Beautiful Life

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Beautiful Life Page 4

by Bruce Thomas

  "Please dude," Elmer pleaded from the kitchen.

  I could almost imagine his face without looking around the wall blocking us: Puppy dog eyes that every girl melted under and a jaw that was clenched in frustration at me turning him down. He's never needed a wingman before. He was good with the ladies though I was better.

  "Janet and I have been talking all summer and I want to take it to the next level."

  I walked back out of the bathroom to give him a look. He couldn't be serious. That's one of our things; we don't date. Ever. I brought this up to him. "I am highly aware of this but we made that pact almost three years ago, man. We were babies taking a dip in the pool of college babes." He turned to look at me. When he saw my pissed off glare, his mouth slackened and he looked suddenly bored.

  "Ya know, there is this thing called feelings and I think they have miraculously formed for this girl. Plus she's super hot. Really nice arm candy. And she's a good time in between the sheets...and in the car...and the pool..."

  "Okay man, seriously," I grimaced. I really didn't want to hear this right now. This was going to be the last year we had together before he was going to take over his family's dealership and I was...well I didn't know what I was going to be doing. Probably exactly what I was doing now. Nothing. And I was okay with this.

  My father told me he would help pay for my schooling if I wanted to go but I'm guessing it was to get me out of his hair except when he needed me to play good son along side with whatever lady friend he has for the month. And this month it was Cindy.

  I felt my heart start racing and my fist clench at the thought of another woman in my mother's chair at the dining room table. "I need you, Fred," Elmer was begging again. "Please, just talk me up a little, give me some pointers before she comes. You know--" He started jumping back and forth on the balls of his feet and punching the air like Rocky Balboa.

  "No. Now leave." I made my way back into the bathroom.

  "I'll see you at my place in an hour!" Elmer shouted at the closed door before letting himself out. "Oh--" Elmer opened the door again. "Annang the stuff."

  "Annang the money with you this time. Up front!" I shot back sticking my head out the bathroom door. "Prick." I heard him say before finally leaving.

  Elmer and Bruce's place was packed before

  9 o'clock. Women in tight dresses taking shots off their friends belly's littered the main area of the apartment. Sydney and her two little brown rats sauntered up to me. She had the drink I asked for in her hand. I took it from her without a thanks. I have come to know that she likes it when I'm rude to her. All the women do.

  She pouted her lips at me. God, I hate when girls do that.

  "Stop," I ordered still not looking at her.

  She huffed and crossed her arms over her small chest turning her back to me.

  I checked her out head to toe before taking another swig of my beer. I preferred her not facing me just like I did a prior twenty minutes ago in the bathroom. She was annoying but she passed the time good enough. There was one decent thing I could say about her and that was she was an amazing screw.

  Bruce caught my eye a few feet away from me. I walked over to him sitting on the couch as he chugged his twelfth beer.

  I took a seat in the recliner next to him. "You doing okay, buddy?"

  I liked Elmer's roommate good enough. He was a big guy who clearly played football and you could tell he isn't in school for the grades. He's a pretty good time when you get a few drinks in him. Last year around this time, we got him to streak in Central Park. Not only did he get arrested but we got a pretty sick video of him puking on the cop that caught him. A few people were already sitting down by the couch. I could tell that little nerdy girl, I think her name was Anne, was watching Bruce seeing if he was going to get sick. I knew she had a pathetic crush on him every

  since her freshman year but her clinginess was annoying. I wasn't even sure if Bruce was aware that she was around most of the time.

  Sydney and the other two girls saw that I had moved and made their way over to me. I resisted the urge of rolling my eyes by looking anywhere else in the room but them.

  "Fred," Elmer whispered harshly from the doorway. I wouldn't have been able to hear him if my eyes didn't land on him right when he turned my way. He pointed to down the hall where I'm guessing that Janet girl was coming. I shook my head at him for the way he was reacting. Such as pussy.

  I watched him hug the girl who was dressed just like the rest of the women in the room: small black dress, high heeled shoes that look like they could break their necks or twist their ankles, whatever came first.

