Hemlock And The Dead God's Legacy (Book 2)

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Hemlock And The Dead God's Legacy (Book 2) Page 27

by B Throwsnaill

  Gwineval's eyes bulged with vigor as he looked down at the artifact in his hands. After several moments he seemed to appreciate that he was not alone, and looked chagrined. "I apologize, it's just—it's been so long since I bore one of these. And now that I've learned about the Imperial magic... I...It holds such power!"

  Samberlin stepped forward, trembling. "Gwineval, you must keep the Wand. I don't know what has come over Hemlock, but she doesn't seem herself. Perhaps these witches who are now in our midst have affected her. Please! Take the Wand and return to the Tower. Hemlock said she won't resist you. We need to establish order in the City. The people have been roused into suspicion by the arrival of the witches, and by Hemlock's return. A smooth succession of power in the Wizard Guild would reassure everyone. And the Wand would impress them as a symbol of that power."

  Samberlin shot a wary glance at Hemlock, but she did not react to his opposition.

  I expected as much from you, Samberlin. But Hemlock was surprised to realize that she agreed with much of what Samberlin had said. She did feel unusual. And she wasn't sure that the speech she had just delivered to the Senator had been wholly her own. She had the sense that though the words had passed her lips, she had channeled them as much as said them. Is my Father with me somehow?

  "You're quick to betray my sister, Senator!" cried Mercuria, pushing to Hemlock's side and grasping her hand.

  Hemlock looked at Mercuria fondly. "It's all right. It's Gwineval's choice. He probably was thinking something similar, anyway."

  Hemlock looked at Gwineval and saw that he and Miara were gazing into each other's eyes as if they were engaged in a wordless conversation.

  Gwineval looked troubled and then Miara nodded to him with a melancholy look on her face.

  The wizard's serpentine jawed seemed to stiffen as he turned and walked toward the chasm.

  "Gwineval!" cried Samberlin, but it was too late. The glass enclosed brilliance of the Wand shone brightly as Gwineval outstretched his arm over the edge of the precipice.

  They all tensed for several moments and the muscles in Gwineval’s arm began to quiver with exertion.

  “Gwineval?” said Miara plaintively.

  Hemlock saw Gwineval’s outstretched arm move slightly back toward his torso, but then it snapped outward again. The wizard’s extended jaw was visible as he arched his neck backwards as if surveying something above him. And then he let go of the Wand.

  It seemed to fall in slow motion, and Hemlock joined the others as they approached the side to carefully peer over the edge.

  As it had done the last time she had destroyed Wands here, the fall into the fire seemed to take an impossibly long time. But finally there was a flash, and a dull rumble shook the earth around them, causing those assembled to step back from the edge of the chasm in alarm.

  After a few moments, the rumbling subsided.

  Gwineval turned to Hemlock with an uncertain look on his face. Miara was by his side in an instant.

  “It wouldn’t have helped you, Gwineval,” said Hemlock.

  “It helped me defeat Falignus.”

  “Maybe he didn’t understand the Imperial magic like this DuLoc does. You know the legacy of these Wands now. How can you use them for good when they were conceived by evil?”

  “But maybe they’re just tools, Hemlock.”

  “You’re right—they are tools, but the control they afford would have led you astray like every wizard who’s used it since Julius. And even if your intentions remained pure in the face of temptation, how could you guarantee that someone else wouldn’t abuse this power should they gain control of it?”

  “We could have destroyed it after we defended the City against DuLoc.”

  “Gwineval, the only way we’ll be able to defend the City against him is by using my Father’s magic. Don’t you understand? You’d have been like a child fighting against a man if you’d tried to wield Imperial magic against him.”

  “We don’t know that much about him, Hemlock. If he’s so strong, then why hasn’t he already conquered the City?”

  “He’s still regaining his strength. Remember, I faced him in another realm and felt his power. It’s like nothing you’ve experienced.”

  “I hope you’re right, Hemlock,” said Gwineval, as he walked past her toward the exit to the cavern. Samberlin and Miara followed him, repeating variations of Gwineval’s words.

  Tored, Renevos, Mercuria and Merit remained.

  Hemlock looked down at Merit warmly.

  “You shouldn’t have asked me to lie to a friend, Miss Hemlock. I have forgiven you, but I wanted you to know how I feel,” said Merit, looking downward and fidgeting back and forth.

  “You’re right, Merit. I’m sorry I asked you to do that. By the way, I have something to discuss with you.”

  “Or course. When will we see each other?”

