Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 4

by Luke Young

  “Well, in that case maybe we need another go around.” She flashed a sexy grin. “But this time with you sober.”

  “Um, I don’t…” He scowled. “How in the hell did we get on this subject?”

  “You were the one trying to make a bet, which included any sex act.”

  “Oh, that’s right.” He sighed. “That was me.”

  “If you’re too scared to—”

  “I’m not scared,” he said, defiantly.

  “Okay, so we have a bet then.” She held out her hand. “Winner picks the sex act tonight and nothing’s off the table.”

  “Yeah…” Reluctantly, he took her hand and shook it. Suddenly his smile returned and he announced, “You’re not the only one who can wear that strap-on you know.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Grinning, he clicked his teeth then said, “Does the phrase double penetration mean anything to you?”

  “You wouldn’t.” Her jaw dropped.

  “I would.” He tapped his chin. “The only real decision is does the strap-on or do I get your gorgeous ass.”

  “Well, well… so you’re playing hard ball.” She took a step back, deflated. “I’ve got news for you mister high roller I only gave you a little bit of Mister Strap-on that night.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “That’s right. I probably only introduced you to about half of him.”

  “No way.” His jaw fell open.

  “Prepare to meet the other half.” She gave him a pointed look.

  After taking a moment to process that he sneered. “Okay. Bring it on. Enough talk. Let’s play.”

  “I’ve been waiting on you.” Turning on her heels, she checked to be sure the twins were still sleeping then headed toward the baseline. After taking a deep breath, she bounced the ball twice then served to his forehand. He put the ball back in play and she charged to mid-court catching the ball before the bounce and driving it to his back hand.

  He lunged after it and stuck his racquet out in desperation. Catching the ball on the edge of his strings, it lofted just over the net. She sprung toward it, stumbled ending up on her hands and knees then flicked her racquet head out blindly. After contact, the ball struck the top of the net, held there for the briefest of moments spinning then dropped to his side.

  “Shit.” His eyes widened as he spotted the ball. Instinctively he dove toward it and swept at it with the racquet. He missed and the ball bounced away from him.

  Point Jillian.

  Not a good sign. Not for him or his ability to sit comfortably for a few days, anyway. Pushing himself up on his hands, he looked to her and their eyes met. She remained on her hands and knees wearing a painful grimace with hints of a smile trying to break through.

  “Good shot,” he admitted.

  “Thanks. Good point.” She rocked backward onto her heels and brushed the tiny pebbles from her palms.

  “You know, you don’t have to try that hard.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, this isn’t like a Grand Slam or anything, just a friendly match with a little sex at stake. No need to put yourself in the hospital for it.”

  Falling back onto her butt, she laughed then studied her scraped up knees, frowning. “Ouch.”

  He rose to his feet and headed to her rescue. “Are you all right?”

  “I think.”

  He knelt down, taking gentle hold of her calf. “You’re not bleeding, but it’s probably going to burn later.”

  “I’m okay.” Her gaze went from his hands, which remained on her leg, slowly up his muscular arm to his chest before finally settling on his face. “Thanks.”

  “You’ve got great legs.” He held her gaze with his lips parted.

  She exhaled deeply and they stared into each other’s eyes. The heat was certainly rising up between them and fast.

  She said, “I’m really fond of yours too.”

  “Thanks.” He put his hand out and helped her up. Brushing a stray hair from her face, he smiled. “That was the point of the match.”

  She replied softly, “It was.”

  He scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. She ran her hands through his damp hair as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. When he finally pulled back from her, his erection was now jutting out from his shorts.

  “God, you’re so sexy.” Rising up on her tiptoes, she brought her lips back to his and kissed him hard. Her hands made their way to his groin and she pressed them together around his girth, massaging it through the thin fabric.

  He moaned and brought his lips to the crook of her neck, extending his tongue so he could taste her. “I don’t think I can wait till tonight.”

  She shook her head and gasped. “Me neither.”