  I had to give it to him, she was hot. She was tall, like legs that go on for miles tall, dark creamy skin and long black hair. I guess he could do worse.

  He looked over my way and gave me a thumbs up causing me to send my eyes skyward. The girl Elmer was going after, tugged someone through the doorway after he turned his back to play it cool and walk across the room and into the kitchen. Figures she would Annang a friend. Girls never go anywhere without each other.

  The companion had long brown hair that was so shiny the lights in the room made it glisten. Her hair hung down her back in curls that didn't look like she made it that way on purpose. They looked natural. But this isn't what made me look at her. It was what she was wearing.

  She wasn't wearing a dress or anything fancy to get drunk in whatsoever. That's how girls are right? They wear slutty outfits to get shit-faced then make the guys look like their in the bad when we try to take them home.

  Teases, every single one of them. No, she wore a plain white v-neck that showed off a full chest and dark jeans that hugged every curve that she had. Most girls would probably call her fat, but I couldn't take my eyes off her hips in those jeans.

  She started walking over here, being dragged by the Janet girl. Yeah, I remembered seeing the long legged girl this summer, except last time I saw her she was in a bikini. "Oh my God," Dakota gasped next to me. He started fixing his hair in the reflection of his phone. What the hell?

  "Dude, am I good?"

  I looked over at him but didn't say anything. I was too confused by his reaction to the two girls entering the apartment.

  Before I'm aware that the two girls have reached us, Dakota says hi to the girl being forced to stand still by Janet.

  Raine? What kind of a name was that? Her parents must have been some sort of hippies to give her a name like that.

  "Hey Dakota, long time no see," she answered him with a shy smile. Her voice was an octave deeper than I would have expected coming out of her mouth and for some reason it made my scalp prickle. Innocence radiated off of her. Her voice, her smile, the way she held herself.

  And then the douchebag goes and asks her if she wants a drink. I almost laughed out loud. But what made me actually laugh was the doe eyed look she gave him as if she didn't know his intentions.

  "Guys this is my new roommate, Anna," Janet announces once they were sat down, her on the floor and the curly haired one next to Bruce, who was practically falling asleep on her shoulder. I watched the small blush creep over the brunette's cheeks making her blue eyes stand out, them them casted down. She turned her face down to hide it.

  I still noticed.

  I also saw her push a strand of hair behind her ear and run her fingers down a section, softly twisting the hair around her tiny finger while her eyes roamed the apartment.

  My attention moved to the tool Dakota from across the room. He stood back, mentally preparing himself in coming back to hand her her drink.

  He walked back with two cups in hand, taking a drink out of his while handing her hers. He was avoiding awkward conversation clearly.

  She took it gingerly, quietly thanking him. I could tell she really didn't want it by the way she eyed it and even sniffed it. I bet she never had a drink in her life. She seems like the type of girl that spends most of her time with her nose shoved in a book while listening to classical music. I couldn't tell a
ll this by looking at her because she was mostly hidden by Bruce's gigantic body, but her quietness and lack of eye contact with the people around her told me she wasn't comfortable in these types of situations.

  I didn't notice Elmer had come back into view, but there he was with Janet on his lap. He had this stupid look on his face like the was in heaven.

  I drained the rest of my drink,

  wishing this night was over. I was ten seconds from getting up and leaving. There was a little dark haired girl from across the room giving me the eye.

  I gave her a dazzling smile, watching a flirty half grin appear in her lips before she bent over the pool table to make her shot. She could be a good excuse.

  I heard Elmer ask our new acquaintance where she was from but Janet answered for her. "Iowa." She said winking at Anna. I wonder if that was short for Annaanna or Annadget.

  "So do you like wrestle pigs and stuff, feed the cows..." Elmer's voice was hard for me to make out over the thumping music but I saw the girl's reaction to his words. Her back seemed to tense and I'm pretty sure I saw a look of annoyance flash across her features.

  "Never touched a pig," she answered and I felt myself grin. She may look innocent but there was definitely fire there.

