Infinite Loop

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Infinite Loop Page 11

by Meghan O'Brien

  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking,” she whispered, her voice shaking. “And the thing is, I need you in my life. That’s the only thing I know for sure right now.”

  “I’m here.” Regan slid one hand down to rest on the small of Mel’s back, pressing their lower bodies together even more.

  Realizing they were still standing in the open doorway, Mel tightened protective arms around Regan and slowly backed her into the house, kicking the door shut behind them. She continued walking until Regan’s back was pressed up against the wall.

  “Were you serious about the road trip?” Mel asked.


  The grin was an unstoppable force, exploding onto her face without conscious thought. She moved her hands to grip Regan’s shoulders. “Let’s do it.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Completely.” Mel leaned forward and kissed Regan hard, feeling all of her fear and anxiety and desire condense in her belly and explode into passionate force. With trembling hands, she pressed the smaller woman against the wall and growled a little as she plundered her mouth with her tongue.

  Regan gave as good as she got, returning the kiss with vigor. They both released muffled sounds of pleasure—from Regan a series of whimpers, from Mel a rumbling purr. Regan reached her hands up to grip Mel’s biceps, and Mel hooked one of Regan’s legs, lifting it to curl around her thigh for balance. She kissed her again, very deeply, then drew back to gaze at her with unfocused eyes. “May I take you to your bedroom?”

  Regan nodded, a dark blush suffusing her face. “Please.”


  Regan stopped in front of her bed and turned around to face Mel. “This is the first time I’ve had someone in my bedroom. Like this, I mean.”

  Mel traced her fingers over Regan’s jaw. “Really?”

  “Well, I only bought this house a year and a half ago,” Regan said, then immediately dropped her face into her hands. “Why am I always so honest about the embarrassing stuff?”

  Mel laughed and reached out to thread her fingers through silky auburn hair, cradling the back of Regan’s head in the palm of her hand. “I’m honored,” she said. “I’m so very honored, that I’m the first and that you feel you can be honest with me.”

  “It’s like I don’t have a choice.” Regan grasped the hem of her shirt in both hands, and hesitated only a fraction of a second before pulling it up and over her head. She tossed her T-shirt to the floor and folded her arms low over her stomach, leaving her bra-encased breasts uncovered for Mel’s eyes. “There’s no part of me that wants to hide from you.”

  Mel inhaled swiftly, her nostrils flaring with powerful emotion that threatened to overtake her. Regan’s trust sent an almost crippling flood of arousal through her, and she walked them to the edge of the mattress. They tumbled down onto the bed, and Mel hovered over Regan on her hands and knees, offering herself as a tender shield. Her stomach was poised inches above Regan’s, and she was careful not to rest her weight on the body below hers. The pose was protective, and she liked how it made her feel. She gazed down into aroused green eyes, lifting an eyebrow when small hands pressed hard against her back.

  “I want your weight on me,” Regan complained with a petulant frown, the pressure of her hands not even making an impact on Mel’s willful position. “I want to feel all of you against me.”

  “And I’m supposed to give you what you want?” Mel teased.

  “Yes.” Regan wrapped two strong legs around her hips, all four limbs joining in the effort to unite their bodies. She hissed her pleasure when Mel suddenly gave, lowering her body to rest on top of Regan’s.

  Their mouths met in a hungry kiss; Mel felt her whole body begin to relax, to cleave to Regan, to fill in the redhead’s dips and hollows and to accept the gentle curves offered into her own empty spaces. Sensation stalked and pounced on her like a stealthy jungle cat, overwhelming any second thoughts.

  Regan pulled away from the kiss, gasping. “Too many clothes.” She stroked the side of Mel’s face. “Help me fix that?”

  “Okay.” Mel sat back on Regan’s hips and straddled her body. She tugged her T-shirt off and tossed it on the floor, feigning a casualness she didn’t quite feel.

  “That’s a good start.” Regan’s hands came up to caress the warm skin of Mel’s stomach. “May I help with the next step?”

  The corner of Mel’s mouth twitched with amusement. Incredibly, she couldn’t stay nervous. She reached up and touched her own throat, then trailed her fingers down over the curve of her breast, dipping slightly into the cup of her bra. “Sure.”

