Crisis? What Crisis?

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Crisis? What Crisis? Page 41

by Alwyn Turner

  here took the advice – Tynan, Diaries p. 248; swing to the right – Benn, Against the Tide p. 386; Labour Party – Freeman, The Benn Heresy p. 72; rejection of submission – Red Flag 11 July 1975; airline pilot – Norman Tebbit (pc); my own mug – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 9; ham sandwiches – Shirley Williams (pc)

  here inextricably linked – Benn, Against the Tide p. 73; my stomach turn – ibid. p. 473; to be careful – ibid. p. 474; It is important – Daily Telegraph 29 December 2005; £5 note – Times 1 January 2002; de Gaulle himself – Independent 24 June 2003

  here a record number – Chippindale & Horrie, Stick It Up Your Punter! p. 34

  here European federal state – Times 1 January 2001; Last October – ibid. 9 June 1973; It then seemed – Thatcher, The Path to Power p. 210; taking our bat – Pimlott, Harold Wilson p. 659

  Part Three: Sense of Doubt: 1976–1979

  here British mistake – TV Smith, ‘The Great British Mistake’ (Twist & Shout Music, 1978); Life in England – Jarman, Jubilee; If I didn’t laugh – News of the World 9 October 1977

  11: The Callaghan Years

  here unnecessary disputes – Sunday Telegraph 2 January 1977; let us take – Sharples/Drummond, ‘Stand Up and Be Counted’ (Chappell & Co, 1977); I can see – Chappell, Rising Damp, ‘The Good Samaritans’ 1977

  here I can’t conceive – Sampson, The Changing Anatomy of Britain p. 91; When I think – Benn, Against the Tide p. 546

  here year too soon – Jefferys, Anthony Crosland pp. 194–5; great pleasure – Benn, op. cit. p. 549; Prime minister – Powell, Tony Benn p. 70

  here farmyard – Michie & Hoggart, The Pact p. 88; Jim’s interest – ibid. p. 84; We don’t want – Benn, Office Without Power p. 320; paid the price – Times 15 April 1976; elder statesman – Donoughue, Downing Street Diary p. 694; party fixer – Benn, Against the Tide p. 553

  here fifty-two – Heffer, Never A Yes Man p. 153; a young man – Benn, op. cit. pp. 561–2; socialist government – Callaghan, Time and Chance p. 269; One day – Hattersley, Who Goes Home? p. 189; fifth of five –; year for Britain – Times 21 August 1975

  here proles – Dash, Good Morning, Brothers! p. 138; drift towards chaos – Lean, Rebirth of a Nation? pp. 15–16; no intention – ibid. pp. 25–6

  here stunned – Healey, The Time of My Life p. 397; parliamentary democracy – Daily Telegraph 8 January 1977; We were not elected – Freeman, The Benn Heresy p. 78; This budget – Drower, Neil Kinnock p. 54; used to think – Callaghan op. cit. pp. 425–6

  here socialism in one country – Campbell, Roy Jenkins p. 141; The markets – Radice, Friends & Rivals p. 254

  here the housewife – Callaghan op. cit. p. 447; 10 million – Clutterbuck & Crainer, The Decline and Rise of British Industry p. 24; final good sense – Hall, Diaries p. 312

  here taking steroids – Independent 14 December 1998; Between 1978 –

  here mismanagement – Times 24 April 1975; industrial disputes – Benn, op. cit. p. 287; perfectly respectable – Times 20 October 1977; old-fashioned – Daily Mail 7 September 1977

  here Leyland’s models – Richard Porter, Crap Cars (BBC Books, London, 2004); poetic plonk – Sun 7 February 1977; days of disillusion – Sunday Telegraph 6 February 1977

  here more schizophrenic – Anderson, The Diaries p. 341

  here Saltley Gate – Routledge, Scargill p. 102; blank pages – see, for example, Sun 1 July 1977; more like Germany – Hall op. cit. p. 303; can’t portray – Daily Mail 7 September 1977; respect for values – Daily Telegraph 8 January 1977

