When Evil Comes To Play (The Veil Diaries Book 5)

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When Evil Comes To Play (The Veil Diaries Book 5) Page 33

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “I’ll take it,” I told her. I just wanted to stop having to watch my volume level all the time. I’m a shouter - I shout. She leaned forward and held my throat in her hands as she closed her eyes. My throat grew warm just like my injuries had earlier.

  It wasn’t long before she opened her eyes and let go. “That should do it. Try it out.”

  I swallowed hard. “Testing.” For the first time since January, I didn’t have to use a slight force to make my voice work. My throat felt fine. It was fucking amazing. “Thank God. That was annoying as hell.”

  They chuckled.

  Questions finally started coming to me. “Um, there’s this one thing that happened. In April, I was in class when a bunch of souls found me.” I swallowed hard. “I did something. I sent out a blast of light that shoved them out of the room.”

  They both stared at me. “Did any of the other humans see it?” Evelyn asked quietly.

  “No, just me.” I took a breath. “I also blew every bulb in the room. And fried the backup generator.”

  Evelyn started to rub the locket around her neck. “That’s interesting.” She met my eyes. “Like I said, when I heal people I tend to get more information than I’d like. You do seem to have more ability than I would have expected.”

  “What did I do?” I asked, scared of the answer.

  “It could be that your connection with the Veil is having a few side effects,” Evelyn began. “No one has had this much interaction with it before, but Necromancers don’t normally have that kind of ability, not to that degree. The fact that you do… it can only be because of your connection.” That didn’t sound good. “What you did, I believe, was use your own energy to throw the souls out of the room. Most Necromancers have it to some degree, but what you're describing is a level I've never heard of. You need to be careful with that. As a Necromancer, any energy you use comes from you. If you overdo it…”

  “Shit.” I rubbed my eyes with one hand. “Let me guess, it can cause damage.”

  “It’ll kill you,” Rina said directly.

  I sighed. Figured. “So, I’m screwed no matter what.”

  “Not quite,” Evelyn said with a gentle smile.

  There was something I had to know. “You said ‘when you raise the dead.’”

  "Yes, someone has told you that you will eventually... right?" She cringed awkwardly.

  "Yeah, that's not it," I said. "It's that you said it without... being rude."

  Understanding filled her eyes. "Oh, let me guess. The witches are being snotty about your abilities."

  "Yeah, snotty to downright hostile," I admitted.

  She shook her head. "That's just... nonsense. You see, you're a magic user. But, you didn't get a choice in your abilities so that makes you a different breed of magic user, so to speak."

  "Most witches have worked a long time to get their skills,” Rina began. "You'll reach their level and surpass them very quickly, probably before you’re twenty-five years old."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Is that why they kill us off? Because we're stronger than them?"

  I suddenly had their undivided attention.

  "What do you mean? Kill you off?" Rina asked, her brow drawn.

  I turned to Evelyn. "That's what Serena said. Once a Necromancer raises the dead, they usually have to be dealt with."

  Evelyn grew still, her face serious. "There are specific circumstances set for the execution of a Necromancer, and not one of them includes raising the dead for the first time." She shook her head. "I wish I knew more about Necromancy, but I know the laws. And that is... " She took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  The church office opened. Atticus walked out, closely followed by Father Francis.

  Evelyn shook her head. "One thing at a time. We will have a longer discussion about this subject."

  Atticus came straight to us and stood beside Evelyn.

  Francis stopped next to my bench. “Evelyn, it’s wonderful to have you—”

  “You denied her the ward tattoos?” Evelyn snapped as she looked up at him, her eyes burning. “Is that correct?”

  Atticus’s lips lifted into a slight grin.

  Francis frowned. “I offered her a job.”

  “And if she didn’t take it?” she demanded. I almost felt guilty. Almost.

  “The ward tattoos are sacred,” Francis said. “They can’t be just handed out—”

  “Oh, sacred my foot!” she snapped as she began to get to her feet. “They’re spells tattooed into the skin.” Atticus set his hand on her shoulder. She stopped trying to get to her feet.