  His hands worked their way into her shirt and under her sports bra as he roughly squeezed her nipples. She threw her head back and he sucked the flesh on her neck. Her hand found its way to the leg hole of his shorts and she cupped his balls, which were still trapped in his boxer briefs.

  He exhaled sharply. “Oh, Jillian.”

  She turned and looked at the sleeping twins. “I think I should turn them in case they wake up. Don’t want them to be scarred for life.”

  “Good idea.”

  She headed over, carefully adjusted the stroller then quickly returned. “I’m back.”

  “I missed you.” Bringing his hands to her face, he held onto her a moment simply gazing into her eyes as her fingers returned to his shorts and worked over his erection. His eyelids dipped closed then when they popped open again, he took hold of her shoulders and in one quick motion spun her away from him. She gasped. “Oh, my.”

  He ran his hands to her neck and pushed her ponytail aside as his lips found her sweaty, hot skin. Pressing his erection into her backside, he nibbled on her shoulder as his hands roamed to her breasts and he massaged them through her shirt.

  Reaching back, she took hold of his hips and pulled them closer to her, driving his hardness between her glorious cheeks. He moaned then ran his hands under her shirt to her sports bra and pushed it over her swollen breasts. Her mouth dropped open and she exhaled deeply. “Oh, Brian.”

  Bending forward, she placed her hands on top of the net. He kissed her back through her damp shirt then moved lower to his knees placing a kiss on the exposed skin just above her rear end. Moaning, she bent forward further, locking her knees and stiffening her legs with her feet spread apart.

  He pulled back from her and narrowed his eyes. Pushing her skirt up, he tore her panties down exposing her parts. He groaned then buried his face between her thighs, pressing his tongue into her wetness.

  She cried out, “Oh Brian.”


  Outside the Nash residence, Victoria rang the doorbell for the second time then frowned. She spotted both cars in the driveway then decided to let herself in through the fence to see if her favorite couple just happened to be home and sitting on the patio. Peering through the gate, she spotted Jillian on the tennis court and she headed over.

  It didn’t take long for her to realize that Jillian wasn’t alone and exactly what they were up to, but she could not resist moving in for an even closer look. There she stood, near the edge of the fence, just outside the court, watching the passion unfold. With her hands folded and the tips of her index fingers tapping on her lips, she pondered how to proceed. She lost track of exactly how long she was watching and with the sounds Jillian was making she figured she was on the verge of a huge climax. Her moaning would intensify then recede then grow strong once again. This happened over and over with the spectator torn between jealousy and quite frankly, boredom.

  With Brian enthusiastically lapping his wife from behind she figured it wouldn’t be much longer and it would certainly be rude to interrupt before her best friend had her orgasm. Especially with twin toddlers running around, it was probably a long overdue and badly needed one.

  Upon noticing the stroller, she rose up on her tiptoes and
peered inside. Finding the sleeping babies, she smiled sweetly at their cute faces. That was until she was distracted by Jillian’s guttural moan as an orgasm most certainly surged through her loins.

  Victoria rolled her eyes thinking this would undoubtedly end up as another cheesy chapter in one of Jillian’s upcoming novels. Maybe she’d call it Balling on the Court or something silly like that. Victoria held back a giggle.

  She stepped back around the corner to give the couple a moment to pull themselves together before announcing her presence. After glancing to the babies once again, she walked back out and sighed when she found Jillian on her knees with her hands pulling on the waistband of her husband’s shorts.

  Just then Brian spotted Victoria, their eyes met and he quickly stepped back. Jillian followed him as her hand was still clamped on his shorts. Losing her balance, she fell to her knees stretching out his waistband while his erection popped over the top. Suddenly the elastic slipped from her grip, snapping back on his manhood hard. He yelped in excruciating pain and turned away bending at the waist. “Ouch!”

  “What are you doing?” Jillian looked up to him. “What’s the matter?”

