Brought to His Knees-Tough Guys Laid Low By Love

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  He leaned his head on the seat, listening as Taylor hummed to herself as she gently tucked his stirring cock back into his jeans and zipped them back up. She even gave him a little pat as though she was bidding a temporary goodbye to a favorite pet before she cuddled up against his side.

  “So, do you want to fuck when we get to your place?”

  It was on the tip of his tongue to be a complete bastard and tell her thanks for the blow job and walk away. It would save her in the end because, despite what she said, she was too tenderhearted for a one–night stand. When he walked away, severed all ties with her, she’d be devastated. And he’d feel like an asshole.

  But he didn’t do anything to turn her away from him. Instead, he put the truck in gear and sped down the highway. She kept rubbing her tits against him, her nipples damn near burning a hole through his clothes.

  “Take off your clothes,” he ordered, as he kept his eyes on the road. If she was going home with him, she needed to understand how things were. He wasn’t anything as formal as a Dom, but Sin knew what he liked in bed and wasn’t hesitant in making sure his partners knew and wanted the same. “Now.”

  He wouldn’t have believed it if anyone told him that day he’d be holding his breath as he waited for Taylor to strip, waited to see if she could give him what he needed and had dreamed about for years. Taylor naked on the pristine leather seats of his truck.

  Chapter Three

  Taylor’s breath was trapped somewhere between her lungs and her mouth. She stared at Sin’s hard profile, her body liquid from tasting him, but with embarrassment threatening to destroy her arousal. Because when she’d imagined this whole thing playing out, she’d figured they’d be in a bed or something and they’d both be so lost to lust that she wouldn’t have a minute to think about how not feminine her body was.

  But to bare herself right here, in his truck, while he was fully clothed and not touching her… Her clit swelled. Okay, maybe it was hot. No, it was hot. Very hot. But self–consciousness dragged at her. Taylor didn’t kid herself about what she looked like. Years of playing sports had given her muscles most women didn’t have. At least not the women she’d seen Sin with. They were all voluptuous and ultra feminine where she was…hard. Bra shopping for her meant checking out the training bras. She didn’t normally have body issues, but this wasn’t her shopping for clothes. This was getting naked in front of a man who was a known connoisseur of women.

  “If you aren’t naked by the time we reach the road to my house, I’m turning this truck around and taking you home.”

  The threat, spoken in Sin’s rough voice, hung in the air between them. But strangely enough, instead of the ultimatum pissing her off, it freed something inside her. Like a coil she hadn’t realized held her in place loosened at his command.

  Hands shaking, because this was both thrilling and frightening, Taylor reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head and dropping it on the floorboard. He still didn’t look at her, his face impassive. She couldn’t do that. Couldn’t look at him without letting her feelings show on her face and her naturally competitive streak raised its head. If he wanted her naked, she’d damn well get naked and make him crazy. She knew how because of the porn. She just hadn’t practiced her striptease.

  Licking her suddenly dry lips, Taylor sat up, so Sin couldn’t miss seeing her out the corner of his eye, and reached behind her for the clasp of her bra. Not that the damn uncomfortable thing did much more than irritate her skin. When it loosened, she almost shimmied out of it, but decided to tease him. It sagged around her arms and she kept it in place by placing one arm across her breasts. The leather on the steering wheel creaked ominously, but Sin had one hell of a poker face.

  This was actually kind of fun, and Taylor got into it. Keeping her bra in place with her left arm, she trailed the fingers of her right hand down the center of her stomach. She sucked in a startled breath as her touch sent electrical tingles racing to her pussy. It didn’t happen like this when she was home alone, but it seemed that touching herself for Sin’s pleasure did something to her, heated her in a way doing this alone never had.

  When she reached the waistband of her jeans, Taylor unfastened them and eased the zipper down one–handed. It was a bit awkward, but the slow ticking in Sin’s jaw was more than worth it. A soft gasp escaped her when she slid her hand into the opening of her jeans, her fingers grazing her swollen clit through the thin material of her panties. She was soaked. She’d known it of course, but feeling it with Sin sitting right next to her, his muscles tense, it was erotic.

