When Evil Comes To Play (The Veil Diaries Book 5)

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When Evil Comes To Play (The Veil Diaries Book 5) Page 20

by B. L. Brunnemer

  "I want to talk to you," I told him, my voice tired, “but you don't even answer the phone anymore."

  He sighed deeply. "I... " He met my eyes. "I need to ask you some questions."

  "Okay." I had no clue what about... "How does tomorrow afternoon sound?"

  He nodded. "Sounds good." He walked beside me to Miles' hospital room.

  He simply walked in. I stopped at the closed curtain. “Is it clear?”

  “He’s dressed, Beautiful,” Ethan called.

  I started to pull back the curtain and hesitated. “Is he really dressed or are you fucking with me?”

  The guys chuckled.

  “He’s dressed,” Asher reassured me. I opened the curtain and walked in. Miles was pale and sweating in the bed. I walked over and grabbed a water bottle.

  Zeke eyed me with a frown. “You okay?” he growled.

  I gave him the same smile I gave Isaac. “Yeah, fine.” I moved to the right side of Miles’ bed, near Asher, and took a quick drink.

  “Hey,” I said softly. He opened his eyes and gave me a small smile. His backup glasses were rimless with narrow rectangular lenses. They looked… damn good on him. I bit back a smile.

  “Do they look that funny?” he asked, his eyes still a bit glazed.

  “No, actually, they look better than the last pair,” I admitted.

  He grinned. “Yeah, but they’re easier to break.”

  “Hey, we’re going to go see about getting chairs for everyone,” Asher announced.

  “Thanks, guys,” I said. The guys headed out. I sat carefully on the side of the bed, facing him. “So, how are you feeling?”

  He closed his eyes. “Like I was in a car wreck and had surgery.”

  I smiled. “If you need to sleep, sleep.”

  His hand moved to mine. I reached out and held his. He quickly fell asleep after that.

  When I was sure he was asleep, I sat down in Ethan's chair. Caroline popped back into my head. The ventilator.... being stuck here when there was no hope of recovery.

  I was deep in thought when Rory came into the room. He was still in his uniform as he moved to Miles' side. "How's he doing?"

  "He had surgery to fix his broken arm. He's banged up and had a hit to the head,” I explained. "Surgeon said he’d have full use of his arm again.”

  “Good.” He sighed. “Well, his car is totaled.”

  I doubted Miles would care. Everyone in it was safe and alive.

  “I need you tomorrow afternoon,” he told me. “I have somewhere to take you.”

  “Sure,” I muttered.

  Rory’s eyes ran over me. “Are you okay?”

  I nodded, my eyes still unfocused. “I just crossed a woman who… she was in a coma, on a ventilator.”

  Rory came to my side. “What you do mean? You were able to help her cross when she was alive?”

  I nodded. “She… didn’t want to stay a vegetable. She asked me to cross her over.” My stomach knotted. “It killed her.”

  He knelt down to my level. “That’s not your fault, kid.”

  “I know.” I swallowed hard before meeting his eyes. “No ventilator.”

  His eyes narrowed on mine. “What? You mean…”

  “If it comes to it, no ventilator,” I told him again.

  His face softened, his eyes growing shadowed. “Alright.” He sighed. “Have you told them yet?”

  I shook my head. “I’m almost ready. Give me a couple more days, until after Miles’ birthday.” I only needed a little more time. He reached out and squeezed my hand. Two decisions down, how many more to go?

  Later that night

  I shifted in my chair, trying to find a comfortable spot. There was only one sleeper chair, and everyone made sure that Ethan got it for the night. Especially when his pain meds stopped working. He was near the door, stretched out in the sleeper chair. Zeke was snoring in his chair in the corner of the room, Asher was out cold with his chin on his chest, Isaac had gone home, and Isaac had taken off a couple of hours before sunset. I shifted again. These chairs really did suck, but it was nothing compared to the anxiety running through me. The ‘what could have happened?’ scenarios; they were what was truly keeping me awake. I fingered the beads on my wrist.

  The nurse came in, again. She woke Miles up, again. The poor guy wasn’t getting any sleep, not with the nurse waking him up every half hour.

