Pretending Hearts

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Pretending Hearts Page 10

by Topham Wood, Heather

  My mom had taught me to be dazzled by money and I knew that was part of Wyatt’s appeal. I hadn’t considered myself shallow, but maybe my mom had wormed her way into my psyche and planted certain notions inside my brain.

  The minutes passed slowly as I continued to wait for Levi. Finally, he came into view and I found my lips tilt upwards as I anticipated him coming closer. Autumn calling Levi good-looking was a vast understatement. He was sexy in a rugged way and carried himself with confidence. His features were attractive, but he didn’t have the “pretty” look like Wyatt. His nose was a little off-center and his lower lip jutted out a bit more than his upper lip, but they were insignificant imperfections compared to his incredibly expressive eyes and his easy smile. His facial hair had grown in over the past couple of days and the scruff added to his sex appeal.

  Sex was the farthest thing from my mind after the demise of my relationship with Wyatt. I wasn’t sure my vagina would ever recover from Wyatt’s mistreatment of her. But if I had been thinking about sex, my thoughts would involve doing something filthy with the super-hot janitor.

  “Hey, were you waiting for me?” Levi sounded surprised, but not bothered by my presence. I wasn’t sure how he would feel about seeing me again.

  I nodded. I dug into my purse and frowned as I dug out the plastic-wrapped sandwich. “This looked a lot more appetizing at the cafeteria.” The cheese had congealed against the wrapper and the mayonnaise had made the bread feel soggy. “I figured I owed you a sandwich.”

  Levi’s eyebrows lifted. I held the sandwich out like an offering and Levi smiled as he took it from me. “Thanks. You didn’t need to do that.”

  “It’s really nothing. Actually, your mom’s sandwich puts it to shame. I would’ve made you something myself, but I don’t know how to cook and I have no idea where’s a good sandwich shop around here.”

  “I forgot to bring something to eat, so this works out perfect.” He pulled his eyebrows together. “How have you been?”

  The word fine was on the tip of my tongue, but for some reason I couldn’t say my catch phrase to Levi. I’d been brutally honest from the second we met and there was no good reason I shouldn’t continue the trend. “Classes have kept me busy, but I still feel unsettled. Like the entire campus is talking about the scandal.”

  Levi pulled a sympathetic face. “Don’t let it bother you. People who gossip about you aren’t worth wasting your time on.” He added, “The girl who picked you up was your brother’s fiancée.”

  He didn’t phrase the words like a question, but I nodded anyway. “How did you figure it out?”

  He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants. He admitted, “I read the story the next day. I made the connection after I saw her picture.”

  “Sadly, she was the only person I could call to pick me up. She gave me the keys to my brother’s old car and his apartment. I’m going to stay off campus for now,” I said, not meeting his eyes.

  “You should move back into the dorms if that’s what you want. If your roommate has a problem with you, tell her she should be the one to go,” he said.

  “I think I’m better off living by myself,” I asserted.

  “Don’t let your roommate and ex ruin your first year away at college. You just started—"

  “They’re not ruining anything,” I interrupted him. “I came to Cook because I want to figure out a career and earn a degree. Wyatt just temporarily sidetracked me. I don’t need any distractions. I promise, I’m better off living alone.”

  Levi appeared torn over whether to comment further. “I don’t know you that well, so stop me if I’m crossing any lines, but doesn’t that sound extreme? You meet a couple of preppy pricks and now you’ve created your own Fortress of Solitude?”

  “A fortress of what?”

  “From Superman?” When I gave him a blank look, he added, “My point is not everyone at Cook is like them. If you isolate yourself, you may prevent yourself from making new friends.”

  His words were resonating and I found myself being charmed by Levi. He was the polar opposite of any guy I was involved with before. He was sexy, for sure, but I also picked up on a sweet and sensitive side of him.

  “Do you have plans tomorrow?” He broke into my thoughts. I shook my head. “I’m in a band and we’re playing at a bar tomorrow in Fairfort. Would you like to come by?”