  Regan sat up slowly, reaching around Mel’s back and pressing her face into the spot between two full breasts. Mel’s eyes slammed shut at the painful sensuousness of the caress, and she felt an impossible flood of wetness between her legs. With agonizing slowness, Regan dragged her hands up the length of Mel’s back, from the dip just above her bottom to the curve of her shoulder blades. Another pass of small, soft hands and her bra was unclasped and Mel was left bare and unbelievably aroused. Her nipples grew so tight beneath Regan’s gaze that it brought an involuntary grimace of pleasure to her face.

  “You’re amazing,” Regan murmured.

  Mel resisted a girlish urge to cross her arms over her breasts, choosing instead to stare down at Regan with the bravest look she could muster. She traced gentle fingers from Regan’s eyebrow to her cheek, then down over her throat to the tip of one cotton-covered breast. “So are you.”

  Regan’s quick movement took her by surprise. Wrapping strong arms around Mel’s solid middle, she wrestled her down onto the mattress.

  Mel laughed as she allowed Regan to manhandle her. “Pretty impressive,” she complimented as their positions were reversed and Regan straddled her hips.

  Leaning over her, Regan planted a kiss on the corner of Mel’s mouth then sat up and unhooked her own bra.

  “I wanted to do that.” Mel stared at Regan’s full, pale breasts with a slightly dazed smile. “You’re beautiful.”

  “And you’re still overdressed,” Regan eased herself off Mel’s body, and Mel began to sit up only to be stopped by a hand on her bare chest. “No. Let me.” She pulled down the zipper of Mel’s jeans with nimble fingers. “I could get used to this whole undressing you thing.”

  “What a coincidence.”

  Grabbing the jeans in both hands, Regan drew the material down over long, tanned legs and finally tore them from Mel’s ankles.


  Regan ran her hands up the length of Mel’s legs, trailing her thumbs over the silky skin of her inner thighs. “Desperately.”

  “Me, too.” Mel felt like she was about to explode.

  Regan curled her fingertips over the band of Mel’s panties and slid them down, sending a flood of liquid desire straight to Mel’s center.

  Mel groaned. “You can’t even understand what this is doing to me.”

  Regan quickly removed her own jeans and panties, then slid down onto her belly between Mel’s thighs.

  “I’d like to find out,” she said, and kissed her way up Mel’s stomach to her breasts. She covered an erect nipple with her hot mouth, and Mel was torn between savoring that sensation and concentrating on the feeling of Regan’s hand easing between their bodies to find her wetness.

  Of all the ways Mel had imagined their first time, she had never envisioned Regan taking the lead. She also hadn’t pictured herself being the nervous one. Mel squeezed her eyes shut as Regan’s fingers slipped through the slick arousal that had pooled between her legs.

  “Well,” Regan stroked slick folds, circling swollen flesh with teasing fingers, “it feels like it’s doing the same thing to you as it’s doing to me.”

  Mel groaned in pleasure, unable to do anything else. She spread her legs even further apart in silent encouragement. Regan lowered her mouth to Mel’s breast once more, and she arched her back into the intimate caress. It was so fucking intense, she felt like she might burst with wa
nting. She squirmed and Regan slowly released her nipple. Mel opened her eyes and moaned in protest when exquisite fingers abandoned their task between her thighs. The disappointment vanished when Regan brought her right hand up and stared at glistening fingers before bringing them to her mouth.

  Watching Regan extend her tongue to sample the wetness that she had gathered wrenched a painfully aroused noise from Mel’s throat. “You’re too fucking good at this,” she breathed.

  Regan beamed in answer, and shifted down to settle between Mel’s spread legs. She looked up at Mel with a playful gaze as she hooked her arms around muscled thighs. “At this, too, I hope.”

  Warm, wet lips licked and kissed a blazing trail across her belly, down to her abdomen, and over her sensitive inner thighs. For long moments Mel gasped and panted as Regan teased her mercilessly, always coming close to touching her where she throbbed and ached for contact, but never quite making it.

