by Diane Blake
Craig walked over to her side of the table. He put his hand on her cheek just like he had done to wipe the chocolate sauce off the night before. Also, just like before, Jasinda felt her face flush and legs go weak at his firm yet gentle touch.
He looked into her eyes and said, "You're adorable when you're feisty." He leaned down and kissed her full on the lips!
The sensation took her breath away. It was no overstatement for her to realize that she'd never been kissed like that before. Fully. Deeply. Passionately. A full sixty seconds went by before he finally pulled away and their lips parted.
She could hardly get the words out. "You're. Not. Gay."
Jasinda couldn't help herself. "Not even in the locker room with all those other hot, naked guys?"
Craig laughed. "Not even then."
Jasinda swallowed. Her mouth had gone dry. "OK, I'm convinced. But would you mind showing me again anyway?"
"My pleasure."
She barely had time to register her usual thought of being too heavy for a man to pick up as Craig's muscular arms effortlessly lifted her right out of her seat. Standing by the table in the midst of the busy food court, Craig engulfed her in his arms.
He literally swept Jasinda off her feet as he leaned her back. They kissed for the longest time in that iconic pose of the jubilant sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square at the end of World War II.
Just as that historic moment had been memorialized by a photographer at precisely the most opportune time, so too was the moment between Jasinda and Craig. This time, by a bunch of celebrity-obsessed teenagers with cell phones and social media.
Chapter 9
After their lunch, Craig invited Jasinda for a walk in the park. She could hardly resist on such a beautiful day. Even if she dared not hope it would turn into anything more than an extended date, Jasinda had to admit that she enjoyed their time together. As well as that kiss. Oh, God, she'd never forget that kiss!
As they walked around the duck pond, Craig remarked, "Look at that." He pointed to the gumball type vending machine with the sign that said "Duck Food" on top. "Do you remember when you were a kid just bringing a bag of old bread to the park?"
"I know, right? I think we used to give them popcorn too that we'd buy at the concession stand. I'm sure that special food is much more appropriate for the ducks, though."
"Heads!" a voice shouted in the distance.
As a sports enthusiast, Craig automatically responded to that cry by searching the sky in all directions. An errant football flew through the air towards them.
Craig jumped up and caught the football as it barreled towards Jasinda's head.
"Thank you, I didn't even see that coming."
The football player smiled. "Don't mention it. Just a little interception practice."
A father and twelve year old son ran up to them. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. We were playing on the hill and the throw just got out of control," the father said.
"No problem," Jasinda replied. "Craig saved me."
The father and son recognized him simultaneously. "Craig Wilder! What an honor that you caught our football!" the father told him.
"I watch you on TV all the time. I know all your stats. I always wanted to meet you!" the boy enthused.
Craig bent down and shook the boy's hand. The boy introduced himself as Jarod.
Jarod continued, "Whenever you throw the ball on TV, I always imagine myself in a Tigers uniform catching it!"
Craig smiled. "You practice real hard. And do your schoolwork too. Maybe some day..."
Jasinda observed how Craig interacted with the boy. He seemed to have a genuine affection for the fans. She also observed the boy's excitement at meeting his idol. She prodded, "Perhaps Mr. Wilder could throw the ball for you right now a few times. A little extra practice is always a good thing."
Jarod's face lit up like a stadium at night. "Really? Will you play catch with me like the nice lady said?"
Craig winked at Jasinda. "Since the nice lady suggested it, I couldn't disappoint a young fan. As long as it's OK with your dad."
"Yes, of course, please," the father said, clearly as excited as his son about the prospect.
Jasinda picked up an unspoken hint of jealousy in the father's tone. She figured that he wished he'd been asked to play too!
Craig and the boy stepped a few feet away and tossed the football back and forth.
"Do you think Mr. Wilder would sign our ball?" the father asked Jasinda.
"I'm sure he'd be happy to."
"Do you have a pen?"
"No, I left my purse in the car."
"I have the perfect marker to use back in my car. I can take my son, go get it and be back in ten minutes."
"Come on, Jarod, we have to go back to the car," the father called.
His son whined, "So soon?"
"Leave the ball and come on. I'll explain on the way," his father told him.
As the father and little boy raced away, Jasinda explained the situation to Craig who said he'd be happy to sign the football when they got back.
Craig tossed and caught the football with one hand. "Care to see if you can beat a pro?" he teased.
"Me?" Jasinda laughed. "I've never thrown a football in my life."
"Unacceptable!" Craig said. "We can fix that right now if you like."
