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Their Colorado Nights [Spirit, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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by Alicia White

  Spirit, Colorado 2

  Their Colorado Nights

  Five friends. One basket of sex toys. How to win? Tell the best sex story of all time, and Selena knows that she has a winner!

  Selena Easton inherited her great-aunt Hattie’s B and B in Spirit, Colorado. She works hard and knows that she doesn’t have time for one man, let alone two. Her secret fantasy…to experience a ménage, and she really wants it to come true when she meets Sam and Andrew.

  Sam and Andrew Johnson are from Spirit, Colorado. They left town years ago to start their own construction business and have come back to visit. Once they see willowy and fit Selena, they know that she’s the one they’ve been waiting for.

  After their week vacation, Sam and Andrew need to head back to their business in Santa Fe, New Mexico. What can Selena do to stop them from going back?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Note: The books in this series share an external story arc. Though not mandatory, we highly recommend reading the books in sequential order.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 45,000 words


  Spirit, Colorado 2

  Alicia White


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2012 by Alicia White

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-926-5

  First E-book Publication: December 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

  All art and logo copyright © 2012 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is dedicated to Melody Snow Monroe, Peyton Elizabeth, Lara Valentine, and Zara Chase. Thank you all for including me on this amazing project. It’s been fun talking, texting, and working with you all. I’m looking forward to more projects in the future.

  The statistics on sanity are that one out of every five people is suffering from mental illness. Look at your four best friends. If they’re okay, then it’s you. :)

  —Rita Mae Brown


  Spirit, Colorado 2


  Copyright © 2012


  Selena Easton sat back and listened as Lana Dupree told them all how she fell for Jake and Cal Martin. She was glad to see her friend so content and happy. Lana hadn’t left out a single detail, making sure to highlight all the sex scenes. It seemed that she really wanted to win the sex-toy basket, but Selena knew she could top her. I can’t wait until it’s my turn. Her men were amazing, breathtakingly handsome, and loving. She was the luckiest woman in the world.

  Grinning, she looked around at the other ladies that were out on their usual Thursday night and couldn’t believe how much her life had changed. This was their time to get together and just let loose. It felt good to be sitting in a booth at Fannie’s Old Time Saloon surrounded by her best friends. Nine months ago, she wouldn’t have been able to imagine loving her life as much as she did.

  Selena ran the only bed-and-breakfast in town and had two fantastic men and the kind of friends that would always have her back. She had dreamt of a life like this, and to now be living it, well, it was surreal. She wasn’t about to take anything for granted, especially her men. Sipping her drink, Selena listened as Lana wrapped up her sexy story, although she couldn’t stop her mind from straying to this afternoon’s lovemaking session. Sam and Andrew kept coming up with new ways to blow her mind—not that she was complaining. Selena sighed in satisfaction.

  “So? Do I have a chance to win?” Lana asked, a big smile on her face.

  Everyone started talking at once, and Casey banged the table to get their attention. “Hmm. No nipple clamps, paddles, ropes, or anything? I’m not sure.” She waved a dismissive hand. “All I’m saying is wait until you hear my story. I’m going last, because mine’s the best.”

  Selena raised her glass. “I know everything about you and your men, and trust me, no one compares in size or ability to my Sam and Andrew.”

  That started another round of chatter. Casey tapped the table again. “Okay, Miss My Story Is Better, you go next.”

  Selena smiled, grabbed her drink, and took another swig. “Well, it all started when Mrs. Johnson decided to fix me up with her two sons.” Hannah hooted loudly, and Selena said, “Shh. Let me tell my story. You’ll get your turn.”

  Chapter 1

  Selena Easton was finally living her dream. After what seemed like forever, she was exactly where she had always wanted to be. She was her own boss, ran a beautiful bed-and-breakfast, and lived in picturesque Spirit, Colorado. She walked around the entryway, lighting some of her famous incense. The guests always commented on how much they loved the lavender mixed with other exotic smells. It was her own personal recipe that she kept hidden under lock and key in her office.

