Tatum: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance (A Wolf's Hunger Book 12)

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Tatum: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance (A Wolf's Hunger Book 12) Page 8

by S Raven Storm

  “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” He laughed again, repeating his last gesture slapping her on the ass.

  “All yours, my Alpha.”

  Bristol quickly dressed then sat in at the small dresser Tatum bought for her and struggled to undo her matted hair. “So much for wearing it loose.” She said out loud to herself, “This is why I braid this mess,” as she struggled with the tangles.

  “I like your hair out. But what do I know, I like it braided too.”

  “Well, braids it is then.”

  “That reminds me, why do you place nails in your hair?”

  “I don’t place nails in my hair, darling, I put spikes inside my braid, to defend myself. My mother taught me this little trick, so if anyone grabs my ponytail they will get a nice little surprise.”

  “Most mothers teach their little girls to bake and sew.” He arched an eyebrow.

  A knock at the door prevented her from responding to Tatum’s analogy. When she opened the door, two of the kitchen staff and four young men entered the house, all carrying large pots and trays. It wasn’t long before Kaylyn and Scotty made their presence known. Scotty carried a large pot with several little containers in it.

  “Oh Scotty, I forgot to invite you,” Bristol cried, giving him a bear hug.

  “I can’t breathe Bristol.” Scotty shouted, “Why do you keep doing that, gee? I can’t make it to breakfast anyway, I have to make sure everyone is out of the territory,” he said with great importance.

  “Well, that definitely takes precedence over breakfast at my house.”

  “Yes, it does! Make sure that the area is clean of any trash and debris. I want everyone on the other side of the river by noon. They know the time schedule, it’s been posted and verbally announced. Watch out for rogues. No man, not even yourself should be without a partner,” Tatum announced. “Luke will be here, however we both will connect with you when breakfast is over.”

  “I thought we had plans?” Bristol whispered. She was looking forward to the warm spring water at the grotto.

  “We do, but I told you I wouldn’t be available to go until all the packs were gone.”

  Bristol inhaled deeply, she’d forgotten that little tidbit. She gave directions to the servers, and made a mental note to buy some nice tablecloths. It was time to feminize the house. She wanted to plant flowers and give it a homier look. Overall, Tatum has done well with the house, but a woman’s touch is always better.

  Food was in abundance, deer sausage, bacon, ham, eggs, pancakes, waffles and coffee. When Alpha Briar arrived, the table was set and everyone seated with their first cup of coffee.

  “Please, sit,” offering her chair, Bristol sat beside Tatum.

  “You should keep your seat at the head of the table,” he stated.

  “No, you are our honored guest, and pray that this will not be your last visit. Our home is always open to you,” Bristol proclaimed, as she leaned against Tatum

  “We are honored today and will be honored any time you bless our home with your presence,” Tatum concurred with Bristol.

  “Great, because this young man, Tank, is my beta and my adopted son. I adopted him some months ago. As you know, I have no living heir and I am getting old and will not reign much longer. Yet, as alpha I must think of my pack for today, tomorrow and in the future when I am long gone. I truly believe Tank is the future.”

  “Congratulation, Tank.” Everyone around the table, gave him their well wishes.

  “Tank and I spoke at length last night and this morning. What you’ve done here is amazing. I know you’ve lived amidst the humans in the big city and learned many things. It obvious, you learned how to implement some of those things here.”

  Bristol was surprised, she didn’t know Tatum lived in the big city with humans. She was not only surprised, she was envious and curious about his travels. She also realized there was more to her mate that was a mystery. It’s time she asked, who are you?

  “Yes, I’ve tried to do as much as possible to bring us into the modern times, and in doing so alleviated some of the trials and tribulations our pack were experiencing. I also did it in case human’s stumble upon us. This will just be a little backward southern town away from the big city.”

  “Yes, yes, I can see where that would work. I have a favor to ask of you Tatum, if you decline, it will change nothing between us.”

  “What is it that you need from me?” Tatum asked curious to the alpha’s request.

