All In

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All In Page 5

by Greene, Brook

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I push him down a step, I know now it is only because he let me move him.

  “Coming in to hang out with you, I do believe Piper will be busy this evening and you will need some company.” He takes the keys out of my hand, ‘hope you have beer.” He clicks the lock open and walks in like we have been together forever.

  I follow in him shaking my head in disbelief, once inside I slap him on the arm with my purse. He turns to me, removing the leather bag from my hand I see it in his eyes, he means to have me and there isn’t anything I can or will be able to do about it.

  Dropping my bag on the table by the door he claps his now empty hands together in front of him, ‘so where is the alcohol?” He begins to walk through our apartment taking time to stop and look at the framed photos we have hanging on the wall.

  I brush past him on my way to the kitchen, ‘it is in here,‘ I stop and turn back to him, ‘you can have one and then you have to go.” Jerking the door to the refrigerator open I pull him out a beer and a bottle of wine for me.

  I feel him close behind me looking over my shoulder surveying the contents of my refrigerator, ‘wine drinker uh?”

  I step to my right to try and free myself from his closeness but he steps with me. I do the same to the left only to have him follow me again. Turning to face him, my back is now pressed firmly against the counter as I try to avoid any more than necessary contact. He places a hand on either side of my body pinning me between his arms.

  He just stands there devouring the features of my face, tilting his head every once in awhile to take in parts not staring him straight in the face, ‘you are gorgeous, you know that?”

  Shaking off the comment I turn to try and reach my wine, ‘you need your eyes checked, did you know that?” My retort is not well received.

  He turns his liquid onyx gaze which lands heavily on me, ‘why do woman always shrug off compliments?”

  “I don’t know maybe because I look at this face and body,’ I run my hand over my waist stopping at my hips, ‘every morning in the mirror and I am not impressed.”

  “So you think I am just feeding you a line?” He raises his eyebrows with the question.

  “Yes Mr. Tucker, I do believe you are.” I give him a knowing smile.

  “Okay we will have to agree to disagree. You can think whatever you want but remember it only matters what I think, Avery.” He pushes off the counter taking his beer with him. Grabbing me by the hand, ‘come on let’s go and watch Saturday Night Live.”


  I snuggle down deeper and I am wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and man. My bare legs are entangled with two long strong legs. My hand caresses a chest lightly dusted with dark hair. He smells incredible, all man and a little bit of sweat mixed in. His breaths are deep as he is still sleeping and I lay there and reveal in the fact he is all mine for the moment. I roll into him laying my head on his chest and use my free hand to pull on his side bringing my body in closer to his strong form. My finger traces the ridges defining his abdomen and I splay my hand on his v of heaven.

  As I shake off the sleep and blink my eyes to clear them of the haze I jump straight up in shocked horror, looking to my left and see a very naked Leo on his back in my bed. I drag my leg up his body and feel nothing but skin.

  I start to move away and off of him but he pulls on my arm trying to get me to lay back down, ‘lay back down and quit freakin’ out babe, nothin’ happened.” He never opens his eyes.

  I fling up the covers and I am somewhat relieved to see I still have on the boy short and tee shirt set I had changed into. Shortly after he had proceeded to drink every beer in the house and had moved onto my bourbon stash. I had plied myself with wine to keep from losing my mind. We had sat in front of the T.V., until it got to the point where neither one of us could focus with both eyes open. I don’t remember much after that.

  Never opening his eyes but sensing I was still freaking out he starts to explain how we ended up in the situation at hand, ‘Don’t worry I got you drunk and put you to bed, now lie back down.” He mumbled as he kept tugging on my arm.

  “Leo get out of my bed and my house, take your crazy ass possessiveness with you. I am done.” I flip my legs over the bed but before I can stand I am hauled into a strong tattooed chest. I am flipped on my back and feel the pressure of his body on mine.

  He has me down and his lips are inches away from mine, ‘Avery, you are the most fuckin’ irritating woman I have ever met.”

