Once Upon A Night At Sea

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Once Upon A Night At Sea Page 5

by Barbara Longley


  Showered, shaved and changed into clean shorts and a polo, Jason splashed a little aftershave on his cheeks and neck. He and Marin had only parted an hour ago, and already he missed her. He stepped into the hall. Marin’s door swung open the moment he knocked, and there she was. His breath caught.

  Her face was flushed from the sun, making her hair a brighter shade of gold and her eyes a deeper shade of blue. Was that his heart he heard beating so loudly? “Ready?”

  She nodded, stepped out and closed her door. Her hair was still damp from her shower, and she’d left it down. The ends curled, and he longed to run his fingers through the silky ringlets. Her now-familiar scent filled his senses when she passed him. It was too much.

  He caught her hand, drew her into his arms and kissed her soundly, tangling his fingers into her hair. Her arms came around his waist, and she kissed him back. With enthusiasm. “You’re so pretty, Marin,” he whispered, nuzzling the soft, tender spot behind her ear.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned, tilting her head for him. “If you say so.”

  He drew back. “You don’t think you’re pretty?”

  She shrugged. “Cute maybe, but—”

  “You’re going to have to take my man-card-carrying word for it. You’re a heart-stopper.”

  She snorted. “Pulling the ‘man card,’ eh?”

  He nodded. “When needed, I will pull out the card.” Taking her hand, he started them down the corridor toward the elevators.

  Couples and families, all dressed up for formal night, hurried along to one of the many restaurants on board. Jason continued to hold Marin’s hand while they rode the elevator up to the lido deck. They weren’t the only ones who had decided to go casual tonight. The pool was crowded with kids and adults relaxing in lounge chairs. “Pick out a couple of loungers, and I’ll go get the pizza. What kind do you like?”

  “I’m not picky. Get a couple of different slices, and we can—”

  “Share? That’s another thing I like about you, Marin.” He really did. Being with her was so easy, fun. She didn’t get upset about little things or complain. Marin radiated positive energy, and he couldn’t help but bask in her light and warmth. “I’ll be right back.” He left her, the ever-present grin riding his face again.

  A plate of pizza slices and two beers in hand, Jason wended his way through the maze of lounge chairs. Marin had one knee up, and her other leg stretched out before her. Desire slammed into him. Keeping his hands to himself was becoming more challenging by the hour. The need to stake his claim sent his pulse racing.

  He snorted. When had he ever thought in terms like that with a woman? Stake his claim? Had he reverted to machismo? He’d blame it on his mother’s Venezuelan genes, the same genes that had given him his dark eyes and hair. “Would you take the plate so I can sit without spilling the beer?”

  “Of course.” Marin sat up, took the plate and set it on her lap. “Yum. It smells good.”

  Jason stretched out beside her, setting their beer on the floor between their lounge chairs. “It’s amazing how hungry I am right now. Must be from all the swimming and fresh air today.” He reached for a slice and took a huge bite. “Mmm.”

  Once the sun began to set, crew members distributed red fleece blankets with pillows sewn right into them. They laid theirs out on their loungers and settled back.

  Marin turned to him, her face a study in worry. “I have a confession to make.”

  He frowned. What on earth could she have to confess? “Oh?”

  She nodded, biting her lower lip for a moment. “You know how I’ve been saying I’m not clumsy, and that I don’t normally toss lattes and cause accidents?”

  Relief flooded through him, and he had to clamp down on the urge to laugh. She was about to tell him what he already knew, but the vulnerability in her expression warned him to tread carefully. “Yes?” he encouraged.

  “Well, that’s not… entirely true.” Picking at the fleece of her blanket, she glanced at him and then away. “Do you know what my brothers called me when I was growing up?”

  “Tell me.” An aching tenderness filled his chest.

  “They called me ‘Marin the Menace,’ that’s what. I’ve always been accident-prone, a real spiller-willer and… clumsy.” The corners of her mouth turned down.

