Trials, Track, and Tribulations [Spirit of Sage 7] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour ManLove)

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Trials, Track, and Tribulations [Spirit of Sage 7] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour ManLove) Page 11

by Jools Louise

  Kaden released a loud, bellowing roar, loosening his hold on his lion and hearing an answering call a second later. “No, they won’t,” he said. “But I recall you wanted to see some old friends,” he said casually, seeing a dart of wariness enter the idiot’s eyes.

  From the rear, through the kitchen, came Cracker, Sherman, Kathleen, John, Cody, and the rest of the Two Spirit crew. For the first time, Purdy seemed to realize that he’d been set up. At the same time, Skull reared up, grinning evilly, right before he lashed up one leg, kicking the pistol right from Purdy’s hand.

  “You missed,” Skull drawled, laughing at Purdy’s shout of pain.

  “Your loyal minions are currently in the middle of a dilemma,” John said, smiling gently, his green eyes hard as stone. “They were contemplating the merits of a long stay in federal prison for a list of crimes that I’m too bored to mention. The alternative was death.”

  Kaden eyed the man warily. When John had that particular look on his face, it was not wise to do anything stupid.

  Purdy proved what an idiot he was by shifting suddenly into a hyena, leaping at John who swatted him aside with a casual fist, right into Cracker’s path. Baring his huge feline fangs, Cracker let loose with a deafening roar which shook the place. Then he grabbed Purdy by the scruff of his neck and dragged him back through the kitchen, with Kathleen and Sherman close behind.

  Through the front door to the café came two young men, blond and looking like cousins. Skull eyed the pair, seeing them glance at him curiously, and looked down at his chest, smeared with fake blood.

  “Don’t mind me,” he drawled, lifting up his shirt to reveal a thin Kevlar vest beneath. “Better safe than sorry.”

  “Hey, Chaz, David,” Kaden said.

  “Hey, Kaden,” Chaz replied, looking with concern at where Sketch lay, pale and unconscious on the bench seat. “Will he be okay?”

  “Lex is on his way,” David said, looking shyly at Kaden. He looked a little startled for a moment and glanced at Skull, wide-eyed, before darting an even more shocked look at Sketch. “Are you…?”

  Kaden smiled gently, nodding. “Meet your new quad,” he said, seeing the sudden alarm in David’s beautiful blue gaze. The man backed away, looking terrified.

  “David?” a large, dark-haired man said, one of the Two Spirit crew, Joe McKellar.

  “I have three mates,” David said faintly, looking a little pale and a lot shell-shocked.

  Joe shot Kaden a look, then Skull and finally Sketch, his eyes widening slightly, before an almost feral look entered his eyes. “Is that so?” he replied, eyeing the three men intently.

  John suddenly laughed and gave Joe a delighted look, shared by Cody and the rest of the crew. “Oh, my word, boss,” he said, grinning widely. “I do hope you aren’t going to terrify these poor men too much,” he added. “It would be so wrong to interfere, now, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’ve never yet interfered with any of the mated pairings in this town or anywhere else,” Joe shot back, narrowing his eyes on John. “I believe that both you and Cody have both shot your mouths off a bunch of times, if my sources are correct.”

  John rolled his eyes, waving his hand airily. “Completely different,” he replied nonchalantly. “However, by the look on your face, I’d say that these guys were in for a time of it. I’ve never seen you go all…fatherly like this, for a long time.”

  The teasing was interrupted when a scream rent the air and all conversation stopped. The scream was abruptly cut off, shortly followed by another, louder one.

  Everyone remained quiet, somber, as they listened to Purdy’s agony. “Did we get everything we needed?” Cody asked grimly.

  “Kaden managed to hack his private files,” Skull confirmed tautly. “We’ve found the last member of Daniel’s gang. He’ll be taken care of. We have people in place.”

  “I’m sorry,” David suddenly said, hesitantly, flushing when all eyes turned his way. “Who are you?” he asked Skull.

  Skull smiled gently, moving closer, ignoring Joe’s warning growl and eyeing Chaz’s delighted grin with a smirk. “Darling, I’m the one who’s going to rock your world,” he said softly, cupping David’s cheek gently, then closing in for a long, slow, sultry kiss that had his senses reeling. He heard David moan and tugged him nearer, not touching him further, but wanting to feel his mate’s heat. He tasted divine.

