Ties Bonded by Blood: Troubled Fathoms MC Book 2

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Ties Bonded by Blood: Troubled Fathoms MC Book 2 Page 7

by Quinn, Vera

  “Thanks, Brother, I love you and I appreciate everything you’re doing for me and Maddie. Can you send a prospect with the food?” Dra tells me. I get up and walk out the door. Rictor is back in his spot. I text the kitchen and let Maudi know to send a prospect with some food and more coffee for Dra. I look at my watch and it’s only seven-thirty. There’s still no one moving around in the bar area. I take the coffee cups over and put them on the bar and then head to the other hall where my room is. I don’t see any light under Cage’s door yet and I don’t hear anything when I put my ear to the door. I knock lightly on Bethany’s door and the door opens almost immediately.

  Chapter Eight


  I have been up for a while. I took a shower and I’m dressed. I’m listening for Cage to wake up. I look at my watch and it’s still a little early for Cage. On a normal weekday, he would be up getting ready for school but when Cage is able, he can sleep until around nine or so. He was tired last night but I’m anxious to spend every minute I can with him before it’s time for me to leave. I hear a light knock on my door, and I quickly grab for the doorknob and open it. I didn’t expect Krill to be standing there but I guess it’s a good thing. I hope we can get some talking out of the way before Cage is up. I don’t think it would be good for him to be hearing all this stuff about Rico and Cassius.

  “Come in.” Once Krill is in the room, I wish we had gone somewhere else. There’s only one chair to sit in. I go and sit on the end of the bed that I had already made up. Krill picks the chair up and puts it across from me and sits down.

  “Can you tell me what happened to Jen? The woman that you described in the things you said was not the woman I once loved. What happened? Why aren’t you living with Rico and Jen in the house that you grew up in? Why isn’t Cage there with his mom?” Krill’s mind still has his mind on the girl he loved in my sister. Jen hasn’t been that girl in a very long time and the more I think on it the more I think that she never was that girl. She acted the way Krill wanted her to act in front of him, but when he was gone then she was my sister. I can’t even get it straight in my head.

  “I don’t know how to answer that. I mean when our dad was killed and Rico was put in charge all our lives changed. Rico and Jen don’t tell me everything but I have pieced together a little bit and what I know is going to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you anymore than you have been.” I don’t want to hurt my old friend. Krill smiles at me.

  “I can take it, just tell me.” Krill is determined.

  “The whole time you and Jen were together, Rico was paying her for any information that she could bring back to him on the Troubled Fathoms MC. Rico wanted to find something he could take to Dad so the Spirit of Arms MC would go to war with your club. Rico thought Dad’s club should take this territory. Rico was always jealous of the respect the people in this town showed your club but they didn’t show their club. Jen was different around you. She was quieter and nicer. Jen lied to you about wanting a family with you. She has never wanted children. I think all the times she had to watch me when she was so young broke her from it. I was a sophomore in high school when she was pregnant. She set me up in the apartment and stocked it with baby things. Rico and Jen stayed living in our old house. I worked a part-time job at a small diner until Cage was born. The day Jen got out of the hospital with Cage, she brought him to me. I was homeschooled on the computer from that day forward. When I turned eighteen, Jen had the joint custody papers drawn up and we went before the judge. He stamped the papers and was paid a large envelope of money.” I wait for Krill to say something.

  “I thought you said the custody papers were drawn up right after Cage’s birth.” Krill asked me.

  “I’m sorry, that was the first set of papers saying I had medical say over Cage so I could take him to the doctor. Jen wanted the other papers done at the same time, but the judge told her it wasn’t legal until I was eighteen, so she had the first ones drawn up. We went back to court when I was eighteen, but I have proof I’ve had Cage with me since I was sixteen. Well I was a few weeks short of seventeen to be specific.” I didn’t do a very good job of explaining last night.

  “Do you want to be with Cassius or Blade as their woman? Is there anyone else? How old are you?” Krill must be kidding.

