The Pet Shop

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The Pet Shop Page 12

by K D Grace

  It was deliciously uncomfortable and sharply focused Stella’s thoughts on her slickening cunt and aching nipples. ‘This is your introduction to what we call “the Foreplayer”. Normally you’ll only wear it a few hours before we send you to be with a keeper. But we do find it to be a good training device as well. It can also be used for punishing misbehaving Pets. We just cinch it a little tighter.’ Stella had no trouble believing it would be very effective in whichever capacity it was used.

  Audrey nodded at one of the male Pets standing leashed to a wrought iron gate near the cobbled drive. ‘Liam there is about to leave to meet a keeper for the weekend. You see how the male Foreplayer circles the balls like a cock ring, and ... there.’ As Liam’s handler unleashed him and led him toward a waiting van, Stella got a view of his tight round arse cheeks. ‘As you can see, the male Foreplayer is also equipped with a small but very effective butt plug to aid in prostate stimulation. Quite arousing, I’m told.’ She pushed Stella’s hair away from her ear and stroked the side of her neck affectionately. ‘Butt plugs, along with dildos of varying sizes can also be attached to the female Foreplayer too if there’s a need. Do you think you would like that, darling?’

  The only response Stella made was the clench of her pussy against the soft bind of leather. But Audrey giggled wickedly as though she knew exactly how Stella’s body would respond.

  She then stood and took Stella’s lead. ‘Come, darling. Time for your walk, and while we walk, I’ll educate you about being a Pet, about things the Pet keeper’s manual doesn’t tell you, things that Pets have to know in order to be good Pets.’

  The lovely grounds were awash in summer birdsong. A fountain tinkled musically at the centre of a formal garden, and the whole space was bordered by a gurgling stream overhung by willows.

  On the soft moss beneath a sprawling oak tree, two Pets were curled around each other in a sinuous “69” of pleasure. Stella and Audrey passed close enough to hear the juicy sounds of their heat. ‘Pike and Tika have been given permission by Master to pleasure each other.’ Audrey nodded to the man who fed and masturbated Stella the night before. He stood watching the two Pets with his trousers open and his arching cock in his hand. ‘Neither have keepers this weekend,’ Audrey explained. ‘Some Pets choose never to have keepers. They prefer just to come here and be Pets. I suspect you won’t have a choice in that matter, darling, since you didn’t pay.’

  Though Stella would have liked to have offered a protest to Audrey’s remark, she knew better. Before she could dwell on the little tinge of something not quite neutral in Audrey’s voice, the woman continued. ‘What you need to understand if you want to be a Pet, Stella, is that a Pet’s will is always subservient to either her master, her handler or her keeper.’ She pulled the leash tight and Stella stopped only a few feet from the wet oral display, now becoming quite animated. ‘It’s only with their permission that a Pet is allowed attention of any kind, including and most especially pleasure. Forgetting this will always result in punishment and often loss of sexual privileges, even withdrawal of affection, which for a Pet is the worst punishment of all.’

  Audrey now stood very close behind Stella, almost in an embrace. She reached around with one hand to caress Stella’s breasts affectionately. It was then that Stella realised Master’s eyes were locked on her. She jumped as Audrey spoke against her ear. ‘Would you like to have Master’s nice thick cock in your wet little pussy, darling? I bet you would, wouldn’t you? And I’m sure Master would like that. He looks so uncomfortable, don’t you think?’

  Master looked at his cock then offered Stella a slow, lazy smile. ‘Seeing how much Pike is enjoying having his cock in Tika’s hot mouth, I think I would prefer to have our little Pet suck me,’ he said, giving Stella’s bound breasts an admiring squeeze.

  ‘Oh, very good choice, Master,’ Audrey said. ‘Well? Go on, dear,’ she encouraged. ‘Don’t be shy. Master won’t hurt you, and obedient Pets are always well rewarded.’ She gave Stella’s bum a lingering caress, then eased her fingers beneath the soft leather that pressed between Stella’s arse cheeks until they brushed Stella’s cunt lips ever so slightly. Her other hand was already pressing down heavily on Stella’s shoulder.

