The Eve of Forever

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The Eve of Forever Page 3

by S J Batsford

  “Oh well, now that’s settled,” I murmur and shake my head. “I can’t believe how happy I am, with Amy and the kids. After the whole Lily episode, I didn’t think I’d ever get another chance, I didn’t believe I deserved it, not after the way I treated her.” I say quietly, I’m still ashamed of my actions toward Lily back then.

  “That wasn’t all you man, there was a lot of factors outside working against you,” he says trying to take some of the blame off my shoulders.

  “I made those choices Niles, me. I could have chosen differently but I didn’t and I had to deal with the consequences.”

  “I know but you didn’t have all the facts back then. You need to stop being so hard on yourself for past mistakes, you learnt from them, it’s time to move on, E.” He implores me, leaning his elbows on his knees looking me in the eyes. “You need to let it all go. Forgive yourself, like everyone else has and go into your marriage without all the baggage.”

  I watch my brother, my twin in so many ways but in some so very different. His wisdom at times when he does open up like this and talk is astonishing, not many people get to see this side of him. I just hope one day that he will open up and show someone this side of himself.

  “I think it’s time too.” I nod and smile gratefully at him. “I want this for you too,” I blurt seeing an opening to talk about him for a change.

  “A tux? Mace is finding one,” he laughs brushing off my attempt to turn it to him.

  “No, you know what I’m saying Ni. I want you to find someone to love and love you back. I want to be your best man, I want you to be as happy as I am,” I rush to get it all out before he shuts me down. He watches me silently for what feels like a lifetime before finally talking.

  “You haven’t called me that in a really long time,” he smiles, and I smile acknowledging his comment. His smile drops and he looks down at his hands, I wait him out, this is how he talks, he processes what he’s going to say before saying it. “Loves complicated, E. It’s a minefield and it doesn’t matter how carefully I tread something goes off and I end up hurting someone.” He sighs, fisting his hands in his hair, frustration oozing off him in waves.

  “Talk to me Ni, maybe I can help? I don’t want you hurting like this alone, I’m always here for you, no matter what’s going on. You’re my brother, my twin, the other half of me. I’m lost without you, same as you are without me.” I put an arm awkwardly around his neck as best I can, his pain is my pain as mine is his. “I’m sorry for not seeing how bad it is for you,” I say quietly, feeling my heartbreak for him, with him.

  “It’s okay, you have a life, E. A family and I didn’t want you to see it or sense it. You’ve had a lot on, and you don’t need to add my shit to it.”

  “Well, I don’t have any shit anymore since we just agreed it needs to be left in the past. So, now you can unload on me and it won’t be a problem,” I say making him chuckle and lift his head finally, I can still see the shadows in his eyes but at least he’s smiling again.

  “E, Niles, I found the perfect suits. Are you guys coming out?” He asks and laughs, we open the curtain and see the assistant gaping wide eyed. He obviously heard Mace say something about coming out… Looking between us he opens and closes his mouth a few times then scurries off into the back room. Leaving us laughing. Shrugging Mace holds up two identical tux’s grinning like a fool, “so, what do you think? Perfect or perfect?” He asks, looking between us.

  “Perfect,” Niles and I say together.

  Chapter Three

  I grin as Amy moans in her sleep, stretching and thrusting her chest into the air for me to admire, and admire I do. Taking in the curves of her body as her muscles stretch and contract, sends my blood rushing south so fast I'd be dizzy if I wasn’t already lying down. She turns onto her back throwing her arms over her head and kicking the sheets off, displaying her barely there sleep shorts and tiny cami, her breasts test the limits of the material.

  Licking my lips, I reach out and run a finger down her cheek and along her neck, causing her to shiver in her sleep, a sexy little moan slips from her mouth encouraging me. I slide closer, moaning quietly as my heated skin connects with hers. Sliding the backs of my fingers along the supple skin of her arm enjoying the goose bumps that follow my descent.

  “Mmm,” she murmurs, wiggling closer.

  Grinning, I shuffle down the bed, leaning closer I look up keeping an eye on her for any small indication she’s waking up. Slowly, I pinch the edge of her shirt and lift it slightly, smirking smugly as she shivers, groaning lifting her hips up a little, even in her sleep she’s hot for me.