  “I need you to come to Sky Ridge and see what is needed to bring us into the modern ages. And periodically, Tank will come and observe and learn how to put into operation some of the things we’ve witnessed here.”

  “That’s not a favor Briar, it will be my pleasure.”

  Tears gathered in the old alpha’s eyes as he grabbed a sausage and said. “And I need the recipe for this deer sausage.”

  Laughter and conversation along with a great meal brought about a wonderful day. As the kitchen help cleared away all the pots and pans off the table, Bristol and Kaylyn sat on the porch, letting the men talk man talk. The day was clear and sunny, everything seemed to be returning to order.

  Bristol suggested, they take a stroll to Gamma Maisie's house. The moment they approached, the door opened. A young woman exited the home, gave her proper greeting to Bristol and Kaylyn and continued down the steps.

  Gamma Maisie, stood in the door and said, “She’s the third person, I’ve seen this morning. I never knew there were so many women with questions and problems in this town.” She motioned for the two to come in. She gave Bristol a hug, and said, “The dangers we spoke of are very close. I wished I could tell you more. Just now I felt it, it’s near.”

  “I will protect her from any danger, Goddess willing.” Kaylyn stated, looking at Bristol for acknowledgement of faith.

  “Well I’m happy my appointment has been a blessing not only to you, but to this town.” Bristol smiled. She wanted to know more, but was afraid to ask. Before she could say more, there was a knock at the door, it was another troubled soul needing to speak with Gamma Maisie.

  “Well, what now?” Kaylyn asked, as they continued their walk.

  “How about picking some blackberries? I’d love to make some tarts for tonight,” she said, wishing she’d bought her pail from home. It was at that moment she spotted Dirk crossing the street, and called out to him. Dirk and another young man, Bristol couldn’t remember his name, came running.

  “Yes, mother alpha,” he said with ease, bringing a smile to Bristol’s face.

  “Will it be too much for you to bring me a pail from my house to pick blackberries?” she asked.

  “No, mother alpha, we were on our way to give father alpha a message from Scotty,” he announced with glee, as the other young man nodded his head in agreement.

  “And what is your name son, I’ve seen you several times with this young warrior, but I don’t remember if I’ve heard mention of your name.”

  “Its Paul, mother alpha.” He blushed.

  “Good, both of you have proven to be a great help to Tatum and myself, thank you.”

  “Thank you!” They shouted in unison, as they ran to do her bidding.

  The two stood chatting and responding to several greeters as they waited for Dirk and Paul’s return. When the boys advanced, Bristol could see they had not one, but two large buckets in their hands and her fighting stick she’d left by the door. Bristol arched a brow at Dirk, signaling a need for him to elaborate.

  “Father alpha said, ‘Pick enough for wine to be made.’ He also told us,” pointing to himself and Paul, “to tag along to carry the buckets back. Oh, and to give you this, he said you forgot it.” He handed Bristol the walking stick.

  “Thank you, son. Wine, it is!” Bristol and Kaylyn laughed.

  “Yes, he also said, remember you have a date with him, so try not to stay too long.”


  Enjoying the sun shining through the trees, and the soft wind blowing
in the valley, Bristol listened to Kaylyn’s endless chatter about Scotty. They found a spot with ample supply of blackberries, only picking the black ripe ones, they ate as many as they dropped in the pails. The boys helping to eat and pick, placed some of the morsels in their discarded shirts. Bristol shouted a caution, “Watch out for snakes.” Snakes were known to nest in the blackberry bushes.

  They’d gathered enough berries for pies, wine and even some to give out to Gamma Maisie, when Dirk said, “I smell a rogue in the area, stay put while I check it out. Paul, stay.” He wasn’t gone long, “With the wind blowing, I’m not sure what direction it’s coming from.”

  “I think it is coming from the east, beyond those trees,” Bristol stated as she pointed in the direction she thought the odor was coming from.

  “Let’s go back,” she said, as she handed one of the buckets to Paul. It was in that split second three rogues came bursting through the foliage, two were in wolf form, the other in his human body. Dirk transformed, ripping through his clothing, circled the two wolves.