  Francis straightened his shoulders. “That may be, but her skills would be beneficial to the Templars.”

  Evelyn scowled at Francis. Atticus’ face was hard as he handed Evelyn the notepad he was carrying. He pulled a pen from the inside breast pocket of his suit jacket and passed it to her. Evelyn took it while shaking her head.

  “So, you’re trying to take advantage of her,” Evelyn stated clearly as she began drawing something.

  “Respectfully, it’s none of your concern anymore,” Francis stated.

  Evelyn huffed, clearly angry at his response.

  “The Templars still work for us. Or have you found other funding?” Atticus demanded, his voice hard and dark. “Blackmailing a teenager with something that could save her life is despicable. Especially when that same teenager is risking her life to save this world.”

  “The… world?” I asked, stunned.

  Atticus closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

  “What do you mean?” Francis asked, clearly as confused as I was.

  Evelyn answered as she continued to draw. “Lexie, here, is the only way to cross the dead at the moment. If that energy kept building, well, the barriers would have been destroyed.” She looked up and sent a look at the priest. “Heaven and Hell would pour into this world. And we all know we don’t want that.” My head swam. Heaven? Hell? Barriers?

  “What the fuck?” I said.

  Atticus raised an eyebrow and turned to me. “You didn’t know?”

  I gaped at him. “That I was saving the world? No,” I snapped sarcastically. His eyebrow dropped.

  “I need to have a word with Zahur,” he muttered to himself.

  “And this girl, this teenager, is doing this? Alone?” Francis asked, shocked.

  “Yes, she is,” Evelyn stated as she clicked the pen shut. “Which is why I’m angry that you wouldn’t give her the ward tattoos.”

  The priest smiled. “Then all the more reason to have her working with us.”

  The look Evelyn shot him would have made me back up.

  “I’d stop talking, Francis,” Rina told him.

  Evelyn turned to me and handed me the drawing. “Lexie, take that to the Templar’s tattoo artist. Tell him to use the same ink as the ward tattoos and have this written down your spine. It’s similar to the ward spell and it will work the same way, only you’ll have control of it. It’ll strengthen your barriers to the point nothing can touch you unless you lower them, which will stop any further brain damage.

  The world came to a screeching halt. “It will?”

  “Yes. This is tailored to you, so you can continue to cross the dead without hurting yourself. Once the Veil issue is dealt with we’ll talk about a better one,” Evelyn said. I was speechless, but no one seemed to notice.

  “And you will give her the shop address,” Atticus ordered.

  “Of course,” Francis said, his voice quiet.

  Evelyn sighed. “And now, I need a nap.”

  Rina chuckled. “Go take a nap, I’m going to raid the kitchen.” She picked up her ginger ale and crackers.

  Atticus helped Evelyn to her feet.

  “We’ll have a longer talk soon,” Evelyn assured me. “I also want a peek at that dog of yours when he decides it’s safe to leave your friend’s side.”

  Atticus picked her up and carried her back inside. Rina followed. Francis went back to the office, leaving me in s

  I looked down at the paper in my trembling hand. It… this… fuck. The enormity of what that piece of paper meant… I had to sit down. I was sitting down. I took deep breaths. Tears filled my eyes as I looked at the design. I… I could… I swallowed hard as tears fell down my face. I could live past thirty. I took deep breaths as relief destroyed any control I had and left me shaking. I could have a life. I could get married if I wanted. I had a chance to… grow old… for the first time in my life. I had the chance for a real life. I wasn’t going to die.

  I pulled out my phone and called home.

  “How’s Isaac?” Rory answered his phone.

  I smiled, tears still streaming down my face. “Fine. He’s fine.”

  “What’s wrong?” Rory demanded.

  “Um...” I swallowed hard. “I… There are some people here that know a lot of magic and stuff. They... one of them…” I was struggling just to form the words. “This woman, Evelyn, she gave me a design for a ward. Rory…” I took a breath, “it’ll stop me from getting jumped.”

