EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection)

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EROTICA: NAUGHTY NYMPHS - 20 STEAMY STORIES OF BRATS FILLED & STUFFED (Adults Only Graphic Erotic Short Stories, XXX Mega Bundle MMF Explicit Erotica Collection) Page 18

by Madison Drips

She smelled amazing and her pussy looked beautiful.

  She asked me to put it in slowly for her sake and then to speed up as time went along. It was the most amazing feeling in the world as her vagina was so tight even for a woman who had so many children. I felt as if I was falling in love with this elderly doctor.

  She kept staring into my eyes and asked, “Are you okay sweetheart?”

  I nodded.

  She said it was okay to be nervous and she said she was honored to be my first. She somehow knew it was my first time and she said that I had a nice hard dick and she loved it a lot. She comforted me and told me that other women will enjoy it as well. I began thrusting my cock harder and faster as she continued telling me how amazing it feels.

  Dr. Allison said, “I’m going to cum soon baby. Don’t stop!”

  I pulled out terrified as she said, “Finish me off. That will give you confidence.”

  I entered back inside of her after she begged me too and I began thrusting away once again. She moaned louder and louder while she kept looking at her watching and shouted, “Faster. Harder, faster, perfect now harder.”

  She said she wanted to clean up before her next appointment and she began panting and smiling telling me I was doing amazing.

  “Good work boy, keep it up hun!”

  I told her how bad I wanted to cum inside her and she said to just do it. I exploded inside of her shortly after and she wrapped her legs around my entire body while smiling. She shook violently while she had her orgasm at the same time. I finished quivering and I pulled out my cock that was drained of all its juices.

  She thanked me and kissed me on the forehead and said, “I have to get ready for your next patient. Come back in a week so we can finish up the visit.”

  I nodded in agreement and she made sure that I paid her every dime she asked for. I couldn’t believe I was paying her hundreds of dollars for less than hour of work. She gave me her panties as a souvenir to keep as I wrote a check.

  She kissed me deeply before I left and she thanked me for trusting her to be the doctor to help him.

  I promised I would return as I saw the school Quarterback waiting in the yard. He looked as if he was going on a date or something and he was a rather muscular and handsome black guy. I felt by as he winked at me and I just grinned. I felt jealous about her next patient and I might have just been in love with this MILF doctor.

  The End.


  All my life, I had to work for what I wanted. I did not have any siblings to call whenever I needed something. Most of the time, I did not have my mother to financially assist me because she was busy trying to stay afloat at her dead-end nine-to-five jobs that hardly paid the bills and kept food on the table. Luckily, her rent was only forty bucks a month because she didn’t make enough money to pay the rental fee, yet hard times were tough to tolerate and difficult to break out of. And jobs? The only job I had was writing Q&A for a small-time magazine in Downtown Chicago. My boss, Mrs. Simms, paid me fifty bucks for each Q&A article and forty-five dollars for the hard-news and entertainment section, which added up to ninety-five dollars. Once you deducted the tax the cashier would charge you for cashing your check at a local check-cashing establishment, you didn’t have much left. Though I liked writing articles and the pay was decent, it was only enough to pay the utilities, purchase a few food items for the week and enough clothes to keep us from wearing the same shit we wore last year and the year before.

  I wanted something more than what I was receiving.

  I wanted the money, power and respect.

  And nothing and no one was going to stop me from taking what’s mine.

  So, what other occupation did I receive after quitting my journalism position only nine months after getting hired? I sold my ass for money (and I’m still doing it). I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably thinking who and what the fuck motivated me to quit a decent-paying position to become a high-price hooker? My friend, Goldie, told me about the money she was making selling her ass. At first, I thought she was a bit off when she sat me down and told me about her new position until she gave me a business card with some guy’s name Dick and his number scribbled across in blue ink, leaving a small smear on the card. Goldie was nineteen years-old when she started selling her body for money. Her cousin, Minnie, introduced her to the life of hard dicks and fast money. Though Minnie wasn’t book smart (she had an eighth grade education), she was street-wise and that was what mattered. Minnie never had a pimp to tell her when and where she could suck dick for a few bucks. She was a loner and never believed in allowing some smooth-faced, hotheaded chump tell her what she can and cannot do with her money. In hindsight, she’s the one selling her body, so why give some jerk the benefit of a doubt by allowing him to dictate her mind, body and spirit? It was bad enough that she was selling her pussy to survive the terrible economy that’s been bestowed upon good, hardworking citizens such as she. Minnie did not need a man to take over her as well. From what I know, Minnie never got arrested for selling her ass because she never stayed in one spot too long. She always picked a safe, vacant area where the cops couldn’t get too close and she always did her work during the day because cops aren’t as “hot” during the morning as they are at night when the real action goes down on the south side.

