The Price of Liberty (Empire Rising Book 4)

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The Price of Liberty (Empire Rising Book 4) Page 23

by D. J. Holmes

  “I have re-taken command of Endeavour with Acting Captain Mallory’s permission. I do so because the situation we find ourselves in now is worse than anything we have faced before. There are currently three Indian fleets bearing down on us. As things stand, there is no way our fleet will make it out of the system. For this reason, I’m going to propose that Endeavour, Discovery and the rest of the slower ships in the fleet turn to engage one of the Indian fleets. I will be honest with you, it will be a sacrifice. Even if we can defeat this one Indian fleet, the other two will quickly close and destroy us. When we do this, there will be no coming back.

  “However, we all signed up to serve our King and our country. Each one of you knows what it is to carry out your duty. Today, our duty is calling us to make the ultimate sacrifice. For in giving our lives, we will be saving the lives of the rest of the fleet and ensuring that our nation and our colonies do not fall to the mercy of the Indian Star Republic. I want you all to know what we are about, we may not live to see tomorrow, but let’s make sure we go down with a fight. Knowing that we fight and die for something; for our friends and colleagues who will live to fight another day, for our families back home and for the honor of the Royal Space Navy. We have taken a beating these last few weeks. It’s time to show the Indians what we are made of!” James concluded, his heart heavier than his words betrayed. He wished he was able to find better words for the situation.

  James’ head shot up as cheering suddenly filled the bridge. “Where is that coming from?” he demanded.

  “It’s an open Com channel from the ship,” King answered.

  “What section?” James followed up.

  “Every section,” King replied. “It’s the entire ship.”

  James closed his eyes as a wave of emotion washed over him.

  “I thank you for your fighting spirit,” James said to his crew over the COM channel once the cheering died down. “I know you will all do me proud. I’m giving orders to make sure that each of you has ten minutes to send any messages to the flagship you want transmitted back to Earth,” he added.” Good luck, and may God be with each one of us.”

  Mallory clapped James on the back. “The crew deserved to know what we are about. They’d follow you into hell itself now,” Mallory said. “I’m not going to pretend I like what you’re proposing, but I’d rather die trying to accomplish something than getting caught in a trap as we try to run away. The rest of the crew will think the same, each of us will give their best for you.”

  “Thank you,” James replied, placing his hand on Mallory’s. “I’m sorry you won’t get a full command of your own one day.”

  “How can anything else compare to Endeavour?” Mallory said. “These last few weeks haven’t been ideal, but if today’s the day we go out, then at least I have had the opportunity to command the best ship in the British fleet.”

  “That you have,” James said with a grin. “Now, go see to the crew. Let’s make sure we're as ready as we can be to show the Indians just how good Endeavour is.”

  “Aye Sir,” Mallory said as he saluted James for a second time.

  James raised his voice, “King, prepare to record another message. I want it sent to every ship in the fleet that has the maximum safe velocity of 0.29c and below.”

  “I’m ready when you are Captain,” King replied a few moments later.

  “My fellow Captains, given the circumstances I have re-taken command of Endeavour. No doubt Rear Admiral Rooke will take issue with my actions, but, with the arrival of these latest Indian warships, whatever Rear Admiral Rooke wants to do after today will be irrelevant. If we continue on the same trajectory the new Indian fleet will combine with the New Delhi fleet, and together they will engage us. When they do, Khan’s fleet will have the opportunity it needs to catch us. Between the New Delhi fleet and Khan’s fleet, we will be crushed. I don’t see any way out of this for us, and I don’t blame Rooke, there’s nothing that he can do.

  “However, there is something we can do. Rooke could never go back to Earth having ordered half of his fleet to certain destruction. Rightly, he could never live with the shame. However, we can make the decision he can’t. It’s my intention to turn Endeavour towards the New Delhi fleet. If you will follow me, together we can either drive the New Delhi fleet away, or force them to engage us. Either way, it will allow the rest of our ships to accelerate to their maximum velocities and escape. Either we all die here today, or some of us give our lives so that the rest can escape. I know which way I would rather go out. I’m asking all of you to follow me. I will give you five minutes to think over what I’ve said after I transmit this message, but then I will turn Endeavour towards the enemy. I hope you will be with me. Endeavour out.”

  “Message has been sent,” King reported.

  “Thank you, Sub Lieutenant,” James replied. “Now go take a few moments to compose any messages you want sent to the flagship, once we turn the action will begin pretty quickly.”

  Chapter 19 – The Brave Few

  Having studied the rise of the Empire the conclusion that things could have been otherwise is inescapable. At more than one point in our history everything could have changed with just one decision made differently or just one stubborn man failing to see sense.

  -Excerpt from Empire Rising, 3002 AD

  “Make the turn,” James ordered.

  “Aye Captain,” Sub Lieutenant Jennings responded.

  With a touch of a button, Jennings gave the order for Endeavour’s maneuvering thrusters to pivot the warship out of formation and away from the rest of the British fleet. Seconds later, Discovery engaged her maneuvering thrusters and turned to match Endeavour’s new trajectory.