  “God, Regan,” Mel whimpered. “Please.”

  Regan dropped a chaste kiss on top of the dark curls covering Mel’s sex. “Since you asked so nicely.” She gave her a mischievous grin, then lowered her mouth to slide her tongue across Mel’s wetness with a low moan of satisfaction.

  Mel felt as if she were dying and being born at the same time. Regan’s tongue played over her swollen folds with instinctive precision, eliciting shuddering gasps of pleasure. Completely devoid of any thought, any worry, Mel reached down and cradled Regan’s head, holding her in place, and stroked her auburn locks in reverence.

  Her legs began to shake, her hips thrusting upward of their own volition. She pushed herself unashamedly into Regan’s mouth, crying out when a firm tongue slid down and penetrated her. “Regan.”

  Regan lifted her head so that her mouth hovered only an inch above Mel’s center. “You taste so good.” Hot breath splashed across Mel’s overheated flesh, sending a racking shudder through her body. Regan lowered her head to return to her task.

  When she felt Regan start to moan against her, her mouth vibrating in a groan of sheer bliss, Mel finally lost control. The incredible pressure that had been building inside since their kiss in the front hallway exploded and she cried out, the orgasm so intense she felt her head swim.

  Regan’s arms grasped her thighs, holding her firmly against the tongue that still laved her. Almost as soon as she began to recover from her climax, she felt herself crest again and threw one arm over her eyes, nearly overcome. Stunned by the intense feelings, both physical and emotional, Regan aroused in her, she placed a limp hand on Regan’s cheek.

  For long moments, they were still, then Regan finally drew back, placing a gentle kiss between Mel’s legs before laying her damp face against Mel’s inner thigh.

  “Come here.” Mel tugged weakly on Regan’s shoulder, drawing her up to lie next to her. She couldn’t help but grin when Regan settled by her side and stared at her with amorous green eyes.

  “I’d been wanting to taste you since the moment I saw you. You’re even better than I imagined.”

  Mel placed a gentle kiss on her lover’s swollen lips, running her tongue across them to sample herself. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I can’t…I’ve never…That was incredible.”

  “Really? I mean, coming from a connoisseur and all—”

  Mel silenced her with a passionate kiss. Pulling back after a few moments, leaving Regan panting, Mel said, “It’s never been like this for me before.”

  Cheeks pink, Regan gazed at Mel’s throat. “Good.”

  Mel sat up and leaned over to wrap strong arms around Regan, adjusting their bodies so she was poised over the other woman’s soft body. They were belly to belly, their breasts pressed together and their legs entangled. Mel traced Regan’s mouth with trembling fingers, biting her own lip as the task of making love to another human being suddenly weighed down upon her.

  Regan stared up at her without reservation. Her expression was part desire, cheeks flushed and eyes hooded, part almost painful openness. The trust and affection Mel saw there left her breathless, and something totally indefinable in Regan’s eyes tugged very deep inside Mel’s belly, thrilling her and terrifying her in equal measure. She opened her mouth to speak, but was unsure what to say.

  “You’re shaking.” Regan lifted a hand to push a dark lock of hair away from her face.

  Mel struggled for words. “I’m nervous…a little.”


  “I’m not used to this—showing someone how I’m feeling.”

  “Don’t be.” Regan ran a warm hand up Mel’s side, fingertips lingering on the swell of her breast. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever touched.”

  The whispered confession touched Mel in a way that defied explanation. “Likewise,” she said and captured Regan’s mouth in a brief, hard kiss before moving down Regan’s chin, her neck, and her collarbone, never leaving pale skin for an instant.

  Regan moved gently beneath her, an incoherent stream of soft noises falling from her lips like an incantation. Mel savored every inch of her lover that she could consume. Regan was an uncontrollable addiction. Pulling an erect nipple into her mouth, she rolled it between gentle teeth, growling her need. Regan unleashed a moan that sent an unreal rush of wetness to cover Mel’s inner thighs.

