The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles Page 7

by Andrew Wood

  Shonna waited a little nervously as she awaited the summons. Sat in her room, she had only had to wait a few days for the answer of the other tribal leaders. Her host was however keeping coy over the replies he had received already. She knew the Mountain folk would consider her rude if she asked for the information; it was to be given when they were ready. That time was very nearly upon her, as she had been told earlier that day. She would be given the answer she sought, over the evening meal.

  Rather than eat alone in her room, as she had been doing during her stay, she was to be guest of honour to Hadan of the Vardac Tribe. Whether any of the other leaders would be there in person, she did not know, although she considered it likely, due to the momentous decision they were making. She was not familiar with any of the other chiefs, with many of them being younger than both herself and Hadan. Some of the tribes changed their leaders regularly, with the man carrying the most influence and power, taking control. This often resulted in the deposed chief having to fight for his place, or leave the tribe. More often than not, this ended with one or more dead. Taking the easy option to leave was rarely even considered.

  Shonna was relieved when the knock on the door finally came, and the young lad that had catered for her every whim, politely asked her to follow. She cast him a smile, and after one final check in the small mirror on the wall, she did as asked. On entering the large main room, a wall of noise hit her. On the main table sat Hadan who was in conversation with another large built man. His face was also bearded, but she could tell without looking to closely that he was much younger. "One of the other chiefs?" She mumbled to herself as her young guide showed her to a seat.

  As an honoured guest, she was afforded a place on the main table, albeit on one end of it. She watched Hadan raise a hand in greeting to her, and the stranger beside him turn to look her way. It was clear to Shonna, Hadan was explaining who she was, and she thought her earlier presumption was probably correct. She tried to judge the man's reaction, but other than him staring for a few seconds, he gave little away.

  She sat quietly watching people's faces, as the serving of the meal took place. The food before her was nothing she had not eaten before during her stay, and although not too bad, she was looking forward to returning to her normal foodstuffs on her return home. For now, she would have to endure an evening of oversized men, shouting, swearing and probably get drunk. In her younger days she may well have joined in with the fun, now she was much older, she was content to sit by and watch others.

  She helped herself from the platters of food laid out upon the table, and accepted a glass of wine when it was offered. The noise in the room suddenly came to a halt as Hadan shuffled his seat back and stood. He raised both his hands up whilst he waited for the last of the voices to cease. Only when the chief had the attention of everybody did he speak. In a deep booming voice, he introduced the man next to him, before signalling over to Shonna. "Four of the six tribes have replied to agree an alliance..." He added.

  Shonna was surprised by the announcement. She had expected all six of the tribes to side with her and Gorius. Perhaps the scars of the previous conflict were still fresh in the minds of certain folk, and after the defeat last time, they did not want to make the same mistakes again. This was not the news she had anticipated, but at least she had her alliance. The only drawback would be, with only four of the tribes agreeing, they would be forced to leave warriors behind. They would not risk the two remaining tribes making gains on their lands whilst they were off fighting. The alliance she had would see her get half the number she had hoped.

  Despite the announcement not being as good as she had wanted, she nodded a smile to Hadan and the man sat beside him. What they offered would have to do. Whether a smaller force could mount a sustainable attack against the small army of magicians gathered at Pitford, she was unsure. With any luck, the two sides would cancel each other out and Bosaria could take advantage. As it was, at least now she could move on to an even more important task. Tonight though, she would enjoy the rest of the evening.

  Hadan finished his speech, as the load roar of approval from those in the room reverberated about, and after reseating himself back down the chief picked up his mug of ale and drank deeply. The volume in the room quickly returned to its previous levels, and Shonna once more quietly continued her meal. She would give it perhaps another hour, before making her excuses to retire for the evening.

  In Pitford, Ramon had spent much of the day perusing through old books. He was still certain something big was going to happen, but his visions of late were giving him little help as to exactly what. He had checked the king's immediate future thrice more, and the man appeared in no immediate danger. For reasons totally unknown to him, he was still unable to see anything about Maxim. He had hoped reading the books might give him some clue as to why. In all the years he had been in control of his gift, he had never come across a person he could not at least see some future for. Maxim's had become completely blank to him.

  After spending so long browsing through page after page of worthless material, he had by chance come across a small dusty tome. Inside the handwritten pages contained information on the magicians mind. A Seer, such as Ramon, supposedly connected to those people's thoughts, and from there was able to see a possible path into their future. What he did not know until reading, was that those with the ability to mind control utilised a very similar method. They would enter their victim's thoughts, and rather than view their future, they controlled or manipulated it.

  This short passage had gotten Ramon thinking, would he himself be able to mind control if he tried? Although he found the very thought of it quite repulsive, he felt he wanted to try. The only problem being was who to try it on and what should he have them do. He sat back in his chair and shook his head. What was he thinking? He was reading this book to find information about why he could not see Maxim's future. He was not reading it to learn how to carry out the very thing he was completely opposed to.