  She inhaled the scents,
letting the aroma relax her. This was her time. Every morning she woke up extra early to enjoy the silence before the staff came in to make breakfast and serve the guests. She walked around and admired the beautiful place that her great-aunt Hattie had left her when she passed away. Selena loved this place, always had, even when she was a kid.

  Almost every summer, her parents would load her up in their family station wagon and drive from their home in San Diego, California, to this very town. Those had been the best years of her life, until their divorce. Everything went downhill from there and they stopped their vacations. She had only been a teenager, but she remembered it as if it happened just yesterday. And now she was thirty-two and back in the town she loved.

  Selena unrolled her yoga mat and sat down, taking deep, cleansing breaths. The herbs helped to calm her and banish all the negative thoughts. She had worked really hard, had stopped having any sort of personal life to completely focus on making the bed-and-breakfast a success once more. She still remembered the day she had arrived in town, almost seven years ago. The house had needed lots of TLC. She never once quit. She had wanted to see this place be a success once more.

  Selena counted to ten slowly, relaxing her muscles, preparing herself for the day ahead. When she heard the sputter of an engine, she knew that the cook had arrived. She quickly got up, rolled her mat and hid it behind one of the chairs. She moved through the dining area to the kitchen and opened the door. She wasn’t much of a cook herself and thanked God every day for sending her the amazing Mrs. Johnson.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Johnson,” she sang out, holding the door open.

  “Good morning, dear. I wish you’d stop calling me that. You make me sound too old.” She wagged her finger, and Selena laughed. She couldn’t help herself. They had this conversation every morning.

  “I’m just trying to be respectful of my elders, ma’am.” She smiled as Mrs. Johnson walked past her. She was a sweet, petite woman, probably in her mid to late fifties. She had shown up at her doorstep and offered her services when Selena had needed her most. She was extremely grateful to her.

  “Your elders, huh? Listen here, young lady. I may be old enough to be your momma, but you will start calling me Ruth. I’m not a guest, I work here.” She stomped around the kitchen, and Selena hid her smile.

  “What are you making for breakfast?”

  “Today I’m making my famous sausage, maple scones, and I thought an egg soufflé would be perfect. Some fresh fruit, coffee, and fresh-squeezed orange juice.” Selena’s stomach growled just thinking of the delicious food.

  “What can I do to help?” She loved being in the kitchen. Unfortunately, she couldn’t cook worth a darn.

  “Jiminy Cricket, girl, you burn water. I’m sorry to say, but your place is most certainly not in the kitchen. Just fold the napkins and set the table. If you don’t fight me, I’ll make a special plate just for you.” She arched her brow and Selena nodded. She was useless in the kitchen, but she always wanted to help, and Mrs. Johnson always said no. She felt bad, but she knew that she had to depend on people and accept help.

  “All right.” She grabbed the clean basket of fresh linens and set them up on the large counter. She didn’t mind setting the tables. In fact, that was one of the things she enjoyed. She loved making different centerpieces for each table, depending on the time of year and which flowers were in season. She also loved mingling with the guests and meeting new people.

  The bed-and-breakfast had always been very popular, even when she was a kid. The rooms were all decorated in a classic Victorian style, and she made sure that every detail was perfect. It was important that each guest have a wonderful experience. There were always lots of people coming through town, since this area had a lot of outdoor activities. There were also a lot of events that happened throughout the year, so business was always booming.

  She was expecting another full house soon, since the gun show was coming to town. This was one of her favorite events. She had always been more of a tomboy growing up. She loved hunting, fishing, skiing, skydiving, anything to do with the outdoors and fresh air. Moving here had been one of the best decisions she had ever made. She worked constantly, but when she had free time, she played harder.

  She hummed as she folded, listening to Ruth move around the kitchen, prepping for breakfast. They served the morning meal for two hours each day and since Ruth was such an amazing cook, lots of the folks in town would stop in for breakfast as well.

  “The gun show’s just around the corner. It starts next week,” Mrs. Johnson said, and Selena nodded, unsure of where this particular conversation was going. Ruth knew how much she loved the gun show, so she knew that there had to be an ulterior motive.