  A deathly silence descended on the bridge as everyone waited and watched to see if any of the other British ships would follow them. When nothing happened for several seconds, James felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. It’s now or never, James thought.

  “Goliath is turning,” Sub Lieutenant Malik shouted as he stood up in excitement. “She’s turning to follow us,” he added needlessly.

  James let out a breath, Goliath was one of the two heavy cruisers Endeavour had been protecting. Her commanding officer, Captain Foley, was the senior Captain of the battlecruiser division. If he was coming, then he was likely to bring many of the other British warships with him.

  “More are turning,” Malik continued to shout, “Zealous is turning as well, and now Audacious, Minotaur, Defiance, Majestic, they are all turning to follow us. You did it Captain, they are all following you now.”

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm Sub Lieutenant,” James said. “But you can sit down and restrain yourself. They are not following me, they are following their conscience. Each one of those ships is turning to its own destruction. Let’s not forget that.”

  “There doesn’t appear to be any communication from the flagship,” Mallory stated, clearly asking a question.

  “Nor do I expect there to be,” James said. “Rooke knows full well what we’re doing. He won’t order us back, but I doubt he will send us any encouragement either.”

  Almost as a response to James’ words, the British warships that hadn’t turned to follow Endeavour lit off their main engines and accelerated. The ships left in the British fleet were rated for a safe velocity of 0.33c. Some were still risking a cosmic particle strike, but now they would easily outrun Khan’s fleet to safety. With James and the slower British warships about to engage the New Delhi fleet, the way would be clear for Rooke to make his escape.

  “Goliath is requesting a COM channel with you Captain,” Sub Lieutenant King reported.

  “I’ll take it at my command chair,” James replied.

  Captain Foley’s face appeared at James’ elbow as it was projected by James’ command chair. “Captain Somerville,” Foley began. “You certainly like to take on impossible odds, I give you that.”

  “I’m just happy you chose to follow me Captain,” James replied. “As much as I like it
when the odds are against me, I’m no fool. My plan wouldn’t have worked without you. You have my thanks.”

  “We can thank each other another time,” Foley said. “It seems we have more important things to do. Before we go down fighting, I want to take as many of these Indians with me as I can. With your permission, I’d like to take command of our new squadron. I have a few ideas about how we can make sure the Admiralty and the rest of our fleet won’t have to worry about these Indian ships in front of us.”

  James was momentarily surprised, “You don’t have to ask my permission,” he replied. “You are the senior Captain, you are in command, it was simply my idea to turn, you executed it. I will happily defer to you.”

  “It’s settled then,” Foley said. “I’ll send orders to our squadron now, I have a new formation in mind and a few other tricks we’re going to try. I’m glad you forced us into this Captain, good luck.”

  “And good luck to you to Captain,” James said as Foley’s face disappeared.

  “What do you think Foley has in mind?” Mallory asked from his command chair.

  “I have no idea,” James said. “But whatever it is, our course is set. There’s no turning back now.”

  When Foley’s orders came in it was clear that he did have a number of tricks up his sleeve. Exactly when they would get to use them however, was up to the Indians. Within minutes of Foley’s new orders coming in, the New Delhi fleet reacted to James’ move. Copying the course change of the British ships, the New Delhi fleet veered away from its original course so as to keep the distance open to the British ships.

  “It looks like they don’t want to engage us,” Lieutenant Becket commented as the Indians made their move.

  “No,” James said, quietly disappointed. It would have been a long shot, but whoever was in charge of the New Delhi fleet could have tried to take them on immediately. Both sides would have suffered heavy losses, but the New Delhi fleet had a superior weight of numbers. If they had been able to blast their way through the British ships that had followed James, then they still might have had a chance to corner Rooke. The New Delhi fleet commander obviously didn’t want to take the risk. He was going to wait for the third Indian fleet from Haven to reinforce him before he engaged Foley and his squadron. Whilst that guaranteed Rooke’s escape, it also meant that when the warships arrayed around Endeavour engaged the Indians, they would be even more heavily outnumbered.

  The smaller British force chased the New Delhi fleet across the system. At the same time, Admiral Khan’s fleet chased Rooke towards the shift passage leading back to Earth, clearly Khan wanted to make sure that Rooke didn’t turn back to help James and Foley. That or he didn’t want to risk his fleet against a British squadron clearly intent on fighting to the death. As action wasn’t imminent, James took ten minutes to retire to his quarters to write a message to Suzanna.

  Now sitting in his command chair he reviewed it, not for the first time.

  My dearest Suzanna,

  A battle is about to begin that I do not think I will live through. The Indians have our fleet cornered and if the fleet is to escape I must lead Endeavour to certain death. I know this is my duty, this is what I have trained for all my life. It was Rear Admiral Jensen who opened my eyes to what it really means to be a RSN officer and I can do nothing but follow her example. I am so sorry it has come to this. I want you to know that I love you and it breaks my heart to think of the future we won’t ever have together.

