Two Wolves For Lizette

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Two Wolves For Lizette Page 13

by Jessica Miller

  “Well shit…” she breathed.


  “So…are you going to let them integrate with us?” Nora asked Safir after a moment too long of silence.

  “Integrate?” Safir snorted and shook his head slowly. “I don’t know how that will go, our guys have been at it for days.”

  “Yes but have they really been fighting?” Weston asked him carefully.

  “Well no…it took us—well me a little bit to realize that your guys weren’t being aggressive. I was just pissed because you took Nora,” Safir admitted.

  “So will you consider integration of the prides? Because my guys really need a break after everything in Oregon…and a home really.”

  “I couldn’t actually turn my back on our own kind…I wouldn’t,” Safir said solemnly. He stood up and walked over to shake Weston’s hand. Nora breathed a sigh of relief, a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.

  “Great, I need a serious drink,” she said, making Safir laugh and Weston smirk in response.

  “She hasn’t been a prisoner here, by the way,” Weston said, “she was five percent captive, ninety-five percent free.”

  “Good, because if you’d have harmed her I would have killed you,” Safir said pleasantly.

  “Let’s not backslide guys, how about that drink?” Nora said, growing a little nervous.

  “What did you do with her while I was blind with rage?” Safir asked Weston, their hands still gripped together in what was supposed to be a handshake.

  “Safir…” he glanced at her and quirked an eyebrow.

  “Do you want to tell me?”

  “We kissed, and I…really like him,” she said, all the words sort of just tumbling from her mouth. She couldn’t handle the pressure, she really couldn’t.

  “You kissed him?” Safir asked, his hand falling away from Weston’s. Oddly enough he wasn’t exactly angry, he seemed more rueful than anything. “Figures,” he sighed.

  “You’re not mad?” she asked him anxiously and with disbelief in her tone.

  “No…” he glanced at her with a small smile that was quickly turning into a mischievous smirk.

  “You aren’t?” Weston asked, his expression impressed and she saw that he respected Safir already.

  “No, I mean I’m a little sad, Nora sees something in you that…I’m not fulfilling for her. But if we both can make her happy…” Nora’s jaw dropped. She wasn’t prepared for that in the slightest. She expected him to go into some sort of jealous fit than be accepting of her feelings for Weston. “But one thing I won’t do is let her go,” Safir said with conviction. Nora stared at Safir with wide eyes…maybe he’d changed in the time he spent without her.

  “I wouldn’t let her go either…” Weston said, his gaze swinging over to Nora.

  “Safir…are you serious?” she asked him, shock thick in her voice. He simply gave her a small smile that melted her heart and nodded. His gaze never wavered or showed signs of reticence.

  “All this time I spent running around and ordering the pride around in anger and frankly…jealousy. I couldn’t stand the thought of some other shifter having you. But all of that was blinding me to what was actually happening. When I let all those feelings go I was led right to you,” he simply shrugged and Nora felt her chest swell with emotion.

  “Alright then, um…I don’t know about you guys but…I’m still up for that drink,” she said and slowly moved towards the kitchen. Safir chuckled while Weston simply watched her, his eyes a bit predatory. She suddenly felt as if she had to catch her breath. Her sandwich contents were still pushed back on the kitchen island, where Weston had her up on not very long ago. She put all that stuff away and grabbed the bottle of tequila she spotted in the back of the fridge, followed by three glasses.

  “Shots?” she said when she turned around and found them both in the kitchen with her.

  “Sure, we could all use it,” Weston said. Nora poured everyone a double shot and then two more of those in succession. It didn’t take very long for her to get tipsy, but it took nearly half the full bottle of tequila to affect both Weston and Safir.

  “Take another shot Nora,” Safir poked her in the side and she giggled as she flinched away from him.

  “I can’t, if I do I won’t be attractive drunk, I’ll get really sloppy,” she said, making Weston laugh.

  “You’re right actually, I remember that Memorial Day party we went to, it wasn’t the best,” Safir said and she giggled again.