  “I told you last night that I don’t even know those two men. Rico didn’t even let me know anything about his plans until yesterday. He wants to use me as a bargaining chip and the one that gives Rico the most power gets me. I feel like a piece of property. It’s how he’s been using Jen for the last nine years, but she likes it, or at least she doesn’t argue about it. That’s not the life I want. I’m twenty-five years old and I just want Rico to leave us alone. I do want to stay in Cage’s life, though. I love that boy like he’s my own. He is mine. I just don’t know how I am going to make it happen.” I have gone over and over it in my head. Krill smiles.

  “What if I can come up with an idea? Can you give me today to try and form a plan? I know we can work this out,” Krill asks. I want to say yes.

  “What about Cassius and Blade? My brother isn’t the only one that’s going to be pissed,” I tell Krill. I don’t know a lot about these men, but I do know when a bunch of powerful men get pissed, it’s not good.

  “You just let me worry about everything. You just give me the time. I think I can get this all worked out.” Krill’s beautiful face looks hopeful.

  Chapter Nine


  I can’t believe that little bitch took off with the kid. She knows what I’ll do when I find her. Banger isn’t answering my calls, and neither is Cassius. I look at Jen and I know if Beth got away, she had to have helped. Jen will breathe her last breath if I find out she helped Beth.

  Beth had no car and no money. Maybe Bethany just took the kid to the park. Everything is still in the apartment. Blade and Nutz are scouring the streets looking for her and the kid. Bethany doesn’t have what it takes to defy me. She knows I will end her. It’s time I make a believer out of her by taking a belt to that kid. Yes, this time Krill’s son will pay for Bethany’s insolence. She’ll never forgive herself and that will keep her in line. The longer I am made to wait, the worse that kid will look afterward.

  The dreams I have had since I was a child are in my reach. Where is Jen at? Didn’t I tell her to take Bethany shopping today? Why didn’t I think of that? I need to lay off the powder for a few days. My memory isn’t clear. I send Jen a quick text and it only takes a few minutes until I get a response. She’s waiting at the diner on the corner for Bethany. At least one of my sisters is easy to handle. If I want something done right, I must do it myself. There’s nowhere for Bethany to hide. I still have a judge in Sunshine to bribe.

  Chapter Ten


  “Did you get enough to eat, Son?” I ask, looking at Cage.

  “Yes, sir. I’m as full as a tick.” Cage looks around. Bethany has taken their empty dishes into the kitchen. “Dad, are you going to make it so Aunt Bethany can stay here and be safe? Rico will hurt her bad if she goes back to the apartment. I hear Aunt Bethany crying sometimes at night when I’m supposed to be asleep. I promise you, Aunt Bethany has saved me from Rico and Mom. We owe her. I owe her. Rico hit her in the face this time, but he doesn’t do that very often. He hits her body so no one can see it or that’s what he yells while he’s hitting her. The neighbors bang on the walls when he yells but they know better than to call for help. Rico has threatened them before. I can tell when Rico has hit Aunt Bethany because she moves slower. I’ve come home from school before and she can’t get off the sofa because it hurts too much. I get her tea and water to drink and soup to eat when she can eat, but she always makes sure I’m fed and taken care of. Sometimes Rico just goes crazy. Mom sits and watches him hit Aunt Bethany. I just want to hurt him and sometimes I want to hurt Mom when she’s yelling and being mean. Mom doesn’t hit but she throws stuff. Aunt Bethany says we can’t be like them. That it’s not right. One day I w
ill get big enough and then I’m going to protect Aunt Bethany. I don’t care if it’s right or not.” I can’t imagine the things Cage has seen.

  “You let me worry about taking care of your aunt Bethany. If I can convince her, she won’t ever go back there again, and we will treat your aunt Bethany the way she should be treated. I can’t promise you yet, but I am going to try my best. Do you like to play video games? I have a game system in the family room. Your Uncle Dra and I used to play. Your cousin B likes to play one of the games that was helping her with her alphabet.” Cage smiles.

