Brought to His Knees-Tough Guys Laid Low By Love

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The strip of old–time buildings which served as ’town’ was as quaint as Ellie could have imagined. The neon lights of the only bar, a honkytonk, she assumed, spilled over the street.

  “So you met Holly, and this here is Talia and Marcie,” Janie said, joining the women at a high table and offering the stool beside her to Ellie.

  “Nice to meet you all.”

  Ellie smiled, but it felt fake. This bunch looked like they could see right through her and know she was lying about her identity.

  “Are you all from around here?” Ellie asked them.

  “I was born here, but raised in L.A., and Holly’s from Seattle,” Talia said. “Marcie’s been here her whole life. We’re cousins. And you?”

  “New York State born and raised. I grew up in a small town, but now I live in the city.”

  Janie piped up and explained why Ellie was in Montana, saving her the trouble.

  “I heard you met Brody last weekend,” said Holly.

  Ellie turned completely red.

  “Yep, that confirms it!” They all cracked up and Janie pushed Ellie’s beer a little closer to her.

  “I swear I didn’t say anything.”

  “No, Brody’s at the ranch with Rico this week, and they both said there’s a pretty new buckle bunny on the circuit who isn’t giving it up for anybody.” More laughter.

  How much should she reveal?

  “You all…know him? Does everyone know everyone west of the Mississippi?”

  “Yep. That’s it,” Janie replied and they all laughed. “No, hon. Holly’s married to his brother Gavin. There’s six brothers in that family and each one more trouble than the next.”

  The conversation shifted to a fight between one of Talia’s dogs and a wolf, and Ellie was grateful for it. She wasn’t ready to ask questions about Brody and make it seem like she was interested. After all, what foolish woman dreamed of a relationship with a rodeo cowboy? Even she knew those guys didn’t settle down.

  “Your dog was attacked by a wolf and survived?” Ellie asked.

  “Logan is one of our livestock guard dogs. He’s a hundred forty pounds of pure muscle. Anyway, thank God we had put a new spiked collar on him the day before. The wolf went straight for the jugular,” said Talia.

  “Do you think the wolf survived?” Ellie was wide–eyed.

  “Abel tracked him and found a lot of blood, but he said the tracks showed he trotted off in a regular pattern, not stumbling or anything, so, I don’t know. He must have gotten a mouthful of spikes.”

  Though fascinated, Ellie went a little pale.

  “Not a conversation you’d be having back home, is it?” Marcie joked.

  “No way.”

  As Ellie was noticing how quiet the bar was, the front door opened and one sexy cowboy after another filled it’s frame.

  “Gavin Cameron, you know this is my night with the girls!” Holly leapt from her stool and swept straight over to the second man through the door. When she bumped her chest to his belly, he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Sorry, sweet thing. Brody said tonight is his treat so I wasn’t saying no.”

  Ellie’s heart leapt to her throat.

  “Hey, ladies. We won’t bother you.”

  As Gavin released Holly, smiling at the table of women, Ellie caught something. One of the other men, standing in Holly’s husband’s shadow, kissed her cheek. It wouldn’t have been so odd, if it weren’t for the way his fingers brushed hers when he did it.

  But Ellie had no more time to consider it.

  Brody came through the door and froze when he saw her, causing his buddy Rico to bump into him from behind. When he didn’t move, Rico shook his head and went around him to the bar.

  … … …

  Brody let the smile come. There was certainly no harm in showing her how happy he was to see her, was there? Did she get his note?

  The men stayed at the bar, with his brother McKenna mainly working the jukebox to produce a steady stream of Hank, George and Merle. A few beers on, the girls were dancing with each other, and Gavin leaned into Brody.

  “Why don’t you ask her to dance?”

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me the girls would be here?”

