Halloween Between the Sheets: A Reverse Harem Anthology of Spooky Scenes that Get to the Point

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Halloween Between the Sheets: A Reverse Harem Anthology of Spooky Scenes that Get to the Point Page 35

by L. A. Boruff

  “Trick or treat, Princess,” Blake whispered under his breath, as he cupped my cheek and stole another languid kiss.

  “With you, it’s always treat,” I murmured against his lips.


  Want more Briarwood Witches?

  Grab the first book in this sizzling paranormal reverse harem series, The Castle of Earth and Embers.

  Can’t get enough of Maeve and her boys? Read The Summer Court – a FREE Briarwood prequel novella – when you sign up for the Steffanie Holmes VIP list.

  Riley Walker: Madame X

  The Invitation

  “You need to get out some, Amanda. You sit alone in that house, engrossed in your books, and refuse to leave. Have you even seen the sun this month?”

  I sigh, trying not to get frustrated. Again. Everytime I talk to Shell, my best friend of twenty plus years, it’s the same song and dance. I don’t get out enough. My books consume me. Duh. I’m an author, it’s what I do to pay my bills. Why do people think authors work normal hours? Sometimes an idea hits me at 3AM and I have to rouse myself up and write it down. It’s the way our minds work.

  “I hear you, Shell, but I’m on a deadline. If I don’t finish this book in the next week, my publisher will have a fit.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just promise me, take a day,” she laughs because she already knows I won’t, “Fine. Take an afternoon, hell just an hour or two, for yourself soon. I’m worried you’re going to burn yourself out and then what will your readers do? The best selling erotica author drops from exhaustion. I can see it now. There will be mass hysteria among the middle aged moms that need your words to get them through their boring, sex deprived lives.”

  I’m in a full blown fit of laughter now. “I hear you. I promise to take one night off and do something.”

  “Something better not be a code word for sitting at home watching old MASH reruns.”

  Shell knows me too well. My doorbell ringing stops my pathetic attempt to come up with another excuse for my habit of living like a hobbit. “Shell, hold that thought. There’s someone at my door.”

  I look out of my peephole and see a well dressed man with a chauffeur hat on. Opening my door, I’m sure to keep my phone on, Shell now on speaker. “May I help you?”

  “Miss Amanda Andrews?”

  “That’s me.”

  He holds out a box wrapped in white paper, silver ribbon, and a matching envelope on top. “This is for you.” He tips his hat before turning on his heels and walking down the path toward his waiting car.

  “What’s going on? Amanda?”

  I forgot about Shell on the phone. “I just received a box from a messenger.”

  “What’s in it?”

  “Hold on, I have to open it.” I take my time, first removing the envelope and placing it on the couch beside me. I remove the ribbon, then slide my fingers under the tape, letting the wrapping paper fall to the ground. Inside the box is tissue paper hiding the most beautiful masquerade mask. It’s black with pearls outlining the cutouts for each eye and surrounding the entire mask. There are feathers sticking out from the left side, black and white plumes that are so soft I take a moment to run them over my cheek. I describe it to Shell, down to the small black sequins that gives the mask the added shimmering effect.

  “What’s in the envelope? Certainly it explains why you’re getting a mask?”

  I almost forgot about the envelope. I open it, finding an invitation inside. I read it out loud to Shell:

  Amanda Andrews

  You are cordially invited to the Masquerade Ball

  Hosted by Master Collins

  October 31, 2018

  Your car will arrive promptly at Eight PM

  Masquerade Mask is mandatory

  “Holy shit,” my best friend whispers after I finish reading the invitation.

  Holy shit, indeed.


  I’m standing in front of my full length mirror, examining myself one last time. The simple black dress I had tucked in the back of my closet goes perfect with the black mask. My makeup is understated since half of my face is covered, but I did add a swipe of my favorite ruby red lipstick. I decided against any jewelry, sans the small diamonds in my ears. On my feet, I’m wearing a pair of red peep toe heels, the same shade of red as my lips. My chestnut hair is in loose waves that hangs a little past my shoulders. I shimmy my hips, the black lace thong that match the new strapless bra Shell sent me for this occasion, is currently riding up my butt. I’m more of a cotton granny panty girl, but she said the undergarments make the person, and right now I’ve never felt more sexy. Even if my underwear are cutting my butt in half.

