The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires (An Anthology)

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The Lady Smut Book of Dark Desires (An Anthology) Page 23

by Liz Everly

  "Revenge? How?"

  He leaned down for his chalice, expelling a snort of annoyance when he remembered it was empty. He snapped his fingers for Eryx. "Join me," he invited Faith as the servant appeared to fill the cup. "As I told you, it's not poison."

  Faith's cup, still full, was at her feet. Leaning down to retrieve it, she decided she may as well. Alexandru had consumed enough wine to down an elephant, yet remained alert and lucid. To be fair, she hadn't exactly been schooled on alcohol tolerance levels for gods. But instinctively she knew he wasn't out to poison her. She lifted her cup and tilted it toward him.


  He smiled. "Noroc."

  They drank deeply. It was, without question, the best wine Faith had ever tasted. She nodded toward Eryx to top off her glass.

  Once the servant had departed, Alex resumed his story. "Vesta vowed to destroy any lover I take with an arrow of flame." His eyes filled with sorrow. "And Vesta is a goddess who keeps her promises. As I have found out the hard way."

  Fear as cold and dark as a python slithered down Faith's spine. "But you want to mate with me," she whispered, her heels digging into the ground to get herself away from him. She wanted to take off, to run screaming through the unreal forest he'd led her into and not stop until somehow she figured a way out of the madness. But she knew she couldn't. He'd pull her right back before she even started.

  "That's just it," Alexandru replied, jerking Faith's attention back toward him. "Vesta's revenge cannot reach this world. I've discovered it's the one and only way I can break her curse and the torture she's cast me into. I need to find my mortal queen, hold a ceremonial mating ritual with her, and the spell will be broken. It is why I have searched for you for so long, Faith. The spell won't be broken with just any mortal. It must be the one to whom I am destined. My queen. It's the only way."

  Fine hairs on the back of Faith's neck prickled, and a boulder settled in the pit of her stomach. Something told her that wasn't quite all of the story.

  "But what happens —" She cleared her parched throat and swallowed a lump of fear. "What happens to your mortal queen?"

  "Well…" He glanced away.

  "Even though you'd be free, the mortal still dies, just as Vesta vowed. Isn't that right?"

  He let out a soft breath. "Yes."

  Without a second thought, Faith bolted. Consumed with blind panic, her feet flew across the forest floor, arms pumping as she raced. "Dana!" Her friend's name ripped from her throat, hoping against hope that somehow Dana would hear her cries and they'd find each other and figure out an escape. Branches scratched and clawed her arms, painting them red with angry streaks of blood. Still she ran, amazed that she hadn't reached the end of the forest. Its infinite length taunted her, as if she could run forever and never reach the end.

  Her head whipped around, fueled by desperate hope that she'd spot something familiar to guide her way out. A path she thought she'd seen before was her best hope and she raced toward it, her labored breaths wheezing as she struggled to get away. She'd hardly run more than a few frantic steps toward the path when suddenly her feet snagged a thick tree root and she flew forward, crying out as the ground rushed up to meet her. Slamming down hard, the air whooshed from her lungs. Her heart thudded within her chest and she gulped air, yet still she scrambled to push herself up and keep on running. Her eyes darted around, frantically seeking a way out, but in that very second, hope died. Blocking her way like a great concrete pylon stood Alexandru, his face dark as murder.

  "Get up, Faith." Not bothering to help her, he merely stepped back to give her room. She stood, the earlier fear gone, likely depleted by her mad run. Ironic, that. She'd tried to get free from the very god who claimed to celebrate freedom.

  With a quick glance, she realized she'd somehow ended up back at the very place from which she'd fled. All that running had gotten her nowhere. Alexandru sat, saying nothing for a few moments but nodding at the empty place beside him, indicating he wanted her to take it. Recognizing the futility of arguing, Faith sat.

  The look on his face remained dark. He drank wine and breathed deeply, collecting himself. At last, he spoke.

  "Do you really think," he began, his voice low, "that I would propose death to someone I have repeatedly referred to as 'my queen'?"

  "How the hell should I know?" she snapped, anger taking hold. "If I'm threatened with death, it seems like a good idea to try getting away."

