to follow something good.” Brodie leaned against Ky.

  “It’s okay. I don’t have the best track record with relationships.”

  “I see. When was your last one?” Brodie asked.

  Ky sighed into his ear and stiffened. “Two years ago.”

  Brodie pulled back enough to see Ky’s eyes. “That was just before all that crap with my cousin, wasn’t it?” Brodie got a sinking feeling in his stomach. “It isn’t a coincidence.”

  Ky shook his head. “My first and only real serious relationship so far was with Mason Tyler. That is, until Jacob found out, and that’s when everything between us went to hell. Then he died in that fire in the barn, and I was accused of setting the fire. You could say that the relationship not only ended badly, but I’m still living with the ramifications of it, every day.”

  Brodie could almost feel the air being ripped out of his lungs. “You and Mason.” He felt his mouth hang open. “I never knew.”

  “No one did,” Ky said softly. “Mason was amazing, and I fell in love with him. Of course, your cousin would never condone something like Mason falling in love with another man. That just wasn’t something that was supposed to happen. So we had to be careful and really quiet about it. He and I used to go camping on weekends. We’d pack a tent and head out somewhere on the property here, spending time outdoors like old-time cowboys. He and I hunted during the day and spent the nights together in that small tent. I had him to myself for almost a year, and he was getting ready to tell Jacob that he was gay and that he was leaving home. Then Jacob found us kissing in the barn, and all hell broke loose. He yelled and screamed at Mason and me, accusing me of corrupting Mason. But Mason stood up to him. It was amazing the way he took on his father.”

  Brodie held Ky, because it looked like he needed it. The way his eyes filled with hurt and loneliness was almost too much. “What did you do?

  “I remember returning to the house here and getting myself completely shitfaced. I know I remember thinking that I should go back over there and try to help Mason, but I never did and fell asleep.” Ky shook his head. “Stupidest thing I ever did. There are certain things that I remember. But mostly I passed out until the police came and got me once Jacob told them that I had set fire to the barn and that Mason had been killed when the roof collapsed. I was charged with all kinds of things. The sheriff insisted that I had set the fire and supposedly had evidence. It all fell apart in court, but by then, Jacob had been spreading his version of what happened, so even after the court found me not guilty and the judge had the charges dismissed, Jacob continued to cause trouble for me. He tells everyone and anyone that I killed his son.”

  Brodie couldn’t believe it. “You never went back to the barn once Jacob found you and Mason, did you?”

  Ky shook his head. “Not that I remember. Jacob and the sheriff tried to paint it that I was so drunk, I wouldn’t know what I did. But since I was here on the ranch, it didn’t make sense that I could get back there. Also, my mom was a tiger, and she went after both of them with a vengeance. Mom told me that she always knew I would never have done something like that because I loved Mason too much to ever hurt him.” Ky clung to him. “But I don’t know what did happen to him. I was never able to find out, and as far as I know, the sheriff thinks I did it and never looked any further. So half the people in town think I was the one responsible for Mason’s death, and the rest don’t know what to think but pretty much keep to themselves.”

  “Because none of them want to get on Jacob’s bad side. He’s a vindictive twat, that I know. All he wants is to have everyone around him do exactly what he wants, and he’ll make everyone’s life miserable until they just give up and let him have his way. That’s how my mother described him, and I should have listened before I came out here and asked for his help.” Brodie pressed his eyes closed and leaned against Ky. “But then I never would have met you. Though I’m still trying to figure out if that’s a good thing or not.”

  Ky stiffened. “I see. You think I’m lying?”

  Brodie shook his head. “Of course not. I believe you. But I could get so used to being here with you. And what if things don’t work out? What if you don’t like me or if I do something wrong? Then I’d have to leave, and the longer I’m here, the harder it will be to go. Emily already loves you, and dammit, things here are going too good to believe. Yeah, my asshole cousin is trying to stir up trouble, but an asshole will be an asshole, and there’s nothing we can do about him. At least not right now. But….” He held on to Ky. “I’m scared, okay? It seems that everything I have in the world is right here, and it all depends on you, and….” It was almost too much. Still, he held on to Ky like he was a lifeline, because letting him go right now would shatter him.

