Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 21

by Michele Bardsley

  She hung, draped across his damp body. “I’m done. Stick a fork in me.”

  He chuckled. “You say the damndest things.”

  Tensing, she asked, “Is that good or bad?”

  “Better than good. Don’t ever change.”

  She smiled. Everyone else thought she was a bubble off of center. But Tristan got her. Her heart did a happy dance.

  Now, how would they go forward from here?

  What could she tell Kossman?

  Chapter 9

  Tristan sensed something off. He slowly opened his eyes, searching the room then taking stock of the bed he was sprawled over. He had a mouth-watering body lying across his chest.

  That’s right ... he was in the human world, not on Treoir.

  He relaxed, content to listen as Mac’s chest rose and fell with gentle breaths.

  His hands would not stay away from her. He stroked her back, moving the sheet to her waist. That’s all it took to be hard again. He wanted more of last night. Resting hadn’t been on the agenda, even after a second round of steaming sex in the shower.

  Her fault. She’d wanted to shower again.

  She stirred and lifted her head, looking only at him.

  He waited for her to flinch at seeing his eyes again.

  Not Mac. She smiled and said, “Tell me something special about your powers that no one else can do.”

  He thought on it, comparing different abilities. “I’m not sure if this is unique to Beladors, but I’ve never heard of any other preternatural group that can link with each other.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This is another thing that’s hard to explain, but we reach out and join our power to another Belador. Once we do, we have more power as a team.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing.”

  “Unless someone in the link is killed,” Tristan clarified.

  “Why? What happens then?”

  “Everyone linked dies.” And that was only one reason he hadn’t experimented much with linking. He’d done it a couple of times and survived, but the Alterants had not, as a rule, been groomed to fight as a team.

  “That sucks.” Mac jumped from one topic to the next. “Can you see at night?”

  “Better than night vision.”

  “Oh, that’s going to make sex on the beach fun during summer. We can go anywhere after dark.”

  If only his life were that simple. He couldn’t stay with her. He wanted to turn his back on everyone and everything to stay right here. Life didn’t work that way.

  He started thinking of what he needed to do to make sure she was safe once he left. His chest hurt just thinking about letting go of her.

  Stroking her hair, he smiled at her happy expression. “Are you ever unhappy?”

  Her face fell.

  Way to ruin her good mood, asshole. “What’d I say?”

  “You didn’t do anything wrong, so stop trying to take the blame.”

  Did he do that? He’d been blamed for so much over the years it came naturally to assume he was at fault. “Okay, if I didn’t do it then what made you sad?”

  “I’ve had my moments of being unhappy. I was miserable growing up in the lap of luxury, or at least everyone thinks I lived in luxury. My father and brother are ... they’re difficult. I’ve struggled since striking out on my own, but I’ve been happy even when making ends meet has been tough. I will admit you made me sad when you left, but I thought you’d played me for a fool then you were done with me.”

  “Baby, you’re nobody’s fool. I’m sorry about what happened.”

  “Yes, but you spent five years in hell thinking I’d turned you over to the demon police.”

  Demon police. More Mac talk. He lifted her hair, twisting it around his fingers. “That’s in the past. Now we need to figure out how to make sure you’re safe before I leave.”

  She shot up, shoving her hands hard on his chest. “You’re leaving? Again?”

  Tristan pushed up on his elbows. “I have to go back to another realm. My foster sister is here and so is another Alterant. We aren’t supposed to leave Macha’s realm.”

  “Then what are the three of you doing here? I mean, I’m thrilled you’re back, but I’m so confused.”

  He was, frankly, amazed at how well she’d handled everything, and owed her any explanation he could give her. “Macha doesn’t want us to leave her realm and, as you’ve seen, there are groups hunting us. She doesn’t know that I can teleport. I’m the only one of our group who can, so I’ve been bringing each Alterant home to the human world for a visit during the holidays, then taking them back two days later.”

  “Where is this realm?”