  "What I'm proposing wouldn't bring you death, but rather, eternal life."

  A collective cheer rose up and Faith whipped her head around. She realized they were once more surrounded by Alexandru's nymphs and that she and he were back on their thrones atop the dais.

  "How did we…how did you…?"

  "A simple transport." Alex shrugged. "I wanted to be back here, among my people."

  In the distance, music began, the whispery tone of a pan flute so light and beautiful it seemed to shimmer in the air.

  "Behold my vision for you," he continued, drawing Faith's attention back to him. "Forever more you shall have all the resources you need for your films. Money, people, time, ideas. Nothing will stand in your way. I will provide you with riches beyond your wildest dreams to do with as you wish. Success is within your grasp."

  He smiled as he spoke, revealing white, even teeth, and she was reminded of the god's striking masculine beauty. His face was a model of perfection; his body nothing short of miraculous. As she studied him, he shifted in his chair. A section of his robe slipped down his arm revealing a tanned bicep rippling with muscle and lightly covered with golden hair. He lounged on his throne like a lion, relaxed and powerful. As he spoke, golden sunshine filtered through the trees and into the meadow, casting its glow onto Alexandru. He looked in every way an exquisite, immortal god. And she was the one he wanted for his queen.

  "All you need do," he finished, "is mate with me and everything you desire shall be yours."

  Faith emitted a decidedly unqueen-like snort. She couldn't deny the thrill skating through her at the thought of never having to struggle again for funds for her projects. At the same time, she remembered the well-worn phrase: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. The words, like a ping pong ball, bounced maddeningly in her head.

  "You said you'd be free if you mate with a mortal, yet the mortal would die. At the same time you offer eternal life. How can that be?"

  He straightened in his chair, facing her straight on as he penetrated her soul with his dark piercing eyes. "Your mortal life would die," he said softly. "As your eternal one begins."

  She sat, unmoving, riveted in her chair as if actually bolted in place. Yet her heart raced wildly, thundering in her chest. Eternal life? Like a vampire?

  "Not a vampire." He shook his head. "A goddess. My goddess."

  "But — " She cleared her dry throat. "You said I could make my films. How could that be? If I'm imm…imm…" The word refused to come.

  "Immortal?" Alexandru finished for her. "Why, that's the beauty of it all, Faith." He chuckled. "You could walk the earth if you wish. Live among the mortal beings. There's nothing preventing you from doing so."

  She frowned. "Is that the same for all, um, gods?"

  "It is."

  "Then why —”

  "Why don't we? Is that what you want to know?" Not waiting for her response, he shrugged one sculpted shoulder, causing the robe to slip off. Faith's breath caught in her throat.

  "You'll be the one to decide what you want to do, my queen. But you see, in short order the urge to resume your former life grows weary. Mortal creatures live short lives. They get sick, they die, and then what becomes of you? Sooner or later people notice you're not aging and it forces you to move on, endlessly searching for new places to go and new people to meet, slipping out of their lives when it's no longer feasible to live among them." He breathed deeply, as if the very thought of it exhausted him.

  "But if I wanted to do that," Faith pressed, "to live among mortal
s, in spite of what you say…?"

  "You could do so."

  His words laid before her a treasure chest of possibilities. Financial problems washed away, more new equipment than the biggest of Hollywood blockbuster budgets. Most of all, time. An endless, insurmountable sea of time, complete with an ending that did not exist. A heady sense of purpose lifted her spirit, making her long to rush out the door and begin new projects at once. Of course, it wasn't that simple. The admission price of immortality was steep. Prickles of apprehension knotted her stomach.

  She lifted her eyes to meet Alex's gaze. "Why me?" she whispered. "Why did you choose me?"

  "I didn't." He slowly shook his head, a wry smile playing about his lips. "The universe did."

  "What do you mean?"

  He leaned forward in his chair, his gaze burning into hers. "There are no coincidences, don't you know that? We're meant to be together, Faith. Everything in your life tells you so; all you have to do is look."

  Behind her, the nymphs giggled, as if they knew the punchline of a joke to which she wasn't privy. She frowned.