  Neither man answered the other’s question. They drank in silence while Brody considered how much to tell his brother. Gavin understood him better than anyone. They had few secrets from each other, which was part of why Brody liked going out on the circuit. He appreciated having some privacy and Cameron Ranch was, by necessity, no place for secrets between brothers. The other reason of course was Cameron Ranch needed money and Brody’s riding talents were an asset they couldn’t afford not to utilize. His dad’s accident plus the terrible late season blizzard had a cascading effect last year. Despite how hard they’d all worked to protect their calves and mommas from the rough weather, they’d lost too many head and barely broke even. Brody could catapult their bank account back up where it belonged.

  Gavin nudged him, their forearms lined up beside each other on the bar.

  “I can’t.”

  “Go on.”

  Brody didn’t look him in the eye, but he said it, finally. “She’s my good luck charm. I can’t mess it up by talking to her.”

  Gavin gave him a skeptical look.

  “Okay. You know how, up until Idaho, I got bucked off six of the seven bulls I tried to ride? Well I drew Hellion and that motherfucker was unridden the last ten cowboys. Nobody could get out on him. I don’t know what the fuck Josh is feeding that thing–”

  “Focus, man. Get to the part about the girl.”

  “Fine. I’d had it and was ready to give up. I’m ashamed to say it but I hid out in a closet to get some privacy. She came in there, Gav. Hiding from something too. I don’t know what, but I could tell she was trying to get away. The both of us were. We didn’t say one word to each other, but damn she’s got the sweetest pussy I have ever tasted and when I get my hands on her ass someday–don’t look at me like that, bro. She’s the only thing I got that’s helping me win and if I talk to her, I’ll blow it.”

  Gavin nodded slowly, dragging his longneck in a lazy circle on top of the bar.

  “Can you trust her?”

  Brody bristled. For the first time ever, he felt a twinge of resentment over his family’s secrets. Not regret, though. Never that.

  “How do you know she don’t get bitter or jealous? You fill in a lot of blanks yourself–think about that girl you met online who you thought you knew. Then when you met her in person she smoked and had a bad attitude she was hiding on Skype–remember?”

  Brody was hot and annoyed. He didn’t bother answering. Gavin kept at him.

  “You were blinded by her big juicy ass, you said.”

  “Well, I’ve barely seen Elsie’s ass, much to my great discomfort.”

  Gavin laughed. “Well, that doesn’t sound like you. So you don’t even know if she’s into the stuff you’re into.”

  “Nope.” I’ll teach her to love it if it comes to that. I’ll do right by her. “I know I can make her happy,” he said before thinking.

  Gavin turned slowly and caught his eye.

  “What exactly are we talking about here, brother?”

  He waved his hand in the air, and grabbed up the bottle.

  “Fine. Tell me why I shouldn’t be concerned.” Gavin stood and Brody tensed.

  “Elsie’s not like that,” Brody replied. “She’s a big picture type of person.”

  Gavin placed both hands on the bar and leaned into him, talking low. “There’s something about her, Brody. I think we can all say a thing or two about showing the world a different side of ourselves in order to protect something important. Secret lives and such.”

  “She’s not hiding anything. She wants to talk.”

  “All I’m saying right now is I see something. That’s all. Be careful what you tell her.”

  “I know the rules. Besides. I’m not saying anything to her.”

  “She may start feel
ing a certain sense of entitlement when it comes to you.”

  “No one’s entitled to me. Not you, her or anybody.”

  “I know I don’t need to remind you of your responsibility to protect the interests of this family–of me and my wife and everything we’ve built.”

  Brody scowled. No, he did not need the reminder. He could almost taste powdered sugar on his lips, though his first time with Holly had been months ago…she’d been baking in the kitchen of the main house…he’d wanted his turn, wanted her…but the love never came. His heart squeezed in his chest, but the words dried up in his throat. He didn’t want what Gavin wanted, but didn’t have the heart to say it to him straight either.

  “Fine. I’m gonna dance with her.” Gavin checked his collar. Brody stood abruptly, rattling the bars of his own cage.

  “Like hell you will.” He pressed his lips together. He didn’t mean to be hurtful. “Look, it’s not gonna be like that.”

  I’m not sharing.

  Gavin put a hand on his shoulder and blinked slowly.

