More than Scars

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More than Scars Page 29

by Brocious, Sarah

  A slow grin parted his lips, and he took his glass back. He turned the glass so that he could sip from exactly where I had…that was kind of sexy. He took a long drink, as if he was drinking a glass of milk. He handed me the glass and I took another drink.

  This time he chuckled at my face. “I would drink you under the table little girl.”

  I frowned…took a look at what was left in the glass…maybe a shots worth and lifted my brow to him before throwing it back. It burned like fire and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to breathe again. I started to sputter and fight to draw in a breath. I felt the cup taken from my hand and then there was his mouth on mine, chasing all the burn away with his lips and tongue. A different kind of burn took its place.

  My hands found themselves in his hair and his arms crushed me to his chest.

  Liam Byrne knew how to kiss. I didn’t have many to measure him by so in correction…Liam Byrne knew how to kiss me! My body was in instant response mode to his.

  This is how we could forget for a moment…how we could muddle our memories and at the same time clear our heads!

  One of his hands moved to the small of my back, pressing me nearer to him. I nestled into his chest. His other hand reached up to grip the back of my neck gently. He held me firmly and slowed his kiss now, as if to savor it.

  He tasted like whiskey and sweetness and his lips were so soft. I wanted more, but he held me firmly and came at me tenderly. There was no rush in him anymore…there was only worship and an underlying excitement that he was holding at bay. Liam was good at hiding almost everything…why wouldn’t he be good at controlling desire as well?

  “You want me,” I whispered against his lips.

  “Do I?”

  “Yes,” I sighed, brushing my lower lip against his upper lip, growing frustrated when he didn’t respond. “So just kiss me like you really want to.”

  He tilted his head. “You are so sure I want you?” He tisked gently with his tongue. There was a teasing glow in his eyes.

  I smiled wickedly at him. “It is not difficult to tell when a man desires you Mr. Byrne…especially when you happen to be sprawled on top of him with not an inch of separation! Do you want to continue teasing me?”

  He blushed

  My heart fluttered. I smiled and kissed his beautiful mouth. He responded with more enthusiasm now and let go of his grip of me. His lips moved to my neck and I sighed. “Do you love me Nerissa?”

  His words had me pulling back to look him in the eye. Of course I loved him! The fact that I had to say it seemed ridiculous…but I wanted to say it. There was still one matter.

  “Do you trust me Liam?”

  He cleared his throat. He swiftly took me off his lap and got to his feet.

  I jumped to mine as he moved for the door. “Liam,” I cried with disbelief. There was no way he was leaving!

  He came to the door and deftly turned the lock.

  I was silenced. My heart thumped in my chest.

  He turned back to me, stalked me like prey and pulled me against his chest. His lips came to my ear and I shivered. “I will not be interrupted with you again.”

  I looked up at him now. I saw the fear and uncertainty in his eyes…but I saw the trust there too. We had come to that moment. I tugged his hand and made him sit down again and quickly straddled his legs, making myself comfortable in his lap. His hands came to rest on my hips.

  I took in a deep breath and ran my hands gently up his chest, over his shoulders, up his neck and into his hair. I leaned in and kissed him sweetly. My fingertips touched the tie of the mask now and I paused. I felt his own fingers flex at my hips.

  I pulled the tie with one hand and held the mask carefully with the other. His eyes closed and it broke my heart. “Open your eyes to me,” I whispered. He obeyed and I could see his agony. “I have loved you from the moment I met you Liam.” My voice trembled.

  “I trust you.” His voice was rough and lovely and his eyes slammed shut.

  I took away the mask and there was my Liam. The man I loved who had been hiding from me all of this time. The beautifully scarred man who’s very face set my heart racing at this moment. The sight was shocking at first and I took a moment just to take him in. It was sureal. I pulled in deep breaths, trying to keep the tears away, but they were there. I sobbed, wretching sobs broke from me and he was trembling, unable to open his eyes.