  “Yes well right back at ya.” I am so mad I could spit but I don’t think it would go over to well right now.

  His thumbs are caressing my temples and his coal black eyes are studying mine, ‘I’m not a woman.” He studies me more, ‘we are going out to eat tonight.” Before I can protest he crushes my mouth with his, taking me hard. His tongue begs entrance and with reluctance I grant it to him and what I received was the kiss of a life time. I can feel the tightness of anger start to unravel, damn him and his lips. His piercing is cold on my bottom lip and I flick my tongue out to caress it. Feeling the smooth steel against my heated flesh is undoing my resolve.

  He tangles his hands in my hair tugging at the scalp, sending a shiver down my spine as he deepens the kiss. The coolness of his lip ring sends zingers down my spine and they bottom out between my legs. He catches the moan in his mouth escaping my throat. He grinds his hips down into me hitting the growing sensitivity at my core his lips have started to cause.

  He removes one of his hands from my hair and glides his fingers down my side to take up my knee to get a better grinding angle. I push my hips up into him giving him a way better position to me. I tangle my fingers in his long soft hair pulling him as close as possible. I am lost in the kiss and release another moan of acceptance. I am a goner, my earlier reservations are vanishing with each stoke of his velvety tongue.

  Suddenly he pushes himself up to his elbows, ‘Oh shit Avery.” He mutters ripping his mouth away from mine to sit up on the side of the bed, feeling a little dejected I reach for him. This only makes him stand up to face me. He props both his hands on his hips giving me the full show of Leo Tucker in his boxers, and it is impressive. His olive skin is set off with the tattoos running all over his torso and arms. I sit up with a bewildered look on my face at his sudden withdrawal from our passion.

  He takes a few deep breathes steadying himself, leaning in over me placing a hand on either side of my hips, ‘Avery I have never wanted a woman like I want you or have I ever stopped when I was about to get what I wanted. I am telling you that so I can ask you this, when I walk out of this house do you want me to come back?”

  Now is my chance to get rid of Leo Tucker forever but do I want to, ‘yes.” What the hell just came out of my fucking mouth. Did I just involuntary say the word yes? Holy mother, ‘oh um no, I don’t know.” I try to back pedal and take the word back from the air between us. He has busted the walls and my body knows what it wants, but can my heart handle what I am sure Leo Tucker can fling at it?

  “No take backs Avery.” His eyes are laced with a mix of desire and determination and they are set on me, ‘it is either a yes or a no, there are no fuckin’ maybes.”

  As it has been since I have meet the man, he has left me speechless once again, ‘I can’t promise you-.“ He interrupts me before I can get the incoherent thought out.

  “Promise me what Avery, a hot meal on the table every night? That is not part of the deal, at least not with me.” He has begun to pace back in forth like a caged animal, trying to do is own sorting of the details.

  “Then what are you asking me to agree to Leo?” He closes his eyes and stops dead at my feet.

  He stares at me with those soulless eyes, I see a glint of it but only for a second it was there but is now long gone. I have a similar look too, I see it after I shower and it is just me in the bathroom. The look of loss and the regret of not doing anything about it. It is also mixed with redemption and the hope you can always get
a second chance.

  “You are reading way too much into this Avery, I just want to have a good time with you.” He stands and turns to pick up his discarded blue jeans. I watch in awe as he shoves his long legs into them, finishing with the button and then his shirt, ‘Avery, this is all I can offer you.” Shrugging his shoulders with his statement, I see a hint of regret or something close to it.

  Trying to act nonchalant about the comment but feeling a version of disappointment to my core, I also climb out of the bed and begin to get dressed. I roll the offer over in my head and know I want him, anyway I can have him. So there it is, I have made up my mind, I am a woman, don’t judge me. If you had quit possibly the sexiest man alive offer to make himself available for sex wouldn’t you do it? So I take a deep breath and then take the plunge, ‘okay fine, let’s just play it by ear then.” I say as I enter my bathroom and slam the door behind me. Giving him the easy out I am sure he is use to, I lean my back against the door and slide down bottoming out on the cool tile floor. I lay my head on my knees, wondering if I am going regret doing what I had just agreed to.