  “Soon. But I’m leaving the Tower for now. I’m sure Gwineval will let me visit.”

  “Visit? Where will you go?”

  Hemlock directed a questioning gaze to Mercuria, who nodded enthusiastically.

  “Back to the Warrens. I think I’ll rest for a while. I am weary of adventure for now,” said Hemlock.

  “Surely the threat of DuLoc’s return will require some preparations on our part,” said Tored.

  “Yes. But first we will rest. I don’t want to think about the future for a while. I just want to eat venison and scamper along the rooftops. You will stay with us, Tored. I’ll show you everything about the Warrens.”

  “I look forward to that.”


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  Learn more about the author at http://www.wiztower.com.


  Here is an excerpt from Hemlock and the Dread Sorceress – Book III in the Maker’s Fire series. It’s available now at all major e-book distributors.

  Hemlock stood atop the Wizard Tower and watched the sunrise. In her mind’s eye, she envisioned the distant sphere of Maker's Fire that people knew as their sun soaring silently through the void around the City. She took a moment to marvel at the daily traversal of that ball of fire. Every morning, some force of creation caused it to coalesce and separate from the huge mass of Maker's Fire that the City sailed upon. She looked down over the people that had already taken to the streets of the City on early business. How many of them appreciated the miracle of their sun?

  It’s too easy for them to be swept away in the day's illusion and ignore the mundane miracles around them. But I guess it’s a question of perspective.

  Hemlock was the only person she knew that could see directly into the vast and strange void that existed beyond the sky.

  What would the world be like if everyone could see what I see?

  She heard a whooshing sound as the heavy glass door to the atrium opened behind her. The door closed as soft footsteps approached her.

  “How are you this morning, Gwineval?” she asked without looking at him. The early morning activity of the City still held her attention.

  “I am well but somewhat troubled. First, these reports from the mountains arrive, and now this visit by the Griffin. I fear our old comrade, Jalis, has finally played his cards.”

  “He’s a fool, then. We’ll deal with him. Penelope has sought us out before. Perhaps she has news for us. Or, perhaps, she’s slain the fool wizard herself.”

  Even as the words left her mouth, Hemlock knew they wouldn’t turn out to be true. The adversary she’d hoped to avoid for a while longer again dominated her thoughts.

  Can’t I have a few more months of peace?

  “But Jalis understands the forces arrayed against him, Hemlock. He’s cowardly but not stupid. He must have a plan to deal with us if he’s openly moving against us. That’s what concerns me.”

  She considered confessing her fears to Gwineval, but suspected that DuLoc was on his mind as well. They hadn’t spoken of the threatening
apparition since Gwineval decided to destroy the Wand of the Imperator that she found in the Witch Crags.

  “How is Tored?” Gwineval finally asked, breaking an apprehensive silence.

  Hemlock smiled. “He is well. I think the repetition of his duties reassures him. It was wise of you to have him deputized as a City guard.”

  Gwineval’s mouth loosened into a toothy smile. “I’m glad. But has he found peace?”

  Hemlock frowned. “No, I don’t think so. He’s found comfort but not peace. I talk to him every day and try to learn more about what torments him. So far, I’ve had no luck. It’s like he’s carrying some burden inside of him.”

  “I’ve tried to talk to him, too. But it’s really no use since I’m not friends with him like you are. He’s very difficult to get to know.”

  A wry smile came to Hemlock’s face as she thought of her reply. “You know who might know him the best, now? Mercuria. You can’t imagine it unless you see it, but she plays jokes on him almost every day. It’s the only time I see him smile. Her company has been good for him, even if nobody else’s has.”

  Hemlock felt a pang of sadness at her last statement.

  I want to be close to Tored, but whatever he is carrying around inside of him seems to separate us.

  An aerial speck on the horizon rescued Hemlock from further thought. The griffin approached rapidly with powerful beats of her wings. Hemlock noticed that beneath the deep yellows and browns of her plumage and fur, the beast clutched dragon eggs in her talons.

  Hemlock and Gwineval retreated from the baluster as the griffin reached the top of the tower. She drew up with great exertion of her twenty foot wing span and slowly descended, placing the eggs on the floor before thrusting upwards and landing beside them.

  Hemlock noticed missing feathers on the beast’s wings and several bloody wounds on her lower torso.

  “Penelope,” Hemlock cried, “you’re hurt! What happened?”

  The Seekers invaded my aerie. The rogue wizards aided them. I did not detect them until it was almost too late.

  Hemlock walked slowly around the bulk of the Griffin and placed a gentle hand on her matted, bloody fur.

