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Adventure to Destiny: The Unity Objective Series

Page 20

by Sandra Golden

  “Why did my Granddad tell you about me communicating with animals? Did he tell everyone? I don’t want everyone to think I’m weird, or something!

  “He didn’t tell everyone, just me, because we have something in common, and if you are weird, then so am I.”

  “You can hear them in your head?”

  “They communicate with you using their minds. That is different than what I can do. I can feel their emotions; right now I feel that our two little sweet hearts like each other very much.” This made both young ladies giggle.

  “What is his name?” Helaina asked Marlo.

  “Why don’t you ask him?”

  “May I hold him?”

  As Helaina was saying this Marlo’s little Black Sugar Glider jumped to her, to meet his new friend. She rubbed his soft fur with an extended figure, as he and Peanut got acquainted with each other.

  “His name is Shadow, he likes my Peanut, and thinks she is beautiful.”

  “That’s right, I am impressed. Did he really tell you his name?”

  “Not actually, when I touched him I saw a shadow. I figured out that must be his name. It is quite obvious that he likes my little Peanut.”

  “That’s very impressive.”

  Just then their air car approached the Aquarium, before parking the vehicle Marlo flew over the top and around the facility to give Helaina a look at the outside and the top of the glass donut. The place was massive, from the outside you could watch the sea life swimming and playing. Inside the tank there was also coral and plant life, as well as a sunken boat, massive rocks and caves in which the inhabitants could find shelter. Helaina was able to look down from the top and see divers hand feeding fish, sharks, even a baby whale. It was absolutely mind blowing! Fantastic!

  “How big is this place?” She wanted to know.

  “It’s 3 miles in diameter. It’s the biggest aquarium in the world. It is a small ocean, inside an underwater city, which is an amazing engineering accomplishment; it took us five years to build. It was finished in the year 2000.”

  “Is this ...”

  Before Helaina could finish her question she saw something that looked like it was connected to the outside of the underwater city’s dome that left her speechless for a moment. It was about two miles away, but big enough that she could see. She pointed it out to Marlo.

  “Dr. Turner.”

  “Please call me Marlo, may I call you Helaina? You look much too young to be called Miss Unity.”

  “Sounds good to me! What is that over there, it looks like it is stuck to the outside of the city?”

  “That is the little problem I was hoping you could help us with.”

  “It doesn’t look small.”

  “No, in fact it is the largest star fish on record that we know about. She came about a week ago for a visit, than attached herself close to the Aquarium on the outside wall.”

  “Did you feel she wanted something?”

  “When I get close, I feel she is sad and scared. That’s about all; she won’t let us get near her. I was thinking that maybe you could help find out what her situation is.”

  “I can’t do that unless I get close to her.”

  “I was kind of hoping that if we got you close enough, maybe she would tell you or show you what she wants.”

  “I don’t know. We can see if it works. Is there a way I can swim outside?”

  “Let’s park and go inside, then see what happens, if it doesn’t work I will have to call your Granddad to see if we can take you outside. We don’t want to put you in danger.”

  Marlo Turner parked the air car to the closest entrance possible to the giant star fish. Getting out of the air car the two young ladies pulled their little Sugar Gliders by their leashes, placing them back into their pocket carriers. This being done with much protest from the animals who had enjoyed being with someone like themselves. Taking the outer path the two young women walked around the aquarium past the sea creatures that made their home in the Aquarium. They entered the building then took a glass elevator to the fourth floor, from there they went through another glass door back to the outside of the building. Here, Helaina and Marlo came face to face with the star fish. The star fish which they had measured to be twenty feet wide, starting from the tip of one tentacle, to the tip of another on the opposite side of its huge body. A few people with clip boards were standing close by, taking notes about the giant star fish’s behavior, and its characteristics.

  “She’s amazing!” Helaina was mesmerized at the sight before her.

  “That she is! We think she is one of a kind. She hasn’t caused us any problems, so far. We would like to know why she is here, can you help?”

  “I’ll try!” Helaina told Marlo.

  Helaina walked up to touch the thick glass wall of the dome, it felt very cool to her fingers when she reached up to get closer to one of the massive tentacles. As she did the star fish moved down, it looked like she was reaching out to Helaina, feeling that the young girl was the one who would understand. Helaina stared at the animal’s under body, not exactly knowing where its eyes were, for a few minutes. Everyone around her didn’t move, or make a sound. She let out a long sigh, then put her hand down.

  “I feel her sadness, she does want something. If I could get outside the wall, to touch her, I know the two of us could connect. Then she could tell me why she is here.”

  “I don’t know. It could be too dangerous.”

  “She won’t hurt me,” Helaina assured her new friend.

  “I’ve been told you are quite the accomplished diver. But still, let’s call your Grandfather, he will make the decision. Call him and explain to him what you want to do, then let me speak with him.”

  Helaina got out her cell phone. Upon seeing the bag open, Peanut saw this as an opportunity to get out, and maybe find her new friend. Unfortunately for her, she wasn’t fast enough, Helaina gently pulled her back into her pouch, then zipped it closed. Then she called William and did as Marlo had instructed her.