  Bristol stood in her fighter stance, ready to do battle, when one of the wolves, jumped toward her. She threw her stick up stopping his teeth from getting close to her face. Kaylyn, who carried a machete on her hip, ripped the wolf from the top of his front hind leg, along his rib cage, ending at his back leg. His teeth were still locked onto Bristol’s walking stick as she tried to dislodge it. She saw the wolf Dirk was battling with toss him around like a rag doll.

  Bristol screamed, “Go get help!” to Paul who was trying to save Dirk. Bristol called out to Tatum, but she could barely hear him, which meant he probably couldn’t hear her. Kaylyn ran towards the man with her machete ready to do damage when one wolf charged, knocking her to the ground. Bristol ran to Kaylyn and then everything went black.


  Bristol’s head was pounding, and the pain behind her eyes felt like daggers piercing her orbs. The room, dimly lit, reminded her of the rural life she used to live. Blackstone used lanterns that illuminated the rooms, unlike the smelly beeswax candles that permeated the room. She wanted to open her eyes all the way, but they felt heavy. All she could do was squint. Everything was out of focus, she didn’t know if she was dreaming or awake. There was something on her arm, something weighty. She also took note her feet were bound as well as her hands. She inhaled deeply, trying to clear her head. A moan escaped her lips as she felt the weight on her arm decrease.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Kaylyn, where are we?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Are you tied up too?” Bristol asked

  “Yes, my hands and feet. Is something wrong with your eyes?”

  Bristol tried again to open them, but the pain was still there. Forcing them open seem the only solution. Once open, she lowered her head towards the darkness, allowing a little light to slowly engage he pupils.

  “Here, turn around, let me see if I can untie you.” Kaylyn instructed, as she struggled with the double knot in the hemp rope. Her fingers felt numb and achy, from the tightness of her rope, yet, she was determined to free Bristol, so she could in return untie her. She finally released the first knot and was working on the second when a flood of light filtered the room.

  A tall figure stood in the doorway. Bristol tried to adjust her eyes against the sharp bright sunlight. Before she could distinguish the figure, he spoke.

  “So, you’re finally awake, good,” he said.

  “Rex?” Bristol whispered softly to herself. However, her voice filled the small, empty room.

  “Yes, it’s me your true and only mate.”

  “You are nothing and will always be nothing!” she shouted, causing a sharp pain to shoot inside her head, yet, she began to struggle against the ropes. She tried to stand, then remembered she was tied to the chair. Knowing her kidnapper was Rex only infuriated her even the more. She could kill him, she should’ve killed him. If the Goddess is just and loving, she will allow her to take his life.

  “Always with the sharp tongue. I’m going to enjoy taming you,” he said with a sly grin.

  “Are you kidding me, don’t you know who she is and what you’ve done?” Kaylyn asked, unable to comprehend the complexity of the situation.

  “Yes, I know who she is, she’s my mate, and what I’ve done is bring her back where she belongs!” he screeched.

  “I’ll move you and your stupid friend to a more suitable place when you curb your tongue. Or I might just throw her to my men for fun,” he sneered, as he slammed the door shut.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Kaylyn asked, as she changed positions, giving Bristol a better angle to untie her.

  “He’s the one I was running from. He killed my parents. We must get out of here and fast. Trust me, he isn’t stable, not at all.”

  “Okay, so get me out of these ropes so we can go home.”

  “I have one done, see if you can finish untying me.”


  Tatum knew something was wrong. He could feel Bristol’s wolf, when she tried to contact him, it was as if she was out of reach. Now he felt nothing but pain, gripping deep down in his belly.

  “Let’s head back, something is wrong with Bristol,” Tatum said to Luke and Scotty.

  The moment he crossed the ridge, he caught sight of Paul running in his wolf form, when he reached them he collapsed.

  Father alpha, some men attacked us. They took mother alpha and Kaylyn, and, and… I think they killed Dirk.

  The men shifted instantly, Luke said, Lead the way, son, we must hurry.