  here We were a bit – Smith, Big Cyril pp. 172–3

  here we have removed – News of the World 2 October 1977; to wound – Smith op. cit. p. 216; more harm – Sun 5 May 1977

  here psychiatric suicide – Stonehouse, My Trial p. 179; collapse – ibid. p. 75

  here marvellous – ibid. p. 202; mad and sane – Nobbs, The Death of Reginald Perrin

  here; Maudling – Nobbs, I Didn’t Get Where I Am Today p. 272; nihilism – Nobbs, Perrin p. 154

  here Egbert Poltergeist – ibid. p. 264; Labour leadership – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 270; Education – Crosland, Tony Crosland p. 69; main thing – ibid. p. 278

  here industrial relations – Foot, Loyalists and Loners p. 113; here was a situation – ibid. p. 115; skating – Austin Mitchell (pc); full employment – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 227; Jan Hildreth – Sun 4 January 1977; annoys me – Clarke, The Shadow of a Nation p. 176; the death rate – Daily Telegraph 2 February 1977

  here Arthur Winn – Daily Mail 13 November 1973; civilized democracy – Sun 7 November 1977

  here the future – Daily Mail 10 January 1978

  12: Race

  here The conception – Mark, In the Office of Constable p. 302; changed all right – Preston, Out, ‘It Must Be The Suit’ 1978; National Front – Kit Gould, ‘National Front’ (New Bristol Music, 1977)

  here tremendous amount – Bourne, Black in the British Frame pp. 175–6; You’ve never seen – Onyeama, The Book of Black Man’s Humour p. 33

  here it was funny – Sun 1 November 1977; popular song – The Black and White Minstrel Show p. 2

  here lazy, ignorant – Times 30 August 1978; feeds on ignorance – Griffiths, Comedians p. 23

  here dangerous and obsolete – Times 24 April 1972; rest of the world – Wharton, The Stretchford Chronicles p. 215; two people – Daily Mirror 28 January 1978; racial differences – Daily Telegraph 3 February 1977

  here Andrew Huxley – Daily Mail 1 September 1977; every power – ibid. 2 September 1977; all been exposed – Bradbury, The History Man p. 158; famous victory – ibid. p. 235

  here black bands – Eddie Amoo (pc); black musicians – Melody Maker 14 November 1970

  here We don’t play – Harvey Hinsley (pc); a lot of them – Daily Mail 11 November 1971; ten years – Garland & Rowe, Racism and Anti-Racism in Football p. 39; Politics should be left – Guardian 26 January 1979

  here That period – Callaghan, Time and Chance p. 269; official figures – News of the World 6 November 1977

  here immigration – Thatcher, The Path to Power p. 212; one quarter – Johnson & Schoen, ‘The “Powell effect”’ p. 170; coloured policemen – Times 19 November 1970

  here 1976 figures – Daily Telegraph 7 January 1977; sordid celebrations – Mark op. cit. p. 234; niggers – Elms, The Way We Wore p. 156; nursery rhymes – Times 7 January 1978

  here eccentric – ibid. 9 January 1978

  here This evening – Stonehouse, My Trial p. 180; appalled – News of the World 16 October 1977; Every year – Hiro, Black British, White British p. 290; Our people – Benn, Against the Tide pp. 587–8; nothing against blacks – Raphael, The Glittering Prizes p. 245; Union of Muslim Organizations – Daily Mail 6 September 1977

  here start of the decade – Winder, Bloody Foreigners pp. 298, 305; fifth-column – Speight, Till Death Us Do Part, ‘Dock Pilfering’ 1972; tinned beef – James, Death of an Expert Witness p. 129; great amount – Hardy, Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation p. 23; 2,967 complaints – Hiro op. cit. p. 221; Abdul Goni – Sun 5 May 1970

  here because they spoke – Times 2 December 1971; dictator – Gillman & Gillman, Alias David Bowie pp. 426–7

