His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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His Submissive Jewel [The Martinis and Chocolate Book Club 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 12

by Lara Valentine

  Cam had plans tonight for his sweet submissive. The wedding was only a few weeks away, and Cam only had this short time to prove to her they belonged together. Even if she decided to go back to Florida, he wanted this birthday to be the most memorable of her life.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart. Have you had a good day so far?”

  He pulled her close, letting her scent envelope him.

  “You would know, cowboy. I believe I had a handsome seminaked man bring me breakfast in bed this morning. The only downside was that he wasn’t completely naked. I’ve been thinking about him all day.”

  Cam wound a silky strand of her hair around his fingers. “Who is this guy? Is he any competition?”

  Noelle giggled, and he felt his heart tighten in his chest. He had fallen for this red-haired temptress.

  “He’s everything to me. I’m completely crazy about him.”

  Cam shook his head. “Always the luck. The lady is taken.”

  Noelle let her hands wander down his back to cup his ass through his jeans.

  “Actually, the lady hasn’t been taken in about a week. She’s starting to think he doesn’t want her.”

  “Trust me. He does. He’s going to prove it tonight.”

  He felt her shiver and nuzzled her neck, nibbling on the soft, fragrant skin. She pulled back and held out a package for him.

  “It’s not my birthday, sweetheart.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Tell that to my friends in Florida. I’m supposed to give this to you. They sent me a birthday care package today.”

  He eyed the package suspiciously, especially as Noelle’s fair skin began to get pink with embarrassment. He separated the envelope from the box and pulled out the letter.

  Dear Noelle’s Dom,

  We want Noelle to have a wonderful birthday, so we have enclosed a fun item. We hope you enjoy it, too. This should be under your control now. Please do not think we are trying to top from the bottom, as our husbands have devious ways of punishing us.


  Lisa, Brianne, Tori, and Sara

  P.S. If you break her heart, we don’t care if you’re a Dom or not. We’ll come out to Montana and kick your ass.

  Cam chuckled as he glanced at Noelle’s fiery red cheeks.

  “Do you know what’s in here, little sub?”

  She nodded. “Not for sure, but I have a pretty good idea.”

  He opened the box and pulled out a flat silver square with multiple buttons. He frowned and pressed one at random. Noelle jumped as if he had touched her with a cattle prod. She grabbed his arm and closed her eyes, licking her lips. She was starting to become aroused.

  * * * *

  Don’t antagonize the mean Dom.

  Somehow, she couldn’t stop herself. She loved to poke at his dominant personality and see how he would respond. Now he had that fucking evil remote, and she might as well give him a good reason to torture her, since she was sure he would find a reason no matter what.

  The butterfly was resting directly on her clit and sending vibrations up it, straight to her weeping cunt. Her panties were soaked, and she was ready for an orgasm. One look at Cam’s expression told her it would be a while in coming. He was amused by her defiance, but as intractable as a stone wall in dealing with it. A month ago she would have laughed if anyone had told her she would have fallen in love with a strict, no-nonsense Dom. But here she was, head over heels for Cam Hunter and loving it. No wonder she’d never found the right man before. She’d been looking in all the wrong places.

  The vibrations stopped as abruptly as they started. She let her body relax slightly, but not all the way, on guard in case it started again. She didn’t want to come without permission.

  “How about a dance, sweetheart? You look like you need to relax a little.”

  He stuffed the remote in the pocket of his jeans and held his hand out. Finally, a small reprieve. She took his hand and smiled. She loved dancing, and discreet speakers were blasting out some great country music.

  “I’d love to. Let’s see if you’re a good dancer.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and they waded onto the full dance floor, her body pressed close to his.

  “I’m okay. Caden’s the dancer in the family.”

  He nodded his head toward the other side of the dance floor and Caden twirling an attractive blonde around the floor with some fancy footwork.

  “Wow, he’s a good dancer. But I think I’ll stick with you.”