  He buried his face into my chest now. “I knew it would be too much,” he groaned. His body shook.

  I buried my face into his hair now. “Oh my Liam my Liam my Liam,” I whispered, controlling my sobs now. My fingers ran through his hair and I struggled with my emotions now. I was shaking almost as much as he was. “My love, your face,” I murmured nonsensically.

  “I would understand if you left,” he whispered back.

  I forced him back against the couch now and frowned at him. ‘Why would I leave?” He would not open his eyes to me.

  He turned his face. “Your reaction. I know what I look like…”

  “Liam,” I whispered, grasping his jaw and pulling his face back to mine. “Don’t.”

  “Nerissa I understand.” He tried to pull away, ducking his head.

  I lifted his face back up, cupping it in my hands. My thumbs brushed along his jaw. “I was not reacting in fear or repulsion,” I growled. I leaned in and brushed my lips to his. “Liam…that was joy.” I started to laugh. It was a silly time to laugh, but I had no other emotion left in me…just joy. I tenderly touched the scar now…my fingers knew it, but my eyes didn’t. “I’m looking at you.” I leaned in and set my lips to it as well and heard the deep intake of his breathing.

  His warm eyes opened to me and I forgot how to breathe. “Now you are looking at me,” he corrected softly. There was uncertainty in his voice.

  I nodded, catching a break on the breathing thing. My lips traced the scar once more and I returned to his lips kissing him deeply. “I love you,” I sighed.

  He reacted swiftly. My body was rolled beneath his on the couch and his body settled over me as he took my mouth possessively.

  The excitement I felt could not be matched. The aggressive possessiveness he used was what I loved about him, and I let him take control. My fingers found their way into his hair and my knee hitched over his hip.

  There was a knock at the door and Liam growled deep in his throat. He used his great shoulders to prop himself up and glared at the door. “Yes,” he barked roughly.

  “Sir, the police have returned.” It was Stewart.

  Liam dragged in a deep breath and a tremor ran through the great body. He buried his face against my neck and tried to calm himself. “One moment.”

  I was pulling in calm breaths too, trying to remain still.

  “Yes sir.”

  Liam lifted his head and looked down on me. “Maybe you should get some sleep?”

  I looked up into the face I wanted to memorize. I traced his features tenderly and gave a slight nod. “Unless you need me.”

  He smiled broadly. “I need you,” he chuckled…just…not with the police. Those brown eyes held me captive.

  I lifted my face and kissed him. “You will have to remove your sizeable weight then Mr. Byrne.”

  He sighed and got up, easily taking my weight with him. He sat up on the couch and held me there, straddling his lap. He pressed his face into my neck and breathed in deeply. It was then that reality again set in for both of us.

  A chill ran down my spine. “Why are they back?”

  “Don’t worry about it my love.”

  “Liam…” My arms tightened about his neck. “I have something else to tell you. I don’t just know about him being in the house.” I sat back reluctantly and reached into my pocket. Carefully I held out the ring. “It’s my…my Dad’s.”

  His eyes lifted to mine. Fear swept through the dark depths of his own. “Where did you find this?”

  My fingers were trembling again and he gently took the ring from the palm of m
y hand so I wouldn’t drop it. I blinked back tears.


  “My room.”

  He swallowed hard and his hand trembled as he clenched his fist around the ring. “I want you to go up now so I can speak to the police. Make sure your door is locked…the girls too. Wait for me there.” He wrapped his arm around my waist and stood to his feet. He held me until my feet were firmly planted on the ground. His eyes held mine and then he dipped his chin to kiss me softly. “I love you…I will make sure this is made right.”

  I nodded, lifting up on my tiptoes to kiss him back. It earned me a smile that made my tummy flutter. He turned me toward the door. I peeked over my shoulder. “Do you need help with your mask?”

  His eyes softened and he shook his head. “I think my time of hiding is over.”