  “My turn,” Kaden growled huskily, and turned David toward him, kissing him, as well. David whimpered between the two of them, looking flushed and shaken when they parted.

  “I’ve been working for Ryder, for several years,” Skull admitted, getting David’s attention. “Kaden and I met a couple of years ago, when he went to New York to get information on Purdy, hoping to draw him out. Ryder’s had an investigation going on Purdy for a while, since he’s dirty as fuck. Nothing seemed to stick to him, until we found Daniel and began unravelling all the nasty secrets that Purdy’s been hiding. I’m a wolverine shifter, been working the undercover gig for a while.”

  David looked dazed as he stared into Skull’s eyes, a look of wonder on his face. “I didn’t think that I’d ever find anyone,” he said, looking miserable suddenly.

  Skull held him tightly, tucking David’s head against his shoulder and stroking his soft hair gently. “Looks like you hit the jackpot, then, doesn’t it?” he said quietly, smiling slightly at David’s sudden giggle.

  “Looks like we all did,” Kaden added, hugging them both.

  “Can someone please tell me why I have a straw sticking out of my chest, and my alleged mates are kissing another man?” Sketch suddenly piped up gruffly.

  “This is David,” Kaden said with a grin, seeing the awareness on the other man’s face, despite his pain. “He’s a mate, too.”

  “Wow, cool,” Sketch said, before closing his eyes again and drifting off.

  A screech of tires on tarmac heralded the arrival of Lex and his husband, Leo, in the ambulance. They scrambled out, medical kits at the ready, and ran into the café. Within seconds, Sketch was being gently lifted onto a gurney and wheeled carefully toward the ambulance.

  “I need to check in with Ryder,” Skull said apologetically to Kaden and David. “Where are you living right now? I’ll come by later.”

  Kaden shot David a startled look, then glanced warily at Joe, who was glaring at them all. “Er, I’m staying out at the ranch, in a spare cottage that Joe kindly lent me and the crew,” he said, then smiled wryly. “I’m thinking I may be homeless again, soon, though.”

  Joe snorted, rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to throw you onto the street,” he retorted dryly.

  “Yet,” John cut in with a grin.

  “Come by later,” Kaden said, ignoring the comedian. “We’ll discuss our options.”

  Skull nodded, then looked ruefully at his filthy garments. “I’ll need to shower and change,” he declared. “Cover work sucks.”

  “You look beautiful,” David sighed, staring at Skull’s face as though in a dream. Skull grinned, preening for his mate. This cutie was going to be a welcome addition to their ménage.

  They all heard the whomp-whomp sound of a helicopter flying overhead, and a minute later a large black behemoth landed on the forecourt, far away from the pumps. Skull stared at the man who stepped out, looking lethal in black commando gear, wearing aviator shades. Ryder had arrived.

  Skull headed over there to debrief, then led Ryder around back to where Cracker and Sherman were still interrogating Purdy. He waved goodbye to the others, including his mates who jumped into the back of the ambulance, and then they all left to head back to town.

  “All done?” Ryder asked as he and Skull wandered over to where Cracker stood, looking down at Purdy, who was groaning pitifully.

  “This bitch has a lot more to give,” Sherman growled, glancing at the pair who walked up, eyeing Skull curiously.

  “We’re not the ones to do it,” Cracker admitted, tears in his eyes. “We’ll kill him before he squeals

  “We already have the location of the other killer,” Ryder said. “His entourage is now in custody, and on their way to the lock-up over in Montana. They’ll no doubt have more to add, since none of them were particularly loyal.”

  Skull snorted at that, smirking down at Purdy who looked about ready to throw up. “Aah,” he drawled. “Poor Purdy, so convinced that he has everyone just where he wants them, and yet they’re as honorable, it seems, as you are.” Skull leaned closer, crouching down and grabbing the man’s shoulder viciously. “When my mom was at your mercy, do you remember what she said to you? How she begged you for her life?” He spat the words like bullets and saw them hit home, saw Purdy flinch.

  “I don’t. Know. Your. Mother.” Purdy gasped out each word, his breathing labored.

  “No, I doubt you remember,” Skull retorted, grabbing the man by his perfectly coiffed hair and wrenching his head back. “She was someone who turned to you for help, someone you grew up with. She was attacked by one of your own, and when she needed your help, you murdered her in cold blood.”

