Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2)

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Bound by The Moon (The Bound Series Book 2) Page 7

by JF Holland

  One minute there was a cat beside him, and the next there stood Maya, in its place. Her hair was a little wild, and she was staggering with fatigue. As she wobbled on her feet, Jaden put a hand out to steady her. She moved into him, resting her forehead against his chest, as her arms came up around his waist.

  "I'm not sure I can walk. Actually, at this point I'm amazed I can stand up at all. Jesus, you have some stamina," Maya mumbled against his chest, and he laughed as he ran a hand through her hair.

  "Welcome to cat sex baby. Didn't you know cats can go for hours, with very little downtime," he informed her. "In the wild, one cat will service many females," Jaden informed her, and Maya hissed. "Not in the human world they don't, not unless they want to lose certain appendages," she informed him.

  "Wouldn't happen to a shifter, not in the human world." Jaden said, and she dropped her cheek onto his chest again, tightening her arms.

  "Really?" She asked, not too sure about that, not after her parents mating, or whatever the hell it had been?

  "Your parents were the exception Maya. Normally shifters mate for life, and are incapable of being unfaithful to one another. What would be the point? Only a mate can bring you true fulfilment, as they can feel what you do. They share your thoughts, and can pick up on your feelings. What could someone else have to offer you that could top that?" he asked, kissing the top of her head as she nodded her agreement. She then groaned and shook her head against him, and he heard her thoughts loud and clear this time. She was wondering how she was going to deal with a sexually demanding feline? He grinned at the absurdity, as she was also a feline now too.

  "Then I am definitely not going to be able to walk," she groused. "Carry me home, now you've had your way with me," she sulked, pulling back with a pout. He bent forward and kissed her softly, a light brushing of his mouth over hers, as he put his hands on her shoulder. Maya winced at his light touch, and Jaden ground his teeth. He could still taste the essence of her blood in his mouth, a slight tinny aftertaste mixed with sunshine. All Maya.

  "I'm sorry baby, let me see," he said gently, moving her hair out of his way. Nudging the little strap of her dress to one side, he hissed as he saw the marks in her skin. "Oh, god baby, I'm sorry," he said, anguish evident in his voice as he kissed the angry bite marks he'd left behind. He'd punctured her shoulder several times, but he'd seemed to have only entered the same place though, repeatedly. It was going to leave a scar, and he felt his stomach knot at the thought. His rough treatment had scarred her, and he swallowed. Leaning down, he ran his tongue over them, before gently kissing it again.

  "It's okay Jaden, I'm fine honest," Maya told him, placing her hand over his on her shoulder. Jaden's brow rose in incredulity, and her mouth twisted.

  "Okay, I admit it. It's a little sore, but it will ease. We'll put some ice on it when we get home, okay?" He nodded and bent to kiss her again, but stopped, just before his lips reached hers. His head titling to the side.

  Maya noticed how catlike some of his movements were, more noticeable just by that one movement. His eyes were fixed, unblinking, staring somewhere to their side, into the shadow of the trees. She watched his nostrils flare, and his top lip came off his teeth on one side. Then putting a finger to his lips, he turned back to her.

  Motioning over his shoulder with his chin, he reached for her, wiggling his fingers. Maya complied with his silent command with a nod of her head, taking hold of his outstretched hand.

  Trailing Maya behind him, Jaden kept a gentle but firm hold of her hand, as he tracked the fresh scent of blood he'd just picked up on. His feet making no noise, as he carefully picked out a path, checking back to make sure Maya was stepping in his wake. As they got to a rather dense part of the woods, the smell became thick in the air. The scent so overpowering, you could taste it in the back of your throat.

  Leaning down Jaden pushed a bush to one side and recoiled, pushing Maya further behind him. Turning in a circle, he let his senses out.

  "Shit, Maya, I think we're in trouble here," Jaden whispered. His mouth close to her ear, trying to keep noise down to a minimum. He knew he could have used telepathy, but if this was her father and uncle, Maya had said he'd felt when they'd used it before. He didn't want to take any chances, at giving them away. She must have picked up on his thoughts though as he felt her stiffen, before she covered her nose and mouth with the hand he didn't have hold of. Then he heard her gasp as she tried to get further behind him. She'd obviously seen what he had.

  "Why would they do that? What did she ever do to them?" Maya whispered, staring at what was left of the female discarded in the bushes.

  Jaden gave her hand a squeeze, then pulled her into him, giving her a quick one armed hug. He began to back them out of the heavy foliage, needing to get her out into the open. In here, there were too many places they could be hidden here. How had they gotten through the others that were around the area? Then he realised something else.

  "Maya, there's no trace of their scent. How have they managed to hide their scent? how is that even possible?" Again he felt her stiffen and her head began to swing around, looking up into the trees and into the darkened patches behind the foliage. He could hear her heartbeat quicken at his words, her breathing shallow out, as if her panic was taking over.

  "Breath honey, just breath through your mouth. The smell is easier to take that way, as your sense of smell with be much more acute now. Breathing through your mouth rather than your nose will reduce the strength of the stench. It will also help clear our sense of smell," he told her, as again he began to pull her along.