  The nurse left. Miles sighed and met my eyes. “Can’t sleep?”

  I shrugged.

  He carefully scooted to the left side of the bed and pulled back the covers.

  Warmth filled my heart as I got to my feet and moved to the side of his bed. I slipped off my sandals and slowly climbed in. Miles lifted his good arm so I could move closer. I moved carefully to lay on my back. The bed was at an angle so that we weren’t lying down completely. He turned a bit more so he could look down at me.

  Those emerald eyes were warm when they met mine. “Why can’t you sleep?” he whispered softly.

  “My head won’t stop,” I admitted just as quietly, relaxing against him. “I keep running through everything that could have happened.”

  He blinked at me, his eyes still glazed. “There’s something I want to tell you. Something about how worrying now is pointless. But I’m sure it’ll come out wrong...”

  I fought back a grin as he frowned. “Your pain meds are pretty strong.”

  He sighed. His brow drew together, his lips frowning. “I hate it, Angel. I hate feeling this way, not being able to think. So, I just lay here like a log and do nothing.” Did he just call me angel? Again? My stomach fluttered at the thought.

  I reached up and gently touched his chin. “You’re healing. It’s okay to do nothing for a while.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed deeply. “I still don’t like not being able to think.”

  “I know, Nemo.” I lowered my hand to his chest and rested it there.

  He opened his eyes and met mine again. “Stay here, get some sleep.”

  My body warmed. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “The bruising is all on my left side. You won’t hit them,” he promised. When I hesitated he added, “Please?”

  I grinned as I curled up against him, my bent knees resting against his leg. Wintergreen filled my lungs. His hand gently ran up and down my back, soothing me. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep.


  The tequila burned as it went down my throat. Maybe this will shut the voice up. The music was blasting and ringing in my ears. I took another drink from the bottle before looking around. I was in the corner of the house of... some guy Josh knew. The party was crazy; everyone was wasted and it had the feel of a party that wouldn't end until morning.

  It's my fault. The whole fucking thing was my fault. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back to rest on the back of the chair. If I hadn't taken the car this morning, Ethan wouldn't have been in Miles' car.

  And Miles wouldn't have been at the intersection.

  That damn voice! I took a deep drink. Shit. Why didn't I think of that earlier? Fuck. Rage burned in my gut along with that need again. I looked around me. Everyone was wasted. All it would take was one swing... I pushed myself out of the chair and to my feet. The tequila sloshed out of the bottle and onto the carpet.

  I got to my feet and staggered through the crowd toward the door. The urge to hit someone tore through me. I moved a little faster. My hands shook as I got to the door. Air, I needed air. I walked out onto the grass and leaned against the tree in the middle of the yard. I took several deep breaths.

  You almost got them killed, just like Sophie.

  I... I needed to... Lexie. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

  She's with Miles and Ethan.

  I cursed and tried to stop the shaking. Lexie... I'm gonna see her tomorrow... Tapping my phone with my thumb, I brought up her picture again.

  She's probably cuddled up with Ethan by now.

  My heart r
aced as that urge came back, the urge for pain, to bleed. I took a deep drink from the bottle as I brought up my voicemail and listened to her message again. Tomorrow, she could tell me tomorrow. I swallowed hard. If I did do that to Sophie... Lexie would know. A hole burned in my chest as I took another drink.

  “Hey, Isaac, what are ya doing?" Josh called from the door. Not now. He needed to stay away.

  "Getting air," I told him as I kept looking at my phone. He came outside. My stomach burned. Couldn't he leave me the fuck alone?

  Josh stood across from me. "What's with you?"

  I shot him a glare. The urge to pound my fist into his face rolled over me. I focused on those green eyes on my phone.

  "You and that Lexie chick broke up, didn't ya?" Josh asked with a smile. Rage ate at my control.

  He thinks the worst of her, always has.

  He needed to stop talking. Josh knew I didn't like it when he talked about Lexie. The shit always went too far. "No," I growled.

  "Don't feel bad, at least you're off the bitch's leash,” he offered with a chuckle.