  “William this is Marlo, what do you think of this plan?”

  “I think our new friend out there needs something and the only person who can find that out is Helaina.”

  “Yes I agree.”

  “She has the diving skills, and I believe she will be safe. Helaina instinctively knows when an animal is out to harm someone or something.”

  “Then you approve?”

  “Yes, on a few conditions, Helaina must be protected at all cost. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes William!”

  “I want you to go with her, and I want you to take two other divers, with tranquilizer guns.”

  “That is a given, I had that in mind also.”

  “Take care of our girl, and yourself. Call me the second you get back into the dome.”

  “We will, and thank you William.”

  “Good luck!” Then William and Marlo disconnected.

  “Well, it looks like we are going for a little swim,” Marlo told Helaina.

  “Cool! How will we get outside?”

  “There are several ways but we will take the acquisition tunnel.”

  Dr. Marlo Turner than made a call down to the tunnel personnel to have them prepare the equipment that they would need, as well as have two other companion divers suit up with prepared tranquilizer guns.

  “That’s not necessary, she won’t hurt us!” insisted Helaina.

  Marlo bent down and whispered to the young girl, “We know that, and she knows that, we just have to convince everyone else; especially your Granddad and family. They will worry, if we don’t take along a little protection. So let’s just humor them. Okay?”


  Using one of many elevators it didn’t take them long to get to the lowest floor, then they took a rail tram to the acquisition tunnel. The acquisition tunnel was used to launch transport subs to the surface; it also was one of the tunnels used to bring in supplies for Station One. It was also used to get outside when i
t is necessary to make repairs to the outer wall or to acquire the occasional sea creature that traveled by that needed first aid.

  With help from the personnel who worked the tunnel, it took no time at all to get dressed into the wet suits, check their equipment and their helmet radios, then dive into the cool water. Dr. Marlo Turner’s dive suit had been made especially for her very small body. Being of small statue, the young Asian woman had to wear equipment made for young children, even her size two swim flippers had to be custom made to fit her small feet. Marlo Turner never saw her small size as a problem, but as an advantage.

  The four swimmers moved upward, the two young women swimming ahead of the two body guards, which were equipped with helmet cams to take video of this event. The star fish was four stories above them, so every 20 feet they had to stop to adjust to the water pressure. Finally they arrived at their destination.

  “Helaina you’re ready?” Radioed Marlo.

  “Sure am! Look she wants to meet us.”

  The giant star fish had disconnected herself from the dome, and was slowly making her way towards the group of divers. Not sure about the two with the underwater tranquilizer guns, she didn‘t get to close. Just close enough to see who had come for a visit.

  “Can those two stay back, they are scaring her.”

  Marlo motioned the two other divers to turn on their radios.

  “Can everyone hear me?” she asked.

  “Roger that.” three voices responded.

  “Good, Guys you two stay back. You are scaring our friend here.”

  “Understood!” replied the two divers. Because of the species nature, the two support divers really didn’t believe that a giant star fish was a serious threat.

  “Helaina this is what we will do. Let her approach us. I am staying here with you; maybe I can make contact with her also. We will work as a team.”

  Just then the giant star fish reached out one of her tentacle and tapped Marlo Tuner on the shoulder. Having recognized the young woman‘s voice, she thought that it would be nice to say hello. This act made everyone laugh, making everyone more relaxed around the very large creature. Without a word Helaina swam confidently up to the creature, took off her swim gloves, which were way too thick to feel the rough exterior of the creature’s skin, and placed her hands out. Reaching out, palms down, she waited for the star fish to respond. It didn’t take long. Ever so gently, so not to scare her new friend the giant star fish reached for Helaina. At the same time she allowed Marlo to rub the underside of one of her tentacles.

  “She is sad.” Marlo confirmed.

  “Just a little, but we can fix that.”


  Helaina rubbed her fingers on the star fish, concentrating, and connecting her mind with that of the giant sea creature.

  “She has a friend who was sick. A dolphin. He came to you for help and you took him in.”

  “That’s right. One came to us about three weeks ago.”

  “She misses her friend, she wants to know if he is doing better?”

  “Tell her he is doing great, that we plan on releasing him in a day or so.”

  As they spoke Marlo had taken her hands off the star fish.

  “Marlo put your hands back on her, can you feel that?”

  “Yes I do, she is excited.”

  “She wants to know if it is alright if she stays here, so she can wait for her friend.”

  “Can I try to answer her?”

  “Sure, just look at her, feel her with your hands and your heart, then speak with your mind, picture releasing the dolphin.”

  Marlo followed Helaina’s instructions. She really felt the connection, before she said the words in her head. “You are welcomed to stay.” She then heard a very faint “Thank you.”

  “Helaina did you hear that?”

  “Yes, of course she told you “Thank You”.

  “That’s the first time that has happened to me, it’s amazing.”

  “Pretty cool isn’t it?”

  “Did she just say the word “play”?” Marlo asked trying to listen for more.

