Infinite Loop

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Infinite Loop Page 22

by Meghan O'Brien

  And wondered how much Mel could sleep through.

  Her touches became firmer, more deliberate, and she covered the expanse of Mel’s back with loving strokes. She wanted Mel awake. Now.

  Mel’s bent knee exposed her to Regan’s exploring touch. She moved her hand from her lover’s lower back to her ass, trailing her fingers down until she found her slick center and already abundant wetness.

  Looks like someone’s a little awake already.

  Regan teased swollen flesh with tentative fingertips, grinning when she heard a shaky intake of breath and felt the gentle rolling of hips beneath her hand. She dragged her attention away from her hand working between Mel’s legs, and looked into gray eyes, open and intense beside her. Face turned to the side, Mel’s gaze was stormy with desire and raw in her newly awakened state.

  Neither of them said a word. Regan continued to explore her while Mel’s breathing grew loud and ragged. She pressed her fingers downward until she found Mel’s clit and circled it with teasing strokes, too light to do more than increase the flood of wetness that coated her fingers. She kept her eyes locked on Mel’s.

  Slowing her motions, she pinched swollen tissue with exquisite tenderness until her lover gasped. Regan claimed Mel’s body with a firm touch, holding her in the palm of her hand. She let her eyes tell Mel exactly how badly she wanted her.

  Still sprawled out on her stomach, Mel whimpered and nodded in wordless agreement. The sound lanced through Regan, breaking her focus and sending her fingers from Mel’s clit up to tease at her opening. She sat up and put her left hand on a moving hip, then leaned over to stare at her right hand stroking between Mel’s thighs. Her fingers were wet and Mel ground against them with immodest pleasure.

  Regan pressed two fingertips just inside of Mel, felt eager hips buck backward against the pressure, and pulled out again. She returned to wet heat with noncommittal strokes. A frustrated growl tore Regan’s eyes from Mel’s arousal to stormy gray eyes that shone with need.

  Regan pressed two fingers inside, stopping at the first knuckle. Mel met her gaze, unblinking, and pushed backward against her hand. Regan allowed her fingers to be drawn inside another half inch by the motion.

  At that Mel groaned long and low, and let her eyes slip shut. A flush arose on her face. Her brow furrowed in concentration. Regan watched her lover’s shoulders tense, and gasped when Mel opened her eyes to reveal her naked soul.

  She answered the unspoken plea and pressed deeper inside, sliding into tight, wet warmth with a throaty moan. Mel echoed her moan, a breathy sound that was followed by gentle tremors that momentarily wracked her strong frame. Regan stilled her arm, letting Mel adjust, and enjoying how her fingers and wrist were slick from her lover’s arousal. The air smelled of Mel.

  Mel dropped her face into her pillow with a whimper, and rotated her hips against Regan’s touch. Regan withdrew her fingers, waited only seconds, and then thrust back inside. Mel pushed back into the contact, turning her head and gasping, and Regan got on her knees to lean over her lover’s back. She panted as she fucked Mel with slow thrusts, knees weak and breathing erratic.

  Only moments into their rhythm, Mel’s body froze and tensed beneath and around Regan, and her shameless motion ceased. Regan stilled her fingers and cocked her head in question.

  “What’s wrong?” Regan asked. Her voice was still slightly rough from sleep. “Did I hurt you?”

  Mel hesitated. “I guess I just realized how I was acting.”

  Regan leaned over Mel so that her breasts pressed against her warm back and her lips brushed against her ear. “How were you acting?”

  “I don’t know. Just so—” She dropped her flushed face onto her arm. “Submissive.”

  Regan felt a rush of concern. Obviously she had crossed a line she hadn’t known existed. “I’m going to pull out now.”

  “Regan, you don’t have—”

  “Let’s just talk for a minute, okay?” She withdrew her fingers from Mel completely and rolled back over on to her side, keeping a soothing hand pressed against Mel’s bottom.

  “I’m sorry,” Mel mumbled into her pillow. “I guess it just freaked me out a little bit.”

  Regan searched for the right words. “You know we don’t have to do it like this, right? Why don’t you turn over and let me touch you?”