  She squeezed his muscled shoulder and gave him her best flirting smile. He pulled her closer in response. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her belly. She rubbed against him, drawing a groan that brought a saucy grin to her lips. She might be the submissive in the relationship, but there was no doubt she wielded her own power, too.

  The song changed, and the beat became slower. She recognized the song as Chris Young’s “Tomorrow,” one of her favorites. Cam had obviously been paying attention. She laid her head on his chest, letting his masculine scent surround her and the beat of his heart mix with the music’s rhythm. It was such a sad song. Two people who loved each other so desperately but couldn’t make it work. She didn’t want it to become the story with her and Cam. She looked up, and his expression was full of passion and tenderness. She swallowed the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat. She couldn’t wait a moment longer.

  “Cam, I love you. I love you.”

  His blue eyes darkened, and his throat worked. His arms tightened around her, possessive but gentle.

  “I love you, too, baby. I doubt you know how much. I’ve never felt like this before.”

  She blinked as tears welled in her eyes. “Me neither. I was afraid you wouldn’t say it back, you know.”

  He shook his head, his lips brushing hers. “No way. I think I fell in love with you the first night at the cabin. You were such an intoxicating mixture of bravado and sweetness. I wanted you from the first minute I saw you in my T-shirt. I’ll never stop wanting you.”

  “I wanted you, too. You were this hot and sexy cowboy. The kind I’d only read about, but you’re real.”

  He took her lips in a long, slow kiss right there in the middle of the dance floor. It was so like Cam to not give a damn about what anyone thought.

  “I’m going to show you how real I am tonight. I’m playing for keeps, Noelle.”

  * * * *

  Cam laughed as Noelle blew out the candles on the giant chocolate cake Julie had made for the occasion. It had taken some doing, but she had managed to blow out every candle with pretty much one breath. She had given him a coquettish smile when he told her to make a wish first. He would make it his mission in life to make all her wishes come true from now on. Tonight was only the beginning.

  She slowly licked the chocolate icing from the fork, sending his libido into overdrive. He leaned over, ignoring the onlookers, and whispered for her ears alone.

  “That pink tongue is going to be put to work tonight, baby. It’s been a week since I’ve been able to use my little submissive.”

  She turned a becoming shade of pink, and some of the more sharp-eyed observers roared with mirth. She whirled around from the crowd and headed to a table to eat her cake. Cam followed, fingering the remote in his pocket. Maybe his little sub needed to relax. He’d kept her on the edge all night, and it was her birthday after all. He started to press the button when a hand grabbed his sleeve. He turned and felt his irritation start to rise. Gwen.

  “Good evening, Cam. Such a lovely night for a party.”

  Gwen was dressed over-the-top, as usual, in something shiny and completely inappropriate for a barn dance. Her escort, and the reason she was able to come to the party, was Paul Johnson, a friend of Cam’s from the club in Bozeman. The man didn’t look any damn happier than Cam did. It probably wasn’t his first choice for an evening out to go to the birthday party of her ex-husband’s new girlfriend. Cam was sure Gwen cared little about Paul’s feelings. He was simply her ticket in. Cam w
as also sure she had come to cause trouble. Something he wasn’t going to allow her to do. He and Noelle had exchanged love words. She was under his protection, and he was damned if he’d let his bitch of an ex-wife ruin her party.

  “Gwen. Paul. It is a nice evening.”

  He held out his hand, and Paul shook it with an apologetic look.

  “This is a great party, Cam. How’ve you been? We don’t see you at the club anymore.”

  Cam glanced over at Noelle enjoying her cake. She’s seen him with Gwen and had a tiny furrow above her brow. She respected him enough, however, to not run over. He mentally promised to reward her for her circumspect behavior. She was a class act, all the way.

  “I’m pretty busy at home these days.”

  Conversation quickly lagged as they talked about mutual acquaintances. Gwen grabbed onto a pause to inject herself into the conversation. As usual.

  “Your new sub is very obedient, Cam. Did you order her to sit and eat her birthday cake like a good little slave?”

  Cam looked at the woman who had shared his life and felt nothing. He could only wonder at the man he had been and be glad that man had finally grown up.

