Dare to Love

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Dare to Love Page 3

by Carly Phillips

  “What did she need from me?” Ian asked, ignoring any reference to how close Riley and Alex were. Even if it was friendship, it had come between Ian and the woman he wanted. He found it difficult to contain his jealousy.

  Alex paused, looking torn, before he said, “It’s not my story to tell, and besides, it’s too late anyway.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Ian asked.

  “Is Riley okay?” Robert demanded. “I care about that girl like a daughter.”

  “As if you don’t have enough of those,” Ian muttered.

  His father’s face blanched, his skin color leaching out. “She practically lived in our house growing up. If something’s wrong, I want to know.”

  “You know Riley. She’s always okay or pretends to be,” Alex said. “She’s independent and proud and you know it. You also know why. It took enough for her to call him.” Alex jerked a finger at Ian.

  “But if one of us can help—” Robert said, only to be cut off by the abrupt swinging of Alex’s hand.

  “Let her handle her own shit. I’ve learned it’s the only way to keep her in my life.”

  Alex turned back to Ian. “I came here because I was furious, and you deserved to know you fucked up. But it’s too late now. There’s nothing anyone can do.”

  There were so many questions raised by Alex’s statement Ian didn’t know where to begin. From her always pretending to be okay, to her being proud and independent, Alex and their father were privy to why. Ian wasn’t.

  But he wanted to know. Needed to understand her even if it meant digging deeper than she’d be comfortable with. He was also smart enough not to ask questions his half brother wouldn’t answer.

  “Give me her number,” Ian said. “The least I can do is apologize.”

  Alex scowled at him. “Go to hell. She doesn’t need your help anymore. And she sure as hell doesn’t need to be another one of your conquests.”

  “Hey.” Ian grabbed his shoulder.

  Alex shrugged him away. “Back off.”

  “Just give me her damned number.”

  “Not happening, and don’t think you can look her up in the phone book. She’s unlisted.”

  With that, he stormed off, leaving Ian where he’d started, about to walk away from his father.

  Before he could take leave, his father placed a hand on Ian’s shoulder, surprising him and causing an old memory to surface. Robert, getting ready to leave for a business trip, wearing a suit, and placing his hand on ten-year-old Ian’s shoulder. “Take care of your mother and siblings, son.”

  At the time, Ian had been puffed up and proud his father trusted him with the job. Looking back, the request was as much of an illusion as his childhood had been. No ten-year-old could possibly take on that responsibility. It was just something a parent said to make his kid feel important. But the reality was, that had been Ian’s job for way too long.

  He stood stiffly, refusing to give his father the satisfaction of shoving him away, and waited for him to finish.

  “You all don’t have to pay for my sins, son. You could get to know each other. You could be brothers.”

  His suit jacket suddenly too tight, Ian broke into an uncomfortable sweat. “What part of that conversation indicated either of us wants that?”

  “You’re both men with huge egos. Neither of you is willing to bend first. But you’re the oldest. Maybe you won’t give me a second chance, but you should give your other siblings a first one. You’re all family.”

  Though he hated giving his father a glimpse into his feelings, Ian raised a hand to his throbbing temple. “Isn’t it enough I take care of my brothers, sisters, and mother after you couldn’t be bothered? I’m there for them.”

  “If you ever need me…” His father trailed off as Ian turned to go.

  Suddenly, he realized his father had something Ian wanted…or if he didn’t have it, he had access. He turned back to the older man. “You can do something for me.”

  “What is it?” Robert asked, hope in his voice.

  “I need to get in touch with Riley. Phone number, address, something. Can you get me that?”

  Disappointment flooded Robert’s face before he schooled his expression. “I’ll give you her number if you do something for me in return.”

  The calculating son of a bitch, Ian thought. “What is it?” he bit out.

  “Reach out to Sienna and the boys. Invite them to lunch or dinner.” Robert eyed him speculatively, clearly eager to see what he’d do.