  Mel shook her head. “No, it’s not that. I mean, I can’t say that I’ve never fantasized about—”

  “Being taken like that?” Regan stroked her fingertips along the crease where Mel’s thigh met her left buttock.

  “Yeah.” Mel finally met her eyes. “I’ve just never felt—”



  “And right now?” Regan whispered. “I’ll follow your lead on this one, baby.”

  Mel released a shuddering breath. “God, it’s turning me on. And I trust you, I really do. It was just a little overwhelming for a minute, you know?”

  “I understand.”

  “But I’d really like to—” Mel dissolved into an embarrassed grin. “I mean, can we try again?” She sounded uncharacteristically timid.

  “I’d like that,” Regan admitted. She slid her fingers down the cleft of Mel’s buttocks, stopping when she found her hot center. “I’m really turned on, too.”

  Mel stretched her arms above her head, exhaling, then brought her knees up under her body to raise her hips slightly higher off the bed. Eyes on her pillow, she presented Regan with an image of perfect surrender. “Then touch me.”

  Regan managed a shaky exhalation as Mel’s position exposed both her trust and her obvious arousal. Her hand trembled as she lowered it between Mel’s legs. Regan got to her knees and crawled to kneel behind her prone body.

  “Do you know how much I want you?” Regan kept her voice quiet and steady.

  Mel growled in frustration, looking back over her shoulder. “As much as I want you?”

  Regan’s nostrils flared at Mel’s darkened gaze. “More.” She licked her lips, then leaned forward to bring her mouth within inches of Mel’s center. “I think you’re so fucking sexy.” Her hot breath blew across wet, swollen flesh and she grinned at tan thighs quivering inches from her arms.

  “You’re killing me, baby.” Mel’s throaty voice shook with desire. She arched back until she nearly found contact with Regan’s mouth, and groaned when Regan retreated with a soft chuckle. “Please, Regan. Please, just…Please.”

  Regan moved forward so that her lips just barely brushed against Mel’s skin. “I like hearing you beg.” She pressed her face to nuzzle against Mel’s wetness. “It gets me so hot.”

  “Then please, Regan,” Mel said. Regan dragged the tip of her tongue up along the length of Mel’s sex. “Oh, God, please.”

  Regan moaned in pleasure at Mel’s flavor and pushed her tongue deeper inside. She closed her eyes, inhaling sharply, and savored the delicious teasing. “You taste so good,” she mumbled into Mel.

  Mel jerked at the contact, and let out a frantic moan. “Jesus, Regan, God…”

  Regan impaled her with a stiff tongue, thrusting in and out of Mel with deliberate strokes. After a moment she pulled back with a final swipe of her tongue across slick skin.

  “You’re putting me in some pretty lofty company there.” She kept her mouth close to Mel, grinning when she heard the quiet whimper her warm breath elicited.

  “You’re mean,” Mel complained in a petulant voice.

  “Should I stop teasing you?” Regan sat back on her heels behind Mel, bringing one hand forward to press her fingers where her mouth had been. A cry of relief met her gentle touch. She moved up on her knees to bring her other hand down and around to Mel’s breast.

  “I think you should,” Mel said. She growled again in frustration.

  “I think you’re right,” Regan said. She bit her lip, hesitating for only a moment. Gathering her nerve, she made a request. “Will you get up on your knees further for me, baby?”

  Mel’s compliance
was immediate and unselfconscious. She got up onto her knees, leaned forward on her forearms, and stared back at Regan with desire-darkened eyes. “Just fuck me. Please.”

  Gone was Mel’s shy reluctance and in its place shone a self-assurance that set Regan’s heart pounding. “You want me to fuck you?”

  “I want your fingers inside me.” Mel flexed her own fingers on the pillow and groaned. “So bad, baby.”

  It was all over when she arched her back, opening herself completely. Regan sank her fingers into Mel’s depths, her lover’s languid moan became louder, more intense.

  “You feel so good,” Regan murmured, moving her other hand to pinch and tug an erect nipple. She leaned forward and sank gentle teeth into Mel’s shoulder, tasting salty flesh with her tongue.