  The world grew red. Fury crashed through me, making me shake. I looked up from my phone and met his eyes. That motherfucker. Something dark washed over me.

  I dropped the phone and the bottle before lunging at Josh.

  Chapter 11


  I woke up slowly, Miles’ scent surrounding me. Miles, the wreck, hospital. It came rushing back. I opened my eyes. Miles’ eyes were closed, his breathing deep and even. He was alright. As I woke up I realized the hand of Miles’ broken arm was on the inside of my bent knee. His warm fingers rested on sensitive skin. I tried not to feel the tingle running up my thigh. The strange feeling of being watched had me opening my eyes. I turned my head and looked around the hospital room.

  Zeke was in his chair in the corner. His phone was in his hands, but he wasn’t looking at it. He was looking at us with a longing on his face so intense it took my breath away. His eyes met mine and the look was gone, as if it had never been. He went back to looking at his phone and ignoring me. Was, was he jealous that I was cuddling with Miles? That didn’t feel right. That wasn’t jealousy I saw.

  Carefully, I slipped out of Miles’ bed and walked out into the hallway. There was no way I was using the bathroom in the room with Asher in there. Finding the one from yesterday, I went inside.

  I was walking back down the hall to the room when Asher stepped out into the hall, running his hand through his hair.

  Asher spotted me. “Hey, I’m heading down to the cafeteria to bring breakfast up. I could use a hand.”

  “Coffee is on the menu, right?” I asked, still feeling groggy.

  He grinned. “First thing.”

  “Good,” I muttered as we headed down the hall.

  Apparently, the cafeteria was in the basement and Asher knew the way. We both grabbed a tray and started pouring coffee. Asher cursed.

  “What?” I asked as I put a lid on a black coffee for Zeke.

  “I can’t remember how everyone likes their coffee,” Asher grumbled.

  “Zeke drinks it black, Miles adds half a packet of sugar and a teaspoon of creamer, Ethan would prefer a mocha, but if you put some cocoa mix in with the coffee it’s close.” I listed them off without having to think about it.

  “You can remember that this early?” Asher asked as he picked up a cocoa packet.

  “Well, it’s coffee,” I reminded him. He snorted.

  “Coffee is life,” he said in a droid voice. I chuckled.

  “Coffee get brain started,” I countered in my own droid voice.

  He smiled as we picked up our trays and moved to the hot food table.

  “What are we getting?” I asked.

  “The food here isn’t bad, actually,” Asher informed me. “If you get breakfast for Zeke, I’ll get breakfast for Ethan.”

  “Oh, yeah, give me the heavier tray.” I grinned up at him.

  He chuckled.

  I loaded up two plates of eggs, sausage and toast. For Zeke I added a couple of waffles before we went to the cashier.

  I pulled out my wallet and paid for half of breakfast. Then we snuck the trays out of the cafeteria and headed back to Miles’ room.

  We were in the elevator between floors when Asher broke the silence. “We’re going to be okay, right?” he asked quietly.

  My pulse raced. “I hope so.” I swallowed hard. “What do you think?”

  He sighed. “I don’t know. Right now, I’m trying to remember why I shouldn’t kiss you again.”

  The butterflies went nuts as heat flashed through me. “Ash…”

  “I know,” he whispered.

  The elevator doors opened. We walked out and down the hall towards Miles’ room.

  After the doctor checked on Miles, she decided he was well enough to be discharged. Asher took Miles, while I drove Ethan. Ethan refused to go home.

  Asher was walking with Miles into Miles’ house as I was pulling to a stop in the circular gravel driveway. I quickly shut off the truck and hurried around to the other side. Ethan was already getting out carefully.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go home?” I asked for the third time.

  “Yeah, this is closer, and I have some of my ibuprofen still here.” He grunted as he started limping towards the door. I followed close behind him into the house. “I’m going upstairs, Beautiful. Can you bring me a bottle of water, please?” He grit his teeth and put his foot on the first step.

  “Nah-uh.” I grabbed his arm carefully. “You're going to my room. It’s closer and not upstairs.”