  "I don't know —”

  "Yes you do." Alex's lips hadn't moved, yet she heard his honey smooth voice echoing in her mind as clearly as if he'd spoken aloud his words. "Think, Faith. About your life, and everything that's happened in it thus far. Think of your grandmother. Of yourself."

  Despite not fully understanding what he meant, she sat back and did her best to follow his instructions. Visions of her childhood swam before her eyes. Her parents, where she lived, her friends. Yet nothing she recalled from the past brought clarity to the unreal situation she faced right now, sitting before a god, in an abandoned psychiatric facility cum forest, with a promise of immortality weighing on her mind.

  Think, Faith. Alexandru's words floated through the air like delicate strands of cottonwood. She let her eyelids drift closed, imagining herself slipping into a fragrant hot bath, the aroma infusing her with calm. Suddenly small remembrances of her past took on deeper significance, and understanding became crystal clear. Her grandmother's mental struggles, Faith's outrage over how Nana had been mistreated. Her determination to show the world. Even her own name factored into the equation. Faith Luna - moon faith. She'd always felt oddly exuberant every month during the full moon. Now, all at once, she understood why, as if a curtain in her mind had at last been drawn back to reveal long buried secrets.

  Faith worshipped not just this world, but the larger one beyond. She fought against madness, celebrating freedom with near reckless fervor. Becoming Alexandru's — no, Dionysus's— queen. Suddenly it all made perfect sense. Becoming his queen was her destiny.

  She looked up at him, seeing the god with new eyes, a strong sense of fate penetrating her soul. Her one-word response to his question was all that was left to say. "Yes."

  A collective sigh from the nymphs rose throughout the forest. The air shifted, becoming heavy and sultry, infused with erotic heat. Dionysus pinned her with his stare, his eyes coal black with desire.

  "You are certain?"

  She nodded, suddenly so aroused that speech became impossible. She could only think, and feel. An overwhelming urge to join with the god and become one seized hold. Desire as she'd never before known surged like a tidal wave in her blood. Her body trembled, her hands shaking where they lay atop the armrests of her throne.

  Dionysus rose and walked toward her. A glittery glow radiated from his body and Faith knew it was from the force of his arousal. He held out his hand and she grasped it, desperate for his touch. She rose and stood before her god.

  "My beautiful queen," he murmured, looking at her through heavily lidded eyes turned black with desire. "I worship you."

  "And I, you."

  "Come." He led her toward the stairs leading down from the dais. "Let us mate."

  A rush of moisture flooded her panties. On trembling legs she descended the few stairs. Her tight nipples brushed her blouse; her pulse raced. Looking around, she noticed that the nymphs were similarly affected as she by the sensual atmosphere invading the forest. Couples, trios, even larger groups kissed and touched one another, peeling away clothing, lips and tongues sliding sensuously along naked skin. The air was heavy with sighs and groans. Those nymphs not yet caught up in the sexual feast danced about the meadow, laughing and playing instruments, gorging themselves on food and wine.

  A short distance away, in the midst of a clearing yet surrounded by soaring pines, stood an enormous, ceremonial bed. It was enveloped on each side by translucent, gauzy curtains, like the veil of a bride. It was the largest bed Faith had ever seen, looking as if six people lying side by side could be comfortably atop it. Placed at the headrest were dozens of white plush pillows, like a mound of fluffy clouds. As they approached the bed their steps were muffled by millions of soft pine needles cushioning the ground beneath their feet. The bed itself was perched on a raised dais, elevated like a stage so onlookers below would have a clear, unobstructed view. Faith froze in her tracks as she realized what it meant.

  "No, wait." Her firm voice stopped Dionysus. He turned lustful eyes upon her.

  "I'd rather not."

  "But…are we, um, mating here? In the middle of this clearing where anyone can see?"

  A bemused look crossed his face. "Of course, my queen. Where else?"

  "I had in mind someplace more secluded."

  "Whatever for?" He chuckled at her seemingly trivial need for privacy. "Important ceremonies are always witnessed, are they not? A wedding, a baptism, the celebration of a notable achievement?"