  “I have another uncle and a cousin. Are they nice people like you or mean like Rico? Can I meet them? I know my alphabet and I can help B. Is that her name? I never heard that name before. I love to play video games, but Aunt Bethany must approve what I play first. That’s a family rule. She also must approve the television shows and movies I watch, and she only plays the games I play and watches the movies and shows I can watch. She says that’s fair. Do you think that’s fair?” Cage asks, looking up at me. He asks one question after another just like B.

  “Dra and B are nice, and you will meet them one day. Lucas is still a baby. Dra is sick and he’ll be going for treatment later today. B is the funniest little girl I have ever met and I know you two will get along great, but she’s gone on a trip to Texas with her mom and brother right now. Maddie, B’s mom, started calling B that name right after she was born. B’s actual name is Betsy and she was named after my Gram. Gram passed on a few years ago and I loved her a lot. So did Dra, my brother, so Maddie gave B that name. I think it’s a good rule and very fair of your aunt Bethany.” I think I answered all his questions.

  “I need to tell the lady that fixed my breakfast thank you and how good it was. It was very nice of her to fix us food. Did you tell her thank you?” Cage has been raised with good manners. I like that.

  “That lady’s name is Maudi and I think she would like a thank you. Let’s go find your aunt Bethany and Maudi, they should be in the kitchen.” Everyone cleared out of the dining room and kitchen earlier today. It’s a workday and everyone has a job to do. We walk to the kitchen and Bethany has her hands in dish water, washing up a frying pan. Maudi is sitting in a chair drinking a cup of coffee. Cage goes up to Maudi and hugs her around her waist.

  “Thank you, Ms. Maudi, for the breakfast, it was very good.” Maudi looks down at Cage and rubs her hand over the top of his head.

  “You are very welcome, young man. You are going to break some girls’ hearts when you get older. You’re a handsome young man just like your dad.” Cage smiles at Maudi.

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Cage replies. Cage looks at me and I know what he’s waiting for.

  “Thank you, Maudi, for breakfast.” Maudi laughs.

  “You’re welcome. Cage will teach you boys some manners. He needs to stick around a long time,” Maudi says. Bethany is wiping her hands off on a kitchen towel. Bethany has turned into a very beautiful young woman. Her hair is a dishwater blonde and her blue eyes sparkle when she smiles. She’s just a slip of a woman. She can’t be much over five feet. Her breasts are on the small side, but she has more than a handful, and she has an ass for days. The jeans she’s wearing are molded to her curves and I could see my hands on her ass. I shut that thought down. Bethany is my son’s aunt and she is hands-off. I don’t want to make this situation any worse or more complicated. The thing is, if she has caught my eye, she’s caught my brothers’ eyes too. I need to handle that at church later.

  “I was telling Cage that there’s a game system in the family room he can play while I take care of my business today. You can come get anything out of the kitchen that you want to eat, but please, just for today stay inside the clubhouse. We can eat dinner tonight and go over everything once I get the information and then we’ll go from there.” Cage and I are both looking at Bethany.

  “We can do that, but I need to get back tonight. If I don’t, they’ll come looking when they can’t think of anywhere else to look. I also need to get the car back to my neighbor.” Bethany looks worried. I intend to take those worries away by the end of the day.

  Chapter Eleven


  It was hard to leave Cage and Bethany, but I have let my responsibilities go for too long. Now that Cage is here with me, I intend to keep him here.

  My attorney, Mr. Lawler, is waiting in my office and Doc is with Dra. I need to take care of Dra being transferred to the rehab. I walk into the office and Mr. Lawler shuts his laptop.

  “You know that I charge by the hour and I’ve been waiting over fifteen minutes.” The man is an ass most of the time, but he is good at his job. He is one of the best family law attorneys in the state.

  “You are compensated very well for those hours and I have never missed a payment. From the paperwork that you received last night you can see things have been moving at a fast pace around here. Did you get the court order for Dra’s rehab stay?” I get straight to business.

  “That was one of the easiest things that you have ever asked me to get. The judge looked at the doctor’s affidavit and signed the papers. Dra will be required to stay at least six months. The facility is waiting on his arrival and they will report back to the court.” That is one weight lifted. I know Dra will be fine. I’m just not sure about the life he had. Time will tell.

