Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series Page 16

by Sandra Golden

  “I believe you're right about us having another purpose but first, let's just go get the last two balls. I believe this is something we have to do, that it is important.”

  “Where do we find them?”

  “I told you, we go for a dive under the Pier. It will only take about half an hour but we have to do it before the sun rise tomorrow.”

  “Okay here’s what we do, all our diving equipment is in the boat house. Mason refilled the air tanks so we’re good there. We get up at 4 a.m., sneak down to the boat house, change, then get the balls, and be back before Granddad gets up.”

  “We need to remember to bring dive bags, and lights, it’s going to be dark that early, and don’t you dare forget to set your alarm for 3:45.”

  “I won’t, this is a test of some sort and I think we have to pass it.”

  “A test?” questioned Helaina.

  “Yep, I think we are being tested by someone, or something.”

  “I don't believe it's a test. I think we are being led to something.”

  “Have you noticed I just beat you at air hockey, want to play again?”

  “No I didn’t notice, let’s play War Hero’s instead, my feet hurt.”

  Outside on the patio, enjoying an ice-cold lemonade and reading the newspaper was William. Jennifer sat next to him doing the cross-word puzzle, enjoying a nice hot cup of green tea. It only looked like William was concentrating on a news story, but what he was concentrating on was what the two younger members of the family were discussing in the recreation room. They had so many questions, and no answers. They were confused but yet they were on the right track, they just didn’t know it yet. He was very proud of those two, but worried. He instinctively felt that the J.R and Helaina were the ones they had been waiting for.

  Three forty five the next morning two alarms woke up J.R and Helaina. It was still very dark outside and little Peanut was playing on her wheel when she heard Helaina's alarm. She got excited that her girl was coming for her. Helaina went to the cage, opened up the door and immediately Peanut jumped into her hand.

  With one finger Helaina stroked Peanut's soft little head. “I have something to do this morning but I will be back soon to get you. I promise.”

  Helaina silently dressed in her swim suit, putting jeans and a sweat shirt over them. She met J.R on the stairway and they both slipped out of the house, neither even bothering to put on shoes, they were just going to the beach after all, and that was just past the garden. In the boat house they carefully put on their diving suits, then as they were taught, checked the gages, and air houses and dive watches.

  Walking out on to the Pier they were met by a familiar little friend. It was the little sea lion that they played with just a few days earlier. When he saw J.R and Helaina dressed up, looking pretty much like big sea lions themselves, he came over to investigate. J.R and Helaina sat down on the edge of the Pier so they could slip on their swim fins, the little sea lion joined them wanting to play. Helaina sat and stroked the animal’s soft skin and hugged his little head to her chest.

  “I think I will name him Rambo.”

  “Don’t give him a name, he is a wild animal.”

  “He’s a dear, and he wants to help us.”


  Helaina put the palms of her hands on either side of the sea lions head and looked directly into his eyes. It looked like she was having a staring contest with the animal.

  “He knows where the door is, he is going to take us there, it’s not far,” she paused here for a second before she continued.

  “No! I'm just messing with you. I'm the only one who knows where that hatch is. Rambo here just wants to go with us.”

  “Cool! But he is just going to get in the way. Maybe you can teach me to connect with animals like that.”

  “I think each of us needs to have our own talents. That way we work as a team, contributing our individual talents when there is a need.” Helaina said, reaching this very mature conclusion on her own.

  “Okay, let’s go! Tell him to stay out of our way.”

  “His name is Rambo.”

  “Let’s go, Rambo. Helaina take us to the door.” J.R told the animal as they fell into the water, cold and uninviting as it was, at that time of morning.

  First they adjusted their dive masks then turned on the oxygen and the head lamps that they wore. Seconds later the J.R and Helaina dived into the darkness. Rambo swam just a few feet in front of the kids. They got to the bottom fast considering they only had to dive thirty feet down, and they weren't very far from shore. Sea urchins, star fish, sand crabs were scattered on the soft sand on the ocean floor, and small fish swam in schools. They didn’t see a door, or a hatch of any kind, even when they used their hands to sweep the white sand aside. Rambo came to Helaina’s side; she reached a hand out and grabbed hold of his tail. He guided her to a spot right under the pier, stopped, then took his nose and showed her where he saw a shiny metal square. Helaina rewarded the animal with a hug, and rubbed his head, as J.R prided opened the hatch with the small crow bar he had brought with him. When he finally got the cover off he saw what they had come there to get. The two boxes were wrapped in see through plastic bags were immediately visible.

  Using Mind Speak Helaina told him, “I think that hatch was made just for those two boxes, nothing else could fit in there.”

  “Yep, hey this one is heavy, maybe it’s lead. I will get this one, you get the other and let’s get back, it’s almost sun rise.”

  “Can’t we stay and see if the little hatch disappears at sun rise?”

  “Don’t think that’s a good idea; better get these back and hidden before Granddad gets up.”

  “Sometimes you are just too practical.”

  “And sometimes you are to inquisitive, grab that one, and let’s go.”