  “I have to say I’m not that used to giggly Nora, more like intense, sexy without trying Nora,” Weston said and Safir snorted.

  “The sexy part is all the time, yeah, but she’s normally fun-loving,” Safir told him.

  “You know guys I’m right here,” she said lazily.

  “We know…” Weston said, he moved behind her, pulling her against his chest just as Safir simultaneously pressed against her from the front. Nora’s breath caught in her throat when she felt Weston’s lips on her nape. She tilted her head so he could have more access and met Safir’s kiss in the process. He licked almost hungrily into her mouth and pressed his hips flush against hers. She felt his erection and squirmed against him. Weston pressed tighter against her as well and she gasped when she felt his hardness against her back.

  Safir pulled away from her slightly and Weston scooped her up into his arms. Before she knew it they all were in her bedroom and Weston was lowering her onto the bed. He climbed up next to her and bent down to kiss her while Safir pulled off her pants and trailed kisses along her calves. Nora felt all hot and wrapped up in lust, she wanted both of them with an odd fierceness that took her by surprise.

  Weston pulled off her shirt and unhooked her bra with ease while Safir slid her panties off. She felt as if she would combust with their lips on her. Weston slid down to her breasts while he kneaded them in his hands, and Safir’s lips inched closer to her inner thighs. By the time Weston pulled one of her nipples into his mouth, Safir’s lips reached her sensitive folds, his tongue delved in to slide against her clitoris.

  “Oh my god…” Nora gasped, out of breath from panting so much. She couldn’t lie still, pleasure was coursing through her with every beat of her heart and it was racing. It wasn’t long before she was shooting off into a mind-shattering orgasm. She swore she saw colors explode around her as her body was rocked with wave after wave of intense pleasure. She hadn’t even come down from her orgasm yet before Safir was nudging her legs farther apart and sliding into her. She cried out as he filled her up, her back arching to meet his thrusts. She was only a little distracted by Weston then, he had taken off his clothes and was beautifully naked next to her on the bed. He kissed her once before offering her his impressive erection. She took it into her hand and soon had him in her mouth. When another orgasm hit her Weston and Safir switched positions. They went at it until Nora was little more than a puddle on the mattress, passed out and completely sated.


  Nora woke to the sounds of Safir and Weston talking. They were speaking in low voices and on either side of her. She stretched, feeling like her body had the best internal massage ever, and opened her eyes. Tan and golden eyes met hers and both had tender expressions, though Safir smiled and Weston simply caressed her jaw.

  “Good morning sleepyhead,” Safir said, his smile growing.

  “Morning…” she said, feeling all of a sudden shy. Though she really shouldn’t after the night they had before.

  “How do you feel?” Weston asked her, humor in his voice.

  “Really good,” she said with a chuckle.

  “No hangover?” he asked, seeming impressed.

  “No…I think the orgasms kept me from having one maybe…if that’s possible,” she joked.

  “So Weston and I were just talking…” Safir said and she glanced at him curiously.

  “We came up with a way to successfully merge the prides. It’s kind of a necessity now…I’m like Safir, not letting you go,” Weston told her. Nora’s
chest filled with warmth and hope as she smiled at him. She really did have feelings for Weston and wouldn’t want him out of her life either.

  “So what are you going to do to merge the prides,” she asked.

  “First we’re going to talk to the neighboring wolves to get them to agree to extend the duration of our sanctuary here. Then slowly, but steadily integrate my guys into Lion’s Bay. They’d move into town just like any human, then only when everyone is settled will we merge the shifters into one pride…Safir staying its leader and me taking position as his second,” Weston explained.

  “That sounds perfect,” Nora said happily. “Have you told the other lions yet?” she asked them and they shook their heads.

  “First we’ll get our sanctuary here extended then get everyone together to tell them what’s going on…” Safir said.

  “…but?” Nora heard the slight waver without him voicing it.

  “But I just want to make sure you’re okay with our both wanting you as mate…we wouldn’t be able to have a human marriage. And…we’d essentially be sharing you,” he pointed out. Nora smirked and shrugged a little.