  The doorbell rings at exactly eight o’clock. I grab my black clutch and answer the door. The same man who delivered the invitation and mask last week is standing on the other side.

  “If you’ll follow me, Miss Andrews, I have your car ready.”

  I look past him to see a sleek black Town Car idling in my driveway. Taking his extended arm, I walk to the car, releasing him to slide in the back seat. After he closes the backdoor, I take a moment to fix my dress and check my lipstick one last time in my tiny compact mirror. I have just finished putting my lipstick back into my clutch when I feel the car slowing down. There’s a partition between me and the driver so I can’t ask him where we are going, and the windows are tinted so dark, I can’t see out of them.

  My door is opened by the same man, and he helps me out of the car and up to the front steps. I’m greeted by a very large man in a black satin mask. “Miss Andrews.” He extends his hand, and I give him my invitation. “My name is Sir Masterson. I have a few rules to go over with you before I can allow you inside.”

  The bundle of nerves I felt on the drive over have now doubled. What kind of rules could he possibly have?

  “We don’t speak our real names or give any personal information once inside. You will be known as only Madame X. Your mask must stay in place all night, and we do not speak of the party to anyone once you leave. Do you agree to these rules, Miss Andrews?”

  The curiosity I have is outweighing my nerves so I agree, and sign my name on a NDA contract that was prefilled with my information. Sir Masterson steps back, and I take a tentative step inside.

  Shell was right once again. Holy Shit.

  Sex on a Stick

  My shoes make a loud clicking noise on the gleaming marble floors. There is an open room on my right with a long bar, and several masked patrons either lined up to receive a drink, or standing around talking. To my left is another room, this one has three large, red velvet couches, each one filled with people. Some are seated on the couch, some are seated on laps. I notice one couple in particular who are very close to each other. I stop to watch and see him bend his head down to her chest and I can see her moving up and down slowly. I turn my head and walk over to the bar. This definitely calls for a drink.

  After I have my glass of white wine in hand, I venture further in. There is another open room with floor to ceiling windows along the back wall. Music is being played and couples are dancing. I see some swaying to the slow rhythm, while some have stopped and are in different degrees of undress. In the corner, I eye a naked woman on her knees in front of a fully dressed man. When she leans back, I see his zipper is in fact the only thing open, her hand running up and down him. She removes her hand and lowers her mouth onto him. This is one of my erotica books come to life. I keep walking through the house feeling like a voyeur, but my curiosity is peaked.

  The soft sound of Bach catches my ear, and I follow the melody into a room off to the left. As I enter, I notice a lavish bed sitting atop a platform in the middle of the room that’s covered in red and black satin sheets and pillows. There are various sconces hanging from the walls with candles lit in them giving the room a romantic old world feel to it. I hear a cough off to my right, and that’s when I notice them. Three men are dressed in black tuxedos and white masks. One is sitting at a piano while the other two are standing n
ear it.

  The guy standing closest to me walks forward and takes my hand. He kisses my knuckles and smiles. “Good evening. I am Master J, and you my dear, look delectable.”

  Is he kidding me? He looks like sex on a stick. Tuxedo man number two approaches me and bows. “Well hello there, gorgeous. You look good enough to eat. You may call me Master W.”

  I can’t help but laugh and say, “Said the big bad wolf.” I like this banter. It’s easier not knowing the other person and I feel free to say what I want. The piano man finally stands and acknowledges me.

  I can’t see most of his face but I can see his smirk. “Well, what do we have here, gentlemen? Fresh meat?”

  I should be offended by his comment, but surprisingly I’m not. I find myself curious as to what might happen tonight.

  His eyes are full of desire as they take me in from head to toe. “You can scream my name later.”