  Jason’s throat tightened. “Want me to punch their lights out?” he asked, only half teasing. Her sudden smile and the way the tension left her sent he-man urges coursing through his veins.

  Her gaze heated and roamed over his chest and biceps. “If anybody could, it would be you.” Her eyes met his. “My brothers are big guys.”

  She looked at him like he was her hero, and suddenly, he realized he wanted to be. He scooted over on his chair. “Sit with me, Marin. I want to put my arms around you.”

  Her brow creased. “Do you think there’s enough room?”

  “Yep.” He patted the narrow space beside him. Marin shifted from her lounger to his. He put his arms around her and held her close and whispered, “There’s nothing wrong with you. You’re beautiful, graceful and athletic.”

  She tipped her face up to stare at him, her eyes wide and full of doubt. “That’s how you see me?” She snorted. “Just wait till you get to know me better.”

  He sensed the deep hurt beneath her words. Stirred with emotion and protectiveness for the woman he held in his arms, Jason had to swallow a couple times before he could continue. “It is how I see you. I’m an analytical thinker. We’ve spent all week together, and I’ve watched you.” He ran his palm down her arm and kissed her forehead.

  “You just get so totally absorbed in the world around you that you forget about yourself. You’re so filled with wonder and appreciation for the things the rest of us take for granted, you lose track of your own perimeter. That’s all there is to it, and I wouldn’t change a single thing.”

  Her lovely eyes grew bright, and she blinked up at him with that dreamy look he’d grown so familiar with over the span of a handful of glorious days. Lord, that look did things to his insides.

  “Thank you, Jason. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she whispered.

  Placing his finger under her chin, he tilted her face up and kissed her. She put her arms around his waist and sighed against his mouth. Having her in his arms felt right, like they belonged together. Ending the kiss before they made spectacles of themselves, he shifted around until they were both comfortable. Then he cradled her against his chest, a deep contentment filling his very soul.

  He wanted to be the one who lifted her away from fire ants, caught her before she fell, tripped or slipped. To be her hero, and to have her always look at him the way she did tonight suddenly became very important to him. More than anything, he wanted to be the lucky guy who shared her bed and her life. Marin was beautiful, inside and out. He kissed her forehead again and played with her silky hair.

  She yawned. “I’m not going to make it through the movie,” she mumbled.

  “That’s OK. I’ve got you.”

  She nodded against him, snuggled closer and closed her eyes.

  She’s the one, a voice whispered through his head. He didn’t doubt, didn’t question. He’d fallen in love with this gorgeous, distracted interior designer. Happiness filled him. His eyes stung, and the stupid grin he’d been trying to batten down the entire week split his face once again. He might as well get used to looking like an idiot, because he wasn’t going to let her go.


  “I can’t believe I’m this full again,” Marin said with a sigh, leaning back against the leather seat. She glanced around at the elegant Crown Grill, appreciating the dark paneling, parquet and marble floors and etched glass partitions. “I don’t remember the last time I’ve had a steak that delicious, and who knew salt came in smoked applewood or Hawaiian pink flavors?”

  “And the lobster.” Jason groaned. “It’s going to be really tough to go back to eating normal meals.” He signed the slip for their
dinner. “Want to walk tonight, or would you rather find a quiet place to sit?”

  “Walk, of course. This is the last chance we’ll have to spend time on the promenade deck.” Sadness and uncertainty swirled through her. She and Jason had pretty much abandoned the rest of the SLS group and gone off on their own after Tulum. They’d spent their days and evenings together, getting to know each other, lazing by the pool, holding hands while reading, eating every single meal in each other’s company. What would happen now?

  Arm in arm they strolled out of the restaurant and down the carpeted hall to a set of double doors leading outside to the promenade deck. She sighed again, walking beside the wonderful man she’d fallen for in a big way. “I can’t believe we’re leaving for home tomorrow.”

  “Hmm. Me neither.”