  Ian gritted his teeth and didn’t answer.

  “I thought apologizing to Riley was important to you.”

  “It is.”

  His father’s deal begged the question, did Ian want access to Riley Taylor badly enough to extend an olive branch to his father’s other family?

  Her scent came back to him vividly, a fruity blend that had knocked him on his ass and had him daydreaming of her ever since. The thought of putting any kind of pain in those blue eyes was like slicing his own skin, yet apparently he’d done just that. He needed to fix it. But first he needed to know what the hell he’d done by not returning her call.

  Hell yes, she was worth it.

  Ian forced out the words. “I’ll invite Sienna for lunch.”

  Robert’s narrowed gaze settled on Ian. “That’s a start.”

  If Ian had wondered where he got his business sense, he now knew. “I’ll include Alex and Jason too,” he muttered.

  Robert nodded, clearly pleased. “Good. Savannah has Riley’s information in her phone,” he said of his current wife and Sienna, Alex, and Jason’s mother. “I’ll send it over to you later today.”

  “Fine.” Ian wasn’t about to thank the man for something he’d bribed him for.

  Looks like he had a family reunion to plan. Because Riley Taylor had gotten to him that much.


  Riley pulled up to the gate surrounding Alex’s mansion on Star Island and entered the key code, letting herself in and driving down his long driveway. Alex’s house was a far cry from the small apartment in Miami where Riley lived, but she was used to her best friend’s wealth. He had his main house here and a luxury apartment in Tampa for during the season. He needed his privacy, and thanks to the one road in and out along with the guardhouse at the entrance, Alex was away from the prying eyes of rabid fans.

  She parked in a guest spot on his driveway, and a few minutes later, she and Alex sat on the floor in his man cave, as he called it, eating pizza he’d had delivered.

  “You’re really a good friend, letting me cry on your shoulder like this.”

  He shot her one of his patented, are you an idiot looks. “Like you’d do anything different for me?”

  She stretched her legs out in front of her, leaning her head back on the couch behind her. “I just can’t believe it. I worked so hard for so long. And everything came down to one long shot.”

  She grabbed a soda instead of a beer, knowing she had to drive home later.

  “You’ll find something. You’re talented, and you’ve got a kick-ass resume,” Alex said in an attempt to reassure her.

  She smiled at his unwavering support. “I’ll give myself a short window to wallow in self-pity, and then I’m picking myself up and moving on.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you. When things get rough, you never give in.”

  “Nope.” Because if she had, she’d have become like her mother, and the one thing Riley had promised herself was, she would never be any man’s doormat.

  “I could make a few calls. Get your foot in the door at—”

  “No. Thank you, but no. I can find something on my own.”

  Alex frowned. “Yet you had no problem calling him.”

  She raised her shoulders, unable to explain why she’d used Ian’s name to try and save her job, even to herself.

  “Never mind. You were desperate. I get it.” Alex repeated what he’d said the first time she told him what she’d done. She’d been so
upset with herself, and she’d felt worse when he hadn’t even gotten angry. He’d merely pulled her into a hug.

  When Alex was being rational, his jealousy and bitterness over how Ian treated him didn’t come into play. She’d always sensed Alex would be more open to Ian and his brothers if Ian would do the same.

  Alex took a long pull of beer. “The least he could have done was return your call.”

  “Well, maybe it’s for the best. You know how much I hate asking for help. This way, I don’t owe him anything.”

  An annoyed sound rumbled from deep in Alex’s chest. “Yes, your best friend who makes millions knows how much you hate asking, taking, or even accepting help.”

  She shrugged, knowing how much she frustrated him, living in her one-bedroom apartment without a doorman. He considered her like one of his sisters and wanted her to move to a better neighborhood, but she was happy in her space and wanted to live on her own salary. She’d always felt the need to prove she could stand on her own, was worthy on her own merits, no matter what her father used to say.