  Silence met my ear.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice hopeful.

  “Yeah. She killed the fucking demon inside Isaac, so… yeah, she’s probably sure.” I wiped my face.

  “Holy shit.” His voice was thick. He took several deep breaths.

  “There’s just one catch,” I admitted. “I have to have it tattooed on.”

  “I don’t give a fuck, get it today!” Rory all but shouted. I smiled and wiped my face as a fresh wave of tears fell down my face. “I mean it. I want that on you now!” That feeling of being loved washed over me.

  “Okay, I’ll get it before I come home.” My voice was quiet and thick.

  “Good.” He let out a deep shaking breath. “Love you, kid.”

  My throat grew tight. “Love ya too.” I hung up and wiped my face again.

  “Ally?” Asher’s voice had me looking up. He stood at the end of the bench, his ocean eyes worried. I had to tell them. It was time.

  “I…” I took a breath and tried again. “There’s something I need to tell you guys.”

  Thirty minutes later, everyone was sitting in Asher’s room, which was the closest to mine. We had left a Templar to watch over Isaac in my bedroom. I had just finished telling them everything about the spot on my brain, the problems I had been having, and what the ward would do. The room was silent as a cemetery. Zeke was oddly still, while the others started asking questions.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Ethan asked, his fingers twirling his silver rings.

  “I tried,” I admitted. “At first I didn’t even believe it, but… I tried several times and I just couldn’t manage to…” I stopped and wiped my face again. “And then Isaac was possessed, and I couldn’t tell anyone with that going on. I didn’t want to add to it.”

  Asher let out a hard scoff. “Fuck, Ally. You were… you were dying and you didn’t tell us.” He shook his head, clearly angry with me.

  “I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  Ethan turned to Miles and Zeke. “How the hell are you two so calm?”

  “She told me the morning of Isaac’s fight,” Miles admitted.

  “And you fucking kept it to yourself?” Ethan shouted, his face turning red. He got to his feet, his eyes storming.

  “She told me in confidence,” Miles said calmly, his voice growing colder. “Should I have gone straight to everyone and given you the news? Would you want that the next time you confide in me?”

  Ethan cursed under his breath and walked away from us.

  Asher turned to Zeke. “Why are we more upset about this than you? You knew too?”

  Zeke’s burning gaze moved to Asher. “Fuck you,” he bit out as Asher walked toward him. “You have no idea what’s going on in my head.”

  “You should be yelling your head off,” Asher countered, his voice hard. “You fucking knew.”

  Zeke squared off with Asher. “I figured something was wrong after she kept dropping from crossing the dead,” he growled, getting in Asher’s face. “Last night she hinted that it was bad. I just didn't want to know it was that bad.” My stomach knotted. This wasn’t good.

  “Knock it off,” I snapped. The guys stopped glaring at each other and turned to me. “I’m the one who didn’t say anything. If you want to be pissed with someone, be pissed at me.”

  “Believe me, I am,” Asher shot back.

  My heart ached but I accepted it.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell the rest of us?” Ethan demanded.

  I turned to him. “Because of Isaac.” The room grew silent. “With the way things were going, I had time. Isaac didn’t. It was more important to take care of him.”

  Asher moved away from Zeke and leaned against the wall.

  “You still should have told us sooner,” Zeke announced.

  I shot him a look. “Oh, you mean when I hadn’t even processed the news?” I shook my head. “I couldn’t tell you because I couldn’t believe it myself.”

  “Everyone has a right to be upset about this,” Miles announced, his voice patient. “However, Lexie needed time before she could tell us. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He looked around the room at the guys. “Be angry if you’re angry. But you can’t blame her for taking some time to wrap her head around the situation.”

  “Whatever.” Ethan dropped down on the bed. He looked tired already.

  “However, there’s something else you’re not telling us,” Miles announced.

  My eyes snapped to his.