  Stella’s nerves jangled. Her stomach knotted and suddenly the lead and harness felt like a trap. She felt exposed, on display in the centre of the garden where other Pets and minders were coming and going and looking on. By the time she allowed herself to be pushed to her knees – with both Master and Audrey offering gentle encouragement – she was trembling all over, frightened that she wouldn’t be able to go through with it. ‘Open your mouth, darling, that’s a girl,’ Audrey was saying. ‘Don’t be nervous. Master’s very gentle with his new Pets. Just relax now. That’s my darling.’

  Stella closed her eyes, fighting back tears and felt Master’s fingers curl in her hair, felt him ease her forward. It was a way to get to Tino, nothing more, she reminded herself just as the salty precome of Master’s penis brushed her lips. So why did it feel so much like a betrayal? Maybe Tino wouldn’t approve. Maybe Tino wouldn’t want her after she’d sucked someone else’s cock. She shuddered, and forced herself to focus. She’d made a commitment. She would keep it. With a sob, she took the length of Master’s erection into her mouth, and though he wasn’t small, it seemed an easy fit after sucking Tino’s heavy cock. She kept her eyes closed and concentrated on the task at hand.

  ‘That’s my girl.’ Master’s voice was tight with arousal, but still it was gentle, careful, as though he didn’t want to frighten her. ‘Oh such a lovely mouth, such a delicious tongue on Master’s cock,’ he crooned.

  Around her she heard jostling and shuffling, as though people had drawn near to watch. She clenched her eyes shut tighter and tried to ignore the feeling of being stared at. If she had to suck off a stranger and do it for an audience, it would be easier if she could shut them all out, at least visually. Maybe they would all think she was just so involved with Master’s cock that she was closing her eyes to savour the experience.

  She felt Audrey kneel next to her and gently stroke her flank. ‘That’s such a good little Pet, sucking Master’s cock so nice, just like he likes it, making him feel so hot. Such a good little Pet.’ She leant in and kissed Stella’s ear. ‘You’re making me all hot too, darling. You’ve made my pussy all slick and swollen just watching you. You may have to lick it for me after you’re done with Master. Oh, there, there, sweetheart. Don’t tremble so. It’s OK if it pleasures you too. That would make Master and me even hotter. That would make all of us so happy.’

  Stella’s nerves were just beginning to ease. She was just beginning to focus, to think she might be able to do what was required of her, even enjoy it a little when suddenly there was scrambling and shuffling from behind, followed by a shout and a low, throaty growl.

  ‘What the–’ Audrey’s voice caught in a slight yelp, and she pulled away, jostling Stella slightly as she did so. There was a collective gasp from the audience Stella had shut out, which crescendoed to a murmur, and suddenly Stella felt warm rough hands on her hips just before there was another voice, a familiar voice, tight but calm. ‘It’s all right. Leave him.’

  There was more shuffling and more sighs and gasps. Bloody hell, was being the public entertainment a part of the training? The warm hands on her hips lifted her bottom slightly, then pulled aside the strap between her legs and replaced it with the hungry lap and press of a hot wet tongue. Pleasure broke through Stella’s confusion in bright flashes of colour. She gasped and gabbled the ecstatic surprise of it against Master’s cock, an effort which caused him to jerk and moan appreciatively.

  Dear God, whoever was eating her cunt knew how to focus her attention. One large hand moved down over her belly to strum her clit until she moaned and whimpered around Master’s surging cock. The other hand raked at her nipples, pinching and stroking until each little touch redirected painful pleasure along her overloaded nerve endings and back down to her splayed cunt,
until she raised her arse like a bitch ready to be mounted.

  She shifted and squirmed and raked her gape against a dance of tongue and lips while sucking on Master’s cock until her cheeks ached. And yet she sucked harder, cupping his balls in her hand and kneading them in tight circular strokes. Somewhere nearby she could make out Audrey’s grunts, and she knew she had a hand between her legs. But there were other grunts, other sounds of flesh against flesh, other moans of pleasure, and all of it wrapped in the rising scent of sex, a scent dominated by the familiar yeasty, desert heat scent of the one eating her cunt.