  “I’m not twenty-one.”

  “You can still come. The bouncer will give you a bracelet to wear so you don’t get served.”

  “Okay. I’ll give you my number and you can text me the details.” I was excited and I embraced the emotion. Levi intrigued me because I was interacting with him in a way I wasn’t accustomed to. I didn’t track guys down. I was the one who was chased. Unfortunately, once I was caught, the men had a tendency to let me go.

  “Easiest ploy to get a girl’s number. Just invite her to see my band,” he said with a satisfied smile.

  I playfully tapped his arm. “How do you know I’m giving you my real number?” I asked teasingly. “So what do you do in this so-called band?”

  “I’m the drummer.” He mimed playing the drums in the air. He was so freaking adorable, I was beginning to regret my self-imposed no dating rule. “My best friend is the singer and my brothers play guitar and bass.”

  “What kind of music do you play?”

  “We cover nineties metal songs. They’re slowed down versions, so we try to put our own spin on them. I’ve been trying to write my own lyrics, but most of them come out sounding something along the lines of, Mario is red, Sonic is blue, will you be my player number two?”

  I laughed suddenly, louder than I intended. “That’s terrible. You might want to look outside the ‘Roses are Red’ poem for inspiration.”

  He laughed along with me. “I know. Maybe I’m still searching for my inspiration.”

  My laughter trailed off as he gave me a meaningful look. He looked ready to say more, but grimaced as he checked his watch. “I have to clock in or I’ll be late.” He held up his sandwich. “This was nice. And I really hope you make it tomorrow night.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  We exchanged numbers and when I left the library, I had a skip in my step. There was a spark between Levi and me, and I was glad I decided to see him again. Jumping from one relationship into another would leave me feeling fickle, but I honestly wanted him as a friend. The only challenge was to figure out how to have a friendship with a guy that didn’t include kissing.

  Chapter Twelve

  “A club? Who are you going to a club with?” Blake’s voice was edgy over the phone. Seconds earlier, I had pulled up to the address Levi texted me the day before.

  Fairfort was in rural Pennsylvania, so the bar had a laidback feel from the outside. I looked down at my leather skirt and kitten heels and worried I was overdressed. My mom had run up her credit cards to buy me a ridiculous amount of clothes for my derailed modeling career. She had wanted me to wear the clothes for my portfolio photos and for when I attended casting calls. By the look of the clientele heading into the bar, I should’ve stuck to jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Just a friend from school. I’m not going to drink, I just came to see the band.”

  Blake snorted. “Do you think that line is going to work on me?”

  “I was hoping it would,” I teased. “Now, stop giving me a hard time and tell me how you’ve been.”

  “I’m okay besides having to change my number because of a few asshole reporters. The team has been supportive and the coaches tell me to keep concentrating on the game. But I can’t focus. I just keep thinking about Autumn and what this must be doing to her.”

  I felt stung he hadn’t included me in the sentiment. “I saw Autumn and she’s doing fine.”

  “She told me. Del, I’m glad you called her. I know you haven’t been a fan of my relationship with her, so it means a lot.” He paused. “It’s probably selfish, but I feel a little better to think of the two of you there for each

  “I’m watching your game with her on Sunday,” I piped up.

  “I’ll try not to suck ass then,” he joked. His voice turned serious. “Autumn’s coming to see me next weekend and I really hope some of the frenzy over the story dies down by then.”

  I could hear the worry in his tone. “You’re scared. What’s going on, Blake?”

  I was met by silence. My brother would forever be the type to never want to weigh anyone down by his problems. “Blake, is something going on with you and Autumn?” I prompted.

  “No, we’re great,” he said quickly. He amended, “I mean I miss her like crazy. But we both know being apart is just temporary.”

  “Then, why do you sound like someone just beat you up and stole your lunch money?”

  “Because what if she realizes this is too much to deal with? She’s been through so much and she’s forgiven me for every stupid mistake I’ve ever made. What if she decides she’s tired of always going to war for our relationship?”