  here photomontage – Widgery, Beating Time p. 60; I think Enoch – Coleman, Survivor pp. 218–19

  here He was probably – Rising Free Fanzine no. 3, c.1981; You could sense – Q November 1996; remote rival – Money, Margaret Thatcher p. 120; hot-eyed supporters – Sun 24 January 1977; Whether you detest – Daily Express 7 August 1976; Who needs the Parliament – Jones/Strummer, ‘Remote Control’ (Nineden, 1977)

  here tens of thousands – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 345

  here five thousand – Parris, Chance Witness p. 192; surveys showed – Winder op. cit. p. 307; Before my interview – Thatcher, op. cit. p. 408

  here trying to do – Times 14 February 1977; a limit �
� Halcrow, Keith Joseph p. 121; party is depressed – Benn op. cit. p. 287

  13: Fringes

  here I had hoped – Leslie Duxbury, Coronation Street 29 November 1972; workers – Chappell, Rising Damp, ‘Stand Up and Be Counted’ 1974; trendy ideas – Yuill, Hazell and the Menacing Jester p. 41; In 1951 – Leys, Politics in Britain p. 66; A people drilled – Stewart, Protest or Power? p. 119

  here traditional values – Times 1 June 1977; little support – McIntosh, Challenge to Democracy p. 138; nationalism – Weight, Patriots p. 416; opinion poll – Daily Telegraph 2 February 1977

  here Scottish pride – Daily Mail 16 January 1978; two parties – Daily Mirror 15 June 1970; stamps – Times 1 January 2004; I don’t want – Drower, Neil Kinnock p. 50

  here linguistic racism – ibid. p. 51; We can aim – Ellis, The Celtic Revolution p. 84; Anti-Taffy – Drower op. cit. p. 51; two members – Lloyd, Mr Speaker, Sir p. 152

  here hadn’t actually heard – Rendell, Some Lie and Some Die p. 29

  here One assessment – Tomlinson, Left, Right p. 67; 15,000 members – Sun 16 April 1977; Making the GMC – Kogan & Kogan, The Battle for the Labour Party p. 74

  here The GMC – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 565; witch hunts – Heffer, Never A Yes Man p. 181; piggy-back – Benn op. cit. p. 566; paid tribute – Benn, Against the Tide p. 21; bitterly attacked – ibid. p. 96

  here Marxist – Times 9 April 1975; last bastion – Redgrave, To Be a Redgrave p. 200; intensely suspicious – Sunday Telegraph 6 April 1972; Plaid Cymru – Ellis op. cit. p. 91 p. 234 stage is set – News Line 7 April 1979; Joe Marino – Crick, Militant p. 167; serious threat – Mark, In the Office of Constable p. 299

  here as bad – Daily Mail 6 September 1977; one bunch – Balham, Regan and the Bent Stripper p. 28; career in protest – Hill, An Advancement of Learning p. 155; My generation – ibid. p. 183

  here David Watson – Daily Telegraph 7 February 1977; The danger – Crosland, Tony Crosland p. 229; Bishop of Exeter – Times 20 April 1972

  here do not claim – Wurmbrand, Was Karl Marx a Satanist? p. 76

  14: Sexualities

  here fact – Clement & La Frenais, Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads?, ‘No Hiding Place’ 1973; main reason – Sun 15 February 1977; prison – Chappell, Rising Damp, ‘Stage Struck’ 1977; workmates – Tom Robinson, ‘Glad to Be Gay’ (EMI Music Publishing, 1978)

  here Bible – Roberts (ed.), Guinness Book of British Hit Singles p. 381; very proud – Q January 2007

  here I’m not really – Daily Mirror 8 January 1972; light in the dark – Times 10 March 2007

  here gayer – Freeman & Penrose, Rinkagate p. 119

  here terrifying propensity – ibid. p. 238; Were you taken in – Times 19 March 1976; Shot any dogs – Smith, Big Cyril p. 186; Fleet Street – ibid. p. 211; the Tory press – Tynan, Diaries p. 327; the press – Benn, Against the Tide p. 533

