His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 1

by Lara Valentine

  The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3

  His Submissive Jewel

  Noelle Carter is in Montana to help with her sister’s wedding. She didn’t plan on needing to be rescued from a dangerous storm, nor did she plan on falling for the sexiest man she’s ever met. When she finds out he’s the head of a family of Dominants, she knows she should move slowly, but her feelings are too great. She plunges into a relationship with him, reveling in the passion he can arouse with just a simple touch.

  Cam Hunter knows he’s a strict Dom. He never thought he’d find the perfect woman and submissive, but Noelle has stolen his heart. She’s turned him inside out and upside down. One minute he wants to kiss her senseless and the next he wants to spank her bottom bright red.

  When Noelle is hurt, he knows it’s no accident. Someone is targeting her, and if Cam wants a lifetime with his woman, he’ll need to find the person responsible.

  Genre: BDSM, Older H/h, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 55,883 words


  The Martinis and Chocolate

  Book Club 3

  Lara Valentine


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic


  Copyright © 2013 by Lara Valentine

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-478-8

  First E-book Publication: March 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Noelle Carter was seriously screwed. What had seemed like a simple, no-big-deal thunderstorm earlier had turned into a nasty and possibly dangerous situation. Her impetuous and slightly stubborn nature had once again got her in trouble. She should have pulled off the road hours ago when she saw the weather change. But no, she stubbornly stuck to her schedule, determined to make her destination tonight. Now she would probably spend the night on the side of the road.

  Noelle navigated her Honda Accord at a snail’s pace up the deserted, rutted road. She strained to see through the sheets of rain obscuring her vision. The windshield wipers were going as fast as they could, but made little difference. The visibility was terrible, and she was afraid she was going to drive right off the road. She had long past left the streetlights of civilization behind and was now gripping her steering wheel with white knuckles, fighting the whipping wind determined to veer her off to the side of the road.

  According to the map her sister, Abby, had provided her, the destination should be just about forty miles ahead. Noelle had been driving for three days from her home in Florida to this remote area of Montana for her little sister’s wedding, and she was exhausted, hungry, and a little cranky.

  Abby had fallen in love with a young man whose family owned a ranch, and the wedding would be held there. Noelle had agreed to come out ahead of the rest of the family to help with the arrangements. She had also designed the wedding rings for the couple. Thankfully, they were tucked safely away in her luggage in the backseat of the car. She hoped the couple would be as happy with them as she was. The set was some of her best work as a jewelry designer.

  Her shoulders ached with tension and fatigue, and her stomach rumbled with hunger. She had been driving since early this morning, and she prayed her journey was hopefully near its end. When it was clear the weather was taking a turn for the worse, Noelle had called Abby to tell her she might be delayed. Abby had tried to convince her to pull over for the night, but so close to her destination, Noelle couldn’t fathom stopping. She was cursing herself now. She could barely see two feet in front of the car.

  Headlights in the distance had Noelle inching her car to the right, stopping on what she hoped was the shoulder. The last thing she wanted was a collision if she was over the center line. Or the center of the road, since there were no lines painted on this practically dirt road. She watched as an SUV slowed down as it neared her. She couldn’t see the driver, but the vehicle was one of those Land Rovers that could handle these rough roads. The Rover passed her but quickly turned around and pulled up beside her. She breathed a sigh of relief, hoping the driver might tell her where she could pull over for the night. She rolled down her window as the driver did the same. For one moment, every horror film she’d ever seen flashed before her eyes. Getting into a car with, or even just talking to, a complete stranger on a dark, deserted road seemed a dumb thing to do, no matter what the weather was.

  It was a dark and stormy night…

  She giggled at her flight of fancy. She should be more serious, but it wasn’t in her nature. She could see the humor in just about any situation.

  “Noelle? Noelle Carter? Your sister, Abby, sent me to get you.”

  Thank you, Abby.
  She could barely hear the voice of the driver, muffled by the driving rain, but if he knew her name it ruled out psychopathic killer pretty quick. She waved and called back, the rain getting in the window and soaking her and the seat.

  “Yes! Yes, I’m Noelle!”