  Keeping my focus on her face, I kiss her belly. When she doesn’t wake up, I kiss and lick my way down the gentle slope of her belly, feeling it tighten beneath my lips. I carry on my journey downwards smirking when her hips lift off the bed wanting more. Parting her luscious legs, I inch her shorts down with my teeth and pull them off.

  “Mmm, E,” she mumbles, licking her lips as her hands dive into my hair, pulling me closer to where she wants me. I take a minute to breathe her in, feeling my dick pulse impatient to taste. Blowing on her clit teasing her the way she likes it. Moaning she tries to pull me in further, I resist and drag my tongue along her inner thigh enjoying the way they shake in anticipation. “Please E,” she groans frustrated, she wiggles closer trying to entice me. Looking up at her we lock eyes as I still her, pinning her hips to the bed, she gasps and groans, her chest heaving.

  When I’m sure she knows who’s in charge, I refocus on the task at hand. “Shh,” I whisper, breathing on her hot little pussy, “I’ll give you what you need, sweetheart,” I say softly, nuzzling her through her panties. Gasping she fists my hair, pulling harder showing her exasperation with my teasing.

  Taking pity on both of us, I hook my arms under her thighs and pull the lace aside, almost coming from the sight before me. “Don’t worry babe, I’m as desperate to taste your pussy as you are for me to,” I groan deeply, she’s dripping for me. Fuck. My cock jumps leaking pre-come on the sheets, grinding my hips into the mattress. I drag my tongue along her lips, groaning loudly, my eyes rolling back into my head.

  “You taste so good baby.” I tease her clit with gentle swipes, making her gasp and moan.

  “Ethan, I need your fingers too,” she gasps and twitches as I lap up her juices, driving my tongue into her. Hissing, she grasps my head and grinds into my mouth, taking what she needs. I fucking love when she’s desperate for it.

  “Ah, E. I-it’s not enough, I need more, please,” she stutters panting.

  “You want me to fuck you with my fingers?” I ask, stilling my tongue making her cry out in dismay.

  “Y-yess,” she hisses urgently.

  “Get those gorgeous tits out for me, I want to see them flush when you come on my fingers and tongue.” I order trailing a finger over her clit causing her body to shudder. Releasing her grip on my hair she yanks her top off quickly then her hands are back where they were, holding me tightly as if I would disappear if not for her grip on me. I wouldn’t be anywhere but right here; the world ending couldn’t pull me away from her hot little pussy right now.

  I watch her face flush with pleasure as I slowly slide two fingers into her, the sexy sigh that leaves her as I brush the spot she loves, is my undoing. I dive in, pulling her clit between my lips, sucking and nibbling as my fingers work her g-spot. Working her simultaneously, her orgasm raises and crashes over her quickly, she cries out loudly gripping my head and fingers like a vice.

  Her legs go limp when she comes back down to earth, the only sound is her heavy breaths. Moving, I slip my fingers free, enjoying licking her come from them. I shuffle myself up the bed lying beside her, watching her body cool, I reach out and caress her beautiful face unable to keep my hands off her.

  “Morning beautiful,” I whisper, kissing her soft lips.

  “Mmm, it’s a fantastic morning when I wake up with your head between my legs,” she replies, smiling softly turning on her
side throwing a leg over my hips. I hiss, my cock is so hard it hurts. “Now I think it’s my turn to pleasure you,” she whispers against my lips as she raises over me giving me an amazing view of her tits. Reaching out I take them in my hands, cupping them and rolling her hard nipples between my thumb and fingers.

  Humming, she grinds down on my lap. “Ahh, babe, I won’t last long if you keep that up,” I groan, my hands falling to her waist holding her against me feeling pleasurable pain slide through me. “So good,” I moan, closing my eyes enjoying the feel of her pussy sliding against my aching cock.

  The heat of her bare chest against mine only intensifies my need for her. Grasping her head, I pull her mouth to mine, I lick into her mouth desperate for any part of her, my body feels like live wire a mere touch and it’ll go off.

  Pulling my mouth away, I can barely see through my fog of arousal. “Get these boxers off me and ride me before I rip them off and come all over your tits,” I order my voice barely recognisable.