  Master’s grip on her hair became nearly painful. She could feel his pistoning hips straining right on the brink. She sucked harder, letting him hammer into her while her cunt buzzed, and her whole body blissed out on the mouth and the hands pleasuring her. Master bucked and grunted, and his hot semen burst against the back of her throat again and again. She nearly choked in her gasp for air as her own orgasm roared up her spine like flash fire and the strong arms that had been pleasuring her suddenly scooped her backward against a deliciously sweaty naked chest, a hard muscular body she recognised. Her eyes flew open and the words would have burst from her throat if not for the familiar hand clasping over her mouth. Through the blur of heat and emotion she glanced over her shoulder into Tino’s wild, hungry eyes, just before the Boss, dressed for business in a pinstriped suit, jerked Tino’s leash and pulled him off her.

  The strangled cry that erupted from both their throats was animal, as another handler stepped in to help the Boss pull Tino away from her, accenting his efforts with a lash of the leather lead that resounded like a gunshot across Tino’s bare arse. She suddenly realised Master had her own lead looped tightly around his fist, securing her close to his thigh. But for a second Tino held her gaze. Another lash cracked across his bottom, but he barely flinched. Instead, the tiniest hint of a smile curled the corners of his mouth before he allowed himself to be pulled away. Then Stella collapsed in a heap on the thick grass suddenly too weak to move.

  ‘Where is she?’ O’Kelly asked. ‘Is she all right? What the fuck was Audrey thinking? She knows better than to allow a Pet sexual contact this early in the training – and the designated master. What an idiot! Maybe it’s time we designated someone else.’

  ‘Both Audrey and the master designate have been reprimanded, O’Kelly, and Stella’s fine. I’m sure she’s elated, actually, now that she’s seen Tino.’ The scene that had unfolded in the garden flashed through his head again. ‘There’s definitely no denying that the attraction is very mutual.’ The Boss was surprised at how shaken he still sounded. It irritated him because if he could hear it, then no doubt, so could O’Kelly.

  O’Kelly huffed into the phone.

  He could almost hear her grinding her teeth to keep from saying she told him so. He pretended not to notice. ‘Stella’s had a bath and something to eat and she’s now receiving more traditional instruction. I want to send her to be with a keeper as soon as possible. Her mind needs to be focused on something other than Tino if she’s going to do us any good.’

  There was a sharp pause over the phone that sounded almost like a caught breath held too long, then O’Kelly asked the question he knew she’d been dying to ask from the beginning. ‘And Tino?’

  ‘A couple of nice welts on his arse, and I wager he’ll be holding his wad for the rest of the day, but otherwise he’s no worse for the wear.’ He forced a smile into his voice and tried to sound casual, tried to ignore his cock, heavy and tense, a prodding reminder of the wad he’d been holding since Tino lunged on Stella. He’d known how it would be once he gave in to Tino in the viewing room last night. He knew he would never be able to get enough. That’s why he’d stayed away from him after the first time. Some addictions he just couldn’t afford.

  Even after being with Tino all night, even after punishing him for the unwanted seduction, punishing him until his own body dripped sweat from his efforts, until his cock felt like it would go nuclear if he couldn’t bury it in Tino’s lovely arse, he still wanted more. The amazing thing about Tino was that even when he yielded, his whole body still surged with hungry defiance. And in the end, as it had been before, in the fevered frenzy of a night too quickly passed, as dawn paled pink against the windows of the cottage, it had been he who had yielded to Tino, willingly, elatedly.

  Though Tino always took his punishment, always took what was coming to him like a good Pet, the Boss never kidded himself about who was really in charge. It had never been an issue until now. But O’Kelly had been right all along. It became clear when Tino arched protectively over Stella, taking the lashes against his bottom like they were nothing, that for the first time in all the years he’d known Tino, there was more at stake than a physical obsession – much more.

  ‘Did you know he was going to be there?’

  O’Kelly’s words forced him back to the present. He took a scorching drink of his tea and his eyes watered. ‘I knew, yes. I thought the chances of them actually seeing each other were slim. But then that is why Stella agreed to the Pet training in the first place, isn’t it?’