  Tristan scratched a day’s growth of beard. “That’s going to be tough to explain. It’s Treoir Island, home of Treoir Castle, and all of that is hidden in a mist above the Irish Sea. But, no, you couldn’t see it if you flew over the Irish Sea.”

  “When will you be back?”

  “I don’t know. We’re waiting on a decision from a Tribunal made up of three gods and goddesses.” Yep, this sounded bizarre even to his ears. “There’s no guarantee that they’ll approve our petition to be a recognized race. If not ...” He shrugged.

  She cocked her jaw, thinking hard on something then she snapped her fingers. “We should tell Kossman. If he knew about you, surely he’d want to protect Alterants.”

  Kossman again.

  “No.” Tristan set her to the side of him. “The less humans know about us, the better for both sides.” He paused and debated on asking something. No way to ask and not sound like an ass, but old suspicions died hard when you’d been through all that he had. He had to know. “You said last night that you needed to hand a supernatural being to Kossman to gain the position Sethos is also after. Is that why you want me to stay?”

  She stood and grabbed the sheet, wrapping it around her. “How can you ask me that?”

  He cringed internally beneath her stern gaze, but the past still had a hold on him and probably always would. Allowing feelings to influence where to place his trust had come with a painful price in the past. He’d been sold to a witch because he’d been born a freak. That’s where he’d met Petrina. The day that witch attacked Petrina, he’d shifted into a beast and killed the bitch.

  Over the years, he’d tossed out all kinds of stories about being in multiple foster homes, but the truth was, his mother hadn’t wanted a monster. Until he’d met Mac, every woman Tristan had been around had tried to screw him over, except for Petrina.

  Dammit, he was a blunt asshole, but that personality flaw had saved him a lot of trouble in the past. Still, he should’ve thought twice before being so crass with Mac.

  He shoved up off the bed and stood in front of her. “I just want that out on the table so I know.”

  “Here’s your answer. If you have to ask, then what I say wouldn’t matter. I don’t know what other women have done to you in the past, but I’m not judging you by the men in my past so don’t judge me by those women. I don’t need you as a trophy.”

  Good goddess, he’d managed to piss her off royally. “Mac.”

  She backed up a step, tugging the sheet with her. “You know what? You’re leaving anyhow, so go back to your realm. If I see you again, I do. If I don’t, well, I’ll know I was too much effort.”


  She lifted a hand to silence him and stepped back. “I spent five years learning how to accept being left behind. I know you didn’t do it on purpose, but it was still ... painful. I’m glad you’re safe and I’m glad I know what you are, but you’re leaving again and you still don’t trust me. Let’s not make this any more difficult than it is.”

  I really am some kind of dickhead to screw this up. He started to apologize and Bernie’s voice reached him telepathically.

  Tristan, are you there?

  Tristan lifted a hand to ask Mac to give him a moment, then he replied to Bernie. I’m here. What’s up?

  I only have sixty seconds so
don’t interrupt. Sethos has Petrina and me. He says he’ll trade us for a woman named Elaine Mackenzie and if you don’t bring her within an hour, he’ll give Petrina to the Medb, then take me to some Kossman dude and tell him that Elaine is trying to sell us to a higher bidder. This Sethos is whacked.

  Where are you?

  Sethos has us bound and has Petrina levitated over a pit full of blades. One can cut her body in half. Bernie finally spouted out directions then warned Tristan, You know this is a trap, but I can’t save your sister without your help.

  Tell Sethos I’m coming and if either of you is harmed, I’ll make him beg for death.

  I’ll tell him, but he’s–

  Bernie’s voice disappeared.

  Tristan tried to reach out to Bernie, then Petrina, and hit a barrier. Sethos had them warded against telepathy.

  Mac had quieted and watched him with trepidation. “What’s going on?”

  “Bernie’s my friend who got away last night when your two men grabbed me. He just called me telepathically to tell me Sethos has found him and my sister, Petrina. Sethos is offering a trade. You for them. I’m taking you to Kossman, and he better keep you safe while I’m gone.”