  “My sons are coming into town.” And there it was—her ulterior motive. She had been trying to hook them up for years, but Selena was too busy and every time they came into town to visit their parents, she always had a good excuse.

  “Oh. Did you want me to put in a reservation for them?”

  “That would be great. Thank you,” she said sweetly and Selena rolled her eyes. Her sons usually stayed with her when they came into town to visit. Obviously, Mrs. Johnson was on to her little game of avoiding men and wanted to make it almost impossible for her to avoid her sons. “You know, they’re both single.”


  “Sam and Andrew are doing great in New Mexico with their construction and architecture business, but they’re thinking about moving back home now that their dads and I are getting older,” she continued and Selena laughed silently to herself. She already knew that Ruth had two husbands. She was married to brothers, and they were huge in the construction business in town.

  She wasn’t the only one. This town was very open-minded when it came to people and their relationships. There were lots of women openly married to multiple men. Her private little secret was that she herself often fantasized about being with two men. Fantasies were often better than reality, though, and she hated being disappointed.

  She stared at the napkins, folding faster, hoping that Ruth wouldn’t try to set her up. “I’m surprised you’re letting them even consider moving back into town. You’re way too young to need them here to take care of you.” A sharp sting to her bottom had Selena shrieking, and she turned around. Ruth stood with her hands on her hips, a towel hanging loosely from one of her hands.

  “Don’t you sass me, little girl. I don’t need them here to take care of me. I want them here. Family sticks together.” She spun back around, and Selena stood there, frozen in place.

  “Did you—did you just spank me?” she sputtered, still a little shocked.

  “I most certainly did.” She pushed the pan of scones into the oven, peeking over her shoulder, and Selena saw the grin tugging at her lips. “You’re just lucky Andrew and Sam weren’t listening. They probably spank harder than me.” She winked, and Selena felt her eyes widen and her mouth open. She stared at Mrs. Johnson like she was a completely different person. She was no longer the sweet older lady. She was now in matchmaking mode and obviously quite serious about Selena meeting her sons.

  Selena turned around and finished folding the last two napkins. Why did the idea of a spanking from two mysterious men excite her? She shook her head and banished that thought altogether. The kitchen began to fill with the wonderful scents of maple, sausage, biscuits, and coffee. Selena licked her lips and hurried from the kitchen, needing to set the tables and get ready for the guests. Then, she could dive into a plate full of scrumptious food.

  She walked around each beautifully carved wood table, setting out the napkins, silverware, and placemats. Then she went into her office, loaded up all the vases filled to the brim with multicolored wildflowers onto a cart and pushed it out of her office. Decorating had always been something she loved. Maybe because she was detail oriented.

  The front door opened, and her waitress walked in with a big smile on her face. “Good morning, Selena. How are you today?”

“I’m good. How are you?” She placed one of the square vases in the center of the table and moved around the room, trying to finish quickly before the guests started to wake up.

  “I’m good.” She moved through the dining room to the kitchen, probably hoping to grab a quick bite before she started working. They all loved Ruth’s cooking.

  Selena had three employees. The four of them worked well together, and she really enjoyed having them here with her so that she didn’t have to try to do everything on her own. Mrs. Johnson aka Ruth the cook, Heidi Smith, the always smiling server, and then there was Beverley Franklin, who cleaned the rooms.

  Selena finished setting down the last vase as the first guests arrived in the dining room. “Please sit wherever you’re most comfortable.” She smiled and nodded, grabbed the cart, and pushed it into her office, shutting the door on a soft click.

  It was the start of breakfast. She loved this time of day. The morning was always an organized chaos. She went into the kitchen and watched as Heidi took the last bite of her breakfast. She tied her apron around her waist.

  “Okay…the guests are starting to arrive,” Selena announced, and everyone started to move a little faster.

  * * * *

  After two full hours of serving guests, giving directions to the different stores around town, and handing out maps and coupons, Selena was starving. She went into the kitchen and exhaled loudly, getting Ruth’s attention.


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