EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection)

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EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection) Page 13

by Madison Drips

  Before they could even get dressed again, the emergency phone rang. Surprised, they looked at it for a moment, and Tyler got up to answer the call.

  “Hello?” Tyler asked.

  The building manager’s voice was on the other end again, “Hi, are you two doing ok in there?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine.” Tyler replied.

  “Great! Listen, the maintenance crew has just arrived with the emergency gear. They said they can get you out in the next twenty minutes. So, that’s good news. Just hang in there.”

  “That’s great,” he replied, “We’ll see you then.”

  As Tyler hung up the phone, he told Nikki the news, and in a panic, they hurried to get their clothes back on. The maintenance crew arrived some time later, and got them out of the small room. Needless to say, Nikki blew off the guy she was planning to meet that night, and invited Tyler to come by instead. He agreed; after all, he had the rest of the day off.

  The End.

  STORY 17

  Thoughts of seducing the man of God ran rampant in her mind. To get and keep his attention, she spent months confessing an imaginary wanton life of sin. But it was all worth it when he glanced at her during service, or when he asked her how things were, or when he placed the Eucharist on her tongue. Rapture! But her body wanted more.

  She raised her head, stood from a kneeled position, made the sign of the cross, fixed her blouse and turned. As she walked down the aisle Father Packard called, “Miss Reicher.”

  Innocence turned and smiled.

  As Packard walked closer, she batted her blue eyes and smiled. “Hi,” she said. “I didn’t want to bother you today.”

  “No. No that’s what I’m here for.”

  When he turned and looked behind, Innocence caught a whiff of his cologne. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her heart beat faster as her blood boiled. Take me on the altar of the Most High, she thought. When she opened her eyes, she saw a middle aged man holding out his hand.

  “Father Packard told me a lot about you. My name is Doctor Marshal. I’m a certified sex therapist.”

  Shit, she thought. Innocence shook his hand and looked at Packard.

  He held up his hands and said, “I’m sorry, but I felt that you needed more help than I could provide. I hope you don’t mind?”

  Innocence shook her head and said, “Not at all.” She looked at Marshall. “When are you free?” she asked.

  “Well, you’re studying at Harvard and I teach there, so how about you come by my office this evening.”


  “It really is a pleasure to know that you’re trying to get your situation under control on your own,” Marshall said. “It’s not very often a person with sexual impulses like yours turns to the church.”

  Innocence looked up at the cross that hung above the door and said, “I’m not alone. I have him to thank.” She looked back at Marshal and asked, “What time would you like to meet?”

  “How about eight.”

  “I will be there.”

  Innocence walked out of the church and opened the door to the car that waited for her. Inside was her friend Marie, her best friend.

  Marie started the engine and smiled. “So, anything?”


  “Jacque, why are you wasting your time? There are so many other available men at Harvard and Boston.”

  “I want him. And you know what the motherfucker did? The goddamned, motherfucker, son of a bitch told a sex therapist about me.”

  “He did what? Isn’t that against the confidentiality rule or something?”

  “I don’t know, and I don’t give a fuck.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Innocence shrugged her shoulders and said, “I’m going to talk to him. I do have a lot to talk about.”

  Tommy was toned, hung like a horse and had the stamina of a thorough bred in the Triple Crown. Good ole Tommy from Savanna. The windows in his small dorm were steamed up from their panting. The room reeked of sweat and sex. Innocence made passionate love many times before, but this guy was by far the hottest fuck she’s ever had. Even after he exploded in her, he just kept going. When he pulled out, she could feel cum oozing out of her hot hole and stream down her inner thighs. And when she turned drained and physically exhausted from the intense pleasure, he grabbed her hair and pulled her closer to him. Their lips locked and their tongues played together.

  He pushed her to the ground.

  She reached for his cock and shoved it in her mouth and began to suck.

  He moaned.

  She grabbed his ass cheeks and pushed myself deep into his thighs. A few moments later, her mouth was filled with his warm sperm. She stood and opened my mouth and as he looked at her, he wrapped his hand around her throat. She stepped back and looked at the clock on the wall. She had an hour before her test.

  Tommy slid shoved his cock into her pussy and began fucking her again. He then leaned down and bit the side of her neck, stepped back and pulled out of her pussy only to quickly enter her other hole. He pulled on her hair while ramming his cock into her and with every thrust he grunted loudly.

  Her eyes rolled into her head.

  He wrapped one arm around her neck and the other around her chest and pulled her straight up and twitched.

  “Jesus, Tommy. I gotta go,” she said.

  She stumbled away and as she reached for her dress and blouse, he asked, “When’s the next date?”

  She looked at him as she stepped into the mini skirt and after she pulled the blouse over her body she sighed. “After spring break.” She frowned. “My fucking body has to heal. You brute.”

  She didn’t have time to clean up, so she had to take the test feeling grungy and she probably reeked of sex. She stopped briefly, in the woman’s room next to class and threw some water on her face. Behind her the toilet flushed and Marie walked out of a stall.