  Climbing the stairs toward the front of the promenade deck, she tried to come up with a way to find out where this relationship was headed. She couldn’t imagine not seeing him again. After all, they got along so well, shared so many things in common. “Let’s go over by the railing. The moon is still pretty full.”


  Marin leaned against the rail and peered out at the vast ocean surrounding them. “This has been an absolutely magical week.”

  “Yes, it has,” Jason said from behind her.

  “I hate for it to end.” Would he know she wasn’t referring to the cruise, but to them?

  Jason slid his arms around her waist and drew her against his chest. “This isn’t the end, Marin—it’s the beginning. In fact, I can’t imagine a better beginning.” He kissed her neck. “Can you?”

  The sting of tears took her by surprise, and she let out the breath she’d been holding. She shook her head, unable to speak. Placing her hands over his arms, she leaned her head back against his shoulder. Her hero. He didn’t think she noticed when he moved things she was about to spill or steered her around obstacles that might trip her up, but she did.

  She could hardly breathe through the lump in her throat. He never said a word, never grew impatient or critical. His thoughtfulness, the tender consideration he showed her, spoke volumes. She wanted to get to know him better, a whole lot better. “Jason…”

  “Hmm?” He tightened his arms around her.

  “Do you worry that we’ve gotten caught up in the magic of being on a cruise? Like, maybe what we’re feeling right now isn’t real, or it won’t last once we’re back to work and our ordinary day-to-day lives?”

  He chuckled. “Nope. I don’t worry.” He gave her a squeeze. “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Oh?” She glanced at him.

  “I’m not going to renew my membership with SLS. The money would be better spent on a gym or a club where we could play tennis together all year long. What do you think?”

  I think I love you, that’s what I think. “I like that idea.” Turning in his arms, she went up on her toes and kissed him. She’d initiated the kiss, but he deepened it. Never had she wanted a man the way she wanted Jason. One hot, brown-eyed look, a single touch, and she went up in flames.

  He broke the kiss, his gaze boring into hers. “Do you have any plans for next Friday night?”

  She laughed. “No. Not yet.”

  “How about Saturday and Sunday?” He kissed her again and murmured into her ear, “And Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.”

  “I’m free, and I’d love to spend more time with you.” All the worry left her. What she saw shining in his eyes as he looked at her, and the way her heart filled in response, chased away all her doubts. “You’re right. I can’t imagine a better way to begin.”

  5. Once Upon a Night at Sea…

  Islands of the eastern Caribbean are close to the United States, and they are among the most popular cruise destinations in the world. Colonial architecture and history, pristine white sand beaches, archaeological sites, snorkeling and scuba diving along the coral reefs draw thousands of visitors each year. And if you’re the adventurous sort, you can always visit the “clothing optional” beaches on the French side of St. Martin/St. Maarten Island. Or not.

  One year later

  Jason couldn’t wait to get to Crown Grill. It had been a year since they’d embarked on a cruise together on this very ship. “Marin, are you ready to go?”

  She called to him from the bathroom, where she fussed with her hair. “In a minute. I just have to put on my shoes.”

  He glanced at the mismatched sandals she’d set on the floor at the end of their bed. Grinning, he leaned over, lifted the bedspread and searched for at least one sandal to match. He found one, drew it out and moved it next to its mate, shoving the extra shoe under the bed.

  God, he loved her, loved the way she made him laugh, the way they got along so well… heck, he even loved the way she kicked his butt in tennis. She’d become his best friend, his soul mate, and he couldn’t wait to make it permanent.

  “I’m so excited to be back on Emerald Princess again,” she said, her eyes aglow with happiness. “This was such a great idea, honey,” she said, slipping into her sandals. “I love you.”

  He caught her around the waist and drew her in for a quick kiss. “I love you too. It’ll be nice to explore the eastern Caribbean this time.” Three new ports of call, three new exotic tropical paradises to explore. Jason patted his pocket, reassuring himself that the small velvet box was still there. “You look good enough to make me want to skip dinner and dive back into bed, sweetheart.”