  “You’re a pain in the ass,” he said.

  “At least you know I love you for yourself.”

  “Amen to that, sweetheart.” He tipped his bottle her way. “I still can’t believe the SOB didn’t call you back,” Alex said, returning to the subject of Ian. “It’s not like I left the damn message,” he muttered.

  Remembering that kiss and the electricity that had practically crackled in the air around them, she was surprised too. Hadn’t Ian been at least curious about what she’d wanted? If she weren’t so upset about her career and her future, her feminine ego might be hurt.

  “I nearly kicked his ass today,” Alex said.

  Riley choked on her soda. “You did what? Where did you see him?” She sat up straighter.

  “I headed over to the draft hotel. I figured he needed to know what a selfish asshole he is.”

  “Alex,” she groaned. She closed her eyes and leaned back against the sofa. “Couldn’t you have left it alone?” Embarrassment already filled her at the thought of Ian’s ignoring her call, let alone Alex confronting him over it.

  “No, I could not. He needed to be taken down a peg. But don’t worry. Dad was there, so we didn’t get violent.”

  She glared at him from across the table.

  “And I didn’t tell him you lost your job either.”

  She exhaled long and hard. “Well, at least you spared me that.”

  He grinned. “Did I mention some of my teammates are coming by for poker tonight? You up to staying? You know the guys enjoy your company.”

  She groaned. “No thanks.” She made a face. She wasn’t in the mood for the guys or their crude humor.

  He rose to his feet, collecting the pizza box. She stood and grabbed the empties. They cleaned up with an ease born of years of friendship. “Appreciate you being here for me,” she said again.

  “Always, Ri.” He reached out to ruffle her hair, but, expecting the move, she ducked before he could reach her.

  By the time she arrived home, she was exhausted. It didn’t help that during the drive home, she’d mentally mapped out her future options, which mostly consisted of sending resumes to the big sports and distribution chains, some out of state. The thought of having to start over, prove her worth, and work her way back up the corporate ladder once more made her sick.

  She loved Miami and didn’t want to leave her stepmother or Alex and her other friends. There were other smaller local companies she planned to scope out, so all wasn’t lost yet. And until all was lost, she wouldn’t mention it to Alex. He’d only get upset and insist on helping. Obviously, people would bend over backwards to help the superstar, and his best friend by extension, but Riley really wanted to try and find a job on her own first.

  She let herself into her building, walked up one flight to her apartment, and was startled to find someone waiting outside her door. Even in the dimly lit hall, she recognized Ian Dare’s tall frame, dark hair, and handsome features. Excitement bubbled up inside her, followed by wariness.

  “Finally,” he said, leading her to believe he’d been standing there awhile.

  She fought against her rapidly beating heart. “What are you doing here?”

  He pushed off the wall and strode toward her. “Do you realize I walked into the building without being buzzed in? I just followed behind a couple who were too busy groping each other to pay attention to who was entering behind them.”

  He didn’t have to further sum up his point. Riley already knew the argument well from Alex and her stepmom. “It’s perfectly safe. I carry mace and I’m careful. And you still haven’t answered my question.”

  Ian ran a hand through his hair, taking the time to tamp down on the anger that had been brewing inside him as he waited for her in this tiny hall that, despite her claim, was far from safe.

  Not for a woman with her full breasts and curvy hips. Not for a woman with that mass of untamed hair and wild beauty, dressed in a short denim skirt with a ruffled edge and black sleeveless top that bared a hint of her stomach.

  He fought for control over his libido and the desire to take her in every way imaginable. “I realize I didn’t return your call, but I’m here now.”

  She met his gaze, brave and unwavering. “Go home. Whatever I needed from you, it’s too late now.”

  His eyes narrowed. “That’s what Alex said, but he refused to elaborate. He said it was your business, so I came to the source. I was busy this week. I had meetings for the draft, and I couldn’t call you back.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Bull. I’m guessing there are a whole host of reasons why you didn’t get back to me. At the top of the list is that you hate Alex.”

