Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 9

by Luke Young

  “Me too. I feel like licking you.” He tugged harder on his cock.

  “I want to see it.”

  “Maybe just the tip.” He pushed the waistband down exposing his bulbous head.

  “Oh, God, I love the tip.”

  “I know. I really feel like fucking you.”

  “I want you, too.” She slid a finger inside her pussy and groaned.

  “Can you move it closer. I want to see how wet you are.”

  The images jostled a bit then settled in on a close-up of her fingers rubbing her wetness.

  “I want to see all of it,” she said.

  He pushed his underwear down, exposing his entire length.

  She gasped. “You’re so big.”

  “When you get home I’m going to give it to you so hard.” He stroked himself up and down quickly.

  “You’d better.” She slid two fingers deeper inside.

  “Are you close?” He asked.

  “Uh-huh. Are you?”

  He exhaled. “Yeah.”

  “Let’s come together.”

  “Okay.” He pushed his underwear down under his balls.

  She rubbed harder. “Oh…”

  He pumped his fist over the head.

  Moving her finger to her clitoris, she focused her attention there.

  “Ahhh…” She cried out loudly and her legs trembled as a powerful orgasm washed over her.

  He stroked harder and brought his other hand to his balls and tugged them. “Oh, fuck…” He moaned and aimed his cock back as he exploded onto his chest.

  “Oh, Jim…” She panted and struggled to catch her breath as her fingers rubbed slowly over her outer lips.

  “Ahhh…” He continued rolling his fingers over the ridge as he gasped for air. “Fuck. That was pretty good.”

  She took a deep breath then her face appeared on screen. “That was fun.”

  “It was. You should travel more often.”


  Sitting behind his microphone at the console desk in his huge satellite radio studio, Harold Stone glanced across the room at his co-host. “Carolyn, did I tell you about those books my wife’s been reading?”

  “No, what books?”

  The aging, yet still at the top of his game, radio host grumbled, “I don’t know what they’re called.”

  “Well, how can I answer the question if you don’t tell me the title of the book?” Carolyn, his radio partner for more than two decades played along giggling and rolling her eyes.

  He sighed. “The title isn’t important!”

  She said sarcastically, “Okay, but it would sure help me answer your question.”

  “Stop being such a pain in the ass. Are you acting this way because you haven’t gotten laid in like a year?”

  Holding her head high, she spoke in a prissy voice, “I’m not acting any way.”

  “Okay, everyone just calm down.”

  “But you’re the only one getting worked up.”

  “Am I?”

  “I think so.”

  “Okay.” Exhaling deeply, he paused a second then said, “What the hell was I talking about?”

  She said sarcastically, “Some book that you don’t know the title of.”

  “That’s right Carolyn.” He chuckled and pushed his sunglasses up from the bridge of his nose. “There was also a movie out last year and they’re starting the second season of the TV series this year too. You know what I’m talking about. Come on.”

  “I really don’t.” She broke into a giggle.

  He exhaled sharply. “I’m trying to set up our next guest and introduce them prop—”

  “Well, you’re doing a horrible job.”

  “Thank you, Carolyn.” The corners of his mouth curled up into a smile before he frowned and went on a tirade, “Will someone please help me here? GREG! GREG! Anyone? I pay like a billion people to work on this show and why is it that no one can ever help me?”

  Producer Greg burst into the studio. “Yes, Boss.”

  “What’s the name of those books?”

  “What books?”

  Harold’s jaw dropped wide open. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

  Greg sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “You’re always sorry. I should have fired you twenty years ago.”

  “Here we go.” Greg shook his head. “Sorry, we’re having a mini crisis out there.”

  “What crisis?”

  “I’d rather not get into it on the air,” Greg replied.

  The famous radio host took a deep calming breath before looking to Carolyn. “Can you tell that I’m drinking coffee again?”

  “Well, you do seem a bit on edge.”

  Harold guffawed. “When the hell am I not on edge?”

  “He’s got a point.” Greg held back a smile.

  “Okay. Okay!” Harold let out a long, slow breath. “I’m trying to set up our guest today and—”

  “Oh, you mean The Leg Thing,” Greg replied.

  “Exactly. The Leg Thing. That’s it.” Harold narrowed his eyes. “Your teeth look especially big today.”

  Greg pushed his lips together and rolled his eyes, sighing. “Really?”

  “Carolyn did you notice?”

  Carolyn grumbled, “Oh, leave Greg alone today.”

  Greg said, “My teeth are pretty much the same size as they always are.”

  Harold said, “I think I read somewhere that your teeth never stop growing.”

  Carolyn laughed. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “I swear I read that somewhere.” Harold winked at his cohost.

  “Can we move off of my teeth?”

  “Soon you might need to have them shaved down.” Harold let out half a laugh before scrunching his lips together, breaking out into a murmured giggle.

  “Are you done?” Greg let out an exhausted gasp.

  “I’ll never, ever be done with your teeth,” Harold said.

  “Okay, but can we move off them right now?”

  “All right.”

  “I came in to tell you that Jillian Nash is here.”