  “Off,” he bit the word out, but still didn’t look at her. “Take them fucking off. Now.”

  Taylor never considered herself submissive in any way. She liked to do her own thing, didn’t really like listening to orders, but she found herself rushing to comply with Sin’s command. Forgoing the mystique of hiding her breasts from him for speed, Taylor wiggled and bucked her hips to pull the tight jeans down, taking her panties with them until they pooled at her ankles. She was just about to kick off her shoes to finish taking her clothes off when a big hand slid right between her legs.

  The touch, so unexpected and hot, had her gasping for air even as her knees sort of just parted for more. She was mostly naked on the bench of Sin’s sexy truck, jeans and panties around her ankles, with his hand on her pussy, and she loved it. Especially when the long, elegant fingers she’d seen do delicate rebuilding work on a car engine dipped down to cup her, sliding into her just enough for her feel it and want more while his palm pressed on her clit.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. He showed off his dexterity by parting her labia to open her wider so his middle finger could sink into her to the second knuckle. Taylor’s back arched as she tried to get him deeper. “Goddamn, babe, you’re soaking wet. And fucking tight.”

  There went that growling note to his voice that suggested he approved whole–heartedly. Not that Taylor much cared about it at the moment. She wanted to come, wanted him to use his hand and fingers to throw her over the edge while she sat naked in his truck. The thought of doing something so naughty in the vehicle sent another gush of moisture coating her channel. Moisture Sin appreciate if the way he hissed and began thrusting his finger into her was any indication.

  It felt good. God it felt so much better than what she’d ever had. Taylor closed her eyes.

  But he removed his hand after a few thrusts that made her hungry for more, forcing her to open her eyes to glare at him. Only to watch as he lifted his finger to his mouth and licked her juices from his skin. Her pussy rippled.

  “Finish undressing and lose the bra,” he ordered, as he finished lapping at his finger and palm as though there was no way he was going to miss a single drop of her arousal. “Then I want you to lean back against that door and open your legs wide. I want to smell your arousal filling this truck, want to have your cunt bared to me.”

  Again, she hurried to comply, dumping her shoes and all of her clothes on the floorboard. The seat was slightly warm under her naked ass, at least until she scooted to the other side of the bench to lean her back against the door. Taylor bit her lip, suddenly a bit nervous about doing as he ordered her to. She wasn’t some sexual siren who could just spread her legs on command. Was she? Recalling how he’d come in her mouth, his groans and grunts of pleasure she’d given him gave Taylor the confidence to place one foot on the floorboard, knee angled out, and prop her foot on the top of the seat, right next to Sin’s shoulder. Cool air rushed across the splayed lips of her heated, slick sex, the sensation so unexpected she gasped.

  The truck slowed and she had to brace herself slightly when Sin turned onto the road that led to his house. It was at least another mile to his place, but it seemed to pass in the blink of an eye as he gunned the souped up engine, the truck rocketing in the direction of his house. Speeding down the road in the classic vehicle, naked as the day she was born, thrilled Taylor down to her toes.

  When his house came into view, she thou
ght he’d shoot passed the driveway, but he made it and brought the truck to a rocking halt. Then he shut off the engine, silence pressing in around them.

  Wondering if he’d changed his mind, a kernel of humiliation snaked through her, but then he spoke. “There’s no going back after this,” he said, as his free hand clenched on his thigh. “If I touch your cunt, taste it the way I want to, I won’t stop. I’ll eat your pussy until I’ve had my fill and then I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll feel it for days.” He looked at her, the hard lines of his face harsher with the weak moonlight trickling through the windshield. “So if you want to stop. You have to say it now.”

  Taylor was panting by the time he finished speaking, but she managed to get enough air in her lungs to breathe, “I think I’ll die if you stop now.”