  At age nineteen, Goldie was rolling in the money and all the fancy shit that a girl liked me dreamed of having. “It’s yours if you want it,” she said, handing me this Dick’s card. “All you have to do is take what’s yours and don’t look back,” she advised, smiling a sinister grin. “Usually, I don’t do this but since you’re a good friend of mine; I’ll look out for you.” She added, cracking her hands. Whenever she was stressed out or tired, she’d crack her hands just to get the kinks out of them. “Dick is a lawyer and he’s got the best penis and wallet in town, sweetie,” she said, cackling. For someone as beautiful as Goldie, that woman had one of the most terrible chuckles I’ve ever heard. “And he also knows some people that are interested in having a good time, if you know what I mean,” she informed, nodding. “If you desire, I can give him a call and see what his availability looks like.” Nervously, I took the card and placed it in my breast pocket. “I don’t know about this, Goldie. How do you know he’s not a cop?” I asked, shaking my head. “He could be working for FBI or whatnot.” Goldie cackled again, patting my left hand. “Misty, he’s not a cop, okay? I had him checked out. His criminal background and STD/HIV status is as clean as a whistle, baby,” she explained, making a whistling sound. “He showed me his papers the first time we fucked.” She recommenced: “That man has money and he doesn’t mind sharing it. Plus, his dick is pretty good for someone his age,” she added, grinning like a cheshire cat that got caught devouring a canary. “In truth, I am not a big fan of fucking older men, but if his wallet is as nice and fat as penis; then why not take a chance of getting what I want for the moment? It’s not as if I’m wife material or anything.”

  Pessimistic, yet curious to know more about Dick and his availability; I said: “Okay, if you say so. When is a good time to call Dick?”

  “Call him around ten in the morning,” Goldie advised, lighting a cigarette. “He starts work at eleven in the morning and doesn’t leave work until five p.m. Other than that, it’s party central afterwards.” The next day, I called Dick and asked him if he’d be interested in screwing a eighteen year old virgin who’s in dire need of money at the moment. I told him that for five-hundred bucks a week, I wouldn’t tell anyone about his our secret rendezvous. I wanted Dick to know that whatever happens behind his bedroom door is between me, him and the Man above. “Listen, I don’t deal with kids. That’s not my thing. If you want money that badly, all you have to do is come to Corner’s Bakery on Van Buren and Congress and I’ll give you some cash,” he said, giving me the time, date and location to meet him for lunch. “And don’t tell your pal, Goldie, about this either. She’ll start asking me for money favors and I don’t do favors. But for yo
u, I don’t mind.”

  “And why is that sir?” I inquired. “We haven’t even met, yet.” Dick laughed, clearing his throat. “I know we haven’t met, but something tells me that you’re special. You’re not like the other females I’ve encountered lately. You seem smart, nice and straight-forward and I like that,” he commented. “Are you in school, young lady?” he asked. “I hope so because you’re our future. We need you, Misty,” Dick affirmed, then added: “Please don’t give your virginity to just anybody because once it’s gone, you’ll never get it back, sweetheart.” Not wanting to prolong the dialogue any further than I needed to, I thanked him for his time. We ended the call with a have-a-nice-weekend. I hung up the phone, feeling good enough to sing a song of any kind, but I held back. I didn’t want to put all my chickens in one basket, so I returned to my room and completed my English assignment for the day, keeping my mind focused on graduating.