  I was tempted to tell him he should’ve known his fight for love would leave scars, but I held my tongue. “She’ll never walk away from you, Blake. She loves you. And a tabloid rag is not going to change her mind about marrying you.”

  I could hear his long exhale over the line. “Thanks, Del.” He continued, “And be careful tonight. Don’t take any drinks from anyone. And stick with your friends.”

  “I will. I’ll call you soon.”

  I hung up and tossed my phone in the purse on my lap. Drumming my fingers against the steering wheel, I gathered my nerve to enter the bar. If I hadn’t spent over an hour getting ready, I would’ve probably cut my losses and peeled out of the parking lot. But I had told Levi I’d come and there was no good reason for backing out over a combination of anxiety and non-sensible footwear.

  I checked the sign again to make sure I was heading into the right bar. Maloney’s was in the dead-center of a strip mall between a deli and a fried chicken restaurant that had likely closed hours ago. Levi had said his band would go on at eleven and I had planned my arrival for a quarter after in hopes he’d take a break between sets and we could talk.

  My ID was checked at the door and I was outfitted with a bright yellow bracelet. I pushed through the doors and I breathed in the scent of alcohol and heavily perfumed bodies. The bar was small, but there was enough room for a dance floor, stage and a small dining room to the left of the stage area. The actual bar was to the far right of the room. The room was filled to almost capacity and I had to steer around the bodies to get closer to the stage.

  Although most of the crowd was dressed casually, I felt a smidgen of relief over seeing a group of girls near the stage dressed in short skirts and transparent tops. I smiled at the thought of them being band groupies. As I peeked down at my outfit, I assessed I was a total groupie. I never heard Levi and his band play, but he was cute enough to definitely warrant having a slew of female fans.

  My gaze moved away from the women in the crowd. The band was on stage, but hadn’t started playing. Before I could check out the rest of the band, my eyes were pulled to the back where Levi was tinkering with his drum ensemble. He was cute in his maintenance uniform, but I felt a little swoony seeing him in a tank top that showed off his defined arms and shoulders. I could see more of the tattoos he had on each bicep, but still couldn’t make out the images. He wasn’t covered in ink, but had enough to draw attention to his toned upper body. He wore dark blue jeans and I watched him tap his foot to a beat he seemingly only heard in his head.

  I’d been dumped less than a week ago, but my lack of heartbreak over Wyatt was telling in the way my body reacted to Levi. My heart sped up and my mouth felt like cotton. In my defense, any girl with a heartbeat would feel drawn to Levi. As a brown lock fell into his eyes, I imagined each woman in the room collectively wishing to run on stage and brush the hair away. It was a crime to have anything blocking the hazel eyes framed by midnight black lashes.

  To calm my racing pulse, I decided to check out the rest of the band. Levi’s twin brothers were standing next to each other, tuning their guitars. I could see the resemblance to Levi, but they also had their own distinct looks. The twins had their dark hair shorn, but the guitarist had left enough hair on top to create a faux-hawk style. They had the same imposing height as their younger brother, but were bulkier in build. They would almost appear threatening, but the image was altered when I saw them doubled over in laughter at a shared joke.

  I swallowed hard as I looked over at Levi’s “best friend.” He had failed to mention his best friend was a girl and she was stunning. Despite being on stage, I could tell how diminutive she was. She couldn’t be more than five feet or weigh more than one hundred pounds. Her jet-black hair was sleeked back into a stylish bob and her smoky eyes looked out at the crowd in a disinterested way. Her red dress was painted on her body and I was sure the men weren’t the only ones with groupies in the audience.

  I stayed towards the back of the room as the lights came on stage and the radio died down. The crowd quieted and turned their heads expectantly to the stage. The lead singer sashayed up to the microphone and stopped to run her hands over the front of her dress. She had a perfect silhouette with perky breasts and a small waist. Even I was turned on.