Jasinda accepted the challenge. "Sure. Why not, we have a few minutes to kill while we wait for them to get back. I just thought of something. When I accidentally hit you instead of the thief with the blender, I didn't hurt your shoulder did I?"
"Nah, it was my non-throwing arm you got. Good thing. Hitting the quarterback's throwing arm a week before the Big Game? I don't think even I could protect you from the Tigers fans!"
Craig showed Jasinda the correct finger placement on the laces to achieve a proper grip. He demonstrated his preferred stance as well. The football player mimed a couple throws as examples.
When Jasinda took possession of the ball and tried to emulate him, she dropped it! "It looked so easy when you did it!"
Craig proved to be a patient teacher. He stood behind her and positioned his arms around her body. He put his hand over hers and guided her fingers to the correct spot.
"I think I could learn anything you have to teach in this position," she joked.
"Be careful, I might hold you to that someday," he teased back. "Remember, always keep your eye on the target of where you want the ball to go. Let's aim for the knot in that tree over there." Craig drew his arm and hers back gently. He propelled their arms forward. The ball hit its target and bounced off.
"Score!" Craig yelled.
"Let me try again." Jasinda retrieved the ball. She tossed it herself without his assistance. She also hit the knot in the tree as desired.
"You're a fast learner," he complimented.
"Thanks. It wasn't quite as much fun as when you helped."
"I can think of some other fun activities for us to try sometime. Maybe I could give you a preview."
He scooped her into his arms again. Craig kissed the back of her neck while he ran his fingers up and down her arm.
Goosebumps ran up and down her arm as well. The only thought running through her mind: If he can make me feel this good while fully clothed, what would he do if we were naked and-
The sound of a duck squawking at a goose getting too close to its territory in the pond interrupted her blissful indulgence.
The boy running down the hill screaming, "We found a marker, Mr. Wilder. We found it!" brought Jasinda and Craig back to reality.
An hour later, back at the mall, Craig and Jasinda's date concluded with a much more chaste kiss on the cheek than the earlier public display of affection in the food court.
"Thank you, I had a good time," Jasinda told him.
"Me too. I better get back to the stadium. I have a team meeting later."
"I've got to work later too."
"So, maybe another time..."
Craig's voice trailed off.
"OK, you have my number," Jasinda responded.
"For real, this time," the football player smiled.
They parted ways.
Even if I never see him again, at least I have a nice memory, Jasinda thought.
Apparently, so did the rest of the world.
Chapter 10
The picture of famous football star Craig Wilder planting a major kiss on an unknown (to the general public) woman quickly went viral online.
Who's the lucky gal? headlined one article.
Craig Wilder Scores On and Off the Field! accompanied another.
Stories speculating about Jasinda's identity popped up on various sports, gossip and lifestyle sites. The reporters generally refrained from commenting upon Jasinda's weight. Keywords such as "off-type" and "surprising choice" stood in for the less polite terms that some of them actually thought.
Their restraint had little to do with manners and everything to do with money. Like all media outlets that craved access to celebrities, they had to consider the slant of their articles and how the celebrities would view them. If a site's editors expected future interviews, quotes, event appearances, and behind-the-scenes photo shoots, they had to watch what they wrote. The team publicist could blacklist a site or reporter she didn't like.
Of course, less access meant less pages read which ultimately resulted in less money.
Between her full time job at Biggie Scoops and her college classes, Jasinda didn't have time or interest in websites that would cover who a pro athlete chose to kiss.
That's where Trudy came in. "Girl, your famous!" Trudy yelled when Jasinda arrived for her shift the next day.
Jasinda plopped her textbook on the back shelf. She was hoping it would get quiet later in the evening and she could do her assigned reading during her breaks. "I'm sorry, Trudy. Did I win Employee of the Month again? I know you wanted it so badly. You can have my free ice cream coupons when they come with the congratulations email."
"What? No, I don't care about those silly coupons." Trudy waved that thought away. "You don't know, do you?"
"The only thing I know is my English professor expects me to read an entire Shakespearean play overnight."
"Never mind that. I'm talking about this..." Despite the prohibition against employees using their cell phones at work, Trudy whipped hers out of her apron pocket. She held up the screen.
Jasinda's eyes widened when she saw her own profile in Craig's arms. She perked up a bit when she realized how good she looked in that man's embrace. She smiled when she remembered exactly how his lips felt against hers.
Jasinda looked away from the screen and back at Trudy. "Did you sneak up on us when were kissing yesterday and snap that picture? I didn't see you. Then again, I had my mind – and lips – on other things..."