  “Yes, she has no one to play with, she wants us to play.”

  “Helaina, how do you play with a giant star fish?” said a curious Marlo.

  Thinking for a few minutes Helaina came up with an idea.

  “Animals like following one another, don’t they?”


  “We play a follow me game. It's just that simple.”

  “And what game would that be? We only have 30 more minutes of air left.”

  “The Hokey Pokey of course. I will tell her to follow my actions. Come on this will be fun.”

  Helaina and Marlo swam back a few yards so their new friend could see them and follow along. Helaina started singing the words and moving along as she sang. Amazingly so did their giant friend.

  “You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, then you shake it all around, you do the Hokey Pokey…”

  The giant star fish moved one of its arms just as the two young women did, even shaking it and then spinning its body around like they did. Then, repeating the action again, with another arm. What a sight that was! Two women playing a child’s game, with a giant star fish. Luckily it was all caught on the video recorders the two other divers had attached to their helmets. Otherwise no one would have believed them if they hadn’t recorded the whole event.

  Helaina and Marlo played with their new friend for about twenty minutes, than they had to say good-bye. Marlo promised to come out the next day, to keep her company for a bit. Just until they could safely release her friend, and the two of them could be reunited. Of course, not being as skilled as Helaina in communicating so much information, she let the girl have the privileged.

  “She said thank you, and is glad she will have her friend back soon. She would love for you to come see her again.”

  Marlo reached out to her new friend one last time. “No, my big friend, thank you. Good-bye.”

  “She heard you,” Helaina assured Marlo.

  The star fish then went and attached herself back on to the wall of Station One, she was now ready for a nap, knowing that her friend would soon be returned to her she was able to get some rest. The group of divers made their way back down to the acquisition tunnel. When they broke through the water, they were welcomed back by a round of applause for the two underwater dancers. When the two dancers got up on their feet they bowed to their audience, thanking them for their show of appreciation. Marlo gave Helaina a big hug as a way of saying “thank you”. It took a few minutes before Helaina remembered she had promised to call her Granddad. Excited about her new friend, she spent the next ten minutes telling him all about the star fish, and what fun it was to play “The Hokey Pokey” with her. She told William that soon the veterinarians would have her dolphin friend well enough to release. That all she wanted was just to have her friend back. Sometimes that is all it takes to make someone, or something, happy. Just one very true friend.

  Soon it was time to return Helaina to William and her cousin. On the ride back to the mechanical engineering building Helaina, who now counted Marlo Turner as a friend, which in turn, made Marlo a target for endless questions, began her onslaught.

  “I’ve been thinking, the Unity crest (pointing to the one on the dashboard of the air car), this represents those from above, and here, those from below.”

  “That’s correct,” Marlo assured her.

  “Are we the ones from below, because our ancestors built places like this?”

  "No! Even though the original settlers from Unity are all gone now, and only their genes live on within us, we are the ones from above. From a place above the earth. Those whose ancestors were here, on this planet, are those from below.”

  “That makes sense, I guess I had it backwards.”

  “I did to, for a while. That’s why our Elders teach us about our heritage with short lessons, so as not to over whelm us too much.”

guess they know better.”

  “Yes they do, just be patient the knowledge will come.”

  “Do you come up to the island?”

  “Sure I do, they don’t keep us prisoner here silly.”

  “When you do, maybe we can go shopping, or something.”

  “I would like that Helaina. Maybe we can even get my husband-to-be to take us to the movies; I’m dying to see that new one about aliens.”

  “That’s so funny.”

  Both of them were laughing when they arrived at their destination. Peanut and Shadow had enjoyed chatting to each other, from the safety of their owners shoulders, and were a bit sad to say good-bye. Marlo and Helaina exchanged cell numbers. Marlo wanting to get back to the Aquarium, and back to work, left Helaina with a friend who then escorted her to where she would find her cousin and Granddad. After all Marlo had to go make sure a certain dolphin knew that his friend was waiting for him, and had missed him. She was also thinking that this would be a great opportunity to practice her new skill. A hidden talent she possessed but didn’t know how to let it come to the surface, until now. Thanks to Helaina Unity. She just needed a little confidence and a little coxing to get her to release that inner talent, just like we all do.



  While Helaina was with Dr. Marlo Turner, J.R and William were exploring the mechanical and electric engineering facilities with Dr. John Garfield. While J.R was watching an experiment being done, John got a phone call. After his conversation he took William aside to talk, so J.R wouldn’t hear.

  “William, that was one of our researchers in the Archives. Working from J.R’s elaborately detailed drawing; she was able to find out more information. The machines arms, the Story Chamber and the jeweled balls all came from Unity. The story goes like this, the jewels were brought here on the main ship, which you know is here. The machine was dismantled and brought here on separate ships. Together they were believed to contain certain powers that our ancestors believed should be hidden until a time when the right ones would be able to solve their puzzle. When they arrived the four arms of the machine were taken to their present locations, and the jeweled balls were hidden after their arrival. The rest of the parts needed to rebuild the machine are right here in our storage facility.”


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