  Seeing how serious I am she hurries to get my boxers off and sliding onto my cock before I can take my next breath. I almost scream from the heat and ecstasy that engulfs me, her pussy feels like heaven, hot, tight and oh so wet.

  “Mmm,” I moan, pulling her hips down and grinding her on me. Fucking heaven. I groan as my balls tingle and tighten signalling my orgasm. “Ahh, no, not yet,” I groan stilling Amy’s gyrating hips. “Wait, just give me a minute,” I heave out, my eyes connecting with hers.

  Leaning down close to my ear she licks my neck. “You don’t need a minute,” she moans in my ear, I feel her hand wiggle between us and groan when I feel her clamp down on me as she plays with her clit and rocks against me, I squeeze my eyes closed and lose my hold on her hips.

  She abandons her clit and leans back on her hands and rolls her hips, slowly delectably, then faster driving the head of my cock into her g-spot.

  “I can’t hold off much longer,” I gasp, reaching down I rub her clit with my thumb I grit my teeth trying to hold off to feel her come on my cock.

  “Mmm, Ethan. I’m gonna come. Come for me, come inside me…” She gasps and shudders throwing her head back.

  Her hips stutter and she falls forward as she loses herself. “Ethan,” she cries out as her pussy clenches around me taking me over with her.

  I groan, clasping her to my chest as I come long and hard inside her. “Fuck, Amy,” I gasp my cock still twitching inside her.

  We lay that way cooling off, when my body relaxes, I stroke a hand down her back luxuriating in her soft supple skin. “That’s how we should always start our days,” I whisper into her neck, laying gentle kisses across her shoulder.

  “We do, most mornings,” she laughs, and I groan as she squeezes me, my dick should be spent but it perks up quickly. “Don’t even think about it, the kids will be getting up soon,” she slides off me laughing. I mock glare at her.

  “That was just mean, you knew he’d want more,” I sulk, looking down at my semi.

  “Well, if he’s lucky I may kiss him better in the shower,” she says getting up and strutting across the room, I watch her naked ass sway from side to side, my mouth waters and before I can blink I’m slipping into the chair buck naked and following behind her.

  “What’s on your agenda today?” I ask as we sit in the kitchen drinking coffee, it’s barely six in the morning and the house is mostly quiet. Only Bailey is awake showering for school, so we have a few minutes peace before Evie wakes up.

  “Drop the kids off, then Scarlett and I have to phone around cake stores. I’m not sure where to call though since the venue is up in the air right now,” she replies, chewing her cheek nervously.

  “Call Mom, see where she’s at with her friend." I take her hand in mine, "I think since he offered it, it’s pretty much a done deal. Are you happy with the location?”

  “I love it, it looks so idyllic. It’s exactly what we talked about, I can’t imagine finding anywhere better, but do you like it? It’s not all about me and my wants and likes.”

  “Whatever you want is what I want, but I do love it. The kids will be in seventh heaven with all the snow,” I laugh imagining the fun they’ll have in the snow.

  “I know, they’ll love it…But what about you?” She asks looking at my chair.

  “I’ve been working on it with Luke, but unfortunately I doubt I’ll be rolling around in the snow with you,” I smile sadly, rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand soothingly.

  “We’ll work it out, plus we have your brothers, Luke, Jax… Think of all the muscle,” she sighs, staring off into space dreamily.

  “Hey,” I laugh, nudging her arm, “you’re about to be a married woman. Less of the daydreaming about other men,” I scowl playfully at her.

  She looks at me innocently, biting her lip to keep from laughing. “I know, but I’ll be married, not dead,” she giggles, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “I can still appreciate all the man meat around.

  “Man meat?” I laugh, spitting coffee all over the place.

  “Man meat,” she repeats slowly, licking her lips as her eyes seem to eat me up.

  “Hell, don’t start that now. I have to go meet Luke and workout, I don’t want to be pitching a tent in front of him,” I laugh, adjusting myself.

  “Well, if that’s all it takes to get you hard…” she shrugs and takes a sip of coffee, watching me over the rim of her mug.