  “I love this,” Mel gasped out, meeting Regan’s steady thrusts with her hips. “You taking me like this.” Her confession was breathless, made through the hair that curtained her downcast face.

  “I love it, too, baby.” Regan moved her free hand from Mel’s nipple to her hip, giving her an affectionate squeeze. “I love you.”

  “God, me too, Regan,” Mel cried out. Small noises continued to fall from her lips, meaningless syllables and soft cries. Her head hung until her hair brushed against the pillow.

  Regan was hungry for her, thirsty for her, totally beside herself with wanting. Her free hand blazed an almost frantic trail over Mel’s skin, savoring the damp softness of it. She couldn’t get enough, and verbalized a silent desire without thinking. “Times like this, I wish I had an extra hand.”

  Mel threw her head back, and her moan quickly turned into a laugh at Regan’s frustration. Regan reached beneath her and brushed searching fingertips across her abdomen, then lower to part wet curls and tease her clit. Mel’s laugh turned back into a moan.

  “Regan.” Mel stilled the motion of her body, panting with effort.

  Regan continued to slide her fingers in and out of Mel, but looked up when she realized that the backward thrusts had stopped.


  Regan drew her brows together in confusion and she stilled her hand. “What, baby?”

  Mel bowed her head, causing her shoulder muscles to stand out in stark relief. “In my bag,” she managed. “I have something in my bag. And condoms.”

  Regan’s knees shook with arousal as she straightened up behind Mel. She has something? In her bag? Without a word, she removed her fingers, drawing a pathetic whimper and a weak mewl of protest from her prone lover. Bending down, she and pressed a kiss to Mel’s damp temple. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.”

  Entranced by the lustful look on Mel’s face, she half-stumbled toward the black duffel bag that sat near the door and unzipped it with shaking hands. “Where?”

  “In the side pocket.” Mel moaned a little and Regan turned to look at her, impatient to return. “Hurry. I can’t wait to feel you inside of me.”

  Regan grinned as she found Mel’s surprise: a sturdily constructed leather harness, a smooth black dildo, and an unopened box of condoms.

  “When was I going to hear about these, honey?” she asked, smirking at Mel’s abashed expression.

  “Just waiting for the right time.” Mel produced an innocent smile.

  Regan fastened the harness around her hips, her hands trembling as she struggled with the straps. I just need to hold it together. If I come while I’m standing over here, I’ll die of shame.

  “You know you never have to hesitate to approach me,” Regan said, keeping her voice even as she prepared herself. “With things you want to do, or try. I’m easy.”

  “So to speak.”

  Regan unwrapped the condom and slipped it on the dildo, with a nod of approval. “Nice. No frantic trips to the sink to wash this thing.”

  “What can I say? I believe in coming prepared.”

  “So to speak.” Regan gave Mel a pointed look.

  Mel dropped her gaze to take in the harness and dildo that were now securely fastened to Regan’s pale hips. “Get over here,” she commanded in a soft voice.

  Regan walked to the bed, helpless in her obedience, and climbed behind where Mel rested on her stomach. Taking Mel’s hips with firm hands, she pulled her back and up onto her knees.

  “You’re beautiful,” Regan whispered in reverence. She drew her fingertips down Mel’s spine.

  “And you’re driving me crazy.” Mel reached back and put a hand on Regan’s thigh. “Just fuck me, baby.”

  Regan’s head swam at the quiet plea. “You want me to fuck you?” She wrapped her hand around the dildo and pressed its head against Mel’s wetness, sliding it back and forth over shiny pink skin.

  Mel moaned and shook. “Yes. God, please, just do it.”

  Regan pressed her hips forward to push the dildo into Mel, slow and steady. She resisted the urge to thrust her way inside, allowing Mel to push backward and take in more of its length. Regan rested a hand on Mel’s shoulder, keeping still, and exhaled. “Feel good?” she asked. “Is this what you wanted?”

  Mel nodded and ground back against Regan’s hips. She gasped into the pillow, bringing one arm up under her face and muffling the sound.

  She squeezed Mel’s shoulder, then leaned over until her breasts brushed against her bare back. Regan drew her hips back before bringing them forward again, thrusting into Mel at the same time she bent to lick and bite at her shoulder blade. “Do you like being fucked like this?”