  She looked at Innocence and shook her head. “Slut,” she said. After she washed her hands, Marie fixed Innocence’s hair and looked her in the eyes. She touched her lips and said, “You missed a spot.”

  Innocence grinned and said, “Thanks. See you later.”

  Marie smiled and waved. “Have fun.”

  After the test, Innocence cleaned up in her dorm and laid out an outfit for her session. She had her little hardcore romp, so she didn’t need any more cock for at least a day, but she sure was going to enjoy being a tease. She slid on her little skirt that barely covered anything and a tight Tee that accented her little breast. She stepped into a pair of sling backs, looked in the mirror and grinned. “This should do just fine,” she said. “What the fuck do I need a therapist for?”

  “Miss Reicher,” Marshall said.

  Innocence stood, walked towards him and smile.

  He gestured towards his office.

  When she walked past him, she felt his glance.

  He followed and gestured for her to take a seat across from him.

  When she sat and crossed her legs, the skirt hiked well above her thighs. She then rested her hands on her knees and smiled a smile that made hundreds of men melt like pats of butter on a hot English muffin.

  “What we say here will be between the two of us.”

  Innocence nodded her head.

  “Where would you like to start?”

  Innocence shook her shoulders and said, “I don’t know. I’ve never really talked to anyone about this.”

  “You’ve talked to Father Packard. That’s someone.” He leaned forward and took a deep breath. “Just relax.” After he leaned back in his chair grabbed notepad and said, “How about your parents. Do your parents know about your problem?”

  Innocence chuckled and said, “Know?, she laughed and continued. “They encouraged it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They wanted me to explore my sexuality.”

  “How so?”

  Innocence smiled and said, “I am the daughter of two of the most notorious pornog
rapher in the world. Sex was and still is part of my life. While other little girls were playing with Barbie dolls and easy bake ovens, I was learning the correct camera setting for cum shots. Since seven, I’ve had a working knowledge of the porn industry. At the age of five, I knew the correct names and the not so correct names of all parts of the human anatomy. I lost my virginity at the age of twelve to man that was thirty years older me, so you tell me who is to blame.”

  “Do you have a good relationship with your parents?”

  She closed her eyes and shook her head.

  Club Pasha- Ibiza, Spain a year ago…

  Lights, smoke, lasers, bass and thousands of bobbing bodies danced in sync. .

  High above the crowd, in a booth, a DJ spun seamless and endless music. He was coming up on the ten hour mark of the first set of the summer season. Behind him rays of sun light peeked over the Mediterranean horizon.

  As she lost herself in the euphoric atmosphere, she grinned and thought about her summer plans. The day before, she turned twenty, and she wanted to party to celebrate. She tilted her head up and looked at the sky that turned from a dark nothingness to shades of cotton candy. It was morning. She smiled, closed her eyes again, waved her hands and danced.

  Bumping his way through the crowd was a young man, about her age. He met her nine hours ago. They were supposed to meet, but somehow they missed, and just as he was about to call it a morning he recognized her when the strobe lights stopped in that particular section. He flashed a smile when the lights hit her body.

  Her slender frame, under a flimsy see through black dress, showed.

  He was now inches from her and when he reached out, he grabbed her waist length hair and pulled her close to him.

  She grinned as she closed her eyes and when she turned, she breathed out of her mouth and locked eyes with him. While the music slowed, they embraced. She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

  Their tongues played and danced and after she sucked on his bottom lip, he leaned back smiled, and yelled, “I didn’t think I would see you again.”

  She smiled and tilted her head back and laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She turned and lifted her dress and flashed her ass and grinded into his crotch.

  With his right hand, he reached down the front of her dress and grabbed her right tit.

  She spread her legs and slightly bent her knees and grabbed his free hand and placed it between her thighs.

  He leaned over and kissed her on the neck and whispered in her ear, “You turn me own.”

  She turned and wrapped her legs around his waist and grinded her body into his.

  He pulled the top of her dress down, leaned over and sucked on her tits then looked up and said, “I want you.”

  “I know.” She wanted him too, but when she looked over his shoulder and saw a heavy set man dressed in a suit and black hat Innocence knew time was up.

  The man in the suit, leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “You need to go now.”

  “Now?” she said as she slid her date’s cock into her. She rocked back and forth while keeping a tight grip on his neck.

  “Innocence, now!” the man in suit said.

  She dropped her legs and straightened her dress before kissing the young man on the cheek. “Sorry, but I’ve got to go,” she said

  “Will I see you later?”

  Innocence took a few steps and placed her index finger in her mouth and smiled. “Maybe.” she said.

  As she dipped into the back seat of the limo, she looked over her shoulder at the driver. “Did you really?”

  “Your plane leaves in forty minutes, we have a thirty minute drive, so yeah I did.” He slammed the door shut.

