Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series Page 19

by Sandra Golden

  “What about building shelters for all the animals, and planting trees in the rain forest, and cleaning up the air, and ...”

  “Those are all noble ideas, but we are getting ahead of ourselves. Be patient and one day the jewels will tell you their secrets, I’m sure of it,” said the always practical Katie. Thinking to herself what unique children J.R and Helaina were, thinking about what good that money could do for others, before even thinking about what they could get for themselves. That is excluding the idea of a garage full of sports cars, which was every teen-agers dream.

  As the Unity family talked about the jewels and the power that they held John Garfield was handed a few sheets of paper. He studied them for a while before saying anything.

  “Mr. Black.”

  “Yes,” said Charlie.

  “I’m sorry. I’m addressing the young Mr. Black.”


  “Well of course, you are a Mr. Black after all.” John was amused to see that this made the boy feel like an adult.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “No! Mr. J.R Black, you did something amazing, with this drawing of the machine you made. Can you come over here to the table, I will show you.”

  John went over to a table and pushed aside everything that was on it. He laid out the paper he had in his hand, then began to explain. “Mr. Black, here is the drawing you made. Am I correct?”

  J.R just nodded his agreement.

  “These four pictures here, take a close look at them,” John Garfield said pointing at the four pieces of paper he had laid at the top of the table.

  J.R, David, Charlie, and William had now gathered around the table. The women were busy looking at the jewels and talking amongst themselves, uninterested in some mechanical drawings they didn’t understand. J.R was the first to see what John was trying to show them.

  “Those are the arms to the machine, see they match the ones’ I drew.”

  It took the men a few seconds but they finally saw it.

  “You’re right! But they look like they are attached to different machines and according to the text under each picture, each arm, and the machine it is attached to, are located in different Stations.”

  “That is exactly what I want to show you, this one is in Antarctica, this one in the Caribbean, this one in China, and this one here, is in our very own basement.”

  J.R was excited, “That means we don’t have to build the machine from scratch.”

  “That’s right!” said his Uncle David.

  Always the organizer, Charlie started thinking out loud, “We just have to bring all the parts together, I will get the paper work done and have the parts brought here.”

  “There’s something else I need to show you.” Everyone’s eyes were now on John again, wondering what more surprising discoveries could this day have?

  “This is J.R’s drawing; he did this without ever seeing this. In fact, this hasn’t been seen in over two hundred years. Lucky for us all, the old records are now in our organic computers.”

  “Well, are you going to show us or not,” J.R demanded.

  John put the piece of computer paper on the desk. Four pairs of eyes were now looking at the same exact drawing that J.R had produced, with the same details.

  “You sure there wasn’t a mistake, and this is J.R’s?” Charlie asked wanting to make certain that somehow J.R’s drawing didn’t get produced twice.

  “Positive, look at the date it was put into our computer. June 1920. It was then downloaded to the organic computer on May 2001. And it was in the classified files, which no one can get into without a security clearances that takes eight months to get.”

  “You mean I drew something very old that was forgotten about?”

  “That’s exactly right.”

  All J.R could say was, “Mega Cool”.

  A box full with old gears, wires and computer chips, and other cast off things, caught J.R.’s eye so he went to investigate, losing all interest in the papers on the table. There were just too many new things around that J.R mind was racing from one thing to another trying to absorb everything.

  “Dad can I have this box of junk please?”

  “What do you want to do with that stuff?”

  “I want to see if I can use them on my motorcycle.”

  Now this part of the conversation Katie heard, and she wasn’t too happy about it.

  “William did you give J.R a motorcycle?” she yelled, really upset about the idea of her young son driving such a vehicle. “You know how I feel about them.”

  “William, how dare you do that without asking Katie?” his sister Hanna scolded him.

  “Wait ladies, I didn’t give it to him, he found it.”

  “That doesn’t change things; he is too young to drive that thing,” said Joanna, J.R’s aunt.

  “Ladies, stop ganging up on Dad.” David stepped in before the ladies actually attacked William.

  “Mom, I have to fix it up, before I can ride it.”

  “We will talk about that when it happens, young man,” said his mother.

  Helaina thought it was funny that everyone was ganging up on William and J.R about the motorcycle, something that was still in a million pieces on the garage floor. Knowing her cousin he will have it put together and running in a week, if that long, Helaina laughed to herself.

  An hour later everyone in the family, except William, J.R and Helaina, and little Peanut who was still taking a nap inside Helaina's purse, went back up to the island, to prepare the celebratory barbeque for that evening. William wanted to show the kids a few more things, before they returned home.



  Looking at his watch J.R noticed that it was almost eleven thirty, he was thirsty, as well as a bit hungry.

  Selena noticed the unusual watch, and the strange meter on top, so she just had to ask, “Mr. Black…”

  “Just call me J.R,” he insisted.

  “Is that the watch your Grandma Hanna told me about?”

  “I made two, one for Grandma for Christmas, and one for me, I had left over parts.”

  “Can you point it at Dr. Garfield; I want to see what the meter tells us about his “energy”, as you call it.”