  “I know, man. I know.”

  Brody wanted to hug his brother, but the look that passed between them was enough. Gavin was calculating and passionate–as fearless growing up as Brody was reckless. Not much got past him. Not when it came to running the ranch or making the kind of relationship he wanted and seeing his brothers got what they wanted too.

  “We had fun and I care for her, but she’s not my own. I want my own.”

  “So go dance with her, caveman.”

  … … …

  Despite Gavin’s teasing, Brody did not rise from his perch on the barstool. Gavin did however and, before Brody knew it, his brother was two–stepping across the shiny dance floor with the little hottie he considered to be his. No man in his family would ever touch another man’s woman without permission or consent, so Brody wasn’t worried he’d actually try to steal her or anything.

  I’m the last cowboy that girl’s ever gonna kiss.

  He’d never allowed himself to think about whether he’d meet a girl who could fit in with his nutty family, and right now it was the last thing he was worried about with regard to Miss Elsie Durham. He fisted his beer and sucked down the last of it as he motioned for another. Getting drunk was not the best way to prevent himself from breaking his silence and crowding her into the back room to make her his in the biblical sense, but he needed something to settle him down. Here she was, in his local bar, with his brothers and his best friend.

  He knew her intimately and yet not at all. He didn’t think he’d do another year on the bull riding circuit, so this was his last chance to make his mark. He couldn’t chance it.

  Suck it up, cowboy. Might as well enjoy the view.

  Brody spun on his stool to face the dance floor and leaned his elbows back on the bar to watch Gavin and Elsie. The girl had two left feet, which made him crack up. As if she’d heard him, she shot him a look over Gavin’s shoulder and smirked.

  Brody’s heart twisted in his chest, his cock stirred, his blood pumped. He was losing his grip for sure. Why he felt this way for her, he had no idea. It was pure need. Want. Lust. A growl started in his chest and he double pounded it.

  Gavin tipped Elsie’s chin up and, even though he knew his brother was merely telling her to look in his eyes for balance, the growl in his chest erupted. In a flash, he was across the dance floor and in Gavin’s face. Rico tried to stop him, but Brody shrugged him off.

  “Look in my eyes, an’ you won’t keep stepping on my feet so much,” Gavin was saying. Brody pressed his lips together hard, removing Elsie’s hand from Gavin’s grip.

  Elsie seemed to be holding her breath.

  It stilled him for a moment. His lips parted to speak, but he cut himself off, rubbing his forehead. He caught her eyes again, and she watched him, waiting.

  Waiting for his signal. His lead. All but telling him with her eyes this was his rodeo and she’d do whatever he asked of her.

  The thought gave him a tight feeling in his stomach and made him want to take her to a dark place and comfort her in their special way. He wanted to be fucking her deeply right now and it pained him not to be able to give her that. He shut his eyes tight, then opened them on her. She was still holding her breath. Still waiting.

  And then he noticed something else. Her hand was shaking.

  Brody sighed.

  Breathe, baby. It’s alright, he thought, hoping he’d somehow telepathically get her to relax.

  He brushed his thumb across her cheek and offered a faint smile, which morphed into a bigger one he couldn’t hold down. Elsie seemed so nervous, he didn’t know what else to do anymore so he flat out kissed her. He groaned on her lips, his senses crazy with the familiar taste of her and the recognition that in dark closets or open dance floors, he simply thought of her as his. That taste, that smell, belonged to him. He pressed his forehead to hers, clasped her hand to his chest and started to move to the music. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around her, keeping her as close as he could as he worked them around the room.

  … … …

  Ellie’s nipples thickened with a lovely prickling sensation. She rubbed the tips side to side against his chest, seeking satisfaction for the needy peaks, all subtlety lost. She couldn’t ask for it after all. Might as well take.

