Their Colorado Nights [Spirit, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Colorado Nights [Spirit, Colorado 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Alicia White

“Let me bring out some tea and we can talk.” Selena wanted to get them out of the kitchen so that they could have some privacy. She poured the drinks, placed them and some scones on a tray and ushered Lana out. They walked to the back corner near a window and sat down.

  “Tell me what’s going on. You look like someone died.” She couldn’t remember ever seeing Lana so sad, and she wondered if that’s what she looked like when she thought about them leaving.

  “Cal dumped me, but not before Jake ran out of my house when I suggested that we go on a little vacation together. I wasn’t suggesting marriage or anything, but I do want to be with them both. It just hurts, knowing that it might not work out. I’ve been dreaming about the two of them for years. Cal thinks that Jake is a fuckup, his words not mine. He also said that he loves me. How can he dump me if he loves me? Everything is just so screwed up.”

  “Oh no. What are you going to do?” Selena leaned forward, upset that Lana had to deal with all the drama.

  “I wish I knew. I can’t let the two best loves of my life walk out on me. Cal is being dumb, but I’m really hoping that Jake will come around.” She sounded hopeful, and Selena nodded, leaning back in her chair. She still had hope where Sam and Andrew were concerned, too.

  Selena sipped her tea. “Hell, if it were me, I’d grab a gun, take aim, and tell them to decide what they want.” She knew she was being drastic, but she wanted her friend to laugh.

  “That’s what I love about you, Selena Easton. You are a pistol, and I mean that in the nicest way.” Lana laughed.

  “You got that right.” She leaned close. She had tons of ideas about how to get her men to stay without outright asking them. “Here’s what you do. Invite them to your house and greet them in nothing but a thong.”

  “Seriously?” Lana laughed out loud.

  “They have to see what they’re giving up. Cal needs to give himself and Jake a break, and Jake needs to make a commitment. By running off all the time, he’s eroding his brother’s trust.”

  They spent another hour chatting, and Selena decided to share her story with Lana. She told her about how wonderful everything was going and that she hoped both Andrew and Sam would be moving to Spirit. She promised herself that she would stay positive. She would end up with them both.

  Lana seemed happier as they said good-bye, and Selena felt better as well. Picking up the tray, she headed back to the kitchen. The breakfast rush was almost over, and she still hadn’t seen Sam and Andrew. She knew that they had headed to see their dads and she wasn’t sure when they would be back. Shuffling her feet, she moved to the counter and sat the tray down, and then headed to the sink. She stared out the window as she rinsed each plate and loaded them into the dishwasher.

  A few minutes later, the door swung open and she looked up. Both Sam and Andrew strode into the kitchen and she bit her lip. They both had such a strong effect on her, making her dream about things that might never happen. She dreamed about marriage and having a family with them. Never before had she felt that it could happen, but now after spending only a week with these men, she wanted it more than anything else.

  “Hey, beautiful, how are you?” Andrew walked toward her, and Selena dropped the dishes into the sink and met him in the middle of the kitchen. Their lips met, and he explored her slowly at first, their tongues gliding against each other, but then his kiss grew more dominant. She leaned into him, relaxing, letting him take possession of her. Someone cleared his throat loudly, and Selena moved and stepped back.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” Ruth said, elbowing Sam. Selena laughed and distanced herself a bit more from Andrew. She realized that a week ago, she would’ve been embarrassed, but today she didn’t mind. She really cared about them both and was tinkering more toward love, but she knew that it was probably too soon for that.

  “Did you guys have a nice morning with your dads?” she asked.

  “Yeah. Would you like to sit in the dining room and eat? We can talk out there,” Sam said, and Selena immediately went to the cupboard and grabbed three plates. She wasn’t sure what they were going to say, but she knew that it was probably important.

  “I’ll grab breakfast. You two go ahead.” Andrew took the plates from her hand and she walked to Sam, her heart in her throat. The look on his face said it all, a forced smile, sad eyes. They were leaving. They weren’t staying. Her heartbeat sped up, and she tried to control her breathing. Blinking her eyes rapidly, she stopped the tears from flowing and walked out of the kitchen, heading to a table toward the back of the room.