  I listen to the rustling for a few more seconds, I hear my bed room door open and then followed by the front door opening and latching shut. My heart clenches and I am finding it hard to breath. I hadn’t realized I had begun to fall but I just hit rock bottom. I reach up with my fingers and brush my lips left slightly swollen by the intense kiss we had shared. Pressing my eyes together, the memory of his face being so close to mine is a ready thought I will keep at the fore front of my mind for a very long time.

  Taking a deep breath I let my mind wonder, I am not the type of woman who jumps into bed with a man often or frequently. And especially not after I have only know the man for what, going on four days. I run through the conversation and his comments about his expectations for what can only be called our future liaisons. The voice in the back of my mind sounds the warning alarm while my body screams with delight. My heart will be the hardest to get on board because it already knows I am in too deep, leaving it out on a precarious limb.



  Walking out to my bike and leaving Avery inside alone was probably on the top of my hardest fucking things I have ever had to do list. Stopping half way down the walk I turn and fight the urge to go back in and take her. She was ready and wanted it but I wasn’t going to take her, not that way. I hate having to lie to her and take her intelligence for granted, I am afraid she will see through my act anytime and call me on it.

  I can still feel her soft lips on mine, hear her moans in my ears making my cock rigid and my body stiff. Giving my head a shake trying to free it from thoughts of her, I head on to my bike getting ready for the day. I had gotten the call from Roman everything had been quiet on the home front last night and there was no need for me to lighten his and Cowboy's load, they had it under control.

  I am not sure what I have gotten myself into with Avery and I expect a call from the boss any day now. She will mention me in passing to him, if not the old man has his ways and will find out eventually. God do I dread that call, it will be an epic ass chewing for dragging her into this life and her father will be pissed I have involved Avery in the shit storm that it is.

  Heading to my house and then into the shop I needed to get my day started so I can get my mind off her. Hopefully a little bit of busy work will help do it but I highly doubt it. What the hell was I doing, I never stayed all night with a woman and not gotten any. But it had been worth it, waking up with her warm body wrapped around me. Breathing her in had been worth every bit of hassle she had caused me in front of my men. Which by the way, were onto the fact she is the bosses daughter so I shouldn’t catch any grief for my inability to keep her under control.

  I am pulled from my head with the buzzing of my phone, flipping it open I see Cowboy’s name, ‘what is it?” I rub my hand down my face trying to clear my head.

  “Well good morning to you too sunshine, not get any last night?” The dickhead is a morning person even after sitting in the cab of a truck all night, his cheeriness gets on my nerves. I hate giving him the shit assignments but we all have to take our turns and last night was his.

  “Fuck you, what’s up?”

  “You might want to get here, Roman left about thirty minutes ago, I held back and it is good I did because she just came by and left something on the porch.” His voice is heavy as it delivers the intel.

  “Shit, did she see you?” If he had been spotted it would have blown years of work.

  “Nope, I don’t think she can see past her nose these days.” His voice is just above a whisper.

  Ducking my head in agony for my brother, ‘Be there in a few, don’t leave.” I flip my phone closed and shove it into my pocket I give Avery’s house one last glance over my shoulder before I roar down the road.



  I spend the rest of the day fluctuating between complete excitement to utter shock at how fast we are moving along. Piper didn’t make it home, like I would have hoped, and Leo had predicted. I needed to talk to someone in a bad way and had no one else to talk to but Roman. Grabbing my phone I call him.

  “What up babe?” His voice was nice and comforting to me, as him being my only other friend than his little sister.