  “I’ll come out and help you into the car. Just give me a minute.”

  “You’ll get soaked. I’ll just hop up in the passenger seat from here. Just open the passenger door and I’ll make it quick.”

  “I’m already wet. Let me help you.”

  His voice was deep and firm, and she found herself wanting to obey it. Too bad, she wasn’t the obeying type.

  “So am I, so a little more isn’t going to make any difference. Let’s do this.”

  She was wet and only going to get wetter when she left the relative safety and warmth of her car. She grabbed her purse and steeled herself, before opening the car door.

  It was a deluge. She was soaked in an instant, her skin pelted by the pouring rain. She quickly pressed the door lock button for her car and pulled herself up and into the seat of the Land Rover, closing the door. She pushed her long, wet hair back from her face and tried to give her rescuer a thankful smile.

  “Thanks. I was getting pretty worried driving in this. We have storms in Florida, but I’m familiar with the roads, and we have streetlights. I was afraid I was going to drive off the road with that wild wind.”

  The cab was dark, but she could see her rescuer give her a smile, too. He was a big man and seemed to take up a lot of space in the small interior. He radiated control and strength, even in the dark. Somehow, she knew he could handle the storm or anything else thrown at them. He also seemed to be soaked to the skin. She could smell his yummy masculine scent mixed with the scent of the rain. Did he look as good as he smelled?

  “You’re welcome. I would have been happy to help you into the car. Independent little cuss, aren’t you?” She could hear his deep chuckle and blushed, glad it was dark and he couldn’t see the telltale stain on her cheeks. She was independent, but she’d had to be. Starting her own jewelry design business at age twenty-one bred independence. She had learned to stand on her own two feet pretty quickly. She’d been told she was stubborn and impetuous, too. At least that was what her last few boyfriends had told her.

  “And by the way, that’s a Montana wind. You never would have made it to the house. The road is flooded out due to the storm. The Land Rover can make it through, but not your sedan. We’ll get your car tomorrow. There’s a towel on the seat behind you. It won’t help much, but it’s better than nothing.”

  His voice was warm and sexy, sliding over her already-heightened senses like a rich, mellow whiskey. Noelle felt the shiver of arousal zing up her spine in response. She pushed the feeling away and reached behind her and grabbed the towel gratefully. Now was not the time to be lusting after some cowboy in Montana, no matter how glad she was to not be driving anymore.

  She was also shivering, cold, and wet, but determined not to complain. He had to be as uncomfortable as she was, but he wasn’t whining. She might be independent and stubborn, but, dammit, she wasn’t a whiner.

  “I tried to call a few minutes ago, but I didn’t have any bars on my cell phone.”

  “Cell phone coverage is spotty out here. We use radios around the ranch. I’ll let them know we’re on our way.”

  He picked up the handset.

  “Hunter 5, this is Hunter 1.”

  “Hey, Hunter 1. Did you find Abby’s big sister?”

  He flicked a glance her way, before returning his eyes to the road.

  “Sure did. And she’s just like Abby described her. Stubborn as a mule. We’ll be there in about half an hour.”

  She grimaced at Abby’s description. Abby had always been the serene, biddable sister.

  There was some static and then the voice continued.

  “—can’t make it back. Too many downed limbs, and the water is rising. Take Noelle to the cabin for the night. By tomorrow, the water will have receded.”

  Her rescuer was quiet for a minute before answering.

  “Will do. Stay safe at the house.”

  He turned to her briefly. “We’re heading to the cabin. We can’t make it back, even in the Rover. You’re not going to get hysterical on me, are you?”

  Noelle bristled with indignation. “Of course not. You seem to have the situation under control. I’m not a woman given to hysterics, even if you didn’t. I’d just take control of things.”

  His rich, deep laugh filled the cab of the SUV and made her heart speed up. He sounded sexy as hell. Did his looks match his voice?

  “No need for that, Noelle. I’m completely in control. At all times.”

  He didn’t say much as he navigated the roads. Noelle shuddered as she saw all the downed limbs and high water. There was no way her Honda would have made it this far. Now that she had time to look out the window, she wondered just how she had gotten as far as she had. He pulled off on a side road, and the headlights illuminated a small log house. Noelle could only hope the power wasn’t out in this wind. She was dying for a hot shower or bath.