  Gasping for breath, he turned toward her and with one hand over his groin, pointing at their unwanted visitor. “That’s what’s the matter.”

  “What?” Jillian turned to discover her friend.

  Victoria stood apologetically shrugging and waving shyly in her direction. “Hi.”

  Jillian said, “Victoria, what are you doing here?”

  “I just, uh, figured I’d stop by to chat before my eleven o’clock.”

  “Oh.” Rising to her feet, Jillian straightened her skirt before adjusting her bra.

  “Ow,” Brian whimpered then ran his fingers over his face.

  “Are you okay?” Jillian asked, turning back to him.

  “Yeah,” he grumbled. “I think so.”

  “We were just playing tennis.” Jillian returned her attention to her friend.

  “Oh, is that what you call it.” Victoria made a face.

  “I mean, we started out playing, but…” She shook her head and snapped, “How long were you standing there?”

  “Um, well…” Victoria looked pointedly at the best-selling author. “I caught the end of him doing to you what you were about to do to him. I was waiting for you to finish. Gosh, there were a couple false alarms, and—”

  “Oh my God, you were there that long?” Jillian said.

  “I didn’t want to be rude.”

  “Oh this is you not being rude.” Brian rolled his eyes.

  “Nice to see you too, Bri.”

  Glaring at Victoria as he moved, Brian limped as he made his way to the bench and grabbed his water bottle.

  Victoria rolled her eyes as Jillian asked, “Baby, are you sure you’re okay?”

  “These shorts are a little tight and that waistband is like a guillotine when it’s all stretched out.”

  “He really knows how to milk it doesn’t he?” Victoria quipped.

  “Why are you constantly interrupting us?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” She replied sarcastically. “Why are you constantly doing it in public places?”

  “I don’t call this a public place.” He sneered.

  “This is sort of a public place. What if a helicopter was flying by, huh? They would have seen her blowing you.”

  “Just shut it. Will ya?” he said.

  Jillian held back a giggle as she picked up her water bottle and headed over to the twins.

  Brian took a deep breath and grimaced as he adjusted his equipment once again through his shorts. Victoria followed her friend to the stroller and they both gazed down, smiling at the still somehow sleeping boys.

  “They’re so adorable,” Victoria whispered.

  “Aren’t they?”

  Brian joined the women and let half a smile form on his lips before he grumbled, “I’ve got to take a shower before I leave for work. I guess we don’t have time to finish our set or anything else for that matter.”

  “Oh, she’ll make it up to you later,” Victoria said, waving him away. “Go.”

  “Next time please call first,” Brian called out as he headed across the court to pick up his racquet.

  Jillian whispered, “He’s cute.”

  “Cute, yes, but a little whiny too.”

  “Name me a man who isn’t?” Jillian gazed at her, waiting.

  “You’re right about that.”

  Brian walked toward them carrying his racquet and water bottle. “What was that?”

  “Nothing.” Jillian shook her head.

  “Yeah, it’s just girl talk.” Suddenly, Victoria’s eyes brightened. “So, the reason I’m here. I just had an interesting case I wanted to tell you about. It’s this guy and—”

  “Wait, don’t tell me.” Brian frowned. “He’s got three balls, right?”

  “Good guess, but no.”

  “Are you really supposed to be telling us about these cases?” Jillian asked.

  “Yeah, isn’t there still supposed to be something called patient client privilege.” He made a face. “Remind me never to go to you if I need therapy.”

  Victoria held her head high. “I’m sure I’ve told you guys before that as long as I only talk in a general way it’s not a violation of privilege.”

  “We know. We know,” Jillian began. “But you can’t blame us for once again trying to get you to spare us the details.”

  “So what would be a violation?” Brian continued in a condescending tone, “If you, let’s say, had a non-professional, like my wife here, watch some hooker blowing Long Dong Silver in your sex booth?”

  Victoria frowned. “First she’s not a hooker, she’s a sex surrogate. And second Long Dong Silver was an African American porn star and my client was white and third it’s not a sex booth, it’s a therapy observation room.”