  Jaden quickened his steps, heading towards the clearing at a fast clip. It was imperative to get them out in the open to give them a better chance at seeing them coming, because he knew for a fact that they were.

  Chapter Six

  Maya could hear the thoughts spinning through Jaden's head. His mind worked at an incredible rate. He made plans and discarded them, trying to work out a scenario where she was kept safe. He was still struggling with how they could have gotten through the others, especially with a struggling woman in tow. She would have struggled too, because she'd been killed here. The blood splatter up the trees and foliage, as well as the amount of it soaking into the ground around the body was testament to that. How the hell had they managed to kill her without it making a sound? She would have fought, because she had died hard. They'd made it last, sick bastards that they were. She was as torn up as Elena had been, but this one had been tied, although not gagged. They'd also used her, and bile rose in his throat at the thought. Jesus, what made someone capable of doing that to another? And what the hell were those markings they'd carved into her chest, arms and forehead? He was missing something here, he knew he was, something else was at play here? If he couldn’t figure it out he was going to lose Maya, and that wasn't an option. Feeling her eyes on him, he looked over his shoulder at her.

  "I can hear your thoughts. You will not give your life for mine. That is not an option here, do you hear me Jaden? I will not live at your expense, I couldn't live with that," Maya told him. Sighing, he again looked around them as he moved them further away. Running a hand over the back of his neck, as he tried to think. He could kick his own arse for all the mistakes he'd made.

  "I should have kept better control of the cats, and got you back to the bike, this is my fault. We'd have had a chance of getting the others attention if I'd just gotten you back there. My phones there, we could have called in the others for back up, or at least found a way to gain their attention. Maya looked behind her and her own mind began to whirl with possibilities. Stopping just outside the tree line, she shook out of his hold.

  "Maya, what the hell are you doing? We need to move to the centre of the clearing, so we can see what is coming at us." Jaden said, reading for her hand again, but she shook him off.

  "No, collect some branches, and also some of the dry leaves. As much as you can carry," Maya said. Then she bent forward and hurriedly began picking up
small branches. Jaden didn't argue, he just grabbed as much as he could carry. Shoving them in his t-shirt, he then grabbed onto Maya's arm, and dragged her further into the clearing.

  "Okay Jaden, shift and keep your eyes on our backs, while I try and call in the cavalry," Maya told him. Getting down on her haunches, she began to build a small pyre in the middle of the clearing. Jaden kissed her head, as he realised exactly what she was up to, before shaking his head and shifting. He began to pace around her, flaring out his cat's senses, searching for any signs of the enemy.

  Maya rubbed her hands together to stop them from shaking, and took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she sent up a quick prayer for help. Then she opened her eyes and shoved some smaller twigs, under the pyre and more on top. Then she sprinkled some dead leaves around and through it, and took a cleansing breath. Taking hold of a couple of the smaller branches, she rubbed them together. Trying to get enough friction, to ignite a spark in the dried leaves. She could feel Jaden's anxiety as he stood by her back, eyes sweeping the perimeter. He didn't want to lose her, but to have to watch as she was tortured or worse while he was unable to save her was his worst nightmare. It was tripping all his switches, and bringing back his parents' deaths. Maya could hear the voices of his past echoing in his subconscious. His mother's screams, and his father's roar as they were butchered, while he stood on the other side of the door. Closing her eyes again, she prayed harder for a miracle, before she again rubbed the branches together. She desperately needed them to ignite.

  "Jaden you have to stop; you are making everything worse. Let the past go, and stay in the here and now with me. There is nothing you can do for them now. Balin is alive, but I need you with me, here while we still have a chance. Please," Maya sent to him.

  She heard the voices in his head recede, replaced by pictures of them together, laughing and loving and his cat turned. He stared into her eyes, the fixated stare of the cat, before the large head came forward and rubbed against her cheek with his own. She continued rubbing the sticks together.

  "You have to stay alive Maya, or I won't stay intact this time. Do you hear me? If anything happens to you, they'll be hunting me next." Jaden sent the words to her mind, followed by the scene of him trying to bring her back after her heart had stopped. She felt his pain at the loss of her in his mind, and rubbed her cheek along the cats, burying her face in his fur.

  "I hear you, we are on the same page. What my mother never warned you of, is this. Now that I can shift, if anything happens to you, my phoenix will rise. She is also bonded to you. So if they take you from me, they will have destruction on their hands that you wouldn't believe. You too have been warned," she sent back to him then swallowed and turned.

  She let out a whoop of excitement as the wood sparked, and the dry leaves began to smoke. Leaning forward, she blew on it, trying to stoke the flame and build it. She needed smoke, and lots of it. The big cat leaned over her and licked her cheek, before turning back to face the trees. Then he again began pace around her and the pyre.

  "Maya they're coming," Jaden sent to her as she was building the smoke in the tiny fire. Closing her eyes, she wished for her mother's ability, to be able to build heat. She desperately needed it now to get the fire going. They had run out of time, as the enemy were now moving in. Why couldn't she be of use here? Why couldn't she make the flames higher, to get them the help they needed? Just then her right hand began to glow, the heat shooting out like a spark hitting the small fire. The heat built, as the flames shot up into the night sky, like a beam from a flashlight. Maya fell back with the intensity of the flames, and Jaden whipped around to see what the hell was happening. The cat's eyes widening at the flame that now rose from the small pyre like beacon, lighting up the sky.