  Five minutes later the kids were in the boat house stripping off their diving suits. Soon after that, without having been found out, so they thought, the two balls one gold in color, and the other white were tucked safely side by side on the bottom of J.R’s closet. For Helaina had remembered that they had to remain vertical, just as the first two had to remain horizontal.

  Having put on the usual summer-time attire of shorts and tee shirts the kids were down in the kitchen raiding the refrigerator when Sophia came in to start the family’s breakfast.

  “The two of you are up early, what are you up to?”

  They froze wondering if they had been caught.

  J.R silently spoke to Helaina, “She doesn’t know anything, she’s fishing. I’ll handle this.”

  “We’re not up to anything; we are just hungry that’s all,” J.R told Sophia.

  “I have an idea!” Helaina spoke up brightly.

  “And what would that be young lady?”

  “I was thinking of taking some of those apples we put in the freezer, chopping some up and putting them in some waffles.”

  “You know that does sound like it would be good. But if we add apples, do you remember what else we should add to the batter?”

  Helaina thought for a second, “Sugar and cinnamon.”

  “Correct! You, my love, are going to be a great cook one day like your mom and grandmother,” Sophia said complimenting the young cook.


  “Really! Now why don’t you make that batter, and J.R since you are up, you can fry up some of those sausage over there.”

  “That’s women’s work!” J.R said just as William walked into the kitchen.

  “Boy, some of the best chefs in the world are men, and besides it was my scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon that got your Grandma to fall in love with me.”

  “Well my love, there were a few other things, but I think that was one of the main things.” Agreed Jennifer after having heard the conversation when she walked in the kitchen just behind her husband.

  “J.R, it would be best that you learn some cooking also, it’s in your genes, as much as it is in Helaina’s, besides it’s

  “Alright I will cook the sausage, but if I poison anyone don’t get mad.”

  Everyone pitched in and soon they were enjoying breakfast and making plans for their day. For the two sleepy teens’ their plans consisted of going to the beach with their friends and taking a nap in the sun. For William, it meant being a snoop again and taking pictures of the two treasures found by the kids that morning, then sending them down to the science team for analyzing. William was glad that J.R and Helaina were completely unaware that he had been watching them earlier, as they went on their adventure this morning.



  Later that afternoon J.R came back to the house to ask if they could take the jet skis for a ride. He couldn’t find his Grandmother, or Granddad, in the garden or by the pool. But he did find Sophia, who was busy in the kitchen.

  “Sophia can we have the keys to the jet skis.”

  “You have to ask your Grandparents.”

  “But they’re not here.”

  “Yes they are. They’re in the den.”

  “Great, Hey! Can I take some of those cookies back to the beach with me?”

  “Sure can, you go ask about the skies and I will pack some up for you.”

  “Be back in a few minutes.”

  J.R ran up the stairs to talk to his Grandparents. When he got to the den the door was closed, he was just about to knock when he heard some voices. He stopped to listen, not wanting to interrupt something important.

  “Can everyone hear me?” William asked.

  “We’re all here Dad, how are the kids?”

  That sounded like J.R’s dad, now J.R listened more carefully.

  “The kids are great, having a great time, doing a lot exploring.”

  “Yeah, we heard about the disappearing cave, we don’t understand how that can be.”

  “Neither can we Katie.”

  “I think we were meant not to understand, not yet anyway.”

  “What do you mean Dad?”

  “I believe the waterfall and cave were meant just for ...” William paused, not knowing how to continue.

  The next voice J.R heard was his Uncle David’s.

  “Dad you were going to say “meant just for ’The One's, weren’t you?”

  “Yes. We have never had ones so talented, or so in tune to nature and each other, that’s why I believe that to be the case.”

  “Maybe it’s time to show them what’s below?” Joanna, Helaina’s mom suggested.

  There was silence while everyone pondered this suggestion.

  “Is everyone in agreement?” William asked.

  J.R heard, as one by one, the voices of his parents, Helaina’s parents and the grandparents say, “Yes”.

  “Alright! Then it’s decided. Talk to you all again soon.”

  The room became silent. J.R waited a few minutes before knocking on the door, so as not to have his Grandparents know he had been ease dropping. That would really get him into trouble.

  As he knocked, he called out, “Granddad are you there?”

  “Yes, come on in boy.”

  J.R acted like he hadn’t heard anything and that the only thing he was interested in was taking out the jet skis.

  “Granddad can we have the keys to the jet skis? Please,” he asked, giving them the best puppy dog eye’s he could. His secret weapon on getting what he wanted.

  “What you think Jenny? Think J.R and Helaina are able to handle that responsibility?”

  “I think they are.”

  “So do I,” he said handing the keys to J.R. “Make sure you have Mason check the oil, and fill the gas tank. Have fun, and no acrobatics, both hands on the skis at all times.”

  “Thanks, we’ll be careful, I promise. See you later,” J.R yelled back at them as he ran down stairs.