  “Do you just care for me because I let you and Emily live here?” Ky asked, and Brodie shook his head.

  “No. But things can still go to shit,” Brodie said. “They have a history of doing just that for me.”

  Ky was quiet for a second. “Then how about this. If things work out, then that’s wonderful… and if they don’t, then you and Emily can move into the hand’s quarters. Dad didn’t build just a bunkhouse—it’s like three small apartments. And you could just work here, if that’s what you wanted. So let that worry go.”

  Brodie held him tighter, because no matter what, Ky was offering him a chance at a place to raise Emily and to have a roof over their heads.

  “And speaking of your sister, I think the little one is waking up. So you should go get her, and then we can get some breakfast. There’s work I need to get done, and Aunt Rita will be over later so you and I can go to dinner. Okay?”

  Brodie swallowed around the lump in his throat and nodded just before Ky kissed him. That was one problem talked through. Now if he could just figure out how to deal with his cousin.

  C hapter Seven

  “I’m going to jump in the shower. Aunt Rita said she’ll be here in fifteen minutes, and then we can go into town.” Ky was excited and paused quickly to give Brodie a kiss and Emily a tickle. She wasn’t having it and just fussed until Ky lifted her away from Brodie and blew raspberries on her belly. Then she laughed, but returned to the fussing as soon as he had to give her back. Clearly Emily wanted someone other than her brother.

  “She’s been like this for the last two hours.” Brodie seemed a little at wit’s end.

  “Try taking her out to see the horses. She may be a little bored, and she always loves them.” Ky tried peekaboo, but Emily just fussed and squirmed to get down. Even the dogs couldn’t calm her.

  “She isn’t hungry or thirsty, and her diaper is fine. You go clean up while she and I take a walk.” Brodie took Emily’s hand, and she walked along with him, still sniffling, but thankfully it seemed to die down. The dogs all followed like they were Emily’s personal security.

  Ky hurried to the bathroom, undressed, and tossed his dirty clothes into the hamper, then took a shower. It felt good to get clean and cool off. The day had been a scorcher, but the work needed to get done, and he was making progress bringing the ranch back up to where it should be.

  Once clean and dry, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to his bedroom. There was no sound in the house, so he dressed in clean jeans and a white shirt before plopping his cowboy hat on his head and pulling on his good boots. Still not hearing anyone come in, he went outside.

  The dogs barking frantically pulled his attention, and he raced across
the yard toward the barn. Emily stood on a hay bale, the dogs all jumping and barking around her while Brodie closed one of the stall doors.

  “What happened?”

  “One of the empty stall doors was unlocked, and Emily tried to go inside. I stopped her, and she wasn’t too happy. The dogs started barking, and I needed to get the door closed.” He latched it, and Ky picked up Emily.

  “You can’t go in there, little lady. No, you can’t. They can have horses in there, and they’re big,” he said, and she pointed. “Yes. Those are horses. And I know you think they’re your friends, but they are strong and don’t know where they’re putting their feet sometimes.” His heart rate began to calm, and Ky could just imagine how revved up Brodie was. Emily seemed to be picking up on their discomfort and started whimpering. Ky bounced her and then gave her a tickle to calm her before settling Emily on his hip and holding Brodie with his other arm. “She’s okay, and the stall was empty. I’ll talk to Ben and make sure that all of them are kept closed.” He gently kissed Brodie and then flew Emily like an airplane, getting plenty of giggles. “Are you hungry?”

  “Do,” Emily said, squirming to get at the dogs. Ky headed for the house, with the dogs following, and once inside, he put Emily down. She went right for the canine minipack, who sat and basically let her crawl over them. At least King and Prince did. Misty jumped onto one of the kitchen chairs, watching the proceedings from on high.

  “How is our little girl?” Aunt Rita asked as she whisked in through the back door.


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