  Still, I had to admit, I have come a long way from partaking in small writing job positions to becoming one of the highest-paid whores in Chicago. Since birth, my mother did some of everything: sold drugs and worked the graveyard shift at the cemetery. Mama stopped selling drugs because she received word that someone in the vicinity was a stool pigeon. Neither Mama nor her associate was certain of whom the informer was but she had a small hunch that it was Mr. Caine, a retired elementary school teacher that called the police and told them about the drug activities that were occurring in the neighborhood because he was the main person that would look out his window and tell everyone (which weren’t many people that resided in our area, by the way) what was going on at the moment; which sadly enough, led the police to our front door. Fortunately, Mama was smart enough to give the rest of the dope to Manny, one of her closest and most trustworthy associates to stash the dope someplace far away where neither the cops nor their dogs can smell them. “Anything you want, I’ll do it for you,” he said, leaving the premises. Once the cops arrived and began searching our place, they saw that there weren’t any evidence of Claudia selling any narcotics. Angry, one cop said, huffing: “That goddamn Caine sure knows how to waste a person’s fucking time. Damn! I could’ve stayed at home and watch the game instead of being here,” he said, telling back-up to saddle up and go home, and then diverted his attention towards Mama and me. “I’m sorry, ma’am. We checked everywhere and didn’t see a thing. You ladies have a pleasant day. We’ll take care of Mr. Caine later,” he affirmed and left, feeling duped and disappointed. If he could wring that old man’s neck out, he would do it without thinking twice about it.

  Mama exhaled noisily a sigh of relief. “Whew. That was close,” she said, plopping down on the couch; fanning herself with a catalogue. “Glad I got rid of those bags before the cops arrived.”

  Me too, I contemplated, shaking my head and going towards my room. I had a long day and I deserved some peace and quiet just long enough to rejuvenate my body, mind and esprit- for now. The next day, I paid Mr. Dick a visit at the Corner Bakery café. He smiled and motioned me over to his table. He was reading the morning papers and drinking a cup of coffee. “How’s it going, kiddo?” he asked, still reading his papers. Dick pointed at a chair next to him. “Sit down. Let’s talk,” he commanded. I sat down, rolling my eyes. I had better things to do waste time. “I’m doing okay,” I said, sighing. “How are you doing?”

  His mood turned from pleasant to sour within minutes. “Cut the bullshit, Misty. I know why you’re here,” he mentioned, nodding. “You’re here for some money, correct?”

  I nodded, swallowing hard. “Yes. You told me to come here, remember?” I said, trying my best not to piss him off. It was obvious that he did not remember the phone call we had a few days ago, so I reminded him of what we talked about and so on. “So I’m here,” I said, nervously; gently tapping my fingers on my thigh.

  He sipped his cup of coffee and glanced at me for the first time. “Hmmm… You look nice,” he commented. Before I had a chance to respond, he pulled out five-hundred dollars and told me to keep it as a gift. He added, still flipping through his papers and sipping on his cup of coffee: “Remember what we talked about. Keep your freaking mouth closed and do not call me for money ever again. Do I make myself clear?” he said, sternly. He wanted to make sure that whatever we discussed is not to become disclosed to the world. “Yes and thank you, sir,” I said, rising to leave. Dick did not respond, just shooed me away with his free hand and returned to reading his papers. Though what he did was really nice and courteous, I needed more than five-hundred bucks to keep me afloat and I knew exactly the person to call to help me get the cash I needed.


  I told Minnie that I tried offering Dick some fresh, virgin pussy but he declined my bid because he claimed that he doesn’t do virgins, especially underage females. I needed more money to stay afloat and I knew Goldie would be able to help me find someone who’s desperate enough to fuck a virgin despite my age. She snickered: “Don’t worry about it, because I know someone who’s interested in virgin pussy. His name is G. I’ll call him right now and see if he’s interested in fresh meat.” And she did exactly that. I’d received a call from G. two days later, asking me if I’d like to meet him at his old place. “Sure. Tell me when and where and I’ll be there, okay?” I said, sounding excited and nervous at the same time. Goldie had given me the scoop on this G. guy before he called. “Good. See you later, shorty.” I lay back on my bed, wondering if I was making the biggest mistake of my life, giving my virginity to some guy I barely knew.