  The dining room was empty, and she swallowed hard, sitting down in one of the chairs. Facing Sam, she waited for Andrew to join them. She wondered what they would say, preparing for the worst case scenario.

  The clinking of glass dishes made her jerk, and she looked up to watch Andrew stroll to the table. He set down each plate, and Selena’s stomach lurched. She couldn’t eat, didn’t even want to look at the food placed in front of her. Sitting down, Andrew picked up his fork and started eating. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry to talk, and she realized that it wasn’t good.

  “Just tell me,” she whispered, looking from Andrew to Sam. They were leaving, she just knew it. Rubbing the ache in her chest, she sat back, not touching her food.

  “Our vacation is over tomorrow. We’re heading back to Santa Fe in the morning,” Sam told her, and Selena bit her lip, refusing to cry, refusing to say anything. She wanted to ask them to stay, but she knew that she didn’t have the right to ask. They had lives back home and a business. If the roles were reversed, she knew that leaving the B and B behind wouldn’t have been an option for her.

  “Selena, I’m sorry. This week together has been a dream come true, and I wish we had more time,” Sam continued, and she looked down. She couldn’t stand to see the compassion in his eyes. She didn’t want to be comforted. It was a week-long affair with great sex. That was it.

  “Look at me,” Andrew pleaded, and she looked up into his smiling face. “I’m coming back, though, I’m needed here. Our dads need me, and I really want to see where this relationship can go. Do you think we have a future?” She gave him a sad smile and nodded. Okay, Andrew would be back, but not Sam. That was clear.

  “Don’t be sad,” Sam pleaded, and Selena felt a tear slip down her cheek. She hadn’t meant that to happen. She didn’t want them to feel guilty.

  Moving, Sam knelt on the ground next to the chair and turned her so that she was facing him. He wiped the tears on her face. “Please don’t cry. I promise that I’m coming back. This isn’t forever, just temporary.”

  “I–I know. It just sucks. I’m going to miss you. I’m not going to be able to see you for a really long time.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, and Selena wiped as fast as she could.

  “I’m going to miss you like crazy, but I’m hoping to move back here in about a year or so. I just have so many projects that need my attention. Andrew will be here, and he’ll take good care of you until I can be back.” Pulling her into his arms, he leaned back and Selena sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. He tightened his arms and held her tight.

  “I love you,” she whispered into his neck. She knew that it would hurt like hell when they left.

  “I love you, too, baby.” He rubbed her back, but she was still upset. Life isn’t fair, she thought as she cried. How could she have one without the other? The thought sounded selfish. She knew it did, but she couldn’t help it. She wanted both Sam and Andrew.

  “I love you, too, Andrew.” She spoke a little louder, hoping that he knew that she cared about him as well.

  “I know. I love you, too,” Andrew said, and Selena nodded her head, hoping that he didn’t feel left out.

  “Shhh, don’t cry.” He rubbed her back and Selena wiped her face on his shirt. He felt warm and comfortable in his arms. Taking deep breaths, she calmed down and moved, pulling away from him. She didn’t want their last day together to be sad.

  “Are you really staying?�
�� She turned and looked at Andrew.

  “I need to head back to Santa Fe to pack, and then I’ll be back. It should only take me about a week or so. I’ll hurry.” He winked. She wasn’t sure if she should believe him. What if he went back to Santa Fe and decided that he didn’t want to move? She pasted a smile on her face and nodded. They hadn’t given her any reason not to trust or believe in them, and she knew that Andrew had planned on moving to Spirit before they had even met.

  “Okay. Let’s spend the day together and have fun before you need to head back home.” She swore that she would be positive and have a good time, even though the week was coming to an end.

  Selena ate a few bites, knowing that she needed to have breakfast. Her stomach churned, and she put down her fork. It felt like time was slipping through her fingers, and she didn’t want to waste it sitting in the B and B eating.