  Men, meet me at the edge of town, Bristol has been kidnapped by rogues. Tatum gave orders to his army. By the time they reached the edge of town the men were all ready in place. I need half of you to stay and protect the town, I have no idea who is behind this and what they are looking to achieve.

  When they reached the spot where Bristol was taken, they saw Dirk’s lifeless body laying by the pail of blackberries. Luke ran to Dirk’s still body. He sniffed and used his muzzle to turn him over.

  He’s still alive, but barely.

  Tatum tuned to one of his epsilon and said, Take him to Jax’s and be quick about it, then join us. Most packs, if big enough, had two epsilons. Tatum had three. He made sure one stayed in town. He brought his most trusted with him. His epsilons were the guardians of the pack, the negotiators. He also has three zetas, two with him, they were his war generals.

  While looking around for clues and to get a bead on the scent, Tatum found Bristol’s walking stick. He inhaled deeply and felt a stabbing in his chest. He felt sick to his stomach and wanted to rip someone or something to shreds. Tatum’s body bowed low to the ground and the hairs on his back stood at attention as a blood curdling howl escaped deep from within his soul.

  We’re going to get her back! Luke proclaimed, as he dug his claws in the dirt, unearthing the scent needed to track the rogues.

  I think that bastard Seth did this, he’s hell bent on starting a war. He’s been trying, trying hard, to take the territory. Let’s get those Pinger pack assholes. Tatum barked. He began in the direction of the Pinger pack and after a few yards he stopped.

  What is it, what’s wrong, Luke asked, as he stood shoulder to shoulder with Tatum.

  We’re going in the wrong direction, they didn’t come this way.

  What are you talking about, this is the way to the Pinger pack.

  It might be, but this is not the way they traveled.

  Luke trusted Tatum, after all he had the best nose around. He could track anything, anywhere. They turned around heading in the opposite direction. Once they reached the small creek, everyone thought the scent was lost until Tatum found the shallow part of the creek and crossed it. The rest of the pack followed, surprised at Tatum’s skill at picking up scents. When they went down an embankment and came out on the other side of the highland, they stopped.

  Scott approached the two and said, This is the way to Rolling Hill and I bet my life, Rex is the one
behind all of this.

  Are you sure? Tatum asked.

  I’m positive.

  Then lead the way and be quick about it. We need to make up time. The pack took off running, their paws, pounding the rich soil. Every now and then a few prey would scurry out the way, in hopes the pack would not follow. It wasn’t long before Scotty stopped.

  Beyond the ridge lies Rolling Hill, if everything is still intact, there should be two omega’s sitting on the ridge, and another at the bottom of it. I know a shortcut that will bring us lateral to them. This way when they see us, it will be too late. Even with the wind blowing over the top of the hill, by the time they figure out the scent, we will be there.

  How many fighters are in the pack? Tatum inquired.

  Fifty or less, that’s when I was there, I doubt if many stayed with Rex as the alpha.

  Luke nodded his head, I told you, he’s good.

  We’ll see just how good. He better be right about this.

  To Tatum the shortcut took too long. The rocky terrain on the lee demanded a slower pace than before. Padded paws carefully gripped and threaded up the scree. The fact that Rex killed Bristol’s parents just to have her as his mate, didn’t ease Tatum’s mind. It stood to reason, he’d do anything to have his way, and if he didn’t…Tatum shook the thoughts from his head, he didn’t want to think negatively. He wanted to believe she could handle herself against anyone or anything. But what if she tried to take him herself?

  When they were midway up the side of the hill, Scotty stopped and said, Let me and Luke go first, I can use my identity to distract them. Whatever we do, it has to be done quietly, as not to alert the guard below.

  The moment they reached the brow of the hill, Scotty shifted to his human form. Luke following his young apprentice’s lead, did the same. They were only a couple of feet away from the omegas before they took notice of the two.

  “Scotty, is that you?” One of the omega’s asked, walking over to the two men.

  “In the flesh.” Scotty laughed

  “Are you coming to challenge Rex again? You might want to turn around and go back to where you came from,” the other omega suggested.


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