  “No, but she’s a woman who knows how to carry herself in all situations. She doesn’t need me to tell her how to act. And she’s not my slave, Gwen. And apparently, you’re not Paul’s either. No Dom would allow your catty behavior.”

  Paul flushed and pulled Gwen closer. Cam knew his remark had hit home. Paul was a good and decent Dom, but Gwen was running circles around him. He needed to get back in control.

  “You’re right, Cam. My apologies for my sub. She assured me her behavior would be impeccable. She’ll be punished for this behavior.”

  Cam nodded curtly. “Your best bet is to withhold pain. She acts up to get punished.” He turned to head toward Noelle. “It was nice seeing you, Paul. Have a good evening.”

  He headed toward Noelle, but Colt cut off his path.

  “Do you want me to escort them out?”

  Cam shook his head, feeling very relieved Gwen wasn’t his problem any longer. “No need. I think Paul will have them out of here within minutes. He looked pissed. No Dom likes to be embarrassed by his sub.”

  Colt snorted. “No man likes to be embarrassed by his woman. Period. Gwen here to cause trouble?”

  “Yes, but I’m not going to let her. She’s not getting near Noelle. Tonight or any other night.”

  * * * *

  Noelle ducked out for some air. Watching Cam with his ex-wife wasn’t her favorite pastime. She wasn’t one of those insecure, simpering women who felt the need to latch on to her man when he was talking to another woman, and fuck if she was going to turn in to one. She let Cam take care of his business without her. He could tell her about the conversation later.

  “Hiding? Isn’t it supposed to be your birthday party?”

  Awesome. Gwen was heading right for her. Noelle closed her eyes and held onto the thin thread of her temper. She wasn’t the most patient of people at the best of times. She schooled her features and put on her best hostess smile.

  “Just getting some air. Can I help you, Gwen?”

  Gwen lit a cigarette and blew smoke into the air. She leaned against the building and gave Noelle a thin smile.

  “It’s really how I can help you. I came out here to give you some advice. I don’t know why, but you bring out my protective instincts.”

  Noelle doubted that with all her heart.

  “Really? Well, that’s interesting. I’m not sure I’m ready to hear any advice from you, though.”

  Gwen drew on the cigarette, the tip glowing orange in the dark. “This is friendly advice, I assure you. I think you should know the truth about Cam. And me. It’s only right. I don’t think it’s right for him to deceive you.”

  “Deceive me? How pray tell has he deceived me?”

  Gwen made a show of looking sympathetic, but Noelle wasn’t fooled. She’d known women like this and wasn’t falling for any of her shit.

  “Cam and I, well, we’ve been talking about getting back together. Right before you came here, we’d decided to give things a try. You see, I wouldn’t sleep with Colt, and that was unacceptable to Cam. But now that I’ve grown older, I see that Cam wants absolute obedience. Submission is everything to him. I can give that to him now. He’s just playing with you. After your sister’s wedding, he’ll let you down gently. He always ends up with me again. How do you think a man like him has stayed single for so long? Has he told you he loves you? He does that with all his temporary subs.”

  Noelle wanted to grab Gwen by her bleached-blonde hair and drag her to her car and throw her in. This woman had major issues, and God love Cam for having to deal with them over the years. He must have the patience of a saint. She knew better than to feed the fire of Gwen’s delusions. She would stand here and try not to make any sudden moves. Thank heaven she didn’t have a pet bunny for this woman to boil.

  “He wanted you to sleep with Colt, huh? Well, I’ve already done that for him. Colt is really hot in bed. He’s like a stallion. As good as Cam, but in a different way.”

  Whatever response Gwen had been expecting, this wasn’t it. Her mouth gaped open like a fish, and she seemed to have trouble articulating. Noelle smiled.

  “I do appreciate the advice, though. Too bad you passed up Colt. He’s got a wicked tongue.”

  Gwen threw her cigarette down and scowled. “Cam is mine. You’re just the passing fancy around here. And a slutty one at that.”

