Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 37

by Luke Young

  “I had already had one orgasm, you know, inside her before you came in the room. She kissed me after then started licking me. I felt funny. Like it was too intimate too much, so I, I don’t know… I wasn’t thinking—”

  “I convinced him that we needed to do it again because I wasn’t in the best position to conceive the first time,” Kathleen admitted. “I’m sorry. I was just lonely and wanting to be close to someone. A wonderful man like him.”

  “I faked it,” Brian said, placing a hand on Jillian’s shoulder.

  “You faked what?”

  “My orgasm.” He pulled back from her, sniffling and wiping the lone tear from his cheek, his eyes red and squinting closed. “The second one. I just couldn’t do it. I felt awful with you sitting next to us, like I was hiding something. I’ve been a mess since it happened.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jillian’s mouth fell open. “I hate that you were suffering like this. All this time.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Wrapping her arm around him, she pulled him close. “I’m sorry too. I got you started with all this.”

  Kathleen rose to her feet and made her way to the dresser where she picked up her skirt. Turning away from them, she pulled it up her legs then slipped the blouse over her arms and began to button it. She turned to them. “I’m sorry too. I truly never meant for this to happen. For so long I’ve wanted to have someone special in my life and I just wasn’t thinking it through. It was just a fantasy. Like I was trapped in some crazy erotic romance novel.”

  Jillian turned to her, wiping back her tears. “I think I understand.”

  Kathleen sniffled and shook her head. “You’ve been an incredible friend. This has meant so much to me. I never meant to do anything to hurt you.”

  “I know,” Jillian replied.

  “I actually went to see Brian and apologized for my inappropriate behavior. But when I found out I was pregnant and you suggested we have one more celebration, I guess I just… I wanted that feeling again of being with someone.” Kathleen turned away trembling and sobbing quietly.

  Brian and Jillian shared a sympathetic look and after he gave his wife’s shoulder a supportive squeeze, he rose to his feet and headed over to pick up his clothing from the floor. “Kathleen, I’m sorry I reacted that way just now.”

  He pulled on his shorts and slipped his t-shirt over his head then moved to their guest, placing his hands on her shoulders. “You are a beautiful and special woman. I know you’ll find someone.”

  “Thank you.” She wiped her eyes and sniffled once again. “I’m sorry.”

  “No.” He shook his head then opened his arms to hug her. She stepped to him and he held her for a few moments, patting her gently on the back.

  Jillian watched it all, her heart melting. Hardly believing she was married to such a wonderfully giving and honest man. She broke down then slumped forward covering her head with her hands, but for only a moment before she wiped her tears and met them in the center of the room.

  Kathleen said, “I’d understand if you wanted me off the show.”

  “Are you kidding?” Jillian wiped her eyes as she giggled. “You are perfect as Victoria.”

  “You really mean that?” Kathleen pushed away another tear before breaking into a chuckle.

  “I do. I couldn’t see anyone else in that role.”

  “Okay. Thank you.” The actress exhaled deeply. “I think I’m going to go.”

  “All right.” Jillian placed her hand on Kathleen’s arm. “Don’t beat yourself up over this. I think I really do understand.”

  “I’m not sure I believe you, but thank you.” Kathleen smiled then headed toward the door.

  Brian and Jillian watched her go, then he grabbed her hand and they headed out to the hall. Together they stood at the railing as Kathleen reached the front door, turning back to wave before leaving the house.

  “That was interesting,” he said.

  “It was.” She turned to him, delivering a genuine smile.

  Taking her in his arms, he shook his head. “When you told me you had a surprise for me, I thought maybe you were going to tie me up or use whipped cream or I don’t know. I never thought you’d sneak in some woman to toss my salad.”

  “Toss your salad!” She chuckled. “So, you’ve heard of that too?”

  “Sure, who doesn’t know toss your salad?” He shrugged with his brows raised. “Come on.”

  “Um, I didn’t,” Jillian admitted. “Before Kathleen told me about it.”


  “Never mind.” She waved her hand at him.

  “Hey, um…” Taking gentle hold of her chin, he guided her gaze to his.


  “Let’s never, ever have sex with anyone else again.”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  “I’m serious.” He kissed her gently on the lips. “Like really serious this time. You’re all I’ve ever wanted.”

  Another tear slipped down her cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  He kissed her again then pulled back wearing a hesitant smile. “Can I ask you one thing?”


  “Did you happen to see what she was doing to me?”

  “I did. I mean, some of it.”

  “I’m just throwing this out there, but it was pretty fucking amazing. All I need is you like I said, but if you could see your way…” He gave her a hesitant smile. “… to maybe doing that for me, you know, just once before I die, I think that would be pretty cool.”

  She giggled. “I’ll think about it.”


  “Yes, really.” Smiling, she gave his ass a squeeze then suddenly her expression morphed into a frown. “Well, as long as we don’t call it tossing your salad. There’s no way I could do something called that.”