  "Well, sure, but —”

  "Why would the crowning of a queen, my queen, be any different?" He tugged on her hand, leading her forward once more. "My nymphs have been awaiting this moment for thousands of years. This will be a bacchanalia for the ages. Of course there will be witnesses, hundreds of witnesses. No one would miss the lustful initiation of this moment."

  Hearing the excitement and sultriness coating his words, Faith's initial resistance began to transform into deep, carnal desire. Slow, steady pulses throbbed low in her pussy. Her breasts swelled, aching for the warm, wet attention of his mouth and tongue. Suddenly she longed to be rid of her clothes, to live in the forest like a mystical fairy as her king and lover Dionysus ravished her. Perhaps she was an exhibitionist after all.

  They climbed the few steps to the dais upon which the bed was perched, but instead of climbing atop it, Dionysus turned to face the crowd of nymphs who had gathered around them, like a politician about to make a speech. For a moment the music and all activity fell silent, even the birds and animals made no sound.

  "Behold the woman who will be your queen," Dionysus said to the crowd, spurring excited gasps and whispers. The atmosphere tingled with anticipation, like in an enormous arena at the start of a sporting event. Faith saw the nymphs press forward, craning their necks for as close a look as possible at the ceremonial bed. Where I'm about to transform my life. She released a breath, trying futilely to calm her racing pulse.

  Dionysus turned to her, his eyes sparkling with lust. "I will now disrobe you," he said in a low voice. "You must walked naked in one complete circle around the bed so that everyone will get a good look at their queen."

  Unexpected heat warmed her cheeks, but at the same time she tingled with excitement. There was no judgment here; she was not on trial. It was, instead, a celebration of freedom. And of love. Even as the thought filtered through her mind she knew it to be true. It was inexplicable but nonetheless without dispute. She was destined to be with this god, with Dionysus. She was destined to be his queen for time immemorial, and to love him as he would love her. Her gaze sought his and she knew from the burn of desire she saw that he'd read her thoughts. But this time, she was only too happy to have them shared.

  "Beautiful, Faith," he murmured, leaning in to breathe deeply of her scent as his fingers worked the tiny buttons down the front of her blouse. Her heart pounded so wildly in her ribcage she was certain he must have f
elt it. For a moment she closed her eyes, wanting only to experience this moment through his touch, her breath catching in her throat as his fingers brushed her burning skin.

  Cool air surrounded her as Dionysus whisked away the cotton fabric. Faith opened her eyes once more. Hundreds of heated gazes were traveling along her bare arms and stomach and nodding with wanton approval. Dionysus reached behind her, for one swift moment sheltering her breasts as he removed her bra. But then, as the clasp was undone, he drew away the garment and stepped to the side so that Faith was unobstructed.

  The sultry atmosphere skyrocketed as she stood bare breasted before the admiring crowd. Some of the nymphs had resumed leisurely fondling their partners as they watched Faith's disrobing. It was the most bizarre strip show she could ever have imagined. Instead of being looked upon by creepy losers in a dark smoky club, her audience was a fantastical gathering of otherworldly sprites and fey who awaiting her coupling with a mythical god. Not exactly how she'd envisioned her day when she got out of bed that morning. She smiled at the thought, but then gasped as Dionysus unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down the zipper.

  "Step out of your shoes," he instructed, and she easily kicked off her flats. The dais was cool to her feet, but she gave little thought to that as Dionysus' hands brushed her legs as he peeled off her jeans. He held her steady as she stepped out of one pant leg and then the other. All that remained was her panties. Wasting no time, he kneeled before her so that his head was level with her stomach. Leaning forward, he pressed gentle kisses against her skin as he hooked his thumbs around the delicate silk material and slowly slid them off.

  Dionysus rose and stepped away, leaving Faith standing naked before the admiring crowd. Ooooh she heard them gasp, and she couldn't prevent the smile the touched her lips. They made her feel like a proud, beautiful goddess.

  "Walk," Dionysus reminded her, and like a model on a runway Faith made her way around the bed. She took her time, letting the nymphs get a full look at her as she sensed it was exactly what they wanted. Some of them, in fact, bowed low as she passed by, already showing obeisance to their queen.


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