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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

Page 29

by Luke Young

  “Sometimes?” He forced a fake frown.

  “Yeah, when you’re really enthusiastic about it.”

  He chuckled. “I guess I had that coming.”

  Narrowing his eyes, he quickly guided her onto her back with one hand, spread her legs with the other and settled his body between them.

  She gazed at him in surprise. “Wow, where’d you learn that move”

  “I don’t know, but I am feeling a little enthusiastic tonight.” He flashed her a sexy grin.

  “So am I.”


  Jillian knocked on Kathleen’s dressing room door and waited. When the door opened, the stunning actress stood before her wearing a robe and a big smile. “Jillian, come in. I was just thinking about you.”

  “Really?” Jillian stepped into the room and closed the door. “Something about the show or…?”

  Kathleen opened her arms for a hug and Jillian hesitated then finally leaned in for a quick, yet somewhat awkward embrace. They shared a laugh then Kathleen said, “No, it’s not about the show. I wanted to tell you how much fun I had at dinner and, you know, after.”

  “Oh, we had a great time too.”

  “Good.” Kathleen motioned to the chairs. “Have a seat.”

  After sitting, Jillian glanced to her friend before brushing at some imaginary lint on her skirt. When she returned her attention to Kathleen, she cleared her throat. “I don’t really…”

  “What’s going on?” Kathleen gave her a look of desperate concern. “What is it? Is there a problem with the show?”

  “Oh, God, no, nothing like that.” Jillian exhaled deeply.

  “You can tell me anything. Just say it.”

  “Brian and I were talking and we definitely want to help you with the pregnancy. We’re still on board for that.”

  “Great, but…”

  “But we don’t think we can do the whole threesome thing just for, you know, the fun of it.”

  Kathleen paused a moment then said, “I think I understand.”

  “I mean, don’t get me wrong.” Jillian lifted her palms up with widened eyes. “It was intense and mind-blowing and we spent the night talking about it.”

  “It was amazing.” Kathleen nodded.

  “Yeah, we just don’t believe it’s for us. We don’t want to do anything too crazy. The thinking being that it could be a slippery slope, you know?”

  “Sure, I understand. Basically, I just wanted Brian to feel comfortable for when the time came.”

  “Oh, he was comfortable.” Jillian broke into a giggle.

  “Um, how could he not be.” Kathleen shot her a knowing look.

  “Exactly.” Jillian placed her hand on her friend’s leg. “You are gorgeous and I enjoyed sharing him with you. I’ll never forget the hotel and everything we did, but we just don’t think having more warm ups before the big day is such a good idea.”

  “I understand completely.” Kathleen placed her hand atop Jillian’s. “Now are you sure you don’t want to do this in the fertility clinic instead?”

  “Definitely not.” Jillian shook her head. “We’ve come this far and it doesn’t feel awkward at all. We just didn’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  “Okay. So when the day comes will you not be participating? Will you just be watching?”

  Jillian suddenly looked taken aback. “We didn’t discuss that, but now I think I’m going to be there and, you know, part of it in whatever way I feel comfortable.”

  “Good. I would like you to be there.” Kathleen smiled at her— a warm genuine smile. “As much as I like Brian, it would feel wrong to not have you there.”

  “I feel the same way.”

  Kathleen cleared her throat. “So, of course, I’ve been researching fertility and it’s best to have sex on the day of my LH surge then also two days after.”

  “Okay, that’s right. It’s coming back to me.” Jillian smiled. “I tried to block all that out. It’s been a couple years since I had to worry about that stuff. You must be using the urine test kit then?”

  “I am. I’ll start up again when I see the change in my cervical mucus. I’ll test every afternoon then if you guys are still willing when it hits, we can get together that night.”

  Jillian added with a smile, “Then again two days later.”

  “That’s right.” Kathleen shot her a sincere look. “And when we get together if you just want it to be without fanfare… just wham bam thank you ma’am, that’s fine with me. I would understand.”