Trudy wanted to slap her friend. "We're not looking at my phone's picture gallery. This is a website. Do you not get what a big deal it is to make out with the Tigers quarterback in the middle of the mall? This story and picture are all over the Internet!"
"Oh, my God. I need to sit down."
"You'll have to sit on a chair. Craig's lap isn't available," Trudy quipped.
"Very funny! You're a big help."
"When you guys are ready to get engaged and start granting interviews, can I be your publicist? I've got some ideas for your hair..."
Jasinda swatted Trudy's hand away from her head. "Stop that. Seriously, what am I going to do?"
Trudy looked her friend directly in the eye. "For once in your life you're going to get out of your own head and enjoy every minute of the adventure with that stud muffin Craig Wilder. You deserve some happiness for a change."
Chapter 11
Meanwhile, the picture of Jasinda Reed kissing hot football star Craig Wilder filled another screen.
The man staring at the tablet rapped his knuckles against the edge of the desk in a rhythmic pattern. He sighed as he reached for the phone. The man punched in a number from memory.
Two rings later, a voice answered nervously. "Hello?"
Skipping a greeting, the man jumped right to his point. "Do you know what I'm looking at online right now?"
"By the tone of voice, I can guess."
"And do you know how that makes me feel?"
A strained silence supplied all the response necessary.
The words escaped from the man's mouth with measured precision. "You told me everything was under control."
"There was a complication-"
He maintained his cool demeanor. "I believe you have been instructed how to handle complications."
"I'll take care of it. I promise."
"See that you do. And the next time I talk to you, it better be to congratulate you on a job well done." He disconnected the call without waiting for a reply.
Chapter 12
Gus Wilson called out to Jasinda from across the campus quad as she exited the building where she'd just finished her English class. "Hey, Jasinda, wait up."
Jasinda looked in his direction. His scarf flapped in the breeze as he jogged to catch up to her.
They walked across the pretty suburban campus while they spoke.
"Gus, you do realize it's fifty degrees out here today, right? Not exactly scarf-wearing weather."
The young man shrugged. "It's a fashion accessory. So, did you finish that research paper on Sparta yet?"
"I watched the movie 300. Does that count?"
"You mean 'man pecs on display.' I might have seen that movie a time or two myself."
Jasinda smiled. "I bet. So how's your paper coming?"
"Can't complain here. I swear I don't know how you do it, though. Taking three classes and working full time."
"Have to pay the bills, you know. I appreciate you saying that. You're the only person I know here at school who ever asks about my job. They probably don't know what to say about a bigger girl who works at an ice cream shop."
Gus put a reassuring hand on her forearm. "You've heard the phrase about never trusting a skinny chef. I'd say the same concept applies here. I'd take one look at you scooping up those desserts and I'd be confident that the place must sell good products." Gus winked.
Jasinda smiled broadly. "Thank you. I'm so glad we ended up in the same Western Civ class this semester. Thank goodness we sat next to each other in that huge lecture hall. Where have you been all my life when I needed a self-esteem boost?"
"Probably, like you, searching for a boyfriend – but hopefully not in the same place."
"Agreed! Speaking of that, how did your big date go last night?"
Gus sighed. "I don't know which one of us was the biggest loser. Me for going out with him...or him for flirting with the waiter when I went to the bathroom."
"He didn't..."
"He did! When I came back, he didn't see me because I was approaching from behind. I got there just in time to witness him giving the waiter his phone number and telling the guy to call in about an hour!"
Jasinda covered her mouth. "You poor thing. What did you do?"
"Created a scene. Stormed out leaving the jerk to pay the check."
Jasinda raised her hand for a high-five. "Got what he deserved, I'd say."
"Did I mention, I also let the air out of one of his tires when I got out in the restaurant parking lot?"
Jasinda bristled. "I can understand you wanting to do that. However, that might have been crossing the line a wee bit?"
"I thought I showed restraint. It was only one tire. I'm sure he had a spare. It could have been two tires, then he would have been really stuck there."
"If he didn't have a spare, he also would have been stuck there...with that waiter..." Jasinda observed.
"Hmmm. Maybe I didn't think that plan all the way through," Gus laughed.
"Yeah. Besides, what happened to 'turn the other cheek' and all that?"
Gus shrugged. "I look at it this way. The Bible states, 'Revenge is mine says the Lord.' So, logicall
y, taking revenge on someone is doing the Lord's work!"
"Oh, Gus, you are an original."
Gus ran his fingers through his obviously bleached blond hair. "It's been said a time or two. Anyway, back to what we were saying before...I'm so glad I can live on campus and just worry about school."