  He pondered a while, tapping his fingers gently on the arm of his seat. Perhaps there was a link. If he was finding it near impossible to view Maxim's future, would a mind controller have the same problem. How could he find out without trying? Perhaps if he discussed it through with the lad, telling him what he wanted to attempt, then it would not count as an intrusive mind control. In fact, when he thought more about how close his own skill set was to that of a mind controller, was he any different. The only difference, albeit a major one, was that he only viewed the person's future, not controlled it. After over an hour of pondering the do's and don'ts, and reading the book a little further, he thought it best to discuss the idea with Danton and Darion in the morning. For now, he needed to rest, and after extinguishing the lamp in his study, he left to go to his quarters.

  As Ramon slowly walked the short distance between his study and the rooms he called home, he felt a shiver down his entire body. He stopped and looked up and down the corridor, but could see nothing in the flickering light given off by the wall mounted lamps. He knew this was sign, and something he had experienced before. Something big was about to happen, and it was going to involve him in some way. He composed himself, and with a feeling of frustration continued his walk. He was a seer, probably one of the best in the known world, and yet he could not even tell what was about to happen in his own town.

  He ran through his mind, all the people that might cause him to feel that something big was about to happen. The king, he had checked several times, was in no immediate danger. His own path he could not see, as was the case with all the seers he knew. Darion was a powerful magician, probably the most dangerous man he knew...except perhaps one. "Maxim..." he uttered under his breath. The boy was surely safe though, he had friends with him every hour of the day. As well as a wolf, capable of detecting any threat before anything could happen.

  He paused a few moments outside the door to his rooms, deep in thought. In his mind, he ran through the possibilities, trying to come up with solution
s to those unanswered questions. He pushed the door open, and lit a lamp using the more traditional method of a match. His own magical skill set was not really suited to mustering light, although he could produce a globe of light if he needed. His room was warm, from one of the serving staff at the keep making a fire for him, as they did every evening. He wandered over to his sideboard, and poured himself a glass of brandy, before settling down on a cushioned chair beside the hearth.

  The more he relaxed, the more his mind was able to think more clearly. The feeling he had felt was surely a warning, something was going to happen. He then deduced that something must involve Maxim in a big way. That was the only logical reason he had not foreseen it coming. Maxim's mind was obscured to him, as was the path before him. Tomorrow morning he would need to speak to the boy, and if he agreed to attempt a mind control, to verify his theory. Maxim was safe, and there were surely enough numbers close at hand, should anything untoward take place.

  Chapter 9.

  Shonna waved her final goodbye as the Aclat fluttered its wings and lifted off the ground. Hadan and a few of the other tribe members watched her climb skywards as she glanced back one last time. Her visit had taken a day or so longer than she had hoped, and the alliance made not as good as she had originally wanted. However, warriors from four tribes would still consist of an army of well over a thousand. Include into that the riders of the large Caruc, and it would be a formidable force for the Kothians to face.

  She knew it would take a few weeks for the force to assemble and gather enough supplies. It would the take them probably the best part of another week to cross the winding paths around and through the mountain ranges. Only then would they be ready to strike into Kothia, but this would at least give Gorius time to manoeuvre his own troops into position. This would aid the mountain tribes own attack by attempting to draw the remaining Kothian forces at Pitford out of the town. The hope was that by attacking the villages and towns around the great lake, the Kothian king would feel obliged to protect his people, and be left with no option but to meet the Bosarian forces. This in turn would leave the stronghold at Pitford much weaker, hopefully so the mountain tribes could defeat it.

  Shonna felt the temperature drop around her as she climbed higher. The Aclat she rode never appeared fazed by the freezing temperatures, she was just glad of the thick layers of furs she wore. She looked down over the wondrous, quite beautiful sight, of the snow-covered peaks. Untouched by humans, and home to but a few hardy creatures, and despite it being a harsh environment, she could not help but be in awe at its splendour.

  As the early sunshine shone from the bright blue sky, she swooped downwards, leaving the peaks behind her. The Aclat cut through the air, just a few feet above the treetops, until Shonna willed the beast higher. Her target was insight, and although she needed to be seen, she wanted to remain at a safe distance. She hoped with it still being early, there would be few people about.

  From her high position, she looked down below at the town of Pitford. She could make out movement along the outer walls, which she assumed to be guards. Shonna was certain their eyes were not looking to the skies for any danger, but out across the lands surrounding the town. She hoped the person who was supposed to be watching for her was doing so; if not the plan could prove a futile one.

  After spending a few minutes circling, she could not risk doing so any longer. Climbing higher and moving away from Pitford, she now needed to wait, before she could return in a few minutes. She would also have to risk swooping in low and landing, if all went well it would not be for long.