  “Hold on.” Jillian put her hand up. “I think I remember a little from my infertility days. The best way to get pregnant is for the woman to be comfortable and enjoy herself. We’re not having you come over, get on your back and have Brian just…” Jillian frowned. “No way, we need to get you pregnant and we’re going to do it the right way.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Jillian said, “Then we can be friends from there and God willing, after you have the baby we’ll figure out how that should be too.”

  “I hope we do stay friends.” Rising from her chair, Kathleen headed over to the desk. “I have those documents for you. Have your lawyer take a look and let me know if you need any changes.”

  Jillian stood and when Kathleen handed over the stack of pages, she flipped through them. “Great. And when do you anticipate you’ll be ovulating?”

  “Roughly in about two and a half weeks give or take. I’ve tracked it fairly closely and it’s been pretty regular.”

  “Well then I’ll keep Brian from masturbating a lot as the time gets closer,” Jillian said with a chuckle.

  “As long as he doesn’t go nuts and start doing it multiple times a day, you don’t need to worry about it.”

  Jillian shot her a knowing look. “This is a man we are talking about, so yes, I will have a talk with him. I’ll take care of his needs on a regular schedule and get him to promise to behave himself. Some days he’s stronger than others.”

  “Okay, great.” Kathleen held back a smile. “I’m not sure what I’d do if I caught my husband masturbating.”

  “Well, honey if you do get married you’ll surely find out,” Jillian began with a sigh. “I say, just roll your eyes and walk away shaking your head.”

  The two women shared a big laugh.

  After sending Kathleen’s documents off to their lawyer and having only minor revisions suggested, the two parties came to an agreement and the contract was signed. A final copy was sent to all parties and Jillian and Brian tucked theirs away neatly in their safe.


  Over at reality show headquarters, the morning that production went into full swing was, as expected, hectic. Jim slipped out of the house a little earlier than normal while Victoria made herself available for the first day of shooting.

  For the next week Steve kept up his rigorous workout schedule followed by a professional massage he’d receive in the back of the trailer. When he wasn’t pampering himself, he doted on his new star telling her what an amazing job she was doing. How she was a natural talent and how the show was going to be a huge success.

  The cameras captured the family enjoying meals, time by the pool and some of Victoria’s therapy sessions. Kaylie’s cute comments actually began to be some of the funniest moments, but the producers felt those were taking the show in the wrong direction.

  The biggest problem was the difficulty securing releases from all of Victoria’s clients to show their faces or use their unaltered voices. While an unexpected hiccup, the producers still felt they were getting some usable material for the show. However, Victoria did lose a number of clients who were turned off by the prospect of being associated with a reality television show.

  In week two, the producers sat down with Victoria in the kitchen. Steve along with Carrie, Darrius and Marci gazed at the reality star with pads and pens ready.

  Steve said, “We love what you’re doing.”

  Victoria smiled. “I’m so glad.”

  “It’s rea
lly amazing stuff, but…” Steve shook his head, clicking his teeth. “We think we need to bring in some new clients.”

  “New clients?”

  “Yeah, your clients are sort of…” He frowned. “Um, how to put this delicately. Sorta lame. We’re not getting the juicy stories we need.”

  “Um, okay,” Victoria paused a moment then began, “Well, I got a call yesterday from a man who has two holes in his penis.”

  “Two holes?” Steve’s eyes bugged out of his head.

  “Yeah, it’s relatively rare.”

  “I should hope so,” Steve replied.

  “It’s called hypospadias. Instead of having a urethral opening at the end of the penis, boys born with hypospadias have an extra opening on the underside of the shaft.”

  “Huh, does it prevent him from having sex?”

  “No, but it’s freaking his girlfriend out a bit. She wants him to have surgery to correct it.”

  “Okay, well that’s something.” Steve cocked his head then turned his attention to Carrie, check with legal to see if we can actually show his cock on screen.”

  “Will do.” His co-producer made a note in her pad.