  J.R held the watch up to Dr. John Garfield. If what Hanna Black had told her, the meter should read between 75-80 percent; because she already knew what his gene make-up was, as she did with everyone in Station One. She looked, it accurately told her Johns heritage. She wanted another test so she chose the two scientists, and herself to test it on.

  “Can you point it at Dr. Green, then tell me what it says please?”

  “It says that she is 50 percent.”

  “What about Dr. Rains?”

  “It says he is 87 percent.”

  “And me?”

  J.R looked again, “90 percent is that right?”

  “That is one hundred percent right. I was wondering could we have one of our mechanical engineers and one of our geneticists take a look at that watch? You can go have some lunch at our special cafeteria, than get the rest of the tour, while we see how this thing ticks. I promise to get it back to you before you go back home.”

  J.R saw the opportunity for a tradeoff. “I will let you, if I can have that box of spare parts over there?

  “Selena it looks like we a savvy businessman in our mist,” laughed John.

  “I think so, and one who gets the better of the deal. I think we could give him the box; I will even throw in a few things we have no use for. What do you think of that deal Mr. Black?”

  “Sounds good to me, after lunch can I come back here, and see what other things you are working on?”

  “But I want to go to the Aquarium,” Helaina demanded.

  “You each can go explore any area you want, after lunch.” William stepped in putting an end to that argument before it went too far.

  J.R handed the watch to Dr. Green, then went to get the box.

bsp; “Why don’t you leave that here for now? We will be back later to pick it up. Let’s go get some lunch!”

  J.R reluctantly left his box of treasures and followed Helaina and William to the cafeteria to get some lunch. They were expecting a place that looked much like the cafeterias in the private schools they attended, with folding tables and chairs, and a long counter of food to choose from but this was truly unexpected. They were met by a hostess who lead them to William’s private table, already set with utensils, and glasses, a basket of bread and crackers, and bread sticks, accompanied by a dish of two kinds of pesto, humus, and butter. Their chairs were pulled out for them and napkins placed in their laps. Before leaving them she introduced their waiter, and took their drink orders. In the center of the table was placed a bowl of fresh flowers, whose scent filled the air.

  “How can they take our order when we don’t have a menu? I thought you said we were going to the cafeteria, this is a fancy restaurant; it doesn’t even have a buffet table.” Helaina was more relaxed in this new environment that she was suddenly introduced in to, so she spoke out freely.

  “This does look like a fancy restaurant!” Agreed J.R.

  “In a restaurant you have to order from what’s on a menu, in a cafeteria you can get what you like, and as much as you like. Here you can order anything you like and they will make it for you,” William explained.

  “I can have all my favorites?”

  “If that is what you want. Try it! Here comes our waiter with our drinks.”

  “Sir, are you ready to order?” the young waiter asked, then patiently waited.

  “I think we are.”

  “Miss Unity, what would you like?” Waiters always took the ladies order first.

  “I think I would love a big plate of peeled shrimp, with tartar sauce, and cocktail sauce, boiled of course, and two big artichokes with lots of mayo on the side, and onion rings. For dessert, I would like strawberry short cake.”

  “Very good choices Miss Unity, Mr. Black, have you decided?”

  “How did you know our names?”

  “Because, Mr. Black today is yours and Ms. Unity's special day, everyone knows of your visit. May I take your order sir?”

  “I would like two big Quesada’s, filled with refried beans, sharp cheddar cheese, and chopped onion. With lots of salsa on the side, and sour cream. Also, I would like a big plate of Nachos with everything, beans, beef, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, salsa, sour cream, and lots of jalapeños. For dessert chocolate pudding pie, with lots of whipped cream.”

  “Very good sir, and Mr. William what would you like?”

  “I think I will have a mixed salad, baked Salmon and asparagus with parmesan cheese sauce, with apple pie and vanilla ice-cream for dessert.”

  “Very good sir. I shall return shortly with your order.”

  When the waiter had left with their orders J.R just had to point out, “Did you hear what the waiter said? We are famous! This is the coolest of all places. Can I go explore the machine shops to see what they are building?”

  “Sure you can, but not alone, I will go with you.”

  “But Granddad I promise I won’t…”

  Before he could finish arguing he was interrupted. “I know! But this first time I think it would best that someone is with you to show you around. It's for your safety, not because we don’t trust you.”

  William felt he needed to put that last part in, because like it or not the boy was going to have a Watcher with him until he became of age. Just ten minutes after placing their order their meal arrived, and it was everything they wanted. Just like on their birthday when their moms always made their favorite meals for dinner. Peanut smelled the sweet aroma of the bacon, which had been wrapped around the asparagus that William ordered, and had come out to get some lunch herself. The kids ate so much that William wondered if they would be able to continue on their sightseeing tour. But he needn’t worry, because both J.R and Helaina were just fueling up, ready to conquer this new world that had been presented to them. While eating dessert, William called and arranged for one of the Marine Biologist to come and escort Helaina to the donut shaped aquarium.

  Dr. Marlo Turner met the group outside the cafeteria. Marlo was just a little above four feet tall, she was one of the youngest junior scientists at Station One. She was just 23 and already had a doctorate in Marine Biology. She was presently studying Geology. Also, waiting for the family was Dr. Blanchard; both women had a surprise for the two new Guardians in training.