  Before she even finished her sentence, he was on the move. Just not on top of her the way she’d hoped after the sensual torment of presenting herself to him. No, Sin had other plans that involved him pulling a blanket from behind the bench seat and opening the driver’s side door.

  Taylor stayed in place, just watching him as he spread the blanket over the rounded edge of the fender and hood of the truck before he came back to the cab. “Out,” he ordered, voice deep with something dark and dangerous.

  She sat up and blindly reached for her handle, but he shook his head. “This way.”

  Okay, this ordering stuff was…really hot. She wished she could just tell him to go to hell, but the way he watched her like a predator eyeing a particularly tasty treat, had her scooting across the leather bench. Naked. God, she was completely naked and sliding across the bench of Sin’s truck. There was an ick factor in there, but for the life of her Taylor couldn’t be bothered to care. She’d clean the pristine leather later, because right now all that mattered was getting to him.

  The instant she made it as far as the steering wheel, he plucked her out of the cab and carried her to the front of the truck. That was something new. No one ever picked her up. Probably had to do with the whole being asexual thing she had going for her, although Sin didn’t seem to think she was androgynous at all. Well, at least not tonight.

  He placed her on the edge of the truck, the blanket a little scratchy under her ass. She wiggled to get used to it, not exactly sure how she felt about having sex on the truck. In the truck was okay because it was sort of…enclosed and private. The hood of the ’59 Apache, parked in front of Sin’s house where anyone who drove past might see them? Not so much. But before she could even think to suggest they move this back to the dark confines of the truck, Sin was pressing between her legs, a heavy, hot weight that felt as though it belonged on top of her. And Taylor didn’t even mind the less than cushy fender beneath her. Not when Sin was kissing her as though he needed her taste to live.

  He was going to scare her. He knew it, but there was no way he could hold back his hunger. Six years of watching her, of wanting to fuck her, had taken its toll on his self–control. With other women he could prolong his pleasure, draw out theirs until they were a quivering, sobbing mess. But with Taylor, he needed her like he needed air. It was a scary fucking thought and if he’d been in his right mind he would’ve pondered why that was, but with his tongue in her mouth and his dick pressing against her wet, hot cunt, he was past the time for thinking.

  Taylor tasted like beer and spice, a piece of Americana and the hint of something far more exotic. It was an intoxicating flavor, better than anything he’d ever had before. Well, anything except for her sweet pussy. God, that little taste he’d had, her thick cream on his finger, had nearly sent him into frenzy. He’d damn near pulled off the main highway to fuck her right there. Only knowing the more isolated lane leading to his house was near kept him going.

  Now though, parked in his driveway, there were no constraints on him. She’d obeyed her commands, fucking teasing him with her body and the spicy musk of her arousal perfuming the air, and he was going to make her come so hard she soaked his balls. Right here on the side of his pride and joy.

  Tearing his mouth away from hers, his goal to get inside her before his balls exploded, he trailed nipping kisses down her throat. Her nipples were like little pebbles on her high, up–tilted tits. She tried to hold his head to her, tried to direct him, but that wasn’t how Sin liked his sex. He gripped her hands in his and pinned them to the edge of the hood on either side of her hips as he tasted her breasts. She gasped his name, her back arching as though to shove more of her soft skin into his mouth, but he didn’t give it to her. This was going down his way or not at all. The sooner she learned that, the sooner they could get to the really fun stuff.

  He sucked one nipple, gently clenching his teeth around her to give a sharp tug that made her cry out before he released her. “Do you know how many fucking times I stared down your coveralls when we were working on cars together to see these little beauties?” he asked, as he moved to her neglected breast, treating it to the same torture as the first. God, she was sweet. “You’d lean over and all I could see were these tits. Sometime soon, maybe tonight or maybe in a few days or even a few months, I’m gonna come all over these tits, coat you with my cum.”

  “Sin,” she breathed as she writhed in his hold, the scent of her arousal growing thicker. “Oh god.”