  “I’m sorry, Penelope. I didn’t think Jalis would dare defy me,” said Hemlock.

  As I flew out, I spotted homes burning and there were bodies piled in a village market.

  “He’s moving to control the east! We must raise a force and confront them,” growled Gwineval. “I regret not killing them when we had the chance.”

  Hemlock started to sneer but caught herself. “Sometimes wisdom is clearer in hindsight,” she said.

  “Truly. You weren’t there when we fought for control of the Tower. Samberlin meant to betray us when it looked like we’d be overmatched by the Seekers. When my spell of warding was revealed, many loyalties were in question in those tense moments. I thought it best to take the high road and let those opposed to us leave in peace.”

  “No need to explain again. I understand. It’s just maddening to think that we gave Jalis this final chance and he’s betrayed us again.”

  “It’s not like I expected anything else from him, but I’d hoped we’d be more prepared for it when he moved against us. Hemlock, what have you been doing all these months? We’ve missed your presence in the Tower.”

  “Really? I’m shocked. You all seemed quite tired of me bossing you around.”

  “But that doesn’t mean we wanted you gone altogether. Yours is a valued and absent voice in our affairs. All of the wizards have said as much. We’d like you to sit on our council as an honorary member.”

  Hemlock bowed her head and kicked some debris off the edge of the Tower. She sighed and replied, “Alright. I suppose Jalis’ actions will force us to act in response. I need to be a part of it.”


  There is more news from the mountains.

  “Yes? Please tell us,” said Gwineval.

  I’ve seen DuLoc with the wizards. I sense his hand directing their efforts, and I feel a great power gathering. He will return soon. The wizards have built dark rocks throughout the valleys. Their magical law projects through these. It is all part of DuLoc’s plan. He appeared and asked me to join him. He believes he will become a great emperor and can create perfect laws. He intends to enslave us all.

  “Those sound like the obelisks that Merit read about in Julius’ journal. DuLoc must have taught Jalis how to make them. And the minerals in the mountains afforded him the perfect opportunity to build them. Curse Jalis and his machinations!” said Gwineval.

  Hemlock tried to give Gwineval a reassuring look, but the wizard’s eyes were downcast. Hemlock knew him well enough to recognize the outward signs of an internal process of self-flagellation. She figured it would be best to redirect the stubborn wizard’s thoughts before he sank into melancholy.

  “How do we fight DuLoc?” asked Hemlock, directing the question loudly toward the Griffin.

  I don’t know. He wove with the Red Mage at the dawn of time. He will be a terrible foe. And he can’t be reasoned with. But if anyone can resist him, it will be you.

  “Not very reassuring. My father must have had a plan for me but it’s all so confusing. That’s why I needed more time to think it through. But now there’s no more time.”

  Gwineval seemed to refocus on the conversation. “Time is running short, but DuLoc hasn’t returned yet. There is still time to consider our options. Come to the council meeting tomorrow and let’s talk it over.”

  “I will, but I want to see what they’re up to. Penelope could take me there now. Just to fly over and see it for myself,” Hemlock replied.

  “No, it’s too dangerous.”

  “Flying over?”

  “Yes. You don’t know what Jalis and DuLoc have prepared for. And it’s just what I’d expect you to do if I were Jalis.”

  The final point made sense to Hemlock. She exhaled forcefully.

  “Fine. I’ll wait and join your council meeting tomorrow. But let’s figure out a plan that involves some action and not just wizardly debates.”

  Gwineval didn’t acknowledge her critical comment.

  She thought about returning to the Warrens, but the labored breath of the Griffin beside her reminded her of the unresolved issue at hand. They needed to determine Penelope’s fate now that she had been driven out of the mountains.

  “And what of Penelope?” she asked Gwineval.

  The small scales on Gwineval’s brow furrowed. “Well…” he stammered, clearly not anticipating the question.

  “She has to stay here for a while, right? It’s kind of like a mountain top up here on the Tower. Penelope, would you like to stay here?”


  Gwineval shot Hemlock a strong look, but his features softened. “Yes, it makes sense. And, Penelope, lest you think it’s charity, we’ll surely call upon you in the upcoming struggle.”

  I thought my role would be otherwise. But I will help protect your Tower.

  “Thank you,” said Gwineval, bowing. He turned to Hemlock. “Until tomorrow, then?”

  Amazon US Link: http://www.amazon.com/Hemlock-Dread-Sorceress-Makers-Fire-ebook/dp/B00EMHJAK8

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