  His shoulders bounced up and down as he tried to hold back his laughter. “You’re adorable, you know that?”

  “Thanks.” She shrugged. “And you ain’t so bad yourself.”

  He gave her a confident nod. “Oh, and I’ll definitely come up with another name for it.”

  “I know you will.” She pressed her lips to his and they kissed.

  A real long, hot, steamy kiss.


  I hope you enjoyed this seventh installment to the series. I had a lot of fun writing it and really enjoyed exploring the steamy threesome scenes with my favorite couple. I wrote some more thoughts about this story and mention some people I wish to thank below in my author’s note.

  To contact me or to be placed on a mailing list to receive updates about new releases, send an email to [email protected]

  I recently published a bonus book of short stories featuring these same crazy “Friends” characters. One of the shorts is a hilarious take on the aftermath of the previous series book six. For more details on the bonus book click here.

  I love hearing from fans of the series. Feel free to email me with any questions, to maybe share a scene that you enjoyed or just to say hi at [email protected]

  An excerpt from the relatively new and hilarious prequel, Friends Wanting Benefits, which tells the story of how Jillian and Victoria meet is included below.

  Please help spread the word about this series by posting a review online, telling friends or simply by liking my facebook author page by clicking here.

  If you are a big fan of this series, want more Victoria and don’t mind a little more spice in your reading, you will want to check out the series prequel released under my Ian Dalton pen name. DESPERATE THOUGHTS details Victoria’s backstory— the super erotic, mostly tragic tale of how she moved on with her life after the death of her husband.

  I’ve also included an excerpt below for my novel Chances Aren’t.

  To find out more about the author and his work, see



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  CHANCES AREN’T (Excerpt Included)


  The Friends With Benefits Series:








  The Friends With Benefits Prequel Series and Bonus Books:



  Ian Dalton Erotica

  DESPERATE THOUGHTS - Victoria Wilde’s Erotic Backstory


  Author’s Note:

  If you recall chapter one opens with Victoria’s daughter saying, ‘Cops, my husband is touching my breasts, my buttocks and my bagina.’ Here’s a little backstory on this: About twenty years ago my wife and I babysat this girl named Caitlyn who was probably five years old. She was a bright girl who said some cute and crazy stuff. To this day my wife and I still quote this thing she said a lot. That is exactly what she said and how she said it. And pretty much every time we pass a police car we both say the line or just say the word “cops” because of this. It’s a little inside joke thing we have. Caitlyn didn’t actually say this to us— we only heard about it from her mother - the family was a friend of my wife’s family. I can only assume Caitlyn said this due to the reasons that Victoria’s daughter said it. (her mother trying to teach her about inappropriate touching)

  Now the rest of this book just came from my imagination. I love the Howard Stern show and I had a blast writing the interview scene that was based on those guys. I thought it worked well to setup Victoria for her Hollywood discovery. No one does interviews like Howard. He’s crazy, inappropriate and self-deprecating. Did I mention I love the show? Oh and I also heard about the ‘soaking’ thing on that show— it’s a goldmine for learning about crazy stuff like that.

  As always feel free to email me with any questions, to maybe share a scene that you enjoyed or just to say hi at [email protected]

  I’d like to thank the following individuals for their help and support:

  A. Shonk, Rina N., R. Riley, Glenda Neal, Jeff S., M. Bates and Cheryl R. for proofreading and providing wonderful suggestions to help improve this book.

  Friends Wanting Benefits - Chapter 1

  In the large professionally decorated bedroom of a Miami stucco mansion, Jillian and George Grayson lay sound asleep next to each other in their king-sized bed. The clock showed 4:58 a.m. As good as the room looked, the odor of garlic and Italian spices filled it, and it wasn’t pleasant. Not surprisingly, the smell wasn’t coming from the adorable and dainty thirty-seven year old sleeping beauty—it was spilling out of the mouth and pores of her slightly out-of-shape and motivationally challenged husband of nineteen years.

  Suddenly George’s stomach rumbled then his body shook before his neck jerked slightly. That’s when his mouth dropped open and the burp escaped from his lips. It was long and slow, and unfortunately the married couple was sleeping nose to nose. The odor punched Jillian in the face hard. Wrinkling her nose, she stirred and swung her hand blindly at the source in the nearly pitch-black room. “Hey… you’re doing it again.”

  “Huh?” He groaned groggily.

  She turned onto her back and made a face. “Oh, it’s horrible.”


  “You are… uhhh…” She slipped out of bed and headed toward the bathroom. “I told you not to get anything spicy last night.”

  “Yeah…” He took a deep breath and rolled onto his back. “Sorry.”

  After flipping the light on in the bathroom, she sat on the toilet and peed with her eyes closed and her head slumping over. “What time is it?”

  “Huh? I don’t…”

  She halfheartedly washed her hands then returned to the bedroom just as George let go of another belch. “You better take an antacid or something before we get on the plane.”