  Steve returned his attention to the therapist. “So any other clients on the horizon?”

  “No, not at this time.”

  Steve paused a moment, frowning. “So, here’s what we have in mind. We want to bring in actors and give them some special problems.”

  “Like what?” Victoria asked.

  Steve turned to the producers. “What did we come up with?”

  Carrie said, “A mother who’s having sex with her stepson.”

  Victoria frowned. “Oh, I don’t think I’d like that.”

  Steve said, “Okay, what else?”

  Darrius said, “There was the guy with two penises.”

  Steve pointed to him. “Who wouldn’t want to have that problem. Am I right or am I right?”

  Carrie said, “There’s a woman who had a falling out with her friend over a man.”

  “That one I really like.” Steve turned to Victoria. “Those are just some of the ideas.”

  Frowning, Victoria exhaled deeply. “Well, do you think I could take some time to think about it.”

  “Oh, sure,” Steve began. “We also need to talk to you about your daughter.”

  “What about her?”

  “She’s adorable.” Steve put his hand to his heart and closed his eyes. “We all just love her.”

  Then one by one the other members of the production team chimed in…

  “So cute.”



  Victoria’s gaze followed the comments with her suspicion growing. “She is amazing, but what’s the problem?”

  After pressing his lips together into a frown, Steve began, “She’s just too cute.”

  “Too cute!” Victoria replied.

  “Yeah, um, for the show. We need something edgier and having her around so much is sorta slowing everything down.”

  “Well, we’re really attached to her so…”

  The production team waited wearing hesitant expressions until Steve broke into a chuckle. “We’re not suggesting you give her up for adoption or anything.”

  “Okay, but what are you suggesting?” Victoria asked, her words holding a sharp edge.

  “We want to bring in a nanny.”

  “A nanny.” Victoria made a face.

  “Yes, a nanny. We already found one.” Steve pointed to the female producer. “Go!”

  Carrie snapped enthusiastically, “She’s great. Tons of experience. We checked all her references and she can start immediately.”

  “I don’t know.” Victoria shook her head, grimacing. “I’d like to discuss it with Jim first and—”

  “And here’s her resume.” Carrie handed Victoria a sheet of paper.

  “How about this.” Steve placed his hand atop Victoria’s. “Let’s have her start tomorrow and we’ll just see how it works out.”

  “Well, I’d need to meet her first,” Victoria replied as she studied the page.

  “Absolutely.” Steve smiled. “Of course.”

  Victoria paused a moment with the sheer volume of information swirling around in her brain. “I’m almost scared to ask if there’s anything else?”

  Steve said, “Just that we’re also going to need Jim for a couple half days the beginning of next week and full day a week from Friday.”

  Carrie slid Victoria another sheet of paper. “The dates and times are right here.”

  “Okay, I’ll check with him,” Victoria replied.

  “Good.” Steve turned to his team. “M-kay… Did we cover it all?”

  Marci checked her pad, mumbling to herself as she ticked off items one by one. “I think so.”

  Steve returned his attention to Victoria, rubbing his hands together. “That’s it for now.”

  The next morning, Victoria sat in her office reviewing client notes when there was a knock on her door. Looking up, she spotted Carrie poking her head through the doorframe. “I wanted to introduce you to Michelle.”

  “Michelle?” Victoria asked.

  “The nanny.” Carrie stepped into the room.

  “Oh, yes.” Victoria rose to her feet.

  Michelle came through the door wearing glasses with her hair tied up in a conservative bun. She wore very little makeup and dressed in a blouse buttoned up to her neck along with black pants. She was certainly attractive, but in a completely understated way.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Michelle began. “Oh, and I’ve seen pictures of your daughter. She’s gorgeous and I can clearly see where she gets her looks from.”

  Victoria smiled. “Thank you. Please have a seat.”

  “Well, I’ll leave you two.” Carrie stepped out of the room.