  My only comfort is that if we can help the fleet escape today then Haven may yet be liberated. I have already ensured everything I have will pass to you when I die. Andrea has all the details. You may use it all as you wish, hopefully it will help you rebuild your planet from the ravages of war. I know this letter will break your heart just as it breaks mine to write it. Nevertheless, you need to be strong. This war is for something far bigger than both of us. Please don’t let my memory be one of sadness. We go to fight for your future and the future of your people. I pray you will have many more years to enjoy that future, may you make it a happy one for you and your people.

  I must return to the bridge now. I know you will feel alone on Earth without me, trust my uncle. He will look after you. He is a man of his word. He will see what we have begun is finished.

  You will be in my heart right up until the end.


  “The New Delhi fleet is turning,” Mallory reported, dragging James away from rereading his letter.

  Glancing up, James saw the reinforcements from Haven join the New Delhi fleet. They quickly formed into a new formation as they turned towards Foley’s squadron. Tapping a couple of buttons, James transmitted the message for Suzanna to Hood. Then, he forced every thought of Suzanna out of his mind. He needed to be completely focused on the task at hand. Thinking about what he was about to lose, or how Suzanna would respond to his death, would only be a distraction.

  “Is everything set up as Foley has instructed?” James asked Endeavour’s chief engineer over a COM channel.

  “Aye Captain,” Chief Driscoll answered. “We’re all ready to go on our end.”

  “Thank you chief, we’ll find out just how well it’s going to work soon,” James replied.

  Having a slight range advantage over the Indians, Foley’s squadron of warships opened fire first. Alongside the two heavy cruisers and Endeavour and Discovery, Foley’s squadron consisted of a further two medium and two light cruisers, along with three destroyers, four frigates and a corvette. Together they unleashed one hundred and eleven missiles towards the reinforced New Delhi fleet.

  As soon as the last missile was away, Foley sent new orders to his fleet as he turned his formation to increase the rate at which both fleets were converging upon one another. No doubt the Indian Admiral intended to close and batter the British ships into submission and James was sure he would welcome Foley’s maneuver. Little does he know we’ll be getting a lot closer than that, James thought.

  “The Indians have opened fire,” Sub Lieutenant Malik reported when the British missiles had covered one third of the distance to their targets. The reinforced New Delhi fleet consisted of one battlecruiser, two heavy, six medium and seven light cruisers, fourteen destroyers and a further fifteen frigates. In total, they had fifty-two ships against the sixteen British. The only factor in favor of the British was that their fewer ships were on average larger than the Indian warships. Nevertheless, the New Delhi fleet was able to launch two hundred and fourteen missiles towards Foley’s squadron.

  “That’s a heck of a lot of missiles,” Mallory commented as soon as the gravimetric plot identified just how many were accelerating towards Endeavour and her consorts.

  “Indeed it is,” James said. “Let’s hope Foley’s plan works.”

  “Targeting orders are coming in,” Lieutenant Becket said. “I’ll be opening fire with the flak cannon in forty seconds.”

  “Very well,” James said.

  The flak cannon had an optimal range just slightly longer than the point defense plasma cannons and AM missiles Endeavour used to shoot down incoming missiles. Technically it could be fired at further ranges, but the exploding shrapnel would spread out so quickly making it difficult to accurately target Indian missiles. Foley’s first tactic had every flak cannon in the fleet firing continuously as the Indian missiles approached. The first round of shells were accelerated to very low speeds by the cannons. The second wave of shells were accelerated to a slightly higher velocity, and the third, fourth and fifth to even greater velocities. This resulted in a massive wave of flak cannon shells approaching the Indian missiles about five minutes before they would enter the normal point defense envelope of the British warships. Thus, before the Indian missiles could spread out to limit the effect of flak cannon fire, the waves of flak cannon rounds coalesced into one as the fastest rounds caught up with the slowest. At that instant, every round exploded, creating a dense wall of shrapnel right in front of the Indian missiles.

  Predicting exac
tly where the Indian missiles would be, and timing the flak cannon rounds to precision was all but impossible. Even so, Foley placed a wall of shrapnel in front of over a third of the Indian missiles. Of the eighty Indian missiles that flew through the shrapnel, sixty were destroyed.

  “It worked,” Malik announced from the sensor station. “I’m only detecting one hundred and fifty-four Indian missiles approaching us.”

  “Track the ones approaching our side of the squadron,” James ordered. “One hundred and fifty-four are still plenty for us to worry about.”

  As the Indian missiles approached the British point defenses, another round of flak cannons destroyed fifty-three more missiles, then it was the turn of the point defense plasma cannons and AM missiles. The remaining eighty-one Indian missiles were reduced to twenty before they exploded among the British squadron. When it became clear none of the missiles were directly targeting Endeavour, James altered course to bring the exploration cruiser closer to Goliath in the hope Endeavour’s electronic countermeasures would protect the heavy cruiser.


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