  “Uh-huh.” Brian rolled his eyes. “Potato – potaaato.”

  Victoria’s confident look melted away. “Maybe you do have a point. That incident you mentioned was sort of a gray area. But this one is not at all. It’s—”

  “I’m leaving.” He interrupted. “As much as I hate to miss one of your client’s stories. I’ve got to run.”

  “Sorry I spoiled your fun,” Victoria said wearing a half-smirk.

  “I bet you are,” he replied in a condescending tone as he headed toward the house.

  “Those shorts are a little tight.” Victoria shook her head as she watched Brian walk away.

  “Be nice.” Jillian scolded.

  “What?” Victoria shrugged. “I was going to say his ass looks sexy in them.”

  “Oh, okay.” Jillian smiled. “You’re right. It does. So what couldn’t wait?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Victoria’s eyes bugged out of her head. “Have you ever heard of ‘soaking?’”

  “What?” Jillian shook her head. “Soaking?”

  Victoria nodded.

  “No. Never.”

  Suddenly Dylan stirred awake then started to cry. Jillian reached in and cradled him in her arms. Jarred awake by his twin, Griffin’s eyes opened. Victoria leaned over the stroller and smiled. “Hey big boy.” She tickled his chest with her finger. He giggled, mumbling some silly sounds. Then he chewed on his hand while gazing up to her wearing a big, groggy smile.

  “I’ve got you.” Victoria picked him up and she stood next to Jillian while the babies gazed at each other, their eyes wide, as if it were the first time they were seeing the other. “Who’s a pretty boy?”

  Jillian kissed Dylan’s forehead. “You’re such a good boy. Are you thirsty?”

  Dylan babbled, “Mama. Juice.”

  “I’ll get you your apple juice.” Jillian looked to Victoria. “You want a cup of tea?”

  “I’d love one.”

  A few minutes later the boys were sitting in the family room in their toddler seats watching Dinosaur Train while nursing from sippy cups. Jillian headed in with two cups of t
ea and handed one to her friend.

  “So what’s that thing called again?” Jillian asked.


  “I’m almost scared to ask, but what is it?”

  “It’s this thing some Mormon kids are doing to remain virgins. Well, in their minds they’re still virgins.” Victoria made a face. “The guy puts his erect penis in the girl and just leaves it there. He doesn’t move.”

  Jillian wrinkled her nose. “What? Why?”

  “They say it brings them closer.”

  “Do they have orgasms?” Jillian asked.


  “What fun is that?” Jillian shot her a look.

  “I know… Oh, and get this. Here’s the best part.” Victoria made quote marks with her fingers. “my hypothetical client says he does it for like forty minutes straight.”

  “What?” Jillian choked back a laugh. “And doesn’t move at all?”


  “And stays, um…” Jillian made a fist, holding her arm up rigid with her eyes widened.

  “So he says.”

  “Wow.” After blowing on her cup, Jillian sipped her tea. “Well, I like sex as much as the next gal, but after fifteen minutes or so I usually start to dry up.”

  “Seriously. I mean, it’s fun and all, but sometimes enough is enough.”

  “Exactly. Let’s get it over with and watch a little ‘Orange is the New Black’ or something.”

  “Oh, I love that show.” Victoria smiled before tipping back her cup for a sip.

  “Yeah, we just got hooked on it too. Brian didn’t want to watch at first, but now he’s into it. But, uh, I think he’s enjoying the lesbian scenes a little too much.”

  “Jim’s the same way,” Victoria admitted. “What is it with men and lesbians?”

  “Got me. You’re the sex expert.”

  “Maybe they fantasize if two women are together and a guy walks into the room, a threesome might just break out.”

  “I guess.” Jillian shrugged.

  Victoria tapped a finger on her chin. “But I don’t really understand the two girl one guy threesomes do you?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s only so much you can do with one penis and a woman has at least three places you could put one.”


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