  “We heard from a woman named Astrid. She gave us some information. She’s part of the team with Evelyn. I also had a talk with Craig,” Miles began. My heart slammed in my chest.

  “Oh, yeah? What did they say?” I asked, half afraid of the answer.

  “Did you mean to trade yourself to the demon for Isaac?” Miles asked calmly. The silence was deafening.

  I looked him in the eye and told the truth. “Yeah.”

  Everyone but Miles cursed.

  “What the fuck?” Zeke snapped.

  My eyes shot to him. “Isaac was going to die in front of me,” I snapped. “I was going to die anyway—”

  “That’s not a good enough reason,” Zeke growled.

  “Yes, it is!” I shouted back, anger filling my chest. “What would you have done? ’Cause I’m damn sure you would have done the same fucking thing if you could!”

  Zeke clenched his fists together. “It’s not the same.”

  “Yeah, it fucking is!” I yelled. “Would you rather have lost two friends or just one?”

  “Damn it, Lexie,” he snarled.

  “It was my fucking choice,” I stated simply. “Isaac had nothing left. It’s done. I bought enough time for help to get here. It’s over.”

  Miles straightened from the wall. “Zeke, you misunderstood the reason I brought it up.”

  Zeke’s head snapped around.

  “It wasn’t to yell at her.” He met Zeke’s gaze. “It was to thank her.” Stunned silence filled the room. “She’s right. I don’t like admitting it, but she was right. We were going to lose Isaac. And her. I would have done the exact same thing and so would you. So would Asher. So would Ethan. You can’t blame her for making the same choice we would.”

  Zeke roughly ran his hand through his hair as he began pacing again. “Fine.”

  Miles turned back to me. “Is there anything else?”

  “No.” I raised an eyebrow. “How about you?”

  Miles sighed. “The demon spoke to Zeke.” Asher’s head whipped around. “With the nature of what the demon was saying, both Father Francis and I agreed that Zeke shouldn’t sit with the demon.”

  “That’s fine. I just don’t know why you kept it a secret,” Ethan stated, crossing his arms.

  “Look, we’re all run down and exhausted. We’ve all made mistakes lately,” Asher declared. My heart took a hit. Did he mean kissing me? But Asher wasn’t done. “Let’s just…
let it go. Let’s start fresh and work on our communication.”

  “Seconded,” Miles announced.

  “Third,” Zeke grumbled.

  “Motion passed,” I stated.

  Chapter 19


  I was lying on my stomach as a needle pierced the skin over my spine. Because of the location it was painful as hell. I focused on taking deep breaths and letting them out slowly. Trying to distract myself, I thought over the last three days since Isaac had almost died.

  Since the big conversation in Asher’s room, everyone had finally started to relax. It helped when Isaac woke up and asked for food.

  Since then, Isaac had mostly been sleeping and eating. The poor guy had had little energy for anything else until this morning. When we filled him in on the ward tattoo and what it could do, he demanded we go to the tattoo shop immediately.

  The needle hit a more sensitive spot. I grunted but held still. The curtain opened and Zeke came in, frowning. He really didn’t like that I had a string bikini top on, or that the back was undone. Of course, it might also have been combined with the fact the artist was a man. He sat on a stool near my head.

  “How’re you doing?” he asked.

  I smiled. “Fine, it just hurts.”

  “You need anything?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Nope.” I hissed as the needle hit another sensitive spot.

  “I can’t fucking watch this,” he growled as he got to his feet and left. I was snickering when Asher came in and took Zeke’s place.

  “Zeke freaked?” Asher asked.

  I grinned. “Zeke freaked.”

  He chuckled. “The plane is being prepped now, so as soon as you’re done we’ll head home.”

  “Good, I want my house and my bed,” I stated. Asher chuckled.

  “It’s been a long few days,” he admitted.

  “A long, hellish few days,” I added.

  “Yeah.” He gestured to my back. “How much does that hurt?”

  “The spine is one of the most painful places to get a tattoo,” Mike, the tattoo artist, answered.

  “So, it hurts,” I told him.


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