  “What do you guys wants to do today?” she asked.

  “There are few options. Skiing, horseback riding, ice skating, sledding, snowmobiling, or, if you want to live on the edge a little, we can go for a glider ride over the mountains,” Sam suggested. He had pretty much named every winter activity.

  “It doesn’t really matter to me. I just want to spend time with you both before you have to leave.”

  “Have you ever been horseback riding in the snow? The trails are beautiful.” When she shook her head, Sam continued. “We can go right outside of town to the Double Spur Ranch and get some horses. I’ve been on the trail quite a bit with the owners, Wyatt and Austin. We won’t need to take the guided tour. The three of us can go out on our own.”

  “That sounds great. I haven’t been riding in years.” Selena perked up. The last time she went horseback riding she had been a teenager.

  “All right, go ahead and get some warm layers on. We can clear the table and finish the dishes in the kitchen.” Nodding, Selena got up and went to her room. Taking off her clothes, she grabbed a pair of long underwear, knowing that she needed the extra layer of warmth for the long ride ahead. Picking her long-sleeve T-shirt up, she slipped it over her head and put her jeans back on. Opening her chest of drawers, she pulled out her thickest pair of socks and then went in search of her best boots.

  By the time she was ready, both Andrew and Sam were waiting right outside her bedroom door.

  * * * *

  Sam knew that he was going to miss her the minute she walked away from the table. His chest hurt, and he reached up and rubbed right above his heart. In such a short amount of time, he had fallen for her. Every minute of every day that they spent together was amazing and he knew that she was the woman for them. He wasn’t sure how long it would take for him to get things settled in Santa Fe, but he knew that he would eventually be coming back to Spirit for good.

  He stood next to Andrew, waiting for Selena to come out of her bedroom. He thought about going inside but knew that if he saw her near the bed, they wouldn’t be leaving. When the door opened, he stood a little taller, watching as the most beautiful woman smiled at him.

  He held open his arms, and she went to him and hugged him. He knew that he would miss things as simple as hugs and smiles. It hurt to think that Andrew would be back here with her every day and he wouldn’t be. Pulling away, he grabbed her hand and headed for the door. The three of them had been having so much fun this week, and every night, they cuddled and made love.

  He was secretly hoping that she would pick horseback riding. He had called both Wyatt and Austin and set up a secret date along the trail. This was their last spectacular day together before he and Andrew headed out the next morning.

  Climbing into his truck, he waited for Selena to crawl across the seat and Andrew to be buckled up before heading out of the parking lot and out of Spirit. He reached for Selena’s hand then placed it on his thigh as they drove out of town. After about twenty minutes, they reached a small side road with a large metal sign that read Double Spur. It took them almost another ten minutes to reach the large barn and Victorian-style home, due to all the thick snow.

  When they finally pulled up, Sam gave his horn a quick beep, signaling his friends that they had arrived before stepping out of the truck. He held open the door for Selena, and when she reached the edge of the seat, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. He slid her body along his until her feet touched the ground.

  A door slamming shut got his attention, and he turned to see his friends standing on the porch, smirking at him.

  “You both finally found a woman, huh?” Wyatt, the older brother, said as he walked down the porch steps toward them.

  “Yes we did. Wyatt, Austin, this is Selena Easton. She runs the bed-and-breakfast in town.” Sam made the introductions, assuming that they hadn’t met.

  “I’ve seen you around town, Selena. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Austin shook her hand and then focused back on Sam. “So does this mean you’re finally moving back home?”

  “Not yet,” he said, cringing. The last thing he wanted to do was upset Selena again by talking about them leaving.

  “Well, that’s too bad. Wyatt and I can take care of her while you two go back to Santa Fe.” Austin turned to Selena. “Besides, you’ll like us better. We’re a lot more fun.” Selena, Austin, and Wyatt all laughed, but he couldn’t seem to find the humor in that comment.

  “Very funny. Andrew will be back here in a week to take care of Selena. You boys keep your hands to yourself. Enough small talk, I didn’t come here to chat to you both all day. I came to pick up the horses.”