  He grumbled something incoherently as she leaned down to look at the clock while holding her nose. “Shit!”


  “It’s five.”


  Rushing to the front of the room, she flipped on the overhead light. “You said you set the alarm.”

  “I thought I did.” He shielded his eyes from the light and ran his tongue around his mouth grimacing. “I have a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “There’s a shock.” She stood over him glaring. “Get up. We’re late.”

  “What time does the plane leave?”

  “7:10,” she called back as she headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  “We’re not that late,” he replied as he slowly made it to his feet.

  “Yeah we are. We’re supposed to be in the car right now. It’s an international flight.”

  He waved his hand at her. “They exaggerate how early you need to get there.”

  “Uh-huh.” She rolled her eyes at him as she stepped into the shower.

  “So, I won’t take a shower.” He staggered into the bathroom.

  “No, you’re taking a shower. A good one!”

  “All right. All right.”

  A few minutes later Jillian stepped to the tile floor with the towel wrapped around her body. She discovered her husband crouching on the floor, near the sink, trimming his toenails. She stepped around him and rolled her eyes. “You really don’t have time for that.”

  “My nail is digging into my foot.”

  She looked at his feet and her eyes bugged out of her head. “Oh, my God. How long are they?”


  “When was the last time you cut them?” She asked bending over for a closer look at his grossly unkempt toenails. The big toe was so long that it was starting to curl over.

  “I don’t know. Just a couple weeks.”

  “A couple weeks or years?” Turning away, she leaned over the sink to study her face in the mirror. “Just hurry up, okay?”

  He clipped the nail on his big toe and it flew off with a loud snap. It shot across the room and struck her thigh.

  “Ouch…” She turned around quickly and rubbed her skin. “Was… was that your nail?”

  “Sorry.” He gave her an apologetic shrug.

  “My God. I think it actually broke the skin.” Lifting up her towel, she took a closer look at the small scratch on her thigh then shot him a horrified look.

  “I said I was sorry.”

  She scoffed. “Direct the shrapnel the other way and please hurry up.”

  “I’m done.” He rose to his feet and stepped into the shower.

  Jillian rushed out of the room shaking her head. While there are some bizarre things you get semi-comfortable with after nineteen years of marriage, nearly being impaled by one of your husband’s giant jagged toenails certainly wasn’t one of them.

  Victoria Wilde sat in her car less than two miles away, outside a large home in an upscale Miami suburb, staring at her cell phone with her thoughts swirling. Should she drive away, go alone and just call him to say she made a mistake? Was this really the right move for her after everything that happened? The moment she saw Ethan step out the front door to the brightly lit portico, her doubts disappeared. It wasn’t just his striking good looks, or his steely blue eyes, or his trim muscular physique. It was the confidence with which the young man carried himself. Yeah, it was that, along with the unbelievable night the two had spent together in that hotel room just a few days earlier. She shook her head and sighed. If he hadn’t showed up that day in Tampa and rescued her, she didn’t want to think about what might have been. Yes, this was the best thing to happen to her in over a year. And no, she wasn’t going to over analyze it—she was just going to do.

  He wore a huge smile as he headed to the car carrying a small suitcase. Slipping into the passenger
seat, he closed the door then gave her a deep kiss.

  She pulled away first, grinning. “You’re full of energy this morning.”

  “Well, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” She gave him a skeptical look. “Your parents really don’t have a problem with you going with an old… I mean… Older woman?”

  “No,” he replied softly.

  “Wait…” She scoffed. “You didn’t tell them did you?”

  “Well, um, no. I said I was going on a cruise with this girl I was dating from school—that it was a last minute thing.”


  “We did actually meet at school, so that’s mostly the truth.”


  “I also said it was this girl’s graduation present. I think they felt a little guilty since their gift was sorta lame in comparison.”

  “What’d they give you?”

  “A wallet.”

  “A wallet?”

  “Yeah, but it had five hundred in cash…” he frowned, “…plus they just paid for my one hundred twenty thousand dollar college education.”

  “College is that much now?” Victoria scoffed. “I think you should be happy with the wallet.”

  “Yeah, probably.”

  “You don’t think they’d approve of me?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know.” Looking her over, he flashed her a grin. “My dad certainly would.”

  “Maybe I should’ve met them or—”

  “I’m twenty-one for God’s sake. I can make my own decisions.”

  “Okay.” She nodded. “I’m just glad you could go. I really need to get away from here for a while.”

  “I can’t think of a place I wouldn’t go with you.” They shared a smile until he gave her a hesitant look. “So you didn’t finish telling me about Rebecca. Is she still… breathing?”

  She put on a deadly serious tone and said, “If shallow breaths count then yes, when I left her she was still breathing.”


  “I’m joking.” She held back a laugh. “If I learned one thing from watching all those Dateline Mysteries, it’s that you don’t kill when you have a motive.”

  He nodded in agreement. “I’m so sorry that I had to be the one to tell you she was sleeping with your husband.”


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