  Dr. Marlo Turner greeted them, “Mr. Black, Miss Unity it is nice to meet you, Mr. William it is very good to see you again. I presume the little Sugar Glider on Miss Unity‘s shoulder is Ms. Peanut. I heard all about her from my new cousins, Dylan and Emma.”

  “It’s nice to see you also, my wife tells me you will be getting married soon, congratulations.” William gave her a hug, having known the young Dr. Turner since the day she was born.”

  “Thank you very much William. Your Grandchildren are beautiful, I hear they are very intelligent and talented. Much more than those that preceded them.”

  “That’s very true my dear, I see you two ladies brought the air cars. I think these two would love a bird’s eye view of Station One.”

  “We thought the same way.”

  “Helaina, you will travel with Dr. Turner here, she will take you to the Aquarium, and return you to the mechanic shop around 4. I bet you girls find that you have a lot in common, so you have fun.”

  “We will, thanks Granddad.”

  Helaina jumped into the passenger seat of the air car, and Dr. Turner took the controls. Everyone noticed that J.R was already strapped into the air car before anyone could invite him, excited to be riding in something he had only read about in comic books or saw in Science Fiction movies.

  “You look so young to be a Marine Biologist.” Helaina told her new companion, trying to shake away her nervousness.

  “Thank you, on my next birthday I will be twenty-four,” said Marlo.

  Marlo understood how Helaina felt in a new environment, with a lot of new people around her. Especially discovering that you are not who, or what, you thought you were; could be pretty overwhelming. It was for her, and she had been introduced to their true heritage when she was eighteen. J.R and Helaina were just fifteen, she was sure their young minds were a bit taxed right now.

  “First let’s buzz the park; then we will make circles around the different buildings before we head for the Aquarium. Maybe you can help with something we are having a bit of trouble with.”

  “Really that would be cool.”

  “Look! See the guy in the red shirt and jeans, with the ice-cream cone?”

  “He’s cute, your boyfriend?” Helaina asked.

  “Yep, I think he is quite handsome. See those trees in the park?”

  “I have never seen trees with red trunks, and white leaves. Is that an experiment?”

  “It used to be, a long time ago,” laughed Marlo. “The Doctors who work with Genes had a warehouse full of gene samples taken from Unity and started with plant material. That was supposed to be a fruit tree of some sort, but no fruit has ever been produced from it.”

  “It would be cool to eat the fruit our ancestors ate when they lived on Unity.”

  “I agree. I just love trying new fruits and vegetables. Two weeks ago one of the Botanists produced a fruit that stunk up his whole office after he cut into it. It was really funny. No one could work there until the smell disappeared.”

  “Can we fly over to the ship; I would love to take a closer look.”

  “Sure, that’s not a problem!”

  As they approached the ship they noticed that J.R and William had arrived before them. The air cars looked like specks of dust next to the large space craft. J.R and Helaina were close enough to use Mind Speak.

  “You beat me here.”

  “You probably figured I would want to come see this first. But unfortunately, they won’t let us go inside

  “They are probably afraid you would get the thing working, and fly off with it,” said his cousin.

  “That crossed my mind, wouldn’t it be cool to be in one, traveling through space.”

  “We might just do that, I think.”

  “Another dream?”

  “Yep, but different, and we travel through space, but not for a while, maybe next year. We have to do something first.”

  “You can tell me later, I am going to see if they will let me fly this air car.”

  “Bet you they won‘t.”

  “No bet! I still owe you money for the video game tournament, I still say you cheated. OH! Have fun with the fish. They have a giant Star Fish on the city wall. Have you seen it yet?” J.R asked trying to divert his cousin’s attention, from the money he owed her.

  “No, but we are headed that way now, don’t blow up anything.”

  The two vehicles then separated one taking J.R, William and Dr. Selena Blanchard to the Mechanics shops, and the second Helaina, Peanut, and Dr. Marlo Turner to the Aquarium. “What kind of adventures awaited them the remainder of their day?” Helaina wondered as she waved good-bye to J.R and her Grandfather. It didn't take long before she would find out.



  As Marlo Turner turned the air car in the direction of the Aquarium Helaina turned to her and asked to see her Sugar Glider.

  “Your Granddad did mention that you could communicate with animals, but how did you know I had mine with me? He has been a sleepy head all day.”

  “I know because you snapped your jacket pocket shut and he can’t open it. See?”

  Helaina was laughing at the little Sugar Glider who had only managed to get his little head through the opening and was now stuck. Marlo looked down, seeing that her little pet was in distress, she quickly unsnapped the jacket pocket. Then her little friend, who always wore a harness and leash, climbed up her arm. The little animal proceeded, in Sugar Glider talk, to fuss at his owner for being so careless. This of course interested little Peanut, who came out of the nest she had made in Helaina’s purse and discovered someone just like her. Helaina and Marlo laughed at the antics of their two little companions. Helaina having found something in common with this stranger began to relax enough to ask Marlo some questions.


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