  All I heard was a dial tone, an indication that the call ended. Calmly, I placed the phone on my wooden desk and put it on silent for the day, so I wouldn’t be disturbed. Once school ended, I met up with G. for a private session at his trap house. It was an old, abandoned building that was creepy looking on the outside but nice and clean on the inside as if it hadn’t been abandoned that much except the walls were bare and a few ceiling lightbulbs were missing. At last, he appeared at the doorway; standing still. He did not move an inch until I told him who I was and who sent me to him. That’s when a lightbulb flashed in his head, suddenly remembering I was the girl he’d spoken with via phone. “Hello, cutie. Your name is Misty, right?” he said, grinning from ear-to-ear. He had the cutest smile I ever seen in my life. Standing at 6’3 inches tall, he resembled Joakim Noah from the Chicago Bulls basketball team a little bit except he was a shade darker with a short fade and light- green eyes to match the rest of his attributes. I nodded yes. He approached me with a bear hug and kissed me on the lips. Excitedly, he slapped me on the ass and told me to go inside. I did what I was told. Looking around his place, I commented on his taste of decorum. He thanked me for complimenting on his private spot and we sat down and talked.

  I asked him what G. stood for and he told me that it was short for Giovanni. He said that he disliked the name so people called him G. He did not say too much about his life, which was explicable, because he didn’t want to discuss too much about his existence after seeing me for the first time. “Listen, I have some soda, juice, water and beer if you want some,” he said, going towards the refrigerator. I declined his offer and thanked him for offering me some refreshments. He grabbed a cold, bottle of beer and gulped it down like it was a bottle of water or something. Amazed, I shook my head and giggled. “What’s so funny?” he asked, smiling. I felt like a school girl, sneaking off to meet up with my first crush. “I’m sorry. I just have the case of giggles, that’s all,” I said, covering my face with my sweater sleeve.

  It was fifty degrees in mid-October. In Chicago, when the weather is in the mid-fifties or below; it simply means pneumonia weather, meaning dress warm if you don’t want to catch a cold or die from pneumonia. He sat next to me and wrapped his gorgeous biceps around me. My panties melted like ice when he wrapped his arms around me as my clitoris thumped from his touch. I might have been young but I was ready. I was ready to give myself to this sweet soul whom I met through a mutual friend. Few minutes lat
er, Giovanni moved his arms from my waist and said: “Are you ready to take a chance tonight?” I breathed heavily and traced his scar on the right side of his face with my index finger, admiring his ghetto scar. “I’m ready. Are you prepared to love me tonight?” I inquired, taking off my clothes; one-by-one. Giovanni moved closer to me and kissed my left shoulder; slowly caressing my arms, neck, back and ass. Wearing nothing but my lingerie, he removed my lace brassiere and black, satin panties and tossed them to the side. Afterwards, he carried me to this bedroom and laid me down on his king-sized bed. His bedroom did not contain a lot of stuff except an Ipod and a government cell phone, but that was it.

  G. was a man of mystery and that was fine with me. Looking into my eyes, he smiled. “I won’t hurt you. I know you’re a virgin and I know your age. I’m seventeen but I’m sexually experienced.”

  “How experienced are you?” I asked, curious to know how many partners he has had in the past and if he’s any good in bed. Any man can say that he’s sexually experienced, but it doesn’t always mean that he’s any good when it comes to sex. Or so I was advised. “How many girls have you fucked in this room?” G. shushed me with his index finger, smiling. “Don’t worry about that. I’m not with them, I’m with you. And that’s all that matters right now. Am I correct?” he affirmed, kissing my neck. His breath was sweet as candy and his touch was as cool as summer breeze. The scent of his cologne did not make things any better, either. I nodded, rolling my eyes. I knew he was full of crap and that I shouldn’t try to give my pearl up so easily but what other choice did I have at the moment? “Okay. I’m sorry. Let’s not fight.”

  G. giggled, stroking my hair. “We’re not fighting, just simply getting to know one another.” He stood up, took off his clothes, pulled out a golden-wrapped condom and placed it on his ten-inch dick. Oh shit! His dick is huge, I thought, unsure if I’d be able to handle something as big as a ten-inch penis. It looked as if it was capable of ripping a lady’s insides out, for Christ’s sakes. At first, I was scared to have sex with G. but he convinced me that it’d be alright and that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. “Misty, relax your mind and body. I got you, Ma. I won’t hurt you. I swear, I’ll take my time with you,” he said, assuring me that I’m in good hands with him. “Just let me please you for the night, okay?”


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