  “That’s alright with me, as long as you’re both in my life as in more than friends. As long as we have some kind of commitment bonding us together,” she said.

  “Of course, we can make vows in front of the pride once it’s merged,” Weston suggested.

  “It’d be the perfect way to start our union officially,” Safir said thoughtfully.

  “I like it,” Nora said with a smile.

  “Great, now let’s shower and get something to eat,” Safir suggested. Nora held her arms out then.

  “I think you’ll have to carry me, I doubt my legs are still working,” she said and Weston laughed almost dangerously.

  “Oh Nora, Nora, Nora…are you going to be in for a treat,” he chuckled, making her crack up. He kissed her on the cheek and Safir gave her a light peck on the lips.

  “Come on, we need our Nora up and running,” he said and Weston pulled her up.

  “So technically…are you guys my concubines?” she asked curiously, only mostly joking.

  “Depends on your definition, sure we’ll draw baths for you and feed you, no problem. But in bed you’re being dominated, no doubt about it,” Safir said, grinning at her.

  Nora thought getting ready the morning after marathon sex with just Safir was a process, but getting ready the morning after with both Weston and Safir…that was an entirely different deal. But strange as it was Nora couldn’t be happier, literally. Weston and Safir oddly balanced each other out and fit two sides of her like puzzle pieces.

  “So…your summer is turning out to be pretty eventful huh?” Safir asked her while they ae a quick breakfast.

  “Yeah actually…I don’t think I can share with my class what I did this summer though. I might have to make something up…say I went to Seattle or something,” she said.

  “This is going to be a little weird at first, but I think it’ll work,” he said and Nora glanced over at Weston who was grabbing orange juice from the fridge.

  “Well you were a little weird when we first met, but it worked out,” she said and heard Weston chuckle. Safir smiled ruefully at her, but pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Same with Weston…” she added and he simply laughed.

  “Our shifters will be fine, as long as they’re with their own…and you know we’d be the largest lion pride in the north,” West pointed out.

  “We’re stronger unified,” Safir said, stating the obvious though it was so true. Nora smiled to herself, she was excited about the rest of the summer, only a little scared, but so looking forward to what was ahead.


  Bonus Story 3 of 40

  Just in Time

  The drunk guy next to me leaned over to blow his beer-laced question in my face. “So who do you think’ll win, huh? Nets or Celtics?”

  I scrunched up my nose and leaned away slightly while he wobbled in his seat. He had a leathery face from many days working out in the sun. His eyes were an unfocused soupy green color and pointed in my general direction. He wore a black trench coat over a blue work shirt and jeans. His muddy boots kept slipping from the ledge under the bar. I chuckled and then pointed to the flat screen directly in front of us, hanging over the bar.

  “The Nets man. All day,” I said. A few New Yorkers within earshot cheered, and the drunk guy grinned.

  “Nah. So what they’re up this quarter, all the Celtics have to do is catch up in the last two minutes and they’ve got this,” the guy said, slurring his words. The Brooklyn crowd at the bar heard him, and he got booed and pelted with peanuts. I chuckled again.

  “They’re going to catch up twenty points in two minutes?” I said. “Not a chance.”

  “I got a huge bet ridin’ on this, I can’t afford to lose it,” said the drunk. I shook my head apologetically.

  “You shouldn’t have bet on the Celtics man. The Celtics? Really?” I said in disbelief. The guy groaned while he gulped down the rest of his fifth beer.

  “Guy is gonna get iced,” the man on my left said with a laugh. I patted the drunk on his back.

  “I suggest you start running now guy, maybe you’ll be able to hide from your bookie,” I suggested. The drunk guy looked up with wide eyes that were surprisingly alert and he slapped two twenties on the bar top before he bolted out of the door. Three seconds later three huge guys ran out after him. Half the bar was loud with laughter.

  I snorted and then paid attention to the screen once more as I brought the bottle of lager to my lips. Got to love this city, there was a never ending supply of entertainment if you knew where to look. With the life I had, I’d just about seen it all.