  My heart leapt and a feeling of joy warmed me to my toes despite the chill of fear that had overtaken me.

  He leaned past me to open the door to Stewart. Stewart looked relieved to see us both.

  As if to prove his point, Liam stopped me before I left and turned me back, right in front of Stewart. He lifted my chin to meet his gaze. “I won’t be long.” He gifted me with a smile.

  I smiled back, especially after hearing Stewart’s pleased murmur. My hand lifted to his face and I brushed a thumb over the mark I was starting to adore. He turned his lips into my palm.

  “Wait for me,” he whispered.

  I reluctantly left my man behind and hurried back to the rooms. I entered the girl’s room first, locking their doors and then back into my rooms, locking my own. I locked the door leading to Liam’s room too. I sat on the bed and then jumped when my phone began to buzz. I grabbed it up. It was late and I knew a call this late could only be bad news. My heart sank at the caller identification.

  “Al,” I whispered hoarsely. “Oh my God Al, you will never believe…”

  “Riss come home…now.” His voice was a dead panic.

  “I can’t,” I cried. “The police are here…there was a letter…Dad’s ring…” I began to sob. I covered my mouth. I didn’t want to wake up the girls.

  “I know!” he shouted.

  “Liam is talking to them…”

  “You have to come home now,” he groaned. “Like, now.”

  “I can’t…”

  “He has Mom Rissa…and he won’t talk to me. He wants you. He says you will know where to find them.”

  I swear my heart stopped. I struggled for my next breath.

  “I don’t care how you get out of there but you have to come home…and you cannot alert Liam…and you especially cannot tell the police. He says he’ll hurt her,” his voice cracked into a full on sob. “God Rissa I’m a damn cop…and my hands are tied…we…we can’t let him hurt her!”

  I was seeing the black spots before my vision, but drew in deep breaths to hold it together. “I’m coming,” I whispered shakily. “I will be home soon. Stay calm brother.” I ended the call and immediately began tearing my pajamas off to dress. I didn’t know how I was going to do it…but I was going to make it to my brother in record time. Nothing was stopping me.

  Chapter 21 Old Fears

  I was just about to exit the side door on the servant’s side when my wrist was grabbed. I nearly screamed, but held it in. Swinging around I expected to find Liam…it was Ian.

  “Where are you going?” He demanded. His blue eyes were not happy.

  I shivered from the cold air that was now blasting through the open door. If we didn’t get through it the alarm would beep. I tugged my wrist to no avail. “Please, Ian, I have to go.”

  “Not before you answer my question,” he whispered back hoarsely.

  I looked at the alarm pad desperately. “Grab that coat…shove into those shoes…but please, I have to keep moving Ian.”

  He obeyed swiftly and with trust, making it out the door before the alarm could begin its trill. He grumbled the whole time though. “If I hadn’t been in the kitchen to get a snack…where would you be heading?” He grabbed my arm again as I was fairly running toward the garages. “Stop,” he demanded, grabbing my shoulders and turning me back.

  Tears started. “I can’t Ian…I have to go. I can’t tell you why…you will tell Liam and I can’t have him know! I just…I have to get home!”

  He shook me a bit. “Why are you crying?”

  I lowered my gaze.

  “Did Liam say or do something to hurt you?”

  I shook my head and began to sob and shiver all at once. It was so cold…and it was starting to snow. The shivering got worse. It was snowing that night! This could not feel more foreboding.

  “Then why are you crying?” his voice softened.

  “I have to get home.”

  “Something happen with Liam,” he growled.

  I shook my head. “No, it was just starting to be perfect,” I whispered. “And now my past is here again to ruin it.”


  “I have to get home!” I was feeling panicked now. “Al is waiting on me.”

  Ian tilted my chin so I had to meet his compassionate gaze. “Tell me what happened with Liam because I’m still not convinced this isn’t about him.”