  “Dra will be leaving after I talk with him. Did he set anything up with you so Maddie will have some support while he’s gone? I know she doesn’t need it, but he needs to take care of it and if he doesn’t I will.” Mr. Lawler looks at me.

  “Mrs. Draven has access to their money. Is there a problem I need to be aware of? Dra hasn’t said anything to me, but I haven’t spoken with him except to get the papers signed for court this morning.” Dra will take care of his family, I have no doubt.

  “Maddie took B and Lucas and went back to Texas. There were issues that Dra and Maddie need to discuss once Dra is out of rehab. I just thought he might have mentioned it to you.” At least I know Dra isn’t taking any rash steps about Maddie leaving.

  “I don’t think Dra should be making any legal decisions at this time. The two of you can discuss it after his detox period. I will check in at that time to see if Dra needs any further services from me. Dra did sign the document giving me permission to discuss all his legal issues with you and Mrs. Draven. I will send your copy over with your other paperwork or you can pick it up at my office.” Mr. Lawler always going by the letter of the law. “That’s all I have on Dra. Can we move on to your legal matters at hand? I have appointments all afternoon I need to get to.”

  “Of course. Where do I stand with the current information from Bethany?” I ask the lawyer. I walk over and I sit down behind my desk.

  “I faxed copies of the joint custody papers over to the officiating judge and he wasn’t happy with Ms. Jennifer Hinton or the judge in Boulder. The same judge that granted the joint custody is the one residing over your case. Both Jennifer and Bethany Hinton should have been summoned to court. This changes a few things and it’s going to take longer to get back in front of the judge for a final ruling. There will need to be a home study of Bethany Hinton’s home that she shares with Cage Hinton. By the papers that Bethany Hinton has, she has primary custody of Cage Hinton and you must face her in court for visitation and later for custody. How did you get these papers from Bethany Hinton?” Mr. Lawler asks me, looking over his glasses.

  “Bethany brought the papers and Cage to the clubhouse. Bethany and Cage are here now. I told you this in my message to you last night.” My anger is rising. Is this man not paying attention?

  “I heard the message, but I can’t wrap my mind around why Ms. Jennifer Hinton’s sister Bethany Hinton would bring the boy and the papers to you. With those papers, you can have Cage Hinton here if Bethany Hinton is here with him. She gets to decide where their home is,” Mr. Lawler answers in a matter-of-fact way.

  “Can Bethany leave Cage here and go back home? Would I be able to keep C
age with me?” I ask.

  “There is no law against Ms. Bethany Hinton leaving Cage Hinton with you, but if Ms. Jennifer Hinton comes to pick him up, then you must let him go with her because she does have shared custody.” Mr. Lawler just let all my hopes down. “Can you tell me some about the arrangement that the two Ms. Hinton’s have over the boy, Cage Hinton?” I can’t take this way of talking anymore.

  “Can we just drop all this stiff talking? Cage is my son, Bethany is his aunt and Jen is his mom. Just speak plain English.” Mr. Lawler relaxes a little in his chair.

  “Alright, Krill. I get it, you’re wound up tight, just relax. Bethany can leave Cage with you but if Jen comes with the law enforcement, then they will take Cage out of here. She can file a grievance with the court for interference of custody. The only way you can assure that Cage can stay here is to keep Bethany here with him. The only way Jennifer can take Cage from Bethany is to prove her unfit, after all Bethany has raised Cage for nine years. That can be proved through talks with the school, medical doctors, and neighbors. The paperwork that I examined didn’t even have visitation set up for Jennifer or child support. Cage is on insurance through the state and you need to fix that issue. I would suggest that you set up a visitation schedule with Bethany along with support payments. That will all look better when we get a court date and it’s the right thing to do.” Mr. Lawler gives me advice that I had already thought about.

  “This is going to take too long. If Jen and Rico get their hands on Cage and Bethany again, they won’t let them go again.” Then a thought pops in my head. “Dra said something about how I should marry Bethany to get around the court hearing.” Mr. Lawler looks at me hard.


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