  “No. I’m going with you.”

  “To be sacrificed?”

  “Can you call them again, telepathically?”

  Tristan shook his head. “Sethos must have a ward blocking our communication.”

  She rolled her eyes and muttered, “Wards. Telepathy. Unicorns will be next.”

  Tristan wanted to chuckle at her, but worry chewed at his gut. “I have to go, Mac. I only have an hour to reach them.”

  “Can we teleport?”

  “I’m going to borrow Otto’s van. He’s a silent partner who keeps this place for me. I need to conserve my energy. Teleporting isn’t a natural gift, and it drains me every time. I can’t go into this low on power.”

  “Then we’d better get showered and dressed. Call your friend Otto. Who is he, or is this a what is he question?”

  “He’s a troll.”

  She looked appalled. “I thought they were bad.”

  “Some are and some aren’t. Just like humans aren’t all good or bad.”

  “Oh.” She grabbed two fists of hair and shook her head and muttered, “I’m going to need a program to keep up with the players.”

  Tristan lifted the hotel phone and told Otto what was up then announced, “The van will be out front in two minutes.”

  She grumbled, “Showering is out. Me and you naked takes way more than two minutes.”

  Tristan pulled her to him and kissed her as long as he could, finally breaking away to say, “I’m sorry for being a jackass.” He watched her for any sign that he’d pushed her too far. “Are we good?”

  Her eyes glistened at his final two words, then her lips eased into a smile that grew into a grin. “Yes. Lucky for you that you’re a superhero in bed.”

  How could a man not be crazy over this woman? “Damn straight.” He kissed her again then took a leap and gave her one more hit of truth. “I don’t want to leave you.”

  “That’s the first right thing you’ve said since waking up, which wipes away that whole stupid comment about me handing you over to Kossman.”

  It was going to take a bit to change his mindset, but for Mac he was willing to accept that she was exactly what she seemed to be.

  A sweet, honest woman.

  Ignoring the come-get-me look in her eyes, which should earn him a freaking award, Tristan ordered, “Get dressed. I’m going to have Otto drop you off on the way.”

  “You can’t do that.”


  “Because I have an idea.” She sashayed off, picking up clothes as she went. “But it’s not for free. You’re going to help me get a Christmas tree home.”

  Christmas tree? She was certifiable. “You’re still not going, Mac.”

  “You are so sexy when you get all badass,” she called from the bathroom.

  This woman will be the death of me.

  Chapter 10

  Tristan led Mac down a trail that kept descending through Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, listening and watching for anything that didn’t belong here. Mac was no pushover, but he wished she had on armor instead of jeans and the wool coat Otto, his troll friend, had loaned her. She walked along in hiking boots, silent as a ghost, just as Tristan had instructed her.

  Soft puffs of frosted air slipped from her lips on each exhale. She glanced up, sweet hazel eyes brimming with trust twisting his insides. He had to keep too many people safe.

  What if he failed?

  She winked at him.

  Mac had badgered him until he finally accepted that he had only one choice. That didn’t mean he was happy about it.

  Sleet hit him in the face and neck. He’d opted to wear a thick sweatshirt for ease of movement, and for shifting.

  If it came to that.

  The weather had been deteriorating for the half hour it took to drive from downtown Atlanta to this northwest corner of the metro area. With the wet and cold expected to only get worse, no one jogged or walked past them on trails normally busy with foot traffic.

  All at once, the sleet stopped and everything went very still.

  No sound of even a small animal moving through the dead leaves and sticks carpeting the ground beyond the path.

  The lack of natural activity confirmed for Tristan that they were nearing Sethos.

  If that bastard had hurt Petrina or Bernie, Tristan would let his beast off the leash and shred Sethos.

  The chunky troll who worked with the sorcerer stepped onto their path.