  She rested her head on the headrest and sighed. “I still have the rest of the summer,” she said.

  The driver lowered his head and took a deep breath. “It’s your parents.”

  She rolled her eyes. “What now?”

  “Your father and mother were driver along the French Country side when the car veered off of a cliff.”

  Innocence looked at him and frowned. “What are you saying?”

  “I don’t know any other way to say this, so please excuse my abruptness. Your parents are dead. I’m to take you to the airport, where you’ll board a plane for Paris.” He slammed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  Innocence’s eyes welled with tears.

  “They’re dead, so no. But the reason why I’m here is to get away from the madness of my life. They willed me a multi-million dollar a year pornographic empire.”

  “It sounds like you have a lot of resentment.”

  “You think?”

  “How many sexual partners have you had?”

  She leaned back in her seat and said, “A lot, but I stop counting. That I can’t blame my parents.” She raised her hands and said, “I love sex, and I love men.”

  “Father Packard thinks you’re trying to seduce him.”

  Innocence lowered her head, grinned and shook her head, “If I wanted Father Packard, I would’ve had him by now. I’m just a flirt. I’m just fucking with him. I wanted to see what he would do.”


  She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “I’ve never fucked a priest.” She crossed her legs and grinned. “I’ve heard it’s heavenly.”

  “Have you ever been in therapy?”

  “For what?”

  “It sounds like you have some deep seated issues that you need to resolve.”

  “Never thought about it.”

  “You should. There are some real breakthroughs in psychotherapy.”

  “What? Like frontal lobotomies? Really?”

  “We’ve progressed a lot since that.”

  “No thank you. I’ll go through life in a self-denial. Self-denial is like a warm blanket on cold winters day.”

  “Just from this short session, I would suggest that you make an appointment with someone soon.”

  “No thank you.”

  Marshall placed his pad on the table next to the chair and said, “Well, how about we meet again after the spring break. Maybe this can be an ongoing session.”

  Innocence stood and said, “I don’t know. I don’t like bearing my soul.”

  “Think about it anyway.”

  When Innocence walked out of the room, Marshall frowned and shook his head.

  Innocence was hell bent on getting her man of God before she left for spring break. For Mass, she wore a pleated dress that was of all things modest. But under she wore nothing but a pair of white stockings. If Packard thought Innocence was trying to seduce him she was going to do just that.

  Father Packard sat under a huge shade tree towards the back of a cemetery of all places. It was his favorite place to relax after a long day of listening to people’s problems and if not for the rows and rows of tomb stones the place looked like a normal park.

  When Innocence walked behind him, a stiff wind blew and lifted her dress up. She felt the cool breeze caress her bare ass. Her pussy dripped in anticipation for what was to come. When she stood behind him, she spread her legs and took a deep breath. “Forgive me father for I am about to sin,” she said.

  Packard turned and placed his bible next to him. He watched Innocence walk around to the front of him. He said nothing as she sat beside him.

  She then lifter her dress, showed him her bare body, placed one leg on the bench and said, “I want to sacrifice myself to you.”

  He looked at her and shook her head. “Why are you doing this?” He looked at her trimmed bush and then licked his lips. His eyes glazed over as she placed one of his hands between her legs.

  She spread her pussy lips and shoved his middle finger in her. “Is it a sin to give someone you love pleasure?” she asked.

  “You love me? He said.

  She nodded her head.

  He stood and took a steps away. But then he turned, took a hard swal
low and looked back. He slowly walked over, kneeled and kissed her on the left tit while his right middle finger dug into her pussy. He then leaned forward and ate her pussy.

  She titled her head back and opened her mouth as he sucked. “Do what you will. I am but an offering on your altar,” she said.

  He stopped and stood.

  She looked at him as he gestured for her to follow him.

  She took her dress off, grabbed his bible and handed it to him.

  He grabbed it with one hand and pulled her towards him with the other hand. He then dipped her slightly.

  Their lips locked.

  Carefully he slid a finger into her loose cunt. Then two then three. “Lay down,” he said.

  She looked behind her and hesitantly lay on a grave.

  “Don’t be afraid. The dead can’t hurt us,” he said as he kneeled beside her and placed his left middle finger in her. “Spread your legs,” he said.

  When she did, he stood and unzipped his pants. He pulled out his cock and smiled. “Is this what you want?”

  She leaned up and grabbed his thick, long, beautiful cock. It was perfect like God himself chiseled it from a slab of marble.

  As her mouth covered it, he gently grabbed her head and pulled her into him.

  She looked up and saw his head snap back.

  His knees buckled as he grunted. “How can this be a sin?” he said as he pushed forward. He grabbed her head with both hands and began rocking her back and forth. He then pulled her off of him and said, “It is unloving for me to take and not give.”

  She fell back and spread her legs.

  He kneeled, placed her legs over his shoulders, leaned forward and entered her with his tongue. He sucked and slobbered her pussy like a pro.


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