  "Though I have tipped a cow before. It's a lot harder than it looks." Her face Annaghtened at the sound of Elmer's barking laughter. I was about to get up and get another beer because I was getting irritated at the fact that the girl hasn't even made an attempt to look my way even though I've been sitting here mentally commanding her to do so. But before I could push myself up off the chair, Sydney's high pitched voice broke through the small place.

  "Let's play a game," The fake blonde said. She just couldn't stand the attention off of her even if it was just for a few seconds. "Okay, fine no game. How about we just ask Anna a couple questions." "Yeah," Lauren agreed with her. "It could

  be a way we can get to know our new friend."

  There was no way these girls really wanted to get to know little Miss Iowa. It would use too much brain capacity to add another digit onto their small friend group.

  "Are you in, Fred?" Sydney asked me from across the coffee table. She batted her false eyelashes trying to look cute but it had the opposite effect on me.

  And that's when she finally looked my way. She turned her head and first her eyes landed on my hair. I wanted to reach up and run my hand through it just incase it was messed up but then she seemed to rake my body down to my shoes. I don't know if she knew she was doing it but, oh, did I see it.

  I felt one side of my lips pull up. That's right baby, take it in. Dakota beside her watched her while she did this. Not in a creepy way but as if he was admiring her. His eyes were big and his lips pressed together, blatantly looking at her chest. For some reason this pissed me off.

  When her eyes met mine, I saw the slow creep of pink cover the front of her chest and up her neck. I wanted to pat myself on the back for my charming good looks but then I saw everyone's eyes turned in my direction. I suddenly forgot what the clingy blonde asked me.

  "Whatever," I muttered figuring that that would answer pretty much any question especially when it came from Sydney.

  So the questions started, though I don't see why we're asking this girls questions about herself anyone. No one really cared.

  Soon it came to me and I was happy to see she seems a little more relax, having the things people asked her be extremely easy and dumb. Oh, what I could make her reveal to us. I wondered if she had a boyfriend but then I quickly thought of Dakota panting for her attention next to him. She didn't seem to be throwing herself at him so maybe she did...

  "How many guys have you been with?" I looked down at her curves and wondered what she would feel like on top of me. She had the type of body that could fill your hands and make for a good time. Nothing like Sydney's whose could practically break under your touch.

  I clutched my hands into fist on my knees to keep them from twitching at the thought. Why wasn't she answering? Was she some type of closet whore and didn't want to admit to how many guys she has boned in a barn?

  "Are you a virgin or something?" I pushed when she didn't answer me. Part of me was wanting to see how red I could make her face but I had to admit the thought of her with anyone was unnerving. Not that I wanted to fučk her, no, she wasn't my type. I mean look at the little brunette who was still playing pool in the corner, then look at her.

  Oh, this curly haired girl looked like she wanted to kill me. Actually she looked like she wanted to kill herself then come back and drag me to my grave.

  I saw her blue eyes grow wide as everyone's gaze landed on her. Her chest began to rise and fall faster with every second that ticked by. She held my gaze steadily. To be honest, I don't know why I asked. I believe I already knew my answer.

  After a few seconds of her just staring at me with a shocked expression on her face she straightened

  her back and gripped her drink with both hands. It was as if she was having a one woman battle in her head. I could almost see the gears turning.

  "Pass," She hissed, her voice quiet. I clenched my jaw. Pass? Yeah, that's not going to happen. It was a yes or no answer, sweetheart, it really wasn't hard. I know the question made her uncomfortable but I was enjoying watching her squirm. I didn't want the fun to end yet. She had to answer the question.

  "Oh no, Annaanna, there is no passing," Elmer said. I figured her name was Annaanna. Man, she was an easy read. I leaned back in the recliner and enjoyed the show, my eyes never leaving her face. She closed her eyes then reopened them. "Yes," she answered through clenched teeth. I could visibly see her shoulder slouch in defeat. She glared at me as if daring me to say anything else. Her answer sunk in. Yep, innocent.