  She winked and cast him a sultry look on her way to the door. “Remember the man and his wife who caught us kissing on the promenade deck last year?”

  “I remember everything about that week.” He followed.

  “He was right about cruises keeping things spiced up in the bedroom, wasn’t he?”

  “He certainly was.” If last night and this morning were any indication, he planned to take Marin on at least one cruise per year for the rest of their lives, just like the man had suggested. Jason closed the door behind them and reached for Marin’s hand. He couldn’t imagine his life without her. He didn’t want to imagine his life without her. They reached the elevators, and he pushed the button.

  He got along well with her family, and his folks absolutely adored Marin. They were all waiting for his text. The doors swooshed open, and he placed his hand at the small of her back as they entered.

  Marin looked up at him just then, her eyes full of love. His chest swelled, and his throat tightened. They had the elevator to themselves. “Aw, hell. I can’t wait.”

  “For what?” Confusion clouded her lovely face.

  Jason dropped to one knee, pulled out the tiny box from his pocket, and… the elevator doors opened again, two decks down.

  A chorus of oohs and aahs filled the small space. Someone held the doors open. They had an audience. He didn’t care. “Marin,” he rasped out. “Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and marry me?” He opened the velvet box, held up his offering of forever and gazed up at her through a hazy sheen.

  “Yes! Oh, Jason… Yes!”

  Their audience clapped and whistled, letting go of the doors. They had the space to themselves again. Jason rose, slipped the ring onto her shaking finger and pulled her into his arms.

  “Let’s plan on at least one cruise per year from now on,” she whispered through her tears.

  “Agreed.” He kissed her. He knew they’d overcome whatever trials life threw their way, because he was hers, and she was his. That’s all he needed. Jason couldn’t wait to begin this new phase of their life together. “Since we began our story on a cruise, I’ve been thinking it might be nice to honeymoon on a cruise. What do you think?”

  “I’ve heard the extended cruise to Alaska, with a stay in the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge®, is really spectacular.” Marin studied the ring on her finger. “This is the most perfect engagement ring I have ever seen. You are amazing.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” His chest swelled. She was the amazing one, creative, funny, g
enerous and loving. “How about a July wedding followed by an Alaskan honeymoon?”


  Hand in hand they strolled along the carpeted hall to Crown Grill for dinner. “I had planned to wait until dessert to propose.” Pride and happiness made him feel like Superman. He couldn’t wait to return to their room and get her naked. “I’m one lucky guy,” he said, drawing her close to his side. “Love you like crazy.”

  “Me too, Jason.” She sniffed. “I guess it’s true.”

  “What’s that, sweetheart?”

  “Cruises and romance go together like peanut butter and jelly.” She twined her fingers with his as the elevator came to a stop on their deck.

  He guided her across a tiled section of flooring, around an orange warning cone. “Like crackers and cheese,” he agreed, looking once again like a happy idiot. “Like you and me.”

  Montlake Romance is excited to share a sneak peek at Barbara Longley’s new Love from the Heartland novel in her Perfect, Indiana Series

  The Twisted Road to You

  Coming in October 2015

  Wesley set his broom aside and checked the wall clock. Almost the end of his shift. As soon as Langford & Lovejoy’s day crew arrived, he’d head to the Perfect Diner for his daily dose of Carlie, the diner’s pretty assistant manager. The food wasn’t bad, either. Anticipation thrummed through him, bringing a grin to his face.

  “You do that every morning,” Ken grumbled. “It’s creepy.”

  Wes’s smile widened. Ken was always grumpy at the end of his shift. He ought to know, since he’d been supervising the overnight crew of furniture finishers here in the small town of Perfect, Indiana, for a year and a half now. “Grinning is creepy?”

  “It is when you do it every single morning at exactly the same time,” Ken groused. “Makes me think you’re up to something.”


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