  He looked up the stairs and scowled at them. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.” He stepped down and headed for my room. I walked with him. When he sat down on the bed he was cursing under his breath.

  “What do you need from your room?” I asked.

  After taking several deep breaths, he opened his eyes. “I need both pill bottles in the nightstand, the TENS unit, and some shorts to sleep in. Don’t bother with a shirt.”

  “What’s a TENS unit? And where is your room?” I asked.

  “It looks like an iPod with cords connected to sticky patches. And my room is down the left side, the first door.”

  I gave him a small smile. “I’ll be right back.” I left my room and headed for the stairs. Asher was coming down.

  “How’s Miles?” I asked as I passed.

  “Hurting. I’m getting him some water and making him a sandwich to eat with the pain killers,” he said as he continued down the stairs. “How’s Ethan?”

  “Hurting, I’m getting his pain meds now. Can you make him a sandwich too?” I asked as I continued to climb the stairs.

  He nodded as he stepped off the stairs. “On it.” I headed down the left and opened the first door. Ethan’s bedroom at Miles’ house looked a lot like his bedroom at home. The walls were covered in posters, only here his clothes weren’t all over the floor. His bed was simple and lengthwise against the wall, just like at home. I went to the nightstand and pulled out the drawer. I pulled out the two pill bottles and dug around to find the TENS unit. It looked exactly like he said, a little iPod. Closing the drawer, I moved to the dresser and found a pair of mesh shorts. It was summer, these would work for sleeping, right?

  I hurried downstairs and into my room. Ethan was slowly eating a sandwich. I set the bottles and TENS unit on my nightstand then set the shorts next to him. “Let me get you some water.” I went to the kitchen.

  I was pulling out a couple of bottles of water when Asher came in. “Ally, I need you to go upstairs. Miles is at his computer trying to type,” he bit out.

  “Go tell him if he doesn’t get his ass in bed I’m going to come up there and take his glasses away.” I closed the fridge.

  He grinned. “I’ll try, but you might want to check on him.”

  “I will.” I showed him the bottles. “I’ve got to get Ethan his water and then I’ll head up.”

  “I’m going to get some sleep
,” Asher told me, his warm eyes running over me. My heartbeat picked up. He looked away from me and started rubbing his neck. He turned away and left the kitchen, leaving my heart aching.

  I sighed and headed for my bedroom. We’re going to be okay. We’re going to be okay… right? I walked in, looked up, and froze.

  Ethan was only in his dark red boxer briefs, sitting on the side of the bed with the mesh shorts in his hand. Those muscles, that toned… holy shit. I swallowed hard. Bruises were here and there. A large one ran down his left side.

  He lifted his head and raised an eyebrow. “You peeping on me?”

  I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. “Turnabout is fair play. You want a hand?”

  He smirked. “You don’t want to say that to a guy in his shorts, Beautiful.”

  I chuckled and took the shorts from his hand. I knelt down and got them around his feet before wiggling them up to his knees. He groaned as he got to his feet and pulled them up. I steadied him when he wobbled. He cursed and sat down, wincing. “Carajo coño!,” he bit out.

  “Did you take your meds?” I asked, trying to figure out how to help.

  “Yeah, they’re gonna take a half hour to kick in.” He groaned. “Lexie, get out of here. I’m just going to be miserable.” There was no way that I was going to leave him here like this.

  “Get on the bed and roll over,” I ordered.

  He lifted an eyelid. “Why?”

  “’Cause I’m going to give you a massage,” I told him, before going into my bathroom and getting my lotion. When I walked back in, he was cursing as he lay down further on the bed. Careful not to bump him, I climbed on the bed and moved to his side. I put some lotion in my hands and warmed it up.

  Before I could even touch him, he turned his head to look up at me. “Soft hands, Beautiful,” he warned.

  I gave him a small smile before gently touching his back. I cursed. His back was locked up tighter than ever. I started with long, soft strokes to loosen his muscles. As they began to let go, he groaned deeply. My hands began working on the smaller knots down his spine. When I got to his lower back, he grunted. I eased up on the pressure, but I wasn’t making any headway.


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