  “He loves me…I told him I love him,” I spit out and then smiled sadly. “He let me take off his mask,” I whispered. “And I found him flawless.”

  The blue eyes lit. “Nerissa that is wonderful!”

  I shook my head.


  “The crazy man who was in the house? He was my father’s…” I trembled as the snow started falling harder. “And now its going to ruin everything and…I have to go!”

  “But why?”

  I tried to pull from him, but he wasn’t having any of it. “Please!”

  “Be quick and tell me then! We are friends aren’t we?”

  “You can’t tell anyone! It’s important!”

  “You tell me what’s going on and I will decide if it is important! I will help you leave the premises if it is important! Because trust me…you aren’t getting out of here without me!”

  I blinked up at him.

  “That’s right…I’m coming with you…regardless. Now speak.”

  His compassion won me over and I was stumbling over my own words. I let out the whole ugly plan of a crazy man. By the end, Ian’s blues at gone dark navy. He grasped my hand and we ran for the garage.

  “Liam will be done with the officers soon and note your disappearance. He will give word to the gate to not allow anyone out. We have to be quick.” We forewent my tiny car and jumped into his faster more reliable. We were allowed through no questions with Liam in the driver’s seat. I began to realize…I would not have made it off of the property without him. His presence in the kitchen had been a God send!

  The snow was beginning to stick to the roads as we raced to my mother’s house, but I did not have time to fear the bad weather. I needed to get to my brother. I needed to get to his phone.

  “You didn’t bring your phone did you?” Ian suddenly asked, as if reading my mind.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t want Liam following me.

  “Good girl,” Ian sighed. “I didn’t know if you had figured out the tracker. That’s why he panicked so bad the day you took the girls and then not so bad the couple times you left the property after that…you took your phone those times. He feels in control when he knows he can at least get to you if he needed to. You know what this is going to do to him…don’t you?”

  I felt tears on my cheeks again. “It’s going to wreck him…but what choice do I have?”

  “You don’t,” he sighed. He drove us the rest of the way safely and silently, having been to my mother’s several times before.

  We hurried up the stoop and I pushed my way into the building.

  Al threw open the door for me and pulled me into a bear hug, choking on his own tears. “I didn’t think you were going to make it tonight!”

  It was nearly three in the morning. I wondered if a
nything would happen tonight anyway. I wanted so desperately just to have my mother back!

  “What is he doing here?” Al growled. He seemed a little enraged as he eyed Ian. “Why did you bring him?”

  “I had no choice! Ian helped me get here,” I soothed him. “Liam was starting to put the place on shut down…he was my only way out.”

  Ian stood there in his pajama bottoms, borrowed shoes, and Liam’s spare coat…looking a little out of place. He shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “Come in,” I said softly, ushering him in. I closed and locked the door behind him.

  “Does anyone else know?” Al asked in desperation.

  “No one,” I promised him. “Ian and I both left our phones at home…so no chance of a trace.” I went for Al’s phone and scrolled through the recent calls. All were blocked of course.

  “Liam will know by now that you are gone,” Ian said softly. He sat down on the couch. “Probably that I am gone now too.” He ran a hand through his dark hair, He is probably freaking out!”

  I drew in a breath and looked to Al. “Can’t we tell him anything? He could do something crazy…that would jeopardize things worse if he is left in the dark. We should at least let him know we are safe. His first thought will be foul play.”

  Al nodded.

  I shrugged out of my coat and reached for Ian’s.

  “But you left through the gate. You will be on security. Maybe he will think you ran away together?” Al looked from Ian to me.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “We can’t tell him what’s going on Riss…and you are right…he can’t do something rash…so he has to know you are safe…but more than safe. He has to think you are untouchable for now. He can’t be tempted to come after you.”

  “He knows Ian and I are friends…he would never believe I would up and…”

  “He knows your emotional state when it comes to Dad…he will think you had a break…realized your true feelings…”


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