  His smile wasn’t nice. He knew it wasn’t because he wasn’t feeling very nice at the moment. If anything, he was feeling more like an animal. “I can just see my spunk clinging to your nipples,” he said as he lapped at one turgid peak with feigned tenderness. “Maybe give you a stripe right across your chin too.”

  Her inarticulate cry was music to his ears. “You’d like that, huh? For me to jack off all over your body.” Her legs wrapped around his hips, squeezing with the strength of years of running and working out. “Put your legs back where they were, babe.”

  “Please, Sin,” she begged, undulating against the ridge of his cock, her wet pussy soaking his jeans.

  Goddamn. He wanted to give in to her wants, but some strange part of his psyche needed to mark her in some way, to put his brand on her, do things to her that none of her good ol’ boyfriends had ever done. He wanted to show her the dirty, raunchy side of sex. The best kind in his opinion.

  “Legs,” he reminded her.

  She groaned, but released her hold on his hips, parting her thighs wide once again. Sin stopped tormenting her breasts to stare up at her face. Her mouth gaped open with her ragged breathing and her eyes were closed. This was what he’d been waiting for, this moment to see her caught in the throes of passion he’d given her. But it still wasn’t enough.

  A small voice in the back of his mind told him it would never be enough. That this was the very reason he’d stayed away from Taylor. She did things to him, made him fucking want things that weren’t practical or…normal for him. Yet he wasn’t about to walk away, even though his brain told him he should. This was a bad fucking idea, but the scent of her was in his lungs, the taste of her on his tongue. Soon, he’d have the feel of her cunt wrapped around his dick to complete total sensory overload.

  But first he had another destination in mind. Gently pushing her back to lie against the blanket he’d placed on the hood of the truck to keep it from burning her, he took a step back and just admired her. She propped herself up on her elbows, looking at him down the length of her body. There were a lot of guys who looked at Taylor and saw a tomboy, a woman who was just sort of a fixture in the shop. Then there were other guys who saw her as a challenge. Sin just saw a woman who was so goddamn sexy God made sure he put her under wraps so she wouldn’t tempt men into doing what he was about to do now.

  The dim moonlight that filtered through the trees next to the house caused deep shadows to caress her body with smaller patches of soft white, making her appear to be a creature of the night. A temptress with her innocent yet sly smile and her body sprawled across the hood of his truck like a pinup. He memorized the image because he damn well knew he’d be jerking off to it a lot in the future.

/>   Then he let his gaze settle between her legs. He’d felt her in the truck earlier, had been amazed at how slick and tight she’d been, but he hadn’t seen her. And fuck, was it a sight worth seeing and committing to memory. Pink, glistening folds, without a trace of hair anywhere but the tiny tuft of blond curls at the top of her mound, beckoned him, enticed him. Any hope he’d had of keeping his shit together while he gave them what they both wanted became nothing more than a pipe dream, because the minute he tasted her, she was fucking his.

  “Sin?” she asked uncertainly, the muscles of her thighs quivering as though she was prepared to close her legs.

  Fuck no.

  Sin dropped to his knees. The scent of her cunt drew him like a bee to honey and he went for that sweet cream without preamble. Just leaned forward and tasted her. He’d had a hint of what her pussy tasted like when he licked his finger, but that small sample had nothing on getting it straight from the source. She was so fucking wet already, even her thighs were damp with arousal, and he wanted to lap up every drop.

  Burying his face into her damp folds, nuzzling at the swollen pearl of her clit, he listened to her gasps of surprise and pleasure. He groaned into her sleek sex, feeling her rocking against his face, into his tongue as he fucked it into her tight channel. Sugary sweet with a hint of salt. And so delicious he could stay here forever.

  Sinking one finger into her pussy, feeling her grip it as he lavished attention on her clit, Sin thrust, slow and steady. The wet sounds of her body taking him maddened him, made him hunger for more. He pressed another finger in, giving her two, which had her straining to ride him fast and hard. And Sin gave it to her, fucked her, adding a third finger. Tight. God, she was so tight, she’d strangle his cock when he got inside her.


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