  Tristan forced his hands to stay down and not blast him through the woods. The troll took one look at Mac’s wrists handcuffed in front of her, and nodded, then turned away to lead them off the trail and through briar-infested thickets that bit at their clothes.

  When Tristan emerged from the woods with Mac beside him, he stepped into an open area that would be a nice place to run a dog and throw Frisbees. That’s what humans did here.

  Sethos stood next to Bernie, who had his hands and ankles bound with a rope linked between them. Petrina had been contained the same way, but she floated horizontally over an open pit.

  The sharp tips of ten blades extended just above the pit. One wide blade was positioned right below her neck.

  With her back facing down, Petrina had no chance to use kinetics to survive if Sethos released the levitation majik.

  Tristan tried to reach them telepathically but he hit a mental wall again. The ward.

  He ordered the troll, “Go tell your master I won’t trade unless I can speak to my people. I brought his package unharmed. I want the same assurance.”

  The troll waddled over and, halfway to Sethos, blue light shimmered around him as he stepped through the ward.

  Now Tristan knew where the barrier was.

  He didn’t want to do this, didn’t like any part of it, but Mac made a good point. If Tristan died trying to rescue Petrina and Bernie, everyone would lose, including her.

  Sethos said, “No.”

  That came through clearly, so Tristan replied, “Have it your way. I’ll hand Elaine over to Kossman, and then I’m coming after you with everything VIPER and the Beladors have.” Tristan fought the urge to roll his eyes at the absurdity of that statement.

  VIPER would cut him down where he stood and Macha would have her say in an hour if he was lucky enough to get Petrina home, but Sethos didn’t need to know any of that. Bernie wouldn’t make it, but Tristan would return to be with him.

  “You can see them,” Sethos argued.

  He must want Mac bad. Tristan said, “Then let me talk to them. That’s the only way I’ll know they’re okay. Do that, and we have a deal.”

  Sethos considered that a moment, then made some sound of concession. He said, “I’ll allow you thirty seconds to speak. Then we make the trade. One stupid move and Petrina gets skewered. The Medb say that some of t
he Alterants regenerate if they’re in gryphon form, but I doubt it works if the head is removed.”

  Waving his hand and murmuring words, Sethos finished his chant and nodded at the troll.

  Tristan yelled, “Time doesn’t start until you take the gags off their mouths.” Then he shoved a telepathic order at Bernie and Petrina. This is Tristan. Both of you link with me now.

  Sethos snarled, “You can hear them grunting. That’s enough. Send me Elaine.”

  “Not until I hear my sister and Bernie speak.” Tristan sent another blast. Link, dammit!

  We’re trying, Petrina shouted in Tristan’s head.

  Mac started to move and Tristan pulled the chain hooked to her waist tight, buying the few seconds he needed for Petrina and Bernie to link. “What are the Medb doing with Alterants, Sethos?”

  “Making me a rich man for any that I bring them.”

  The Alterants Tristan knew hadn’t practiced linking and he’d only done it once with Evalle. That hadn’t turned out so well.

  But he felt sure Petrina could do it.

  Sethos complained, “Your time is running out.”

  “Or yours is. Just depends on how you look at it,” Tristan shrugged, acting unconcerned, which deserved an Oscar considering that his neck was clammy with panic. This would end soon and with blood spilled.

  Tristan just didn’t want it to be the blood of the three he had to keep safe.

  Petrina lifted her chin, and in that instant Tristan felt her energy reach inside him and clamp onto his power, doubling his strength.

  Tristan urged, Come on, Bernie. Reach out to my power.

  Sweat poured down Bernie’s face with the effort of clearly trying to do something he couldn’t figure out.

  Sethos said, “Time’s up. Send Elaine over or we’re done.”

  Mac pulled around and shook her fists at Tristan, yelling, “What are you waiting for? You tricked me and now you’re going to just hand me over to some psychopath! Might as well get it done so I never see your miserable hide again.” Her eyebrows shot up in a what-is-the-hold-up look?


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