  "Jesus Christ, what did you use, an accelerant?" Maya shook her head, staring wide eyed at the flames, disbelief written all over her features. She then turned her head towards the cat, who now came around and crouched before her. He seemed to be checking her over, making sure she hadn't been injured. Nuzzling into her neck, and licking her chin. Maya pushed against the big head, until he moved back slowly. She rose carefully to her feet, he feet cramped. Using a hand, he pushed it into the fur of his shoulder, to get her balance, as they now stood side by side.

  Maya rubbed her arm, as if she were cold, when ahead of them from the treeline, two sets of green eyes became visible. They were just outside the clearing, so the heat and flames at their back gave them some hope. The others must be able to see it, and hopefully they'd be here soon.

  "Shift Maya, you have a better chance in your cat form," Jaden said. His head turning towards her and waiting until she nodded, reaching for her own cat. The shift came over her quickly this time. One minute she was human, the next, she was a smaller, sleeker version of the larger cat stood beside her. They stood shoulder to shoulder, as the other cats cautiously came into the clearing, stopping just outside the tree line. After a couple of minutes, the one on the left began to change.

  Before them now stood a tall handsome man, with blue black hair and dark green eyes. The old saying about never judging a book by its cover had never been truer. If this was her father; and from her memories of him it seemed like it was, his handsome exterior made a mockery of the evil that lurked within.

  "Arrgh, my beloved daughter has grown. My, my, you grew up well, Maya, all the sweeter now for a little fun eh?" he grinned. His head swung towards the other black cat to his right. "Aren't you going to come give daddy a hug my little witch, uncle Davion would like some love too. Always better to keep it in the family don't you think?" He smirked, leaning down and stroking his hand lovingly over the head of the cat at his side.

  Maya shuddered in her cat form, bile rising in the back of the throat, as she stared at the monster before her. He was sicker than she'd ever dreamed possible. He took a step forward, then stopped again, putting his hands in his trouser pockets. His head tilting, as he examined the cat before him.

  "I did enjoy the show earlier; pity you didn't undress her though. Quite naughty of you to spoil our fun," he said again. Removing his hands from his pocket, to fondle the ears of the cat keeping pace at his side. "We did enjoy watching you though, in cat form too. I must say it gave us quite the appetite," he smirked. "Unfortunately the toy we found wandering through town wasn't quite as much fun as we usually like. Now the reporter, hmmm, she was so sweet. Her cries and the way she fought us was sublime. Obviously we learned from her that we had to tie the second one down. I mean, I got some rather nasty scratches down my back earlier," he rotated his shoulder blades, before grinning again. "She didn’t fight quite as hard though as I shifted while still inside her body." He tutted, "apparently it was too much for her. She wasn't as much fun once her heart gave out," he pouted then turned to the cat beside him. "Uncle Davion wasn't happy with her at all. He has quite the temper you know," he made this more a whisper, before throwing back his head and laughing. "I must say I'm happy about the present you have for us though. He's quite the specimen," he looked towards Jaden, and Maya felt him stiffen by her side. Her cat rubbed along him, trying to soothe him. Her father tapped his lip now as he looked towards Jaden. "There's something familiar about him, but I can't put my finger on it though, can you Davion?" He turned towards the other cat, and it looked towards him, before swinging its head in the negative. Looking back at them with its unblinking stare. Then her father clicked his fingers, as if he'd come up with the answer. "Now I remember who it is, this area is also familiar to me. We were here, hmm, maybe coming onto about two hundred years ago. A long time, I know, but we were just starting out then. We'd not learned what fun there was to be had by playing with our victims first, or how much sweet it made it. Uncle Jefferson wasn't quite that tolerant of strangers back then. Oh, talking of Uncle Jefferson. I do believe I owe you a little payback for what you did to him, not nice. Anyway, I digress, yes, Uncle Jefferson, well back then he also had a penchant for the axe, messy business." He tutted, examining his finge
r nails. "Blood really does stain you know," he laughed again, before sobering suddenly. His face took on a brooding quality.

  "Maya you need to get ready", Jaden whispered in her mind.

  He was seething with anger. The shifter before him had just admitted to killing his parents, but there was also something familiar about him. Jaden looked to the cat by his side, trying to work it out, but he couldn't get past them killing his parents to do so. He wanted to leap across the space, and tear him apart, limb from limb. His cat was practically vibrating with tension.

  "No, don't you dare. That's why he's doing it. He's trying to get you to make a mistake. Have you noticed how he's keeping his distance, and why is there no scent? How are they masking their scent Jaden?" Maya asked him. Jaden's head swung towards her, and his cat settled as he tried to route through the facts; to come up with an answer. How was it possible? A cat's sense of smell was acute, much better than a dogs. Therefore, they should have been able to pick up their scent, especially from this close. Something was definitely off, because he wasn't picking up a thing. It was as if he and Maya were the only two here. How was that even possible?


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