  “We’ll discuss what it takes to make me hard when little ears aren’t present,” I whisper, nodding over at Bailey who just walked in the room.

  “Morning Muffin,” I say smiling, looking up at me she grins dropping her school bag she hurries over, I push my chair back and open my arms as she jumps onto my lap and wraps her arms around my neck. I smile into her hair, breathing in her apple shampoo feeling my heart melt as it always does when she’s in my arms. Jeez, I love this kid.

  “Morning dad,” she whispers into my ear making my heart squeeze, I tighten my arms around her.

  “I love when you call me that,” I murmur, grinning like an idiot.

  “I know,” she pulls back smiling shyly and kisses my cheek before going over to her mom and hugging her. Amy looks at me shell-shocked, her eyes wide and mouth agape. Obviously, she caught what Bailey called me, it’s the first time she’s said it in the presence of others. I grin proudly, puffing out my chest because my little girl loves me and calls me dad.

  “W-when did she?” Amy stutters quietly when Bailey goes to pour her cereal into a bowl.

  “A while,” I shrug as if it’s no big deal, but hell it’s the biggest deal in the world to me.

  “Erm, okay,” she replies, bewildered.

  “So, when are we going dress shopping?” Bailey asks when she sits down with her breakfast and juice. She looks at her mom expectantly, shovelling cereal into her mouth.

  “Err, well, I was thinking this weekend. Scarlett is off work and I was going to ask Lily if she would come with Eliza, maybe ask your mom and Ava? Make a girls day out of it?” Amy looks between us, gauging our reactions.

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea, you girls go and pamper yourselves or whatever and us guys can do our things,” I say vaguely, sipping my coffee, purposefully avoiding her eyes.

  “Ethan, what are you up to?” She asks, scrutinising me closely.

  “Nothing,” I say putting my mug down and holding my hands up.

  “Hmm, somehow I don’t believe you, but I’ll let you have your secrets… Just this once.” She glares playfully and turns back to Bailey as Evie bursts into the room, her hair a tangled mess, her pyjamas askew and her teddy dangling from her hand.

  “Good morning baby-cakes,” I smile, she scurries over and I pick her up, she cuddles into my chest, hiding her face in my neck as she’s done since the day she came into this world. It’s a wonder my heart doesn’t burst from my chest with the love I have for the special people in my life.

  “M-my going to preschool today daddy?” Evie asks on a big yawn.
br />   “Yep, big girls go to preschool.” I kiss her head and rub her back.

  “What does the big girl want for breakfast?” Amy asks getting up, she leans down and kisses Evie’s messy hair as she passes.

  “Froot Loops,” Evie shouts in my ear deafening me, wincing I put her down and smile as she scurries over to Amy dancing around her excited.

  When her bowl is put on the table she sits quietly and starts to separate all the different colours. I watch, the look of concentration on her face makes me smile, it reminds me of Niles when he’s doing anything.

  Looking at the clock I sigh and grab my cup and push myself over to the sink, washing my cup.

  “I have to go to the candy store,” I sigh dramatically, turning to Amy and the girls.

  “You love it, I’ll be here to help you shower when you get home,” she winks, pausing she looks over at Bailey and Evie and blushes. “I know how tired you get, so I’ll be here to help,” she clarifies, I smirk and wink knowingly.

  “Kisses before I go,” I call, the girls jump up and are on me in seconds. “Love you girls,” I say kissing them both on their cheeks.

  “Love you too daddy,” Evie says milk dripping down her chin.

  “Love you too, dad,” Bailey whispers hugging me again before going to finish her juice and talk to Evie.

  Turning I nod toward the hallway, Amy follows thankfully, there’s no way I can kiss her decently after all her teasing in front of the kids.

  She looks at me innocently, clasping her hands together waiting. Crooking my finger at her I whisper, “come here,” I point at my lap. When she sits, I turn her head and devour her mouth with mine, she tastes like cinnamon and coffee. Wrapping her arms around my neck she pulls me in tight against her breasts, I groan feeling myself harden under her luscious ass.

  Ripping my mouth away, we're both panting. “I wish I had time to ravish you right here,” I growl, laying one last hard kiss on her before pushing her up off my aching dick. You’d think it’d be spent after this morning.


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