  “Great, now get out of here. There isn’t enough room in here with us and all of your giant teeth.”

  “Fine.” Greg moaned. “But should I send her in?”

  Using both hands, Harold squeezed the microphone like it was Greg’s neck and said in a condescending voice, “Gregy, why don’t you go out to your office and produce. Listen to the show like I pay you to and wait for my cue.”

  “Okay.” Turning on his heels, the beaten down producer headed out the door.

  “Maybe you should cut back just a tad on the coffee.” Carolyn’s eyes bugged out of her head.

  “Maybe.” Harold laughed. “So, I was saying about the books. Our guest today is Jillian Nash author of those Leg Thing books— there’s like twenty of them and—”

  “I think they’re only eight.”

  “I thought you didn’t know anything about them?”


  “How do you know there are eight?”

  “I know the series.”

  “What?” He exhaled sharply. “You didn’t know the books when I asked you a minute ago.”

  “That’s not true.” She sighed then added in a slow, scolding tone, “I didn’t know them when you didn’t tell me the title, but now that you have, I do know them. I just haven’t read them.”

  “Great. Thank you Carolyn,” he replied in a tired voice.

  “Sorry, go ahead.”

  “So my wife’s been reading them and ever since she has, our sex life has kicked up a notch.”

  “Really, I thought your sex life was good.”

  “It was good!” Frustrated, he raised his voice and continued on speaking quickly, “I mean, it is good, but as amazing as it was, it’s now even better.”

  “Well, that’s great.”

  “Maybe if you read the books, you’d want to have sex again.”

  “I want to have sex.” She sighed. “I ju
st haven’t met anyone I want to have sex with.”

  “You need to get out more.”

  “Maybe.” She chuckled.

  “So my wife’s been reading the books and we just watched the movie last weekend. It was funny. I usually don’t like romantic comedies like that, but it was funny and sexy and we even did it after we watched.”

  “Wow, were you up past midnight that night?” Carolyn said in forced surprise before looking to him wearing a grin.

  “No, we started the movie early. So, I’m pretty sure I was asleep by eleven. And you know it only takes me like two minutes to finish.”

  “What about Debbie?”

  “What about her?”

  “Did she, um, finish.”

  He widened his eyes. “Have you looked at me? What do you think? I’m the ugliest guy on the planet, cursed with the smallest penis in the world.”

  “Stop it! You’re not ugly. And do you really think there is no one anywhere with a smaller one?”

  “Studies have been done, Carolyn,” he announced in a put on authoritative tone.

  “What studies?”

  “I’ll show you later.”

  “Are you showing me studies or your penis?” She held back a laugh.

  “Both.” He gave her a smile then spoke into the microphone, “Now my point is… guys out there if you want to get laid, you should watch the movie and buy your wife these books.”

  “I’ll have to read them myself then,” Carolyn said.

  “You should.” He paused for a few seconds then exhaled deeply.

  “What’s wrong now?”

  “What do you think is wrong now?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged.

  “Our fabulous producer was supposed to send in our guest after that introduction.”

  Carolyn narrowed her eyes. “Oh, I didn’t realize—”


  “Yes, Boss,” Greg’s voice boomed over the intercom.

  “What do you think toothy?”

  “What do I think about what?” The producer replied in frustration.

  Harold groaned. “Have you been listening to the show?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure!”

  Harold announced in a fake calm voice, “Could you send in our guest and then clean out your desk because you’re fired.”

  “I’ll send her in, but I’m not cleaning out my desk.”

  “Fine.” Harold shot Carolyn a look. “It’s like I’m the principal of a school for low functioning adults and everyone is extra dumb today.”

  “Oh, stop it.” She rolled her eyes. “Would you please cut him a break? And that didn’t seem to really be much of an introduction anyway.”

  “Knock it off, Carolyn or I’ll ask you to clean out your desk too.”

  “You’d be lost without me.”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right.” He giggled and shook his head.

  Greg led Jillian Nash through the door and when her eyes met Harold’s she smiled nervously. “Hello.”

  “Oh my God, you’re a MILF,” Harold said.

  Jillian blushed.

  “Most authors are sort of…”

  “What, Harold?” Carolyn began. “What are they?”

  “You know… ugly. They look like they should be on the radio. Like me. I was always told I had a great face for radio.”

  Greg led Jillian to the couch and helped her adjust her headphones and microphone. When she was settled, she smiled. “You’re always saying you’re ugly, but I think you’re handsome.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “You are,” Carolyn agreed.

  Jillian said, “No, I think you’re very handsome in a non-traditional way.”

  “Wait, that’s code for—”

  “That’s not code for anything,” Jillian began. “I mean, sure you’re freakishly tall and you have the hair of a heavy metal rock star, but you are good looking.”

  “Well, what are you doing later?” He gave her a sexy smile.

  Jillian laughed. “Probably having a glass of wine with my husband.”

  “That’s right I’m married too,” Harold replied. “Sometimes I forget.”

  “Your wife is gorgeous by the way.”

  “I know. I’m still not sure how she ended up with me. I’m always worried she’s going to pass someone a secret note and finally be rescued.”