  After leafing through some papers on her desk, Victoria pulled out a sheet. “So, I took a look at your experience. All very impressive.”

  “Thank you.”

  Victoria glanced at the resume. “Five years with the Fergusons.”


  “And travelling with them to Germany no less. What was that like?”

  “Oh.” Michelle placed her hands over her heart and sighed. “What an experience. Seeing another country and getting to care for their adorable daughter. It was the experience of a lifetime.”

  “I’ll bet. And before that three years with another family.”

  “Yes, the Browns.” Michelle smiled.

  “They had a daughter or a son?”

  “One of each actually. Twins.”


  “From the age of nine months.” Michelle rolled her eyes. “We went through a lot of diapers.”

  “I can imagine,” Victoria began. “And I see you have your CPR and first aid certification.”

  “Oh, yes.” Michelle narrowed her eyes. “The safety and security of your child is my number one priority.”

  Victoria spent the next thirty minutes grilling the young woman with questions and posing all manner of scenarios, which the impressive nanny addressed without fail and to the protective mother’s satisfaction. When she’d exhausted all her inquiries, Victoria studied Michelle’s face for a few moments then shook her head. “Well, everything looks just perfect. Why don’t I have you meet Kaylie now?”

  “Great.” Michelle lifted her shoulders, smiling.

  Victoria led Michelle into the house where they located Jim playing with Kaylie in her room. They were seated around a small table in the middle of their tea party.

  Kaylie said, “Your tea is getting cold, Daddy.”

  “Oh, sorry.” Jim brought the tiny cup to his lips and made a sipping sound. “It’s so good.”

  One of Kaylie’s dolls was also seated at the table. Jim’s adult-sized frame spilled over the kid-sized chairs as he hunched over, placing his cup down.

  “This is my husband Jim,” Victoria said.

  “Nice to meet you.” Mi
chelle put her hand out.

  “This is Michelle, our new nanny.”

  “Hello.” Jim rose to his feet and took her hand.

  Turning her attention to the little girl, Michelle hunched down. “Oh my God, she’s so cute.”

  Victoria said, “Kaylie, honey, this is Miss Michelle.”

  Jim and Victoria beamed as they watched their daughter smile up to her new friend. “Hi, do you like tea?”

  “I love tea!” Michelle replied. “Can I have a seat?”


  “And who’s this?” Michelle pointed to the doll.

  Kaylie said, “That’s Becky.”

  “Becky. She is very pretty.”

  “She is, but she doesn’t like tea.” Kaylie frowned. “She’s more of a coffee drinker.”

  Michelle chuckled, then looking up shared a smile with the proud parents. “Oh, she is, is she?”

  Kaylie added in the sweetest voice ever, “Yes, she can be very picky.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  Steve strolled into the room. “So how’s it going in here?”

  “Great.” Victoria smiled. “Where ever did you find her?”

  “Believe me it wasn’t easy.” Steve gestured toward the door. “Can I steal you both now?”

  “Sure. Just one second.” Victoria placed her hand on Kaylie’s head. “You okay, baby?’

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  “Miss Michelle is going to watch you for a while. Is that okay?”

  “Yes.” Kaylie nodded before grabbing the teapot and pouring her nanny a cup. “Can you use Daddy’s cup?”

  “Sure,” Michelle replied.

  Kaylie said, “He doesn’t have bad breath.”

  “Oh, okay.” Michelle held back a laugh as she looked up to Jim and Victoria who were both shaking their heads.

  The couple followed Steve to the hall. He began, “Remember how we discussed capturing you two as a couple more.”

  “Yes,” Victoria replied.

  “Okay, so we thought we would have Jim watching you out by the pool through the window. We’ll put you in a bikini and have him comment on how much he’s still attracted to you. How hot you are. That sort of thing.”

  “All right.” Jim nodded. “I can do that.”

  “The naughtier the better.” Steve patted him on the back. “Remember we’re going for ratings here. Really show us how insanely hot you are for her.”


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