  I’ve been nearly everywhere on the globe, but had no frequent flier miles to show for my kind of travel. I had the ability to teleport. Create my own wormholes and jump through them to any point on the globe. Often the cracks I created in space and time close right up after I travel through, but sometimes I create large pathways that lead not only to a different place, but a different time. I’ve sometimes gone full years back and forward in time; it was wild. Of course I used my gift with as pure intentions as possible. After I set myself up financially I only jump for largely recreational reasons or if I see that someone truly needs help. Like the drunk guy who made the wrong bet.

  I haven’t done a good Samaritan act for the week yet, so I figured I’d let him get his beating and then jump back in time to stop him from at least making the wrong bet. He left his wallet in his seat before he bolted from the bar and as I looked through it I found his address. It wouldn’t be difficult to fix that guy’s mistake. I’d leave a note on his refrigerator telling him to bet on the Nets or don’t bet at all. I sat and watched the rest of the game and celebrated with the bar as the owner came out and bought every patron a beer when the Nets won.

  I left the bar and stepped out into the cold New York night. The city was never quiet that was for sure. I walked around to the side of the building and leaned against the brick façade as I pulled a cigarette and lighter out of my pocket. I lit the cigarette and inhaled the bittersweet taste of tobacco smoke. I watched people walk by on the busy sidewalks as I savored my cigarette. I only allowed myself one per week to keep the cravings at bay.

  As I blew out a plume of smoke I caught sight of a shock of red hair. She stood out, like in one of those cheesy romance films; caught under the moonlight all ethereal in her pale-faced beauty as the background melted into indistinct watercolors. She had a small smile on her lips as she walked along the sidewalk, seemingly lost in a sweet memory. She wore a long red pea coat and had a cream colored scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. One strong winter wind and the thing would fly away. Then, as if I had summoned it, a sudden cold breeze swept the scarf from her shoulders and blew it into the empty street. She looked up, her bright blue eyes startled and she went after it. Even I stepped forward to help her get the scarf. Because hell, I needed to find out who she wa

  Before I could step out into the street I saw the huge semi turn the corner. It was going just as fast any other city driver, and the woman had no chance to get out of the way. I froze and watched the macabre scene in slow motion. She skipped out into the middle of the road and bent to pick up her scarf and looked up just in time to see the grill of the semi before it slammed into her, sent her flying twenty feet into the air before she landed on the street with a thud. All traffic stopped. The entire block stopped all movement as everyone looked at the horrible scene and took it in. After the two seconds of tense silence, people started screaming and yelling at the driver who wasn’t paying attention to the road.

  I could faintly hear the sound of sirens and that’s when my body burst into motion. I could save her; I would save her. I’d simply go back and stop her from ever stepping out onto the road. I’d change her future for the better. I ran over to her fallen, broken body. I moved faster than the other bystanders and was by her side in the blink of an eye. I wasn’t aware of having jumped the space until I was holding her head in my lap. She was still alive, but just barely.

  “Wh-what’s your name?” I asked her, and her eyes fluttered open. She looked at me as if she knew she was dying and was resigned to her fate. I had to jump back before she actually died or I’d change things too drastically, and only disasters would amount from that. The woman’s body was twisted at an extremely odd angle and before she answered she coughed up blood and it trickled down her chin.

  “Melina…” she whispered. I nodded and then gently laid her down on the ground once more.

  “I’m going to save you Melina,” I said before I ran and disappeared into the crowd that was forming around her. I sprinted to a nearby alley and then took several deep breaths before I held out my palm and summoned the familiar resonating power that started with my pulse and quickened into a sort of magnetic pull. The air in front of me wavered as if vapor was rising from the cold ground. The familiar thundering sound echoed through the alley as the wrinkle in space gained too much energy and ripped through time to create a pathway into the past. The thunder sounded once more and I felt the air charge as a flash of lightning nearly touched down right next to me. That was my cue to step through. I took a step, and was sucked into the other side of the rip I had created.


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