  He was excited that they were going to drive the jet skis for the first time, without supervision. On his way out the back door, and back to the beach, he remembered to stop to get the bag of cookies from Sophia. After all playing with gadgets and eating sweets were his favorite activities. He would tell Helaina what he heard later. He felt driving the skies would be a lot more fun than answering his cousin questions. And he knew she would ask plenty.

  Having only two jet skis and six teens didn’t present any problems. Helaina and J.R took out one friend at a time, and had great fun in racing along the beach with their friends on the back. After two hours, and three tanks of gas each, they had to stop. Not because they were tired, but because they had emptied the reserve holding tank. Now they would have to wait until someone called and ordered the tank to be filled again. They returned the jet skis to the boat house, and the boys cleaned them up, as the girls stored the life jackets in their proper place.

  Soon Kellie had to go home for a music lesson, which her mother insisted she take, Mark, Dylan and Emma had to go because their mom had made appointments for them to have their teeth cleaned and checked for cavities. This left J.R and Helaina to entertain themselves for the rest of the afternoon. They decided to go back to the house and lay by the pool, maybe even take a nap. After all they had gotten up way to early that morning. As they walked to the house J.R told Helaina about the conference call he had overheard earlier.

  “What do you think they meant by ’The One's?” Helaina wanted to know.

  “Don’t know. I’m more anxious to know what they were talking about, when they said Granddad could show us what’s below”.

  “Maybe they knew about the balls that were hidden under the Pier and they wanted to be the ones to find them. Maybe we should put those two back, before they find out.”

  “That’s sounds like it could be it; we did found the balls below the Pier.”

  J.R thought about this for a second. “If that's the case I think that after dinner we should give the balls back to Grandma and Granddad. I hope they understand that we didn’t mean to do anything wrong when we found them.”

  “We didn’t, we were just doing what my dreams told me. Is that a bad thing?”

  “No! I don’t think so. You think they know about the balls we found in the cave?”

  “I think that we should give them all the balls, and tell them what my dream said to do. We should show them your drawing of that machine. We need to show them that the machine is the place that the balls and the Story Chamber belong,” Helaina reasoned.

  “Yeah! I think that would be best. I hope they don’t get mad at us for being sneaks.”

  “You’re a bigger sneak then me.”

  “Am not!”

  “Race you to the pool; first one there gets this last cookie.”

  Before Helaina could finish saying “cookie”, J.R already started running back to the house. Of course he got to finish off the bag of cookies, which was alright with Helaina. What she wanted was a nice cold drink and a nap. An hour later William and Jennifer found the two of them sound asleep in the deck chairs. Putting a towel over them so they wouldn’t burn, they left them there until it was time to change out of their swim wear and get ready for dinner.

  After dinner, when everyone was in the den preparing to watch a movie, was the time that J.R and Helaina chose to give the balls to their Grandparents. It was Helaina who began the conversation.

  “Before we watch the movie we have something to give you.”

  “Presents, how nice.”

  “No, they are something we found,” J.R said.

  “We didn’t find them; we knew exactly where they were. I had a dream that told me to find the balls, and we did.” Helaina was stumbling over her words trying hard to explain what happened.

  Playing along William asked, “What balls? Did a dream tell you to get them?”

  Helaina just shook her head.

  J.R, trying to help his cousin with the story told them, “Helaina had a dream, which said we would find two balls in the cave and two balls under the Pier. It was the same night you showed us the Story Chamber. When I saw the C
hamber I just felt it wasn’t complete, that night I drew this.” J.R handed Jennifer the picture of the machine he drew. “But I drew it before Helaina told me about the balls.” He continued, “It was like we were working together to find the parts to finish this machine. We think it is something that we must do.”

  “Where are the balls?” Jennifer asked the kids.

  “I have two in my room, and J.R has two in his,” answered Helaina.

  “Can we see them?”

  “You aren’t mad that we took the balls from their hiding place?”

  “No, we’re not. In fact we are quite proud of you for working together, and coming to us with the truth. Now go get the balls.”

  The kids were about to leave the room but Helaina remembered something important that she had to tell her grandparents, she turned around.

  “There’s something else. In my dream a voice said that the two balls we found in the cave must stay horizontal, and the two we found under the Pier had to stay vertical to each other.”

  “That does sound like it could be important, so be careful and keep the ball as your dream told you.”

  Helaina ran up and gave both grandparents a hug.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you, for what child?” her grandmother asked.

  “Thank you for believing us.”

  “Now, why do you think that we wouldn’t?”

  “Because we are kids.” was the simple answer.

  “Yes my dear. You are young, but like I always tell you, the both of you are very special.”

  “Come on William; let’s help them bring the balls into the den. We each can bring one, and make sure they stay the way they should.”

  The family went together to get the four balls and brought them into the den. It was the first time all four balls were in the same place. They stacked the two balls from the cave on the desk, and then placed the ones from under the dock on either side of them; keeping one set vertical and one set horizontal. Something was making Helaina nervous, something she had forgotten. Then it came to her, just as J.R and William began to take the cases out of their bags. She had to stop them.


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