  Mel’s first response was a strangled groan, which rose in volume as Regan continued the motion of her hips.

  “Does this feel good?” Regan asked again. “I hope this feels as good for you as it does for me.”

  “It feels so good, baby.” Quiet whimpers escaped Mel’s mouth in an unashamed incantation of pleasure. “God, I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Regan continued to thrust, running her hands up her lover’s firm sides, down her back, over her flanks. Her eyes were glued to the sight of Mel’s moving body, of the dildo disappearing again and again inside of her. Her ears were filled with the sound of Mel’s excited moans and whimpers, of flesh slapping against flesh. Her nose was alive with the smell of their combined arousal.

  She felt herself getting close to release, and sensed that Mel wasn’t far behind. She reached around Mel’s body and found her engorged clit with her fingers.

  “Are you going to come for me?” Regan grunted a little, increasing the speed of her thrusts. “I want to feel you come around me.”

  “So close,” Mel whimpered.

  Regan gathered slippery wetness, swirling her fingers around Mel’s entrance. She circled the dildo that disappeared into her depths, then moved up to tease her clit with a fleeting touch. Mel cried out sharply at the contact but Regan withdrew her hand after just a moment, sliding her fingers up until she encountered puckered flesh. She didn’t try to penetrate Mel, but applied light pressure to the tight ring of muscle, probing and pushing and then withdrawing.

  I wonder how she feels about this.

  Mel moaned into her arm, a loud, explosive noise, and arched her back. The motion opened her further to Regan’s exploration.

  I think she likes it.

  Emboldened, she pressed a fingertip just barely inside of Mel. Her lover’s anus relaxed to accommodate the invasion even as her body tensed in anticipation. “Do you like that?” Regan murmured, and pounded a little harder into Mel with the dildo in a desperate bid for sweet pressure against her own clit. She gave herself another thirty seconds before she totally lost it.

  Mel nodded and pushed herself back onto Regan’s finger. She took in the whole length of it with a low moan. A trickle of sweat gleamed at the side of her neck. She turned her face to the side, squeezing her eyes shut. “Yes. Fuck my ass, baby.”

  Ten seconds, tops.

  Regan worked her finger in and out of Mel’s anus, letting the frantic thrusting of her lover’s hips dictate the motion of her hand. Mel was hot and tight around he
r finger, throbbing and pulsing and incoherent with pleasure.

  “Regan, I’m gonna—” Mel’s words turned into an incoherent cry and her body stiffened and stilled and quaked with the force of her sudden orgasm.

  Regan ground herself against Mel’s bottom once, twice more, and then she too was falling, crying out, the sounds of her pleasure mingling with those of her lover. She followed Mel down when she collapsed onto the bed, reveling in the feeling of her breasts pressed against Mel’s damp back.

  For a few moments, they simply trembled and panted together, lying in a tangled heap on top of the sheets. When Regan could move, she slowly withdrew her finger, kissing Mel’s neck when the action elicited a plaintive whimper. She brought both arms up to wrap around Mel, kissing and licking between her shoulders.

  “I love you, Mel. Thank you.”

  Mel turned her head and Regan bent down to claim smiling lips with her own. When they broke apart from their wet kiss, breathless, Mel murmured, “Love you.”

  Pulling back, Regan whispered, “I’m sorry for this.” Then she withdrew.

  Mel moaned again, shivered, and then rolled over beneath Regan to stare up at her with gray eyes filled at first with dazed satisfaction, then suddenly with raw need. She brought her hands to Regan’s hips and began unbuckling the leather straps in wordless urgency. Sweating beneath the heat of Mel’s gaze, Regan rushed to help her with the task.

  When they succeeded in removing the harness, Mel tossed both it and the dildo to the carpet. She brought her hands back to Regan’s hips, squeezing them, and moved around to knead her buttocks firmly.

  Regan felt dizzy from the wave of renewed arousal Mel’s hands created. I’m going to die. But what a way to go.

  “Come up here.” Mel flashed Regan a feral grin and tugged on her hips. “Over my face, baby.”


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