  “All right.” Wyatt laughed. “This way. We’ve got the horses saddled and ready to go.” They followed Wyatt toward the barn, and Sam wrapped an arm possessively around Selena’s waist, holding her close to him. He hated the thought of leaving even more now. Selena was a beautiful woman, and there was no doubt in his mind that she could find other men.

  Walking into the barn, three horses were indeed saddled and ready to go. The four of them went out riding whenever they came into town. They would usually spend a day hanging out and catching up. They had gone to high school together, got in trouble together, and were best friends. That’s why he could safely say that Wyatt and Austin weren’t teasing when it came to Selena. They would have no problem stealing his woman.

  “You three have fun. If you’re not back before dark, we’ll be coming to look for you. Just a warning.” Austin grinned, and Sam shook his head.

  Chapter 16

  Selena walked hand-in-hand with Sam over to the horses. She was really looking forward to the ride. This week had gone by so fast, but she was grateful that she had been able to spend each day and night with them. Instead of staying at the B and B, working nonstop, she was finally able to go out and have some fun. Her fantasies had all come true. She would no longer wonder how it felt to be with two men, receiving their love and affection.

  “I thought you could ride Shadow today. He’s really mellow.” Sam lifted his hand and stroked the big, black horse. Grabbing the reins, he pulled the horse forward, away from the other two, and helped her to mount. Sitting on top of the horse, she realized how far she was actually off the ground and cringed. It had been so long since she had ridden and she hoped that she hadn’t forgotten everything she’d learned.

  “Hold the rein tight and then we can head out of the barn,” Sam told her as he walked behind her. Selena sat on the saddle, holding her body ridged as she waited for them.

  She turned a little when she saw Sam pass her, holding the reins to his horse. He walked to the barn door and pushed it open. “Okay. Ride out with Andrew and then I’ll close the barn behind us.”

  Andrew sat on top of a huge gray stallion and brushed by her on his way out the barn. Selena squeezed the horse with her knees and relaxed her hold on the reins. Shadow walked forward, heading out of the barn. They both waited outside until Sam boosted himself up and straddled the horse he was riding.

  Sam and Andrew both flanked her and they walked their horses out of the yard an
d toward the trail. The trail was worn down, even with snow on the ground, proving that other people had ridden this path regularly. When they reached a thin part in the trail, Sam took the leader role, riding in front and she stayed in the middle, letting Andrew pick up the rear. The air was crisp and clean, and she was grateful that the wind wasn’t blowing.

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” she said, looking at the beautiful mountains in the distance, the giant pine trees, and clean, white snow.

  “I love the view.” Andrew whistled, and she looked over her shoulder, watching him as he stared at her ass. It was thrilling to know that he watched her, wanted her.

  Smiling broadly, Selena relaxed her body and moved with the horse as they followed the trail. Following Sam’s lead, they went around a sharp bend. When they broke out of the trees, the mountains were in the distance with a blue sky and a few white clouds. In the middle of the open field stood a long cabin, smoke billowing out of the brick fireplace. It reminded her of a beautiful picture used for postcards.

  Confused, Selena looked around, knowing that this had to be something that Sam and Andrew planned. This was their last day together, so of course they would make it something to remember. They always had so many wonderful ideas, and she felt her eyes tear up. When they reached the front of the cabin, Selena climbed off the horse and wrapped the reins around a large wooden post.

  “Where are we?” she asked, looking around the outside of the cabin.

  “This is Wyatt and Austin’s private place. We used to come to this cabin years ago when we were teens and their parents still lived in the main house.” Andrew grabbed her hand, and they walked up the stairs and into the cabin.

  The cabin was one large open room containing a huge bed in the center, a kitchen in one corner, and a door, which she assumed led to a bathroom. A large fireplace took up almost one whole wall and completely warmed the whole place, making her desperate to take off her clothes. Selena immediately unzipped her jacket and started getting naked. The heat was causing her to sweat.


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