  Blame it on the champagne, but I’m feeling bold. “Are you sure about that?”

  He grins at me. “Yes, you’ll be screaming Master V from the top of your lungs by the end of the night.”

  The three men are standing in front of me dressed in the exact same tux and the exact masks. All three of them seem to be at least 6’ tall and well built. The main difference in their appearance is their hair and the eyes that are staring at me from behind the masks. Master J has golden blond hair that’s slightly shaggy and sky blue eyes. Master W has wavy strawberry blond hair and green eyes that remind me of the forest. Last but not least is Master V. This man has dark hair that is short and styled to perfection, with dark chocolate eyes. If I were a betting woman, I’d say he is the leader of this little trio.

  They move forward and begin to circle me like sharks as I down my flute of champagne. Master J winks at me as he takes my glass to refill it. I can’t help but notice how good his ass looks as he walks to the wetbar stationed in the corner of the room. Master W runs his finger across my jaw and down my neck before walking over to the door and locking it. Oh my, is it getting hot in here?

  “If you’re hot, you should take off your dress.” Master V breaths into my ear.

  Crap did I say that out loud? The angel on my left shoulder is telling me that this is a very bad idea. I don’t even know these men. But the devil on my right shoulder is apparently a hussy because she is screaming at me to get naked right now.

  I’m thankful that Master J has returned with a full glass of champagne. I’m basically chugging the liquid courage when Master V spins me around and pulls my back to his chest. I can feel his strong muscles rippling beneath his suit and his arousal is pressed into my back. He pushes my hair over my shoulder and begins nibbling my neck. Thank goodness he has a tight grip on me because my knees have suddenly turned to jello.

  “What shall we call you?” Master J asks in a husky tone.

  It takes my brain a few seconds to catch up. “Madame X.” I whisper to him.

  Master W’s hands hold my cheeks and he wastes no time crashing his lips to mine. He catches me off guard and I part my lips with a gasp. His tongue slips into my mouth, caressing every inch. The sensation of the onslaught of lips from both men devouring my neck and mouth are causing goosebumps to spread along my skin. I had completely forgot about Master J until I hear a zipper open. I only have a second to wonder who’s zipper it is before my dress falls to the ground. Thank you Shell for buying me sexy underwear. The guys step back and take a good look at me. I immediately feel self conscious and try to hide my body with my arms.

  “Put your arms down, Madame X. Don’t try to hide that sinful body from us. Tonight we are going to worship every inch of you and show you just how beautiful you are.” says Master V.

  Yep, Mr. Bossypants is definitely the leader.

  I look into his dark hungry eyes and decide to lower my arms, and my inhibitions. Tonight I’m not Amanda, the boring author who only writes steamy sex scenes. Tonight I’m Madame X, and I’m going to experience everything these men have to offer.

  They move toward me at the same time, each one slowly removing their clothes until three sex gods are standing before me in nothing but their boxers. Even their tented red silk boxers match. Holy hot tamale what am I getting myself into? I take a minute to admire their bodies. Master J is tanned, toned and has very little body hair. He looks like he could be a swimmer or a surfer on the front of one of those sports magazines.

  Master W is pale with like your typical ginger with freckles dusting across his shoulders and upper chest. His muscles are well defined and slightly bulkier than Master J’s. I’m guessing he spends a fair amount of time in the gym.

  When I look over at Master V, I’m stunned speechless. He is huge. The first two men definitely have six pack abs, but Master V is packing an eight pack. He has a dark happy trail that runs down those abs into his boxers and I can’t wait to see where it ends.

  “Do you need a handkerchief to wipe off the drool Madame X?” Master V asks with a knowing smirk.

  I feel the need to wipe that smirk right off his sexy face, so I straighten my back and push out my ample cleavage. I run my nails down Master J’s chest before strutting across the room and head to the bar, intent on refilling my glass. After pouring myself some more champagne, I turn back around and see three sets of hungry eyes are staring at me. This makes me feel bold and powerful. This isn’t my first time, but I’ve never had a man, much less three men look at me with so much desire.