  “I don’t hate him.” He clenched his hands and released them again, searching for focus. “Riley, you left me a message. Just tell me why.”

  “It’s too late.” She walked toward him as she spoke.

  She passed him by, heading for her door, key in hand. “I already lost my job,” she said as she slipped inside her apartment.

  The door slammed closed behind her, leaving him basking in her scent.

  “Son of a bitch.” He knocked hard.

  When she didn’t answer, he tried again.

  And again.

  Worst-case scenario, he’d settle into the hallway for the night and wait to catch her when she left again in the morning. Unwilling to do that, he banged on the door again.

  In the middle of his knock, she swung the door open wide.

  “Fine. Come in,” she said, her eyes narrowed and wary.

  He stepped inside. Once enclosed in her small apartment, her luscious scent wrapped around him once more. His cock took a definite hit as desire filled him along with that burning need only she inspired. Knowing those feelings wouldn’t be welcome, he took in her space. Bright colors on the walls, eclectic pieces of furniture, and a warm feel. She knew how to take a tiny area and make it feel like a true home.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” she asked.

  “No. I just want to know what happened.”

  She expelled a deep breath, causing her breasts to rise and fall beneath the flimsy material. He glanced down, trying not to ogle her cleavage because that made him want to test the weight of her breasts. And once he started touching her, he wouldn’t be able to stop. Instead, he noticed her toenails were painted a bright orange, one toe surrounded by a thin silver ring. Even her fucking feet were sexy.

  “I worked for Blunt Sporting Goods,” she said, unaware of his train of thought. “I was head of their distribution and sales department. The company was sold; the new boss is an ass and began laying people off. I pulled a Hail Mary and told him I had an in with you, that I could get some of our products distributed to the team. He gave me until Friday to get back to him with something substantial. I called. You didn’t. End of story.” She strode over to the door and swung it open, obviously eager to get rid of him.

  He stared in stunn
ed surprise. “You told him that after meeting me for the first time on Saturday night?”

  She raised her chin. “Yep.”

  “After our kiss.”

  Her cheeks turned a healthy pink. “Mmm-hmm.”

  “After you walked away from me without a second glance.”

  She blinked up at him. “I looked back,” she said softly.

  He narrowed his gaze. “You’ve got nerve.”

  “So I’ve been told.” She grinned.

  He smiled back.

  She obviously realized they were sharing a moment and turned off the megawatt grin. “So now you know. You can go now.” She tilted her chin toward the hallway.

  Pride. She had it in spades and didn’t like him knowing she’d lost her job. He respected that. Too bad he wasn’t about to leave her now.

  He shook his head, silently telling her he was staying. The guilt he’d felt when his brother told him he’d caused Riley problems was only magnified now that he knew how. Based on how angry Alex had been on her behalf, he cared about her deeply. He looked after her. And that was something else Ian could respect. Friendship with his half brother, Ian could work around.

  But first, there was the issue of her job.

  “I realize you don’t know me, but you’re going to. Because you brought me into your world by calling me, I caused a problem for you. Now I’m obligated to fix it.”

  She leaned against the still-open door. “You can’t, because we both know you’re committed to whoever you already purchase from, and I shouldn’t have opened my big mouth.”

  So she’d realized the way of things in the business. Although that ought to alleviate his guilt over her losing her job, it didn’t. “Maybe not, but if I’d returned your call, there are other people I could have referred you to who could have given your company business.”

  “We’ll never know, now will we?”

  “About that? No.” Pretending to be tough and unconcerned didn’t fool him for a second.

  She lived in this building, in a not-great part of town, because it was all she could afford. With Ian’s background in owning investment property, he could figure out her approximate income and rent and knew, though she might have a small savings, she couldn’t afford to be unemployed for an extended period of time. So she’d panicked and called him, which meant he owed her.


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