  Mel pulled away from Regan’s breast, impatient to sample the rest of her lover’s body. Her lips slid from belly to pubic bone to hip and on down trembling thighs. The soft kisses were thorough enough to properly express her appreciation for the part upon which they were placed, but not concentrated enough to do more than ratchet Regan’s arousal to a frantic level. Mel only gradually became aware that her caresses were driving Regan toward the edge, and fast.

  She placed a final, gentle kiss on the damp curls between Regan’s legs. Leaning back on one elbow, Mel nudged her lover’s thighs apart with her hands and stared into half-open green eyes. With undisguised tenderness, she trailed her fingers across an impossibly silky inner thigh before lowering her gaze to take in the sight of Regan’s center, now exposed to her scrutiny.

  Mel had seen a lot of women since she first discovered her love for them in high school. She had been amazed the first time she had been allowed to explore another woman, the peaks and valleys of that feminine landscape, the most mysterious and glorious place which was all soft pink skin, swollen folds, and inviting depths.

  But when she stared now at Regan, she swore she had never seen anything as amazing before in her life. “You’re beautiful.” She lowered her fingers to the liquid heat. “And so wet.”

  Consumed by a sudden, fierce desire to touch Regan everywhere, to possess her completely, Mel slid a gentle finger inside her body, drawing forth a small keening sound.

  “Yes,” Regan gasped, her hips thrusting into Mel’s hand eagerly. “More.”

  Mel added a second finger, pressing them both back into her with excruciating slowness. She filled her lover with firm strokes, taking her rhythm from the rolling movement of Regan’s hips. Without stilling her hand’s motion, she crawled up beside Regan and claimed her parted lips in a heated kiss.

  “I want to hear you come,” she whispered. “Are you going to come for me?”

  At Regan’s weak nod, Mel blazed a hot trail down her body with mouth and tongue, stopping momentarily to suck firmly on an erect nipple before continuing on to her final destination. When Mel’s lips came once again to Regan’s pubic bone, her control broke and she moved to envelop hot, swollen flesh in her mouth and stroke the pulsing skin with a firm tongue.

  Regan cried out and bucked her hips beneath Mel’s upper body. Mel shifted to hook one of Regan’s legs over her shoulder. She closed her eyes and sucked Regan into her mouth, groaning at the sweet taste of her, at how it felt to pleasure her. Regan came hard and fast, tightening around Mel’s fingers, throbbing and jerking in Mel’s mouth. The sound of her loud cries, the feeling of shaking hands tangling in her hair, the quivering of pale thighs cradling her head, nearly sent Mel over the edge again
. She continued to lap as Regan rode out her pleasure. I made her feel this way. This is all mine.

  When Regan’s cries finally quieted and the motion of her hips stilled, Mel slowly withdrew. The movement elicited a mournful sound and Mel dropped a final kiss between her pale legs, then crawled up to take Regan, trembling, in her arms.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “No,” Regan whispered back. “Thank you.”

  And like that, Mel’s uncertainty vanished. There was no place for it. Lying with Regan in her arms felt too natural to question. She closed the distance between their faces to drop a string of languorous kisses across Regan’s pale temple.

  “You make me feel so beautiful,” Regan mumbled into Mel’s shoulder.

  Mel pulled her closer. “You are beautiful. I don’t even know what to do with all your beauty.”

  Regan drew back with an adoring gaze that soon turned playful. She put a finger to her own lips, rolling her eyes to the ceiling in thought. “How about excusing it from dinner-making responsibilities and agreeing to order in?” she asked. Lowering her eyelids to give Mel a hooded gaze, she added, “Later.”

  Mel laughed and pushed red hair out of her lover’s face. “You’re too busy to make dinner, anyway.”

  Regan giggled. “I am?”

  Mel rolled Regan over and pinned her arms above her head with both hands pressed hard against the mattress. She gave Regan a wicked smile. “You are.”


  Regan awoke on Friday morning in a completely unfamiliar position. She was wrapped securely in muscular arms and gentle, warm breath blew across the back of her neck. A small sigh of pure bliss escaped her as she pressed her bottom backward into a firm belly and felt those arms tighten around her. Moments from being lulled into a sense of total peace, an ice-cold foot snaked over to her side of the bed and burrowed itself under her warm leg. Regan yelped in surprise.


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