  He stared into the man’s eyes for a second, then glanced up at those around him. He saw each one nod, saw the grim acceptance in their eyes. Then he unsheathed his claws, slicing across each side of Purdy’s neck and into the jugular veins. He watched dispassionately as blood began to spurt, pumping the man’s life force into the dirt. Skull remained where he was, wanting to see the last glimmers of awareness fade, wanting to know that this murderous bastard was dead at last.

  Purdy gurgled his last breath, slumping to the ground finally as Skull let him go, throwing him aside with a grimace. He felt a roiling sickness creep up and got to his feet, stepping away from the carnage.

  “I’ll debrief later,” he told Ryder, nodded to the others, and then shifted to his wolverine form. An instant later he was running as though he had a pack of hounds at his heels, away from what he’d just done. He’d begged Ryder to let him be here for this last part, but he was no murderer. Executing somebody required a certain hardness that Skull had never quite learned. He was a pretty good actor, though, and his talent had gotten him through some tough times, working in deep cover for the last ten years, getting closer and closer to the final act. He had mates, now, the basis for a family and a home. As he ran, feeling the wind ruffle his thick dark fur, he felt a peace creep slowly over him. His part in this story was nearly over. He changed course, heading for Sage. It was time to stop running.

  Chapter Ten

  Douglas entered the swimming complex, walking gingerly as he negotiated the doors and then counted down until he reached the second portal that led to the pool itself. It was late, after midnight, and he’d been out at the ranch, helping to take care of the little ones with Rob and Kyle and Cassidy, after Chaz and David had gone to help take down Purdy. The mini critters were all asleep now, and he’d accepted Archie’s offer to take the night shift gratefully. The young shifter, mated to Rafe and Lucas, had brought his two mates along, and they’d brought a game of Monopoly to while away the hours.

  The large hangar-like structure echoed eerily as Douglas entered the pool area, his quiet footsteps making tiny slapping sounds, adding to the creepiness. About to chicken out, Douglas reined in his fear, snarling at the litany of his mother’s words that prodded at his mind, trying to ignore them. He stripped down to his trunks, after finding the first starting block and the ladder into the larger pool. He ignored the safety of the smaller training pool, figuring he needed to get this over with. He was hoping his instincts would kick in, overriding the panic that had swamped his senses the last time. At least at this time of night there was no likelihood of a munchkin splashing him.

  Gritting his teeth, he reached for the top of the ladder and crept down it, feeling the cool water envelop his tense form. Taking a deep breath he allowed himself to float, with one hand on the edge for guidance. Bit by bit, slowly and surely, he mapped out the perimeter of the huge pool. Each lane was separated by a divider, just like he’d seen when watching sporting events. The main pool was pretty deep, just under seven feet at the shallow end and ten at its deepest point.

  His fears gradually began to subside, as his confidence grew, and he plucked up his courage, dipping lower and lower until he was submerged completely. His panic didn’t overwhelm him this time, and he felt as though he was more tense from the expectation that he’d fall apart. When he didn’t freak out, he began to enjoy the simple pleasure of being in the water again. He loved to swim.

  Gingerly, reining in his nerves again, he struck out, doing a slow crawl, listening carefully to the slap of water against the edge and trying to keep in a straight line. Occasionally he would hit the side or the lane divider, and adjust himself, but within the straight confines of the lane, he was excited that he was actually swimming. He hit the end with a bump, lurching back with a slight chuckle of surprise. Turning slowly, he headed back for the shallow end, this time more smoothly, his senses keeping him straight. He tracked the sounds of the water and was able to figure out how close he was to the end of the pool, almost like sonar. He didn’t hit the wall quite so hard this time, his hand touching first, allowing him to slow down and then turn, using his feet to kick away from the side as he headed back down the pool again.

  He lost track of time, immersed in the freedom of swimming. After quite a while he heard the sound of clapping and jolted in surprise.

  “I’d say our mate has been a naughty boy, not telling anyone where he was going,” he heard Cracker drawl. He snorted, raking his hand through his wet hair as he flipped the man off.

  “Cracker, I’m over twenty-one, and my name is not Candy,” he retorted. “I’m quite capable of making decisions for myself, as an adult, you know.”

  “Sassy, as well,” Ryder interjected, sounding amused. “What do you think we should do, Cracker? Didn’t we warn Douglas not too long ago that we may have to spank him if he got too mouthy?”

  “Yeah,” Douglas shot back, easing backwards in the water, away from the pair of them, his cock hardening as he heard the sounds of them stripping. “You have to catch me first, douchebags.”

  “A challenge?” Ryder chuckled. There was a loud splash, then another one, and Douglas squealed as he tried to escape, only to be secured between two large, wet, and extremely horny mates.

  “Caught you,” Cracker declared smugly, his hands wandering all over Douglas’s semi-naked form, then removing his trunks easily.

  Douglas groaned as he felt his cock clenched in Cracker’s fist, then pumped steadily as a thick finger plunged inside Douglas’s twitching hole. Two pairs of lips began to seduce his mouth, and he clung to his lovers, enjoying the sloppy three-way smooch. He’d missed his mates and for once hadn’t demurred when they’d sent him to the ranch after the call to say that Purdy was close by.

  “We’re so proud of you, baby,” Ryder whispered, cupping Douglas’s ass and squeezing gently. “We figured, just to help banish those demons forever, we’d give you a brand-new memory. We’re going to take it in turns to fuck your brains out and christen this pool.”

  Douglas felt the finger in his ass slide in and out, thick and slightly rough. He forgot all about the rest of the world and let his mates take care of him in their unique way. The finger in his butt was joined by a second, and he moaned in delight, loving the slight burn as his hole was stretched further. His lusty lovers licked and bit and kissed every inch of his skin as he floated on the surface, splayed out like a banquet for them to devour.

  He felt his cock swallowed, heard Cracker hum with pleasure, and whimpered, lost in pleasure. Somehow, he didn’t quite remember how, he was maneuvered so he was lying atop Ryder’s big body, the pair of them floating together, with Douglas situated so he lay flat, his back to Ryder’s chest, his butt clenched around the man’s big dick. Cracker had them anchored, still sucking Douglas off, and lifted Douglas gently, then helped to position Ryder’s cock. Douglas groaned loudly as he felt Ryder sink inside, spearing him caref
ully and plugging his ass with nine delectable inches of prime cock.

  “Oh dear lord,” he moaned. “If I drown, I’m haunting you forever,” he said, and heard his lovers laugh.

  “Baby, we’ll go together,” Ryder drawled, tilting Douglas’s head back and kissing him hungrily. Douglas forgot every other thought in his head and let them play. Ryder was his sexy lilo, Cracker the rudder, steering them around the pool as they made love. Douglas came with a cry of ecstasy, convulsing as he spewed into Cracker’s avid mouth. Ryder shunted Douglas up and down along his big frame, fucking him slowly, almost lazily, the drugging motion amping Douglas up again.

  “Thar she blows,” Cracker chuckled when Ryder suddenly grunted, flailing a little as he came, spurting inside Douglas’s channel.

  Douglas felt his ass heat up, warmed by the thick fluid filling it, Ryder’s hands moving restlessly over his chest and cock. “Hmmm,” he murmured, feeling pleasantly sated. “This wasn’t how I expected my first swimming lesson to go.”

  “Lesson?” Ryder asked, then laughed. “Baby, you don’t need lessons. You’re a natural.” He kissed Douglas hungrily, pumping Douglas’s cock firmly.

  “We watched you for ages,” Cracker admitted. “It took us a while to figure out where you’d gone, then we both thought, given your unpredictability, that you may decide to come here, to get over your fears.”

  “Bingo!” Douglas drawled, with just a hint of sarcasm. He was taunting his mates, still hoping for that spanking they kept promising. “I guess, since you’re a little older than I am, it takes your brain cells a little longer to catch up with your libidos.”

  He squealed as Ryder dumped him into the water, then ended up slung over Cracker’s broad shoulder. He giggled uncontrollably as he felt a sharp slap on his ass, then a cool breeze, an upward motion, and the hard play of muscles as he Cracker clambered up the ladder, still with Douglas in tow.

  “Our mate is getting sassy again,” Ryder announced, sounding resigned.

  “Yeah, and you keep telling me I’ll be getting spanked, but you never deliver,” Douglas shot back, yelping as a hard palm landed on his bare ass. Then another, and another.


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