  here What’s the similarity – Palin, Diaries p. 520; I can’t see – Freeman & Penrose op. cit. p. 351; a fraud – Chester, Linklater & May, Jeremy Thorpe p. 359; a scrounger – Cook, Tragically I was an Only Twin p. 275

  here increasingly difficult – Times 22 August 1977; I am gay – ibid. 28 September 1977; you are open – ibid. 1 October 1977; married couples – Daily Mail 10 January 1978; sickness of society – ibid. 14 January 1978; I cannot imagine – Daily Mirror 7 January 1978

  here Most women – Newman, A Bouquet of Barbed Wire p. 212

  here old-fashioned – ibid. p. 226; most extravagant – Sunday Telegraph 6 February 1977; a man’s need – Pertwee, Together, paperback blurb; He was dressed – James, An Unsuitable Job for a Woman p. 136

  here all grown men – Ullerstam, The Erotic Minorities p. 69; sexual deprivation – ibid. p. 74; too severe – Sun 9 February 1977; eighteen-year-old man – ibid. 11 February 1977; thirty-nine-year-old – ibid. 12 February 1977; behave sensibly – ibid. 17 February 1977

  here female teacher – Daily Mail 1 September 1977; Jeremy Sandford – Sun 15 February 1977; If a child – News of the World 4 September 1977; stinkbombs – Daily Mail 20 September 1977; rational discussion – Times 30 August 1977

  here furtive network – Sun 11 November 1977; We know – Times 10 October 1977; crime against innocence – Daily Mail 6 September 1977; matter of great regret – Daily Mirror 5 January 1978

  here This poem – Guardian 11 July 2002; the movement – News of the World 17 July 1977; I did what I did – The Late Show, BBC2, 1994

  15: Crisis

  here Rape and murder – Paul Weller, ‘“A” Bomb in Wardour Street’ (And Son Music, 1978); By all accounts – Waugh, Another Voice p. 50; beat the bastards – Tebbit, Upwardly Mobile p. 157; productivity – Clutterbuck & Crainer, The Decline and Rise of British Industry p. 25

  here humiliating – Times 7 July 1977; union leaders – Benn, Against the Tide p. 674; good news – Palin, Diaries p. 469; poll by MORI – Hain, Political Strikes p. 87

  here It mustn’t happen – Daily Mirror 14 January 1978

  here audience was frightful – Williams, Diaries p. 541; Surrey – Sun 2 November 1977; disingenuous – News of the World 16 October 1977; subtle argument – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 230

  here only difference – Daily Mail 10 January 1978; did not endear – Jones, Union Man p. 328; fifty thou – Yuill, Hazell and the Menacing Jester p. 120; North London – News of the World 7 August 1977; want to encourage – Daily Mail 4 March 1975

  here grass is greener – Mark, In the Office of Constable p. 147; should be sorry – Daily Mail 21 November 1973; aim to teach – News of the World 14 August 1977; essential tools – Callaghan, Time and Chance p. 411; peak year – Daily Mirror 17 January 1978

  here 29,000 men – Daily Express 6 August 1976; Inland Revenue – Paytress, The Rolling Stones Off the Record p. 196; more receptive – Daily Mail 5 March 1975; disillusioned – Biddu (pc)

  here no point – Corbett, England Expects p. 306; run the risk – Callaghan op. cit. p. 516; beer freezing – Daily Telegraph 15 January 1979

  here Individual greed – ibid. 2 January 1979; able to get back – ibid. 9 January 1979; cannibalism – ibid. 12 January 1979; brink of a disaster – Sun 9 January 1979; Suntanned – ibid. 11 January 1979

  here portrayed him – Yarwood, Impressions of My Life p. 140; Frank Muir – Daily Mail 24 December 1973; Dimbleby – Sun 25 January 1974; very wrong – Stewart, Protest or Power? p. 19