  Carolyn and Jillian shared a laugh.

  Leaning into the microphone, Harold began, “I was telling Carolyn that your books have gotten me laid.”

  “A lot of people tell me that.”

  “I’ll bet. My wife told me they are based on your life.”

  “Yeah, some of the stories are. Some is embellished and some parts are just made up. But basically a lot of it, especially the first four books are based on things that actually happened. I mean, Natalie is a real person and she sued me and Brian, my husband is real, my son and even Victoria, she’s real all right.”

  “No way, Victoria has to be embellished.”

  Jillian made a face. “Actually I think she’s pretty true to life. In fact, I think we had to cut some things out of the movie to keep from being slapped with a NC17 rating.”

  “Huh. Wow. You had a lot of sex scenes in your movie.”

  “Actually no, there were a lot of almost sex scenes.”

  “That’s right.” Harold said. “A lot of near misses, but there were a few at the end.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Were you on the set during the filming?”

  “Yes for almost all of it.”

  “Who played, um, um, what’s his name… the main guy… um…”

  “You mean, Brice. That was Chance Hart.”

  “Did you notice if he had a boner during any of his scenes.”

  She chuckled. “Um, if he had one I didn’t see it.”

  After adjusting his microphone, the radio host held his head up proudly. “I had a full erection during the entire time I was filming my movie.”

  “I know.” She shook her head. “I listen to the show a lot and I’ve heard.”

  “He tells everyone.” Carolyn rolled her eyes.

  “It’s true.”

  Jillian shrugged. “I guess I can understand it. I mean, I’ve never acted in my life, but I could see how something like that could happen.”

  “Filming a movie is intoxicating. On some level you almost have to fall in love with your costar.”

  “I think you do,” Jillian began with her voice cracking a bit. “Sorry, it’s…” She cleared her throat.

  “Greg, could you get her some water?”

  The producer handed her a bottle and she took a sip before she continued, “I think you do. It could make the acting a little easier I would think. But there are so many people on the set. It seems like it would be difficult to feel, I don’t know, comfortable enough that… everything would be working correctly to get aroused.”

  “Well, maybe for the less talented actors out there,” he bragged, flashing Jillian a grin.

  Carolyn grumbled, “Good Lord.”

  “You were great in your movie by the way,” Jillian said.

  “Jillian, you are like our best guest ever.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Calm down big fella.” Carolyn chuckled.

  “I’m calm. Now Jillian, Chance… wasn’t he in those male stripper movies?”

  “He was,” Jillian said.

  “Carolyn, isn’t he the one who’s supposed to have a huge penis?”

  “I think so,” Carolyn replied.

  Harold asked, “Jillian, did you see it?”

  “See what? Chase’s penis?”

  “Uh-huh,” Harold replied.

  “Didn’t you just ask me that?” Jillian giggled.

  “No, I asked if he had an erection during filming and now I’m asking whether you saw his penis. They really are different questions.”

Jillian rolled her eyes.

  Carolyn sighed. “We get a lot of penis questions here. So prepare yourself.”

  “Oh, you love all the penis talk, Carolyn,” Harold quipped.

  “Yeah, right.”

  Jillian said, “I didn’t see it, but Victoria was on the set one day when we were filming a scene where IT was supposed to be out and erect, I guess I should say. She was very disappointed that we used a fake one.”

  “And wasn’t there a shower scene where he was supposed to be jerking off.”

  “There was and she was equally disappointed there if memory serves. Disappointed that he was not naked. Or maybe she wasn’t there and that was me, I can’t remember. It was so long ago.” Jillian took a sip from her water bottle.

  “How’d they film that because you see his ass don’t you?”

  “You do a little. They had him wear a little flesh colored G-string sack thing around everything.” Jillian broke into a giggle.

  “What is it?”

  “I just remember that Victoria interrupted the shoot when she didn’t get to see what she wanted to see. The director was a little mad at first.”

  Harold said, “Wow, this Victoria seems to be really sex starved.”

  “She’s actually a sex therapist.”

  “Really?” Harold began. “I should have her come in one day and—”

  “She’s here with me in the other room. She’s a big fan of yours.”

  “Greg!” He called out. “Bring Victoria in here.”

  “Right away, Boss.” The producer rushed out of the room.

  Harold took hold of his microphone. “After seeing the movie I’ve got to meet the woman who inspired all that craziness.”

  “We’ve been friends for years.” Jillian smiled at the host.

  Victoria stepped into the room wearing a tight and tiny, pink shirt. Her full breasts and cleavage were on display as were her shapely legs under her small, black skirt. She headed to the console and Harold stood up, beaming. “Whoa, so you’re the naughty one Jillian wrote about?”

  “That’s me.” Victoria opened her arms and after Harold removed his headphones the buxom blonde embraced the super-tall DJ. Victoria turned to Carolyn and said, “Carolyn, hello.”

  “Hello,” Carolyn replied.

  Harold returned to his seat as the producer directed Victoria to sit next to her friend.

  After Victoria secured her headphones she said, “You’re so tall.”


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