  Brody tipped her chin up and shook his head at her with a devilish smile, knowing exactly what she was doing. His eyes blinked slowly with empathy, and as they did, his leg slid between hers. She knew he was hard. They were both wanting and needing each other’s touch, but could do no more than this without risk. This superstition of his was purely magical thinking but, beyond that, Ellie understood he didn’t want to psych himself out. The ’what if…?’ had been enough to restrain him so far, and so it had to do for her as well.

  As they turned around the room, passing Rico and Janie, Ellie became aware they were paying particular attention to her and Brody, giving them the side eye as they came around. Holly joined the conversation, then her husband, Gavin. Did they know how obvious they were? Brody soon caught on too.

  As the song wound down, Janie and Rico approached, looking sorry, but determined. Janie tucked an arm around Ellie’s waist and led her away. Rico, followed by Gavin, patted Brody in the middle of the back. Like star–crossed lovers, they tried to look back at each other, but their self–appointed chaperones had separated magnet from lodestone and would not allow them to snap back toward each other.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s for the best,” Janie answered.

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  “Because he’s crazy about you, hon,” Holly replied, placing a beer in Ellie’s hand and giving her a squeeze around the shoulders.

  The men were leaving and she watched Brody’s back, hoping he’d defy them all, make a break for it and rescue her. But he downed his beer and left without a backward glance. Ellie’s chest pinched with shame. Why? She hadn’t done anything wrong.

  “Listen, Elsie. Brody’s never, and I mean never let a woman get under his skin like you obviously are. We don’t necessarily believe you’re the reason he’s winning, but he does.”

  “I don’t…know what you’re talking about.”

  “You think none of us have ever used a nipple move on the dance floor?” Talia laughed, rubbing her shoulder against Ellie. “There’s nowhere else a man can go but horizontal after something like that.”

  “Especially Brody,” said Holly.

  “So we’re helping him stick to the plan. You two will never have a chance otherwise,” Janie pitched in.

  A chance at what? They couldn’t possibly think…? Her and Brody? No way. He didn’t even know the fake her, let alone the real Ellie Donovan.

  Did he?

  … … …

  Ellie said she needed some air and made for the door. She hoped none of the girls were following her as the crisp night flooded over her skin, waking her all the way up. She quickly looked in both directions. She
must really be going country because she actually recognized the truck pulling away from the curb was a Ford F350. A motorcycle pealed out and raced ahead of the truck and Ellie said a quick prayer hoping Brody wasn’t the kind of man who would ride after drinking. Half a block down the brake lights of the truck gleamed bright red and the passenger door flew open. Someone yelled ’git back here’ as Brody leapt out and ran toward her. Tires screeched as the truck backed up but Brody reached her first, fisting her hair, kissing her back toward the wood–paneled siding of the bar. Ellie astonished herself by widening her stance–a desperate attempt to show him what she wanted.

  Another shout of ’goddamnit’ from the truck, and Brody grabbed her hand to pull her around the side of the building. Ellie was shaking and he kissed her palm, his eyes catching hers for a split second even as they were on the move.

  Brody’s hands gripped and squeezed as he pushed her up against the wall again in the darkened side alley, moaning and kissing her. Ellie’s heart beat triple–time, but she curled her hand over the thick, hard cock straining to bust through Brody’s jeans. He wrapped his arms around her and groaned as he gripped her ass. Then, in a swift move that shocked her, Brody turned her roughly to the side and yanked her close, holding her so tightly to himself she could feel him tremble. He laid his head on her shoulder and, after a moment of stillness, let out a deep breath and relaxed into her. Ellie let her head rest against his.

  Brody’s hand traveled to her ass, then slowly back again. So slow she could almost feel his regret. He lifted his head from their intimate embrace and, one hand between her shoulder blades and the other around her waist, he swept her forward over his arm. Ellie rolled up on her tiptoes and lost her balance but he caught her. He had her. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  He slapped her ass. Two swift smacks made her gasp, then everything stopped. They were both breathing heavily. Was he punishing her? Trying to let her know she’d broken some unwritten–or unspoken–rule?

  Neither moved until Brody slid his hand over her buttocks again, caressing them.

  Not punishment, then?


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