  “Can you make a run for it? I’ll go first and unlock the door, and you follow. As you said, we’re already wet. We can get warm and dry when we’re inside.”

  His voice was already making her warm. “You bet. I’ll be right behind you.”

  She waited until he had opened the front door of the cabin, before running as fast as she could. She was dripping water by the time she stood in the dark, cool house. It was small, but clean and comfortable with a homey, country-style kitchen and living room combination.

  “Um, does anyone live here?”

  He started flicking on lights. “No one lives here. This is a cabin we use when we’re working on the ranch and the weather turns on us. Like tonight.”

  So we’re alone.

  He turned to face her, and it was then she got her first good look. Her knees almost gave way. Dear Lord in heaven, even dripping wet, the man standing before her was gorgeous. He was dressed in a button-down Western-style shirt and faded jeans that molded a physique so perfect, Noelle could only stare. His face was tan and his jaw strong and square. His hair was dark and clung to his well-shaped head, but was curling at the ends. It made her want to plunge her hands into those locks and run her fingers through them. And those eyes…the clearest, lightest blue she had ever seen, almost the blue of a cloudless summer sky. She swallowed hard as she stared at the handsomest man she had ever seen. Her heart sped up, and she started to sweat, despite being chilled to the bone. She felt like she’d been hit by lightning.

  Luckily, he was oblivious to her state. He gave her an encouraging smile and pointed to a small hallway off the living room. “There’s a bathroom through there. Why don’t you get a hot shower and I’ll start some dinner. You must be hungry. It won’t be anything fancy, but it will be hot.”

  He certainly was a polite rescuer, in addition to being God’s gift to women.

  “I’m starved, actually. And you must be cold, too.”

  “I’ll get dry out here. I’ll be fine. I’ll find something for you to put on after your shower. I’m sure we have some shirts or something. They’ll be too big, but dry.”

  She needed no further urging and retreated to the bathroom quickly, stripping off her wet clothes and stepping under the steaming, hot spray. Using the shampoo and soap, she scrubbed herself from top to bottom, luxuriating in the warmth. She wanted to linger, but her hunger won, and she stepped out, dried herself off, and reached for a stack of clothes he had left on the vanity. She was uncomfortably aroused for a moment thinking he had been in the room while she bathed, but the shower curtain was completely opaque. Was he similarly undressed on the other side of the door? She watched a drop of water slide down his wide chest and flat abs in her mind’s eye. Her nipples peaked, and her pussy clenched at the erotic image.

  Stop this, right now!

  She pulled on the cloth
es and giggled at her reflection. The boxers were baggy, and the shirt was so long it almost reached her knees, but she was clean, warm, and dry for the first time in quite a while.

  Way to impress the sexy, hot guy.

  She combed the snarls out of her hair and made a face in the mirror. She looked like a drowned Irish Setter with her long, red hair. She was completely devoid of makeup, and her wardrobe left something to be desired, but it couldn’t be helped. She wasn’t here to have a romantic interlude with the hottest cowboy she had ever clapped eyes on. She was here to help her sister.

  Keep reminding yourself of that.

  * * * *

  Cameron Hunter stood in the kitchen opening a can of beef stew and contemplating his lovely companion for the night when the subject of his thoughts joined him. She was wearing the shirt he had left and he couldn’t stop the rush of lust that ran through him as she stood there looking shy, and sexy as all get-out. There was just something about a beautiful woman wearing a man’s shirt. His shirt. He had to steel himself not to throw her over his shoulder and head straight to the bedroom.

  She was tiny, probably not much more than five feet tall. Her gorgeous, long red hair was tousled and starting to curl as it dried. It framed her heart-shaped face with its creamy skin, flushed cheeks, and the most unusual amber eyes he had ever seen. She was tugging on the hem of the shirt, obviously trying to cover as much of her shapely legs as she could. He grinned as he took in her mouthwatering curves and generous breasts. He hated stick-thin women, and this one would feel like heaven as he pressed her to the bed with his body.


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