  “Hi everyone. Thanks for coming out to see us tonight.” Her voice was a sexy growl and I already guessed what a fantastic vocalist she would turn out to be. “We’re Trojan Jedi and we hope you like what you hear tonight and come check us out again.”

  The singer finished the introduction and smiled back at the rest of the band. Levi gave her a wink before tapping his drumsticks together and starting their first song. My stomach felt a little queasy over the interaction until I reminded myself I was there to develop a new friendship.

  The twins began to play as well and a few notes into the song I recognized the beat. The guys sounded amazing as the introduction built up the crowd’s excitement. When the singer set the microphone against her scarlet full lips, the room roared. “There’s a shadow just behind me, shrouding every step I take, making every promise empty, pointing every finger at me.”

  The cover of “Sober” was slower and the singer filled each lyric with incredible emotion. By the end of the first song, I could safely say my mind was blown. There was no doubt to say Trojan Jedi was the best-sounding cover band I had ever heard. With the singer’s unique sound and sex appeal along with three gorgeous brothers playing the instruments, it would only be a matter a time before they were discovered. I wished for my camera, so I could freeze the moment forever.

  I got lost in the music and the first set flew by. Disappointed groans were heard when the singer announced they would be taking a break. My nerves returned as I saw Levi get up from the drums and stretch. He began to descend the stage, but had only taken a step when people from the crowd inundated him.

  I wasn’t normally shy, but I suddenly felt hesitant as I watched him from across the room. Did I march over and pull him away from the beautiful women surrounding him? Would that be seen as staking a claim I had no right to make?

  Levi saved me from my indecision by looking around the crowd and spotting me in the back corner. He grinned and waved me over. I saw him excuse himself from his fans and take long strides in my direction. We met in the middle of the dance floor.

  “You came,” he said.

  “I did.” I found his grin contagious and I smiled back at him. “You were amazing!”

  “Thanks,” he said. “Come on. I want you to meet my brothers and Rain.”

  Her name was Rain? Her stock was climbing by the minute. Maybe Rain was her stage name and she really had an awful name like Edna or Bertha. The feel of Levi’s hand on mine distracted me from my unnecessary jealousy. He gave me a tug and led me toward the bar. I noticed he didn’t let go once I began to follow him. His grip was firm and I felt a few calluses on his fingers, likely from hours spent drumming. There was something sexy about the idea of the rough pa
ds of his fingers touching my bare skin.

  There was an intimacy holding his hand I was unprepared for. I was used to sex-only relationships and the simple gesture made me feel vulnerable.

  His hand slipped out of mine as we arrived at the bar where his brothers and Rain were sitting. Rain was sipping at a bottle of water while the twins had three shots lined up in front of them. My arm brushed against Levi’s as we stopped in front of the trio.

  “Delia, these are my brothers.” He pointed first to the guitarist with the faux-hawk. “This is my brother Evan and,” he pointed to the bassist, “my brother Cole.” The brothers both said hello and I could feel the evaluation in their eyes. They appeared to be a couple years older than Levi and I imagined they looked out for the youngest of the family.

  “Hi, I’m Rain.” Before Levi had a chance to make the introduction, Rain cut in. Rain tilted her head in my direction and offered a warm smile.

  “Nice to meet you all,” I said.

  “How do you know Levi?” Rain asked.

  “I’m a freshman at Cook and I met him at the library.” Rain nodded and took another sip of her water.

  Levi leaned his head closer to me. “I’m going to order a water. Would you like anything?”

  I smiled. “I’ll have a water too.” Levi moved to an open spot a few seats down the counter and tried to signal the bartender. Cole and Evan clinked their glasses together before downing their respective shots.

  Cole gestured to the remaining shot glass on the bar counter. “Do you want Levi’s shot?” he asked. “Levi swears he becomes tone deaf if he drinks while playing so he passed.”

  “No thanks,” I said before swerving my head back and forth between Cole and Evan. I hadn’t known many twins and I tried to wrack my brain for a safe conversation topic to talk about with Levi’s brothers. “So identical twins? Are you very close? Is twin ESP a real thing?”


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