  here OUR DISCONTENT – Evening Standard 6 February 1974; nightmare – Shore, Leading the Left p. 118; maintenance workers – Tebbit op. cit. p. 159; Patrick Chesterman – Daily Telegraph 7 February 1979

  here uncollected rubbish – Palin op. cit. p. 533; greed and anarchy – Hall, Diaries p. 407; BURY OUR DEAD – Daily Mail 1 February 1979; Sedgefield – Daily Telegraph 2 February 1979; Our society – Sampson, The Changing Anatomy of Britain pp. 44–5; sheer viciousness – Tebbit op. cit. p. 161; Gallup poll – Daily Mail 12 February 1979; opinion polls – Daily Telegraph 1 February 1979

  here MORI found – Daily Express 6 February 1979; less easy – Times 7 January 1978; essential liberties – Daily Telegraph 1 February 1979; Thatcher – Benn op. cit. p. 282; We’ve stumbled – Daily Mail 9 February 1979

  here If anything – Dennis Skinner (pc); siege – Benn op. cit. p. 449; her troops – D’Arcy (ed.), Order! Order! p. 47; the manifesto – Benn op. cit. p. 492

  here do not pretend – Times 5 April 1975; 1.3 million – Coates, The Crisis of Labour p. 71; Hendon – Clarke, The Shadow of a Nation p. 106

  here crisis had changed – Shirley Williams (pc); we’re talking about – Herbert, The Spear p. 174; counter-revolution – Tony Benn (pc); humbug – Gilmour & Garnett, Whatever Happened to the Tories

  here sensational – Corbett op. cit. p. 316

  Outro: Farewell

  here No one –; stay silent – Mikardo, Back-Bencher p. 220; parable – Powell, No Easy Answers p. 110

  here got into glam – Jonathan King (pc)
/>   here on the verge – Moore, Margaret Thatcher p. 267; This is the twilight – ibid. p. 272

  here Unchecked inflation – Times 14 September 1974; the smell of the Weimar Republic – Guardian 27 June 1972; saved Britain – Daily Mail 9 April 2013

  here some sympathy – Benn, Conflicts of Interest p. 505

  here side by side – ibid. p. 224


  Much of the material included in this book, as will be apparent from the references, is drawn from the newspapers of the time. The following works have also been consulted.


  Note: Where a paperback or revised edition is shown, it indicates that any page references cited are to that edition.

  Andrew Adonis & Stephen Pollard, A Class Act: The Myth of Britain’s Classless Society (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1997 – pbk edn: Penguin, London, 1998)

  Manuel Alvarado & John Stewart, Made for Television: Euston Films Limited (BFI, London, 1985)

  Kingsley Amis, Memoirs (Hutchinson, London, 1991)

  Lindsay Anderson (ed. Paul Sutton), The Diaries (Methuen, London, 2004)

  The Angry Brigade 1967–1984: Documents and Chronology (Elephant Editions, London, 1985)

  Joe Ashton, Red Rose Blues: The Story of a Good Labour Man (Macmillan, London, 2000)

  Kenneth Baker, The Turbulent Years: My Life in Politics (Faber & Faber, London, 1993)

  Tony Benn (ed. Ruth Winstone), Office Without Power: Diaries 1968–72 (Hutchinson, London, 1988 – pbk edn: Arrow, London, 1989)

  Tony Benn (ed. Ruth Winstone), Against the Tide: Diaries 1973–76 (Hutchinson, London, 1989 – pbk edn: Arrow, London, 1990)

  Tony Benn (ed. Ruth Winstone), Conflicts of Interest: Diaries 1977–80 (Hutchinson, London, 1990 – pbk edn: Arrow, London, 1991)

  Tony Benn (ed. Ruth Winstone), The End of an Era: Diaries 1980–90 (Hutchinson, London, 1992 – pbk edn: Arrow, London, 1994)

  The Black and White Minstrel Show (BBC, London, n.d. c.1965)


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