  Noelle shrugged. “I’ve been called way worse. I think I’ll let Cam decide who and what he wants. Are we finished here?”

  “Yes,” Gwen spat, her face red and not so pretty.

  Noelle headed toward the barn as Cam and Colt were hurrying toward her. Cam pulled her into his arms and practically dragged her into a quiet corner, leaving Colt to deal with Gwen.

  He placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake.

  “What did Gwen say to you? Fuck it all, I swore she wouldn’t get near you and dammit, she headed straight for you when our backs were turned. Are you okay?”

  Noelle placed her hand on his chest to calm him, but his heart was beating hard and fast under her fingers.

  “It’s okay.” She kept her voice low and soothing. “I admit I was pissed, but I’m fine. She’s not that scary, Cam. She’s got nothing on the girls in school who teased me for wearing a bra in fourth grade or called me names because of my red hair and freckles. She’s strictly amateur hour. She tried telling me that you two were getting back together. She said the reason you split was because she wouldn’t have sex with Colt. I didn’t believe her, you big, mean Dom.”

  Cam let his hands drop and took a deep breath. “She said I wanted her to sleep with Colt? Fuck, I never share my subs, and I sure as hell wouldn’t share the woman I love. What did you say to her? She looked livid.”

  Noelle grinned playfully. “I told her I had already slept with Colt for you. I said he was a stallion in bed. As good as you. She called me a slut.”

  Cam groaned. He looked mad and frustrated, and Noelle wished he would calm down. Gwen kept yanking his chain because she could get a rise out of him.

  “That didn’t bother you, getting called a slut? And holy hell, Noelle, you told her you slept with Colt. I don’t know whether to beat your ass or reward you. Fuck.”

  Noelle ran her hands around his lean middle and pressed herself close to his warm body.

  “My vote is for a reward. And no, a tramp calling someone else a slut doesn’t have much sting if you know what I mean.”

  Cam shook his head and reached into his pocket, pulling out the remote. He pressed the button, sending vibrations through her body and waves of pleasure radiating to her pussy.

  “Don’t let Julie hear that you said you slept with Colt. She’s a jealous woman. Now, come for me, Noelle.”

  She shuddered and moaned as he held her, the climax cresting and washing over her. It left her shaki
ng and sated against his chest. He lifted her chin with his fingers.

  “It’s time for your birthday surprise. Let’s go, pretty sub.”

  She let Cam lead her from the party and into his SUV, heading out onto the ranch, far away from their friends and family.

  Chapter Ten

  The lights from the ranch had already disappeared behind them when he spoke. “We’re going to the cabin, sweetheart. Where this all began for us. I can still picture you standing there in the kitchen, wearing my shirt and not much else. I think I fell for you at that moment.”

  Noelle chuckled and ran her hand along his thighs, feeling his muscles tense under her fingers. “You sure talk sweet for a tough, mean Dom. Going easy on me since it’s my birthday?”

  “Is that what you want me to do?”

  She shook her head. “No, I want my mean Dom to use his sub as he pleases.”

  Cam caught her hand and lifted it to his lips, brushing her fingertips and sending sparks through her. Her heart tightened with love for him. She couldn’t wait to be in his arms, submitting to his desires. She’d come a long way from the woman she was when she arrived. She smiled as she wondered what her creative Dom had in store for her this evening.

  They would be alone tonight, and she could make all the damn noise she wanted, no gagging needed. Although if she admitted it to herself, she was starting to enjoy the gag. She was just perverse that way. She giggled as she remembered a show she had seen on television set in the middle of Montana. Perhaps, they wouldn’t be completely alone tonight.

  Maybe there’s a Bigfoot out there.

  Cam turned to her with an indulgent smile. “What was the giggle for? You find outdoor life amusing?”

  “No, I was just thinking of a show I watched once. It was about hunting for a Bigfoot.”

  Cam opened the car door with a laugh. “I’ve lived here pretty much my entire life and never seen one. I guess that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, though. Maybe we can hunt Bigfoot another night. I have plans for you tonight.”


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