  She was the first to look away in our little glare down. I watched her take a drink, finally. Then, as if that wasn't enough, she took another. Her eyes seemed to look everywhere but at me. I loved that I was making her uncomfortable. Tonight was turning out better than I expected. I watched Dakota's eyes roam over her body once again. That gave me another idea.

  I shoved Bruce awake and whispered in his ear. He laughed, looking at me through his drunken state. The big guys hands slapped his knees nearly missing the joint limbs.

  "Hey Long?" Bruce slurred with much enthusiasm.

  Dakota cleared his throat. I observed Anna, excited for her reaction for when Bruce pulled the trigger. "Why

  don't you give the newbie a good time and kiss her."

  Anna's eyes almost popped out of her head. Her eyes slipped back to me then up at Dakota who was already leaning his head down ever so slightly towards her subconsciously. She jumped up so fast Dakota almost spilled his drink down the front of him. "Where's your bathroom?" Dakota watched her retreating back with a small pout on his face. Sorry, buddy.

  "What was that for?" The girl on Elmer's lap scowled at me.

  I just shrugged as a response before deciding to go grab myself another beer.

  After multiple attempts of Sydney trying to snake her body around mine on the chair, I flung her off, watching her land on her ass with a loud thump.

  "What the hell?!" She gasped, her eyes firing up at me. I ignored her and started walking towards the bathroom not wanting my fun to be over yet. The only thing keeping me from leaving this place was the fact that Anna was somewhere where I wasn't, and that just didn't do. The night just started. I set off down the hall.

  I didn't even make it to the bathroom before I saw her. She was sitting at the end of the hall with her knees drawn up and a phone pressed to her ear. My mind started wondering who she could possibly be talking to. She held the appearance of someone who had a lot of friends. I'm sure she was rather popular back home, wherever that was, but she looked out of place here in the city.

  She had the window open and was looking down below. The side of her face was mostly covered by the curtain of her curly hair but I could see her cheeks were

  pink and there was a small smile o
n her lips. Whoever she was calling made her feel comfortable. I found my feet moving closer to her.

  When she slid the phone in her back pocket--which I watched, seeing the tight faAnnac pull as her hand skimmed her backside, she leaned over through the window. Show time.

  "You gonna jump?"

  I didn't expect the reaction I got out of her when she heard me behind her. Her body jerked forward out of surprise and twisted when she tried to catch herself.

  I lunged at her and caught her before she could go through the opened window. I mentally cursed myself even though my intentions were clear that I wanted to scare her in some way.

  Scare not kill, I scolded myself.

  But when she felt my hands on her skin, her body launched the other way as if the thought of me touching her scared her more than her falling a hundred feet to her death.

  Anger surge through me.

  "Could you go five seconds on your feet? Jesus, are you impaired?" Snapping at her was the only way I knew how to get the disappointed ache off my chest. No girl acted this way towards me. "What is wrong with you?!" She shrieked. "Don't you know not to scare someone when they're six stories high?" Her skin felt so soft under my hands that I had to run then down her arms feeling some kind of friction.

  "Keep your hands to yourself!" She pushed at me again but like the last time, she stumbled and nearly tripped over her own feet. That was the second time within a minute she pushed me away.

  "Well maybe if you weren't such a clutz,

  I wouldn't have to keep touching you." I almost wanted to trip her or in some way cause her to fall again so I could place my hands on her full hips.

  "I am not a clutz," she spat back at me, pushing against my chest making space between us. "Well you're not drunk considering you barely took two sips of your drink so there must be an explanation for your lack of balance." I took a step back from her just to make it clear I was looking at her. I smirked knowing I was the reason for making her body stiff again.

  Her blue eyes shot fire at me. The look on her face was deadly. "How about you stop calculating my movements and worry more about yourself." I put my hands up signally I was backing off though I was far from it. This was too interesting. "Hey, it's not my fault you're much more interesting to watch, babe." I didn't mean to use that word, in fact I hated stupid pet names no matter how much girls liked it.


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