  Kurtis Raston broke out into a jog as he headed down the corridor. There was something he needed to do, and it needed to be done now. There were but a few people about, and although seeing someone running was a little unusual, they barely gave a second glance as he passed them by. Without pausing for breath, he suddenly stopped outside one of the doors. He banged with the palm of his hand and waited for it to be answered.

  Maxim was up first as usual, and had already continued his practice by lighting the fire in the hearth. There was a loud bang at the door, and as the others were still in bed, he stood to answer.

  "Unless that's Lisandra tell whoever it is to go away!" Mikel grumbled, curling himself up in his blankets.

  Zack sat up slightly in his bed as he watched Maxim open the door.

  "Oh hi Kurtis," he said.

  "Ramon wishes to see you now," the lad said looking down at him.

  "Oh right, okay... just give me a few moments."

  Shadow stirred, and the wolf moved slowly towards the door, Crouched in a low stance the beast growled, snarling its large fangs. Mikel quickly sat up, "What the bloody hell is up with you?" he moaned, suddenly taking an interest.

  "It's only Kurtis...Ramon wants to see me. I best go before Shadow decides to attack him," Maxim said turning to those in the room.

  "Wait a few minutes and I'll come with you Max," Zack added throwing off his covers.

  "I'll be fine Zack, Kurtis will be with me," Maxim replied shutting the door too.

  "I'll catch you up," Zack shouted as the door closed.

  Shadow however, continued snarling and it was clear to both Zack and Mikel something had spooked the beast.

  "Why is he behaving like that?" Zack asked trying quickly to dress.

  Mikel was able to sense what Shadow was feeling, and vice versa. "He wants to attack Kurtis...he can sense something odd...I'm not sure what," Mikel said slowly getting himself up out of bed. With his own interest suitably peaked, he also started dressing. "Something is not right Zack," he added. Shadow started scraping his paws on the door, and Mikel stumbled around the room trying to get his boots on.

  Kurtis walked quickly, forcing Maxim to do likewise to keep up. "Does Ramon want to see me urgently?" the youngster asked in jest, wondering what the great hurry was. The older boy merely glanced at him and continued with purpose, not replying to the question. Maxim was not sure what could be so important that Ramon had sent Kurtis to fetch him, especially so early in the day; it must be something of great importance, he thought.

  Kurtis turned a corner, and Maxim followed a pace or two behind. Suddenly the young elementalist stopped. Something was not right, he did not know what, but he could feel it. "Kurtis..." he managed to say as the older boy sprayed something in his face. Maxim felt his head spinning and tried to focus, but felt everything going blurry. Kurtis, his face emotionless, caught the red-haired youngster and slung the limp body over his shoulder. Carrying him meant going slower, and it was certainly much more difficult climbing the narrow steps up to the keep roof.

  No sooner had Zack opened the door, than Shadow bolted past out into the corridor. The wolf sniffed at the air and then darted off, leaving the two lads running behind him.

  "Bloody Hell!" Mikel exclaimed still trying to force his left foot into his boot and run at the same time.

  Zack did not wait for his friend, but sprinted as hard and fast as he could. Shadow though was much quicker and the young royal had to keep an eye on which direction the creature turned ahead of him. Feeling his adrenalin pumping and his heart racing, he felt nothing but fear. Maxim was in trouble, and he would do everything in his power to help him.

  Zack had run down two corridors before he realised his mistake. "Stupid fool," he uttered to himself looking back to see Mikel struggling to keep up. Shadow had already turned at the end of the corridor he was in. Zack concentrated and teleported himself, jumping a hundred paces or more in the blink of an eye.

  "That's not fair," Mikel uttered feeling his sides cramping up already.

  One of the other students peered his head around a half-open door as Mikel passed by.

  "Fetch Ramon...Darion...trouble...," he shouted between breaths as he kept running through the pain. Luckily, for him, he could sense which direction Shadow had turned, and did not have to see.

  Kurtis watched as a strange looking creature dropped down from the skies and landed on the rooftop beside him
. Atop the beast was a half-covered face of a woman of considerable age. Instinctively knowing what he must do, he let Maxim's limp body slip down until it was cradled in his arms.

  "Place him here...quickly" Shonna snapped at the dopey looking young man before her. The man did as she asked and slung the limp body over the creature just in front of her seated position.

  Although the Aclat was only really suitable for carrying one person, Shonna hoped her captive would not weigh her down too much. The beast flapped its wings as she willed it to move quickly, just as a huge wolf appeared up on the roof. "Stop them..." Shonna ordered the young man as her Aclat struggled to get airborne. Kurtis did not speak, but merely nodded his head in acknowledgement.

  He held his hand out and let a small globe of energy materialise within it. Shadow however was quick and easily dodged it when it was launched his direction. The wolf almost nonchalantly darted past Kurtis and launched its large body up, snapping its jaws at the flying creature trying to escape with Maxim. Shadow's teeth closed just a few inches shy of the flying beast's hind leg, before dropping back to the rooftop.


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