  ‘He’s not scheduled with a keeper this weekend?’

  God, sometimes he wished O’Kelly were a little less tenacious. ‘He’s already been. One of his regulars had a Thursday and Friday off. I don’t know how that slipped past us. He got back shortly after Stella arrived.’ Got back and came directly to the viewing room, a viewing he shouldn’t have known about, a viewing that, as a Pet he had no right to attend. He just showed up, all naked and exquisite and bristling, plopped down on the chair next to the Boss and watched Stella with the designated master. The Boss’s hand moved, almost of its own volition, to rest on the bulge growing in his lap.

  ‘You were with him when it happened?’

  ‘Yes.’ He wondered why he felt as though she were accusing him. He supposed it was his guilty conscience. ‘I was taking him out for some exercise.’

  Another long pause. ‘There were no minders to do that?’

  ‘He was ... with me at the time.’ The Boss had never lied to O’Kelly, and he wasn’t going to start now.

  ‘I see.’

  He wondered if she had to work hard to sound so neutral or if it just came naturally.

  ‘Well, under the circumstances, I guess it was a good thing you were in the mood for some cock, then wasn’t it?’

  In spite of the verbal slap-down, there was some satisfaction in knowing that, yes, she did have to work hard to sound so neutral.

  ‘O’Kelly ...’ For some reason his voice felt tight in his throat. ‘It was Tino.’

  The pause was so long that for a second he thought she had broke the connection, then he heard her sigh. ‘Yes. I know.’

  Chapter Fifteen

  STELLA SAW NEITHER MASTER nor Audrey the rest of the day. After her encounter with Tino she had been bathed and fed, which was good because she was ravenous. The rest of her time was taken up with basic instruction, mostly from the Pet manual, mostly stuff she already knew. She was taught by a fresh-faced, large-breasted handler called Jan, who was dressed in safari garb. She didn’t seem to know the manual any better than Stella did, but she was very enthusiastic. Stella seriously doubted anyone had committed quite as much time to poring over the manual as she had. The manual always made her feel closer to Tino.

  Anyway it didn’t matter how knowledgeable Jan was. What mattered was that Stella had seen Tino, and she knew now that she would gladly fuck every Pet at the Pet Shop as well as the handlers and the master and anyone else she had to in order to see him again. She couldn’t think about their encounter without a tight little flutter erupting in her stomach caused by his delicious half smile before he was dragged away. That smile told her she would definitely be seeing him again. Tino was an opportunist, and he would find a way to get to her.

  What made the flutter in her stomach turn into a full-fledged somersault that expanded to fill her whole chest was knowing that Tino had found her, that he had
wanted her, risked pain and punishment to be with her. His possessive embrace before he was pulled off her was the best thing she had ever felt, ever. It reassured her that she wasn’t just obsessing over Tino, but there was a good chance that he just might feel the same way.

  She was kept isolated through her evening meal, playing out scenarios in which Jan pretended to be her keeper for the weekend and Stella pretended to be the obedient Pet. The game continued through dinner, with the handler feeding her delicious tidbits of gourmet chicken that was definitely a far cry from kibbles. It was followed up by a sloppy, yummy pudding of tiramisu fed to her, like everything else, from the palm of the handler. It reminded her of how delicious and sloppy and sexy her meals with Tino had been. By the time they had finished, she was truly and properly horny.

  After dinner she was taken out on her leash – no Foreplayer this time, just a collar. She was allowed contact with the other Pets in the garden. However, she was not allowed more than the standard getting-to-know-each-other rituals of the sniffing and licking of offered bottoms and genitals. Pet’s live through their noses, the handler hadn’t had to remind her as she sat back on her haunches with her legs splayed wide to allow a large Asian Pet to sniff her cunt before he offered her his bottom in turn. It didn’t surprise her that Tino wasn’t at the getting-acquainted soirée. He would be far too disruptive, she was certain. He would want to do a lot more to her plump little pussy than just sniff it. That thought went a long way to making the cunny she offered up for getting-acquainted sniffs slicker and more swollen. With the hot wet scent of her, she figured she would give more than a few of the males unintended hard-ons.


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