  “Hey handsome,’ I swallow and hesitate for only a second before screwing up the courage, ‘where are you?” I didn’t want to put him on the spot by giving him the third degree about one of his best friend’s right in front of said friend.

  “Been waiting on this call seeing how the big man took you home last night, he did spend the night didn’t he Avery?” His end of the line goes quiet waiting for me to answer. I couldn’t quit put my finger on it but it sounded a little like jealousy in his voice.

  “He did but we didn’t do anything.” I quickly reassure him but my shaky voice gives my attempt to lie away. We hadn’t done much, just shared a kiss, which ended up being the kiss to end all kisses. The one in which all other kisses will be compared to, forever. I absent mindedly raise my hand up to my lips once again and touch them closing my eyes at the remembered feeling.

  “Bullshit the big guy never spends the night to just cuddle.” His sarcastic laugh kind of ticks me off a little.

  “Honest Roman I swear, we did not do anything. I got drunk and passed out.” The statement does sound ridiculous, when it is said out loud. From my impressions of the kind of man Leo is, staying and just cuddling is probably not on his menu of bedroom activities. I am still not sure wy I should have to explain myself to him but I do anyway.

  “You never answered my question as to where you are.” I change the subject slightly.

  “At the shop cause Dalton called in today, God only knows what he is doing to my little sister.” I sigh heavily. It would be hard to be in Roman’s position between his sister and another one of his best friends.

  “Oh okay well then never mind, it can wait.” I am disappointed with the fact I am not going to be able to vent or ask the questions for the knowledge I seek.

  “No its okay, Leo isn’t here.” My heart flutters at the mere sound of his name and then curiosity hits me as to where he might be because he had told me he was going into work. “What did you want to know?” The dejected tone of his voice lets me know those nights he and I had spent eating pizza and drinking beer were not totally lost on him.

  “I don’t know really where to start.’ I fumble over my words now not so sure Roman is the one I should be talking to about this.

  “Shit Avery just ask.” His demanding tone holds no hint of the dismal tone from before.

  “Okay fine, what kind of guy is he?” I just blurt it out.

  “Not someone I would pick for my little sisters best friend.” That was blunt and directly to the point with a hint of jealousy mixed in.

  “So how do I get away from it if I wanted to?” The miserable fear I had been fighting all day has settled in the pit of my stomach. Then the viper in the
room rears its fugly head, did I want to get out of it or away from him? Half of me did the other half was very much enjoying the emotions triggered being with him.

  “The problem is, if you haven’t already realized it, you don’t.” His clipped answer makes an unexpected smile split my face, ‘I tell you what I am getting ready to take off, what do you say I go and grab us some food and come by your place?”

  Needing the human contact to keep me from spinning off the face of the earth I quickly agree, ‘sounds wonderful. See you in ten.” I end the call before I have a chance to change my mind.


  Fifteen minutes later Roman is sitting at my dining table scarffing down a cheeseburger and fries, I have been unable to touch the food he had brought me, ‘it's not gonna eat itself Avery.” He mumbles through a mouth of cheeseburger.

  “I know,’ I poke it with my index finger and then wrap it back up. I cross over to the fridge and deposit it there for later.

  “So let me clue you into a little secret about Leo,’ he wipes his mouth with one of the disposable napkins provided by the fast food joint, ‘he is a nice guy sure but I’m a guy and don’t have a gash so he has no reason to be a dick to me.”

  A gash? Must be the vulgar biker term for female, it is nice and very classy.

  “He has a lot of baggage and severe control issues.” He takes the last bite of his burger wading up his paper and napkin tossing them both on the table in front of him.

  “Ah hell, really I would have never guessed it.” Smiling through my sarcasm and taking a sip of my soda.

  “Okay now I am here to help not be a whipping post, but I haven’t seen him act like this around another woman. If it makes you feel better?” He cocks an eyebrow up at me.

  “Great he is bossy and he has it bad.” I lean back releasing the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. My lungs scream from the denial of air as the pit of my stomach churns.


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