  “Come here, Madame X.” Master V demands.

  Damn that man is bossy, and it is totally turning me on. I slowly walk over and stand right in front of all three men. Master J and Master W look over to Master V with questioning eyes. Master V gives a quick nod of his head and that must be the only signal they need because I’m quickly surrounded. Hands are roaming over my ass, down my waist, and across my stomach. I close my eyes and relish in the feel of strong hands memorizing my body. A nose skims up my neck and hot lips suck in my earlobe giving it a gentle bite. A heat immediately rushes through my body straight down to my core. I rub my thighs together trying to get some much needed friction from my wet thong, but I only succeed in driving them farther up my ass. I’m definitely not going to admit that friction feels good.


  The three men abruptly step back from me and I groan in frustration, alreading feeling the absence of their hands and lips. Master V gives a quick nod, and the other two men walk over to the bed. Master J goes the right side, while Master W walks to the left. I’m curious as to what they are doing, but Master V grabs my chin forcing me to look into his eyes.

  “Madame X, we are going to worship and cherish every inch of your tight little body, but first, you need to choose a safe word.”

  “A safe word? Why do I need a safe word?” I ask him in confusion.

  Master V smirks. “To let us know if we’ve gone too far. At any time if you are uncomfortable or want us to stop, you say your safe word. I promise you that we won’t do anything to harm you. Our only desire is to give you the best night of your life.”

  I see nothing but sincerity in his eyes so I shrug my shoulders and say, “Pineapple.”

  I hear the other two gentlemen laughing across the room. Master V looks at me like a lion spotting his prey for the first time. He licks his lips and moves forward. With every step he takes toward me, I take one step back until the back of my knees hit the bed. He places his palm on my chest right above my breasts and pushes me down on the bed. The look in his gaze is so intense I can’t help but to scoot back on the bed until my back hits the headboard. Master J and Master W grab my wrists and tie each one to the headboard with a red silk scarf. They’re tight enough to keep me immobile without hurting me. I have a million questions I want to ask, but I feel like it would ruin the mood. For once, I decide to just go with the flow and see where this night takes me. Master V must see the resolve in my eyes because he gives me smile worthy of the cheshire cat. He stalks over and pulls another scarf from behind the bed. I wo
nder what all they have stashed back there. He wraps this scarf around my head, over the mask, sending me into darkness.

  “This experience will be so much more intense without your eyesight. The sensations you feel, smell, and taste will be magnified. You will have to trust us completely with your pleasure. Do you trust us Madame X?”

  Heat is coursing through my body and my skin is covered in goosebumps. I’m so turned on all I can do is whimper. “Yes.”

  “Do you remember your safe word?” He breathes the question into my ear.

  I jump, not realizing how close he is, but I can’t get too far since I’m currently tied to the bed. “Pineapple,” I manage to squeak out.

  I hear some movement and feel the bed dip next to me. I sense the slightest touch across my cheek and realize I’m being stroked with a feather. It runs down my neck and between my breasts causing me to shiver. The feather continues down my body, across my stomach, and to my thighs. Whoever is teasing me knows all my sensitive spots, as they continue running the feather down my thighs and between my legs, eliciting a moan from my lips. Who knew a feather’s touch could get my engines going? At this point, I’m so wet I can feel it pooling between my thighs.

  The feather leaves my body and I miss its sweet caress. That is until someone’s lips crash onto mine. I try to wrap my hand around the neck of whichever sex god is kissing me, but I’m still tied to the bed. I am just about to state my frustration when I feel another hot mouth sucking on my nipple through my lace bra. There is now a hungry mouth devouring my tongue and another one sucking and biting my sensitive nipple. I feel my strapless bra being unclasped and swiftly removed, and I have no clue which man is doing what to me. Nor do I care. All I can feel are several hands roaming over my body while a tongue is caressing every